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Question tags with the present simple exercise 1

Add a question tag to the sentence.

1. The children like ice cream, _______________________?

2. She isn't at work now, _______________________?
3. The students want to pass their exams, _______________________?
4. He doesn't eat much meat, _______________________?
5. James isn't in the kitchen, _______________________?
6. You speak Italian, _______________________?
7. He works in finance, _______________________?
8. You don't want anything to eat, _______________________?
9. They are from France, _______________________?
10. She doesn't do much exercise, _______________________?
11. I live in a flat, _______________________?
12. Lucy doesn’t work for a big company, _______________________?
13. The students are in the pub, _______________________?
14. He is late for the meeting, _______________________?
15. We don’t need this, _______________________?
16. You want a cake, _______________________?
17. They are in Spain now, _______________________?
18. I’m not wrong, _______________________?
19. She doesn’t speak German, _______________________?
20. He reads a lot, _______________________?

1. The children like ice cream, don't they?

2. She isn't at work now, is she?
3. The students want to pass their exams, don't they?
4. He doesn't eat much meat, does he?
5. James isn't in the kitchen, is he?
6. You speak Italian, don't you?
7. He works in finance, doesn't he?
8. You don't want anything to eat, do you?
9. They are from France, aren't they?
10. She doesn't do much exercise, does she?
11. I live in a flat, don’t I?
12. Lucy doesn’t work for a big company, does she?
13. The students are in the pub, aren’t they?
14. He is late for the meeting, isn’t he?
15. We don’t need this, do we?
16. You want a cake, don’t you?
17. They are in Spain now, aren’t they?
18. I’m not wrong, am I?
19. She doesn’t speak German, does she?
20. He reads a lot, doesn’t he?
Question tags with the present simple exercise 2

Add a question tag to the sentence.

1. You want a new coat, _______________________?

2. My coworkers aren’t all out, _______________________?
3. The wifi doesn’t work, _______________________?
4. They need some help, _______________________?
5. She is here, _______________________?
6. The students don’t use these books, _______________________?
7. I don’t need to do this, _______________________?
8. She doesn’t eat meat, _______________________?
9. You aren’t on the phone, _______________________?
10. John drives fast, _______________________?
11. She loves travelling, _______________________?
12. They are thirsty, _______________________?
13. Lizzie isn’t happy, _______________________?
14. I’m not too early, _______________________?
15. You’re good at computing, _______________________?
16. The customers don’t like this, _______________________?
17. He isn’t at the airport, _______________________?
18. The children are at the shop, _______________________?
19. Marie is French, _______________________?
20. The girls like running, _______________________?

1. You want a new coat, don’t you?

2. My coworkers aren’t all out, are they?
3. The wifi doesn’t work, does it?
4. They need some help, don’t they?
5. She is here, isn’t she?
6. The students don’t use these books, do they?
7. I don’t need to do this, do I?
8. She doesn’t eat meat, does she?
9. You aren’t on the phone, are you?
10. John drives fast, doesn’t he?
11. She loves travelling, doesn’t she?
12. They are thirsty, aren’t they?
13. Lizzie isn’t happy, is she?
14. I’m not too early, am I?
15. You’re good at computing, aren’t you?
16. The customers don’t like this, do they?
17. He isn’t at the airport, is he?
18. The children are at the shop, aren’t they?
19. Marie is French, isn’t she?
20. The girls like running, don’t they?
Question tags with the present continuous exercise

Add the question tag to the sentence.

1. You aren’t driving, _______________________?

2. We’re meeting at 9, _______________________?
3. It’s raining, _______________________?
4. Lukas isn’t bringing lunch, _______________________?
5. She’s coming later, _______________________?
6. The students aren’t drinking coffee, _______________________?
7. She isn’t playing tennis, _______________________?
8. He’s working, _______________________?
9. You’re studying, _______________________?
10. We aren’t getting homework, _______________________?
11. I’m cooking tonight, _______________________?
12. I’m not helping, _______________________?
13. You aren’t taking a photo, _______________________?
14. The children are playing outside, _______________________?
15. You’re leaving soon, _______________________?
16. The computer isn’t working, _______________________?
17. James is reading, _______________________?
18. He isn’t calling the teacher, _______________________?
19. They’re travelling today, _______________________?
20. They aren’t watching a film, _______________________?

