Lesson Plan: Subject: Moral Topic: Be Safe Week: 1 (IRISES) Date: 3-7 January 2022

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Lesson Plan

Subject : Moral Topic : Be safe Week : 1 (IRISES) Date : 3-7 January 2022
By the end of the lesson, children would be able to:

1) To practice responsibility
Learning 2) Describe souce, place, and dangerous situations
Outcomes: 3) State correct behaviour to ensure one’s and others safety

Communication Collaboration Creative Critical thinking

/ Effective listening Flexibility Ideas generation Reasoning

Engaging in converstion and sharing Cooperation Idea design and refinement Interpretation and analysis
21st Century / Communicating in diverse environments Collaboration using digital media / Openness and courage to explore Information and discovery
Learning Skills
Ask questions Responsibility and productivity Work creatively with others Problem solving

Writing Leadership and initiative Other: Other:

Other: Other:

Activity Plan/ Methodology Time Resources Assessment Tools

Introductory Activity: 45 Audio music Assessment:
minutes Moral education KBAT Pg 1
• Teacher asks the students to identify the meaning of responsibility. Then, teacher asks the students to state the Moral education KBAT
example of dangerous situations activity book

Main Task (Lesson/Hands-on Activity)

Class work:
Pg 1
• Teacher asks the students to describe the dangerous situations that they have faced before. After that, teacher asks
the students to state the moral vales they learnt from the situations. After that, teacher asks the children to take out
their moral book. Then, teacher asks them to turn to the page no 1, then, ask theteacher asks the children to fill in
the blanks with the correct answers.

Lesson Wrap up and Reflection
Teacher asks them to act out the good behaviours.

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Lesson Plan


Learning Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child
Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

D – Developing Understand most of the times, but sometimes do not

B – Beginning Start to understand, but need some help. P – Proficient Fully understands and can teach it to someone.
get it.
Part A: Children Part B: Teacher Part C: Follow up
1. Children’s Input 1. Provision of Experiential Learning 1. Achievement of learning outcomes
Attentiveness Appropriateness of activities 2. Modifications:
Independence Organization of activities
Participative Time allocation for activities
Responsive 2. Classroom management
To complete tasks Managing children’s behaviour
2. Assignment of tasks Classroom rules and routines
Complete a task within the time given Responding to children
Level of motivation
3. Teaching materials
Age appropriateness
G – Good F – Fair N – Room for improvement

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