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VINH BA TA Lieu OW TH DAI HOC MON’ TIENG ANH | NHA XUAT BAN BAI HQC QUSC GIA HA NOL — FCE Language Practice, oi ~ The Online English Grainmar, cia Anthony Hughes, 2001. ‘TAI LIEU THAM KHAO DE THI cic nim tude dé liy van bing “Cambridge 6 Advanced English” tirtép | dén tip 6 ‘Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary, cus Mark Skipper, NXb’ Express Publishing, 2000. ificate in - Advanced Language Practice, cia Michael Vince,Nxb Heinemann, 1994 ~ Advanced Prospects, ciia Ken Wilson, MACMILLAN, 2003. ~ Upstream Advanced, cia Virginia Evans, Express Publishing, 2003 . Cambrisge CAE Couirsé, cia Mary Spratt & Linda B. Taylor, Cambridge University Press, 1997. Advanced Expert CAE, cia Jane Beil va Roger Gower. Nxb Pearson Longman, 2008. CAE Result, cia Kathy Gude and Mary Stephens, Nxb Oxford University Press, 2008. Fast Track to CAE, cia Fiona Joseph, Nxb Pearson, 1999 CAE Practice Test Plus, cia Alan Stanton va Susan Morris, Nxb Longman, 1999. CPE Use of English, cia Virginia Evans, Express Publishing, 2002 Test Yourself. to, Proficiency, cia Susan, Morris. va Alan Stanton, Nxb Nelson. 2007. Objective Proficiency, cia’ Annette Capel va Wendy Sharp,.Nib Cambridge. Proficiency Masterclass, cia Kathy Gude, Oxford University Fess, 2002 Progress to Proficency, ciia Leo Jones.Nxb Cambridge, 1993 Rising Star Practice Book; ciia Philip Kerr va. Like Prodromon, Nxb MacMillan, 2000. First Certificate Expert, cia Richard Nick-Kenny,Nxb Pearson, 2008. First Certificate Masterclass, cil Sinion Haines va Barbara Steward, Nxb Oxford, 2005. FCE Use of English, cia Mark Hiarr'sosi, Oxford, 2005. wae! Vince, Nxb MacMitan, 2003. Test Yourself Phrasa) Verbs, cia Jake Allsop, Nxb Pearson 1990. ‘Two word Verks ix English, cia J.N. Hook, Nb leine & Heine, 2002. i Loy NOI DAU - i (Fp gacljnay 100 stl ah cde bai tip Ting Arh tive chia thank im. W (hii cung cp cho Ge gido vin Tiéng Anh mét nguén tr va cho cae Hit sinh mot tu ligu hiyén t€p 8 cung 06 kién Kithi é rén luygn thém tir vung, hyo sinh <6 thé Lim céc chuong tir | dén V tultiple fi Tests. Lexicai Claze Tests, Open Close Tests, Word a i i Formation va Trios of Gapped Sentences). Cae chuong V1 (Sentence Completion) Ya Vil CEreor Correction) ding cho vige rén luyén ki nang nhan biét cau trie. cau. Ba chuong Viti (Prepositions), IX (Phrasal Verbs) va X (Corréet Verb Forms) ia whiing bai tap quan trong ve gidi tt, ddng tir kép va. dang dong tir la pHang diém ngo phap lun duge hdi dén trong moi ki thi tiéng Aah. Chuong X} (Reading Comprehension) la phan khéng thé thiéu trong mot gido trinhi tiéng Amh, cung cép céc bai doc dé rén luyén kT nang hiéu ‘van. Cau hoi di kém bai doc thudc nhigu dang khéc nhau, trong 46 dang ‘cau hoi da ction Iva (Multiple Choice Questions) 1a thong dung nhdt ta. Negoei trir g 1 (Multiple Choice Tests) va Il (Lexical Cloze Tests) la nhimng cau hoi trac nghiém vé tir vung quen hdc chia nhung cau hoi ty lugn yéu edu ngudi hoe ‘Mac di céc ki thi Té Tai va Dai hoc khéng cén sir dung cau h nia nhung muén lam ding céu hoi trie nghiém, ng ‘4p qua nhimg edu héi ty lun nay. Cui sach Ii 2 phy luc vé gi bai tip thuge chong VIII va IX, Tap séch nay thich hgp cho cde hoc sinh dang 6n thi té tai, cao ding ‘va dai hge, va dic biét c6 ich cho cac hoe sinh chuyén ngit va'céc hoc ir dé hoe sinh tham khdo khi lam cde ‘Xin chan thanh cém on céc téc gid va cfc nha xudt ban 06 tu Ligu ma ‘chang 101 mgo|mudi dua vao tap séch nay. ‘Ngudi suru tip va tuyén chon Vinh Ba MULTIPLE CHOICE TESTS . ‘Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in. each of the following sentences. 