1. You aren’t driving, are you?

2. We’re meeting at 9, aren’t we?
3. It’s raining, isn’t it?
4. Lukas isn’t bringing lunch, is he?
5. She’s coming later, isn’t she?
6. The students aren’t drinking coffee, are they?
7. She isn’t playing tennis, is she?
8. He’s working, isn’t he?
9. You’re studying, aren’t you?
10. We aren’t getting homework, are we?
11. I’m cooking tonight, aren’t I?
12. I’m not helping, am I?
13. You aren’t taking a photo, are you?
14. The children are playing outside, aren’t they?
15. You’re leaving soon, aren’t you?
16. The computer isn’t working, is it?
17. James is reading, isn’t he?
18. He isn’t calling the teacher, is he?
19. They’re travelling today, aren’t they?
20. They aren’t watching a film, are they?
Question tags with the past simple exercise 1

Add the question tags.

1. They wanted new phones, _______________________?

2. The students didn’t pass, _______________________?
3. She was German, _______________________?
4. I went home, _______________________?
5. You were happy, _______________________?
6. The shop wasn’t closed, _______________________?
7. I didn’t forget my bag, _______________________?
8. The doctor wasn’t from Scotland, _______________________?
9. I was at work, _______________________?
10. He had a party, _______________________?
11. I wasn’t helpful, _______________________?
12. She didn’t take the car, _______________________?
13. The boys didn’t play football, _______________________?
14. We went for a walk, _______________________?
15. They weren’t at school, _______________________?
16. They didn’t read the book, _______________________?
17. She arrived late, _______________________?
18. James was in Mexico, _______________________?
19. They were late, _______________________?
20. She wasn’t in Canada, _______________________?

1. They wanted new phones, didn’t they?

2. The students didn’t pass, did they?
3. She was German, wasn’t she?
4. I went home, didn’t I?
5. You were happy, weren’t you?
6. The shop wasn’t closed, was it?
7. I didn’t forget my bag, did I?
8. The doctor wasn’t from Scotland, was she?
9. I was at work, wasn’t I?
10. He had a party, didn’t he?
11. I wasn’t helpful, was I?
12. She didn’t take the car, did she?
13. The boys didn’t play football, did they?
14. We went for a walk, didn’t we?
15. They weren’t at school, were they?
16. They didn’t read the book, did they?
17. She arrived late, didn’t she?
18. James was in Mexico, wasn’t he?
19. They were late, weren’t they?
20. She wasn’t in Canada, was she?
Question tags with the past simple exercise 2

Add question tags to the sentences

1. She didn’t send the email, _______________________?

2. She wasn’t at home, _______________________?
3. The students weren’t in the pub, _______________________?
4. They weren’t hungry, _______________________?
5. It was cold, _______________________?
6. James didn’t eat all the chocolate, _______________________?
7. I took that photo, _______________________?
8. He didn’t study enough, _______________________?
9. We loved the beach, _______________________?
10. We didn’t go out, _______________________?
11. The teachers were in the class, _______________________?
12. He worked at the theatre, _______________________?
13. The nurse called you, _______________________?
14. She went to the cinema, _______________________?
15. We weren’t early, _______________________?
16. We were in the kitchen, _______________________?
17. I was in the car, _______________________?
18. Lucy was in the park, _______________________?
19. My grandparents didn’t pay for this, _______________________?
20. I wasn’t with you, _______________________?

