Stoddart NM-30A Brochure

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RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE Poe A de Oe eS I ee a Cd Pm Ts . a= Oe N. sy Maa cia) aC STODDART NM-SOA © @ © very high frequency operation > DESCRIPTION ‘The Stoddart NM-30A is a sensitive, frequency seletive, calibrated VHF microvoltmeter and special purpose receiver coverig the BF spectrum of 20 me to 400 me. Within tis frequency range, the NM-30A equipment investigates, analyzes, monitors and measures conducted radiated RF energy to the highest practical degree of accuracy. ‘The equipment measures rms ‘of sine wave signals. It ako readily measures quasi-peak and peak values of complex wave- forms including pulsed RF, and broadband interference signals. APPLICATIONS: “Applications include spectrum signature performance tests; interference measurement for mili tary and commercial acceptance tests; RF energy surveillance and monitoring: verification of the electronic compatibility of modera weapon systems, Le., misile fring and guidance, com- puter, telemetering and communications; range safety determination at missile sites; frequency conservation and allocation studies; performing measurements required by FCC ‘regulations governing restricted and incidental radiation devices; antenna propagation studies; Reld in tensity surveys; the measurement of clectro-mechanical devices, transmitting. and. receiving equipment, and virtually any device, equipment or system capable of producing radiated or conducted RF energy in conjunction with other test equipment, as an ancillary instrument to ‘measure attenuation, insertion loss, impedance, ete. SPECIFICATIONS FREQUENCY RAN! 20 me to 400 me in six RF INPUT IMPEDANCE: £50 ohins coaxial input, Sensimiviry: The sensitivity data indicated in the following table is based on a signal to a nojse. ratio of unity. Sensitivity data elated to. the antennas reflects: the Sensitivity and antenna factor variation ‘with frequency. NARROW BAND (CW) SENSITIVITIES. ie Us| omRE w OAT] Ie u45 6 20] 002 | 26 21016 00] coos | a8 THE STODDART NM-3OA is the commercial equivalent of and identical 10 the AN/URMAZA; and Is apron fo measurements in accordance with the following ‘© MIL-1-16910 (Ships) * MIL-I-6181 * MIL-I-26600 (U.S.AF.) * MIL-1-11748 (Sig. C.) The NM30A also measures to S.A.E, FLCC. and other Military Specification requirements FEATURES + Each instrument is individually calibrated in, the Stoddart Test Laboratories by competent ngineers. Calibration data is provided in simplified chart form. + The rugged indicating meter is of special design, in ‘Hpeak function of the eqmpment nid in measuring pulse type interference fn the qu * Though poruble, the equipment is of sturdy diiproot constriction and may be opera roland periods in driving Tain oe anow with ho deleterious eflets + Internal impulse calibrator automatically switched into the input circuit by a panel control + New power supply, 059% regulation, for filament, bias and plate vallages; may also be used as @ standard laboratory power supply ‘+ Three detector functions for the measurement of PEAK, QUASLPEAK or RMS values «Impulse interference ig measured directly in terms of mierovols satycle without involving complicated bandwidth computations kilocycle oF microvolteper «Video output for visual presentation of received signal ‘Visual peak threshold indicator for accurate slide-back peak voltage measurements «Peak voltage measurement accuracy is independent of pulse repetition rate + LF output for connection to external devices, ie, panoramic display, narrow band amplification for inreased sensitivity te «= Recorder and remote meter outputs provide simultaneous recording and monitoring of received Signaie without disabling the instrument output meter eae + Over 60 db shielding effectiveness increases, measurement capabilites in the presence of strong RF fields «Single knob tuning + Two decade logarithmic meter scale increases range of volt Ske measurement without changing sttenuator steps on COGENT Sa eRe NM-S3SOA EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES iaeiies Stoddart ieee Devotion ai! eae arn Nanaia cold Itty Mews, g”SISGDT RF Guan re Sea ae 1 SSL EGArPi vet anteane (Anton 2 ome AC Porc Supt sittea elie sgt es etn 3ST Ae er ee a. tcn3s) 3 Start Poe’ Sep Cae 16 Sane 3 Somst — RFrantlion ite 0 ee ney ozone be gga vile ieee ON ae Boe PPS pasa a B Sues Awe Cale 7 tua Dips Moca, High Femay AS ea es bi 2 8 10645 ‘Frequency Measuring Tape “3 Mase ‘Mates Trensit Caso 8 Mos regu Me 2B Siete Si Care a ce ey 1 fisees Aste ting Ader Bel tae | Mt Sime Chiat? Cy te Soe Cae ag gine tap'Knee onda. 1 Somed Ee ANA ase Th iss RISR Ras wo ipods NOTES: 1 am (1) mayb dt spp skh HASOA or noma, fend male ORDERING INFORMATION (Numbers in parentheses indicate item numbers) Ss ARR AL ec eaenrme ae nl i ‘ ‘SALES ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT wl ee you nie cosiertin um sas encingeing EPA STODDART AIRCRAFT RADIO CO., INC. {6644 Santa Monica Bivd., Hollywood 3B, Calif; HOllywood 4-9292 serving 33 countries in Radio Interference control

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