1, [find the way she keeps playing with her hair really, __ A. thrilled B. irritated ©, thrilling ‘irritating 2. She was, to discover that she had wén first prize. ‘A. excited B. lucky C.astonished —D. nervous 3. You must have felt wher all your exams were over. A relieved. B. upset ©. irritated D. eross 4, The Silence of the Lambs is the most film I've ever seen. ‘A. terrified Bi terrifying —_C. scared D. excited 5. Fwas____-thist Toru could come tothe party after all.” Avirritaiag B.nervous ©. furious: D. glad 6. ‘The manager really wanted Anna to join the company: be believed she seeuld bea valuable____ to his team of sales people. Avaddition ‘Blaccamulation C. supplement D. appendage ‘te Bverything included, the cost of our new living room came to = total of £10,000. A full B. great ©. gross 8 When the ship docked at Hamburg, they found a. ‘A gatecrasher | B,stowaway C. interloper 9. Ifyou know when you're coming back it would be better to buys ticket. Afirstelass B. single ©. return, D. one-way 10, Cheese and spinach pie is a traditional Greek. . ‘A cuisine B. food C. course D. dish 1. How long does it usually take to ___for a domestic fight? ‘A.check in. Becheckout C.checkoverD. checkon 12, The brochure stated the hotel was situated beside the sea. ‘A. direct B right . precise D. exact 13, Shella had biitterflies in her before the interview. A face B. heart C. palms D. stomach. 14, Thadn’t been riding before and could barely __. the horse at first. ‘A. gotinto Bigetoutof —C. got on D. get off TT a 15. 4 misread the time on the ticket and we the plane, A.caught B. goton, Cu fost D. missed 16. Although Vicky looked pretty much the same after all those years, I no- ticed ‘changes which made her look even more beautiful than T remembered. A.subtle Beensitive ©. fair D. joint AT, If they had been wearing they might have survived when their plane crashed into the sea. A cabins Biseat-belts _—D. yachts 18. Ifyou have a minor illness, it's usually better just to let nature take its A course B. time ©. path D. way 19. ‘The scientist wanted to. himself from the controversy following: the failure of the experiment. A drive B. space C.distance _D. lengthen. 20) They're starting their by flying to Tokyo. ‘Atravel . _ B. voyage C. journey D. trip 21, The shop essistant was most when I told ber that there was no price on the jar of olives. ‘A.helpless. B. unhelpful. thoughtful. unhelpfully 22. He may not he good looking but he's one of the most people I've ever met. ‘A.likely B.unlikely likeable D. likeness. 28, I don’t know why exactly but I suspect him of being. . ‘Adishonesty B. dishonest C. dishonestly i honesty 24, He hired a to try to follow her everywhere slo wert. A. private investigator B. caretaker ©. lifeguard D. traffiowerdan 25, Heruns avery __ business selling spare parts for cars on the Internet. ‘A.profiting —B. profitable || C. profit D. profitably 12