1. She didn’t send the email, did she?

2. She wasn’t at home, was she?
3. The students weren’t in the pub, were they?
4. They weren’t hungry, were they?
5. It was cold, wasn’t it?
6. James didn’t eat all the chocolate, did he?
7. I took that photo, didn’t I?
8. He didn’t study enough, did he?
9. We loved the beach, didn’t we?
10. We didn’t go out, did we?
11. The teachers were in the class, weren’t they?
12. He worked at the theatre, didn’t he?
13. The nurse called you, didn’t she?
14. She went to the cinema, didn’t she?
15. We weren’t early, were we?
16. We were in the kitchen, weren’t we?
17. I was in the car, wasn’t I?
18. Lucy was in the park, wasn’t she?
19. My grandparents didn’t pay for this, did they?
20. I wasn’t with you, was I?
Question tags with ‘will’ exercise

Add question tags to the sentences.

1. The students won’t take the books home, _______________________?

2. You won’t leave me alone, _______________________?
3. You’ll come to the party, _______________________?
4. He won’t be late, _______________________?
5. Amanda will pass the exam, _______________________?
6. They won’t cycle, _______________________?
7. We won’t go by train, _______________________?
8. She won’t cancel, _______________________?
9. It will rain later, _______________________?
10. She’ll take that job, _______________________?
11. The computer won’t break, _______________________?
12. You’ll cook, _______________________?
13. You won’t drive, _______________________?
14. The clients won’t use these chairs, _______________________?
15. She’ll be in the garden this afternoon, _______________________?
16. They’ll be here, _______________________?
17. James will fix the car, _______________________?
18. The students will leave soon, _______________________?
19. We’ll help, _______________________?
20. It won’t snow, _______________________?

1. The students won’t take the books home, will they?

2. You won’t leave me alone, will you?
3. You’ll come to the party, won’t you?
4. He won’t be late, will he?
5. Amanda will pass the exam, won’t she?
6. They won’t cycle, will they?
7. We won’t go by train, will we?
8. She won’t cancel, will she?
9. It will rain later, won’t it?
10. She’ll take that job, won’t she?
11. The computer won’t break, will it?
12. You’ll cook, won’t you?
13. You won’t drive, will you?
14. The clients won’t use these chairs, will they?
15. She’ll be in the garden this afternoon, won’t she?
16. They’ll be here, won’t they?
17. James will fix the car, won’t he?
18. The students will leave soon, won’t they?
19. We’ll help, won’t we?
20. It won’t snow, will it?
Question tags with ‘be going to’ exercise

Add a question tag to the sentence.

1. David isn’t going to hand in the essay, _______________________?

2. The children are going to want ice cream, _______________________?
3. Maria’s going to buy dessert, _______________________?
4. She isn’t going to drive, _______________________?
5. The car’s going to break down, _______________________?
6. He’s going to come over, _______________________?
7. They aren’t going to pass, _______________________?
8. We aren’t going to record the podcast today, _______________________?
9. We’re going to go out, _______________________?
10. She’s going to go to the gym, _______________________?
11. You aren’t going to answer all the emails, _______________________?
12. Those books are going to fall, _______________________?
13. He’s going to meet us, _______________________?
14. They aren’t going to go out tonight, _______________________?
15. I’m going to write the report, _______________________?
16. They’re going to have lunch, _______________________?
17. She isn’t going to get up at 4 am, _______________________?
18. I’m not going to finish this, _______________________?
19. You aren’t going to take the bus, _______________________?
20. James isn’t going to get lunch, _______________________?

1. David isn’t going to hand in the essay, is he?

2. The children are going to want ice cream, aren’t they?
3. Maria’s going to buy dessert, isn’t she?
4. She isn’t going to drive, is she?
5. The car’s going to break down, isn’t it?
6. He’s going to come over, isn’t he?
7. They aren’t going to pass, are they?
8. We aren’t going to record the podcast today, are we?
9. We’re going to go out, aren’t we?
10. She’s going to go to the gym, isn’t she?
11. You aren’t going to answer all the emails, are you?
12. Those books are going to fall, aren’t they?
13. He’s going to meet us, isn’t he?
14. They aren’t going to go out tonight, are they?
15. I’m going to write the report, aren’t I?
16. They’re going to have lunch, aren’t they?
17. She isn’t going to get up at 4 am, is she?
18. I’m not going to finish this, am I?
19. You aren’t going to take the bus, are you?
20. James isn’t going to get lunch, is he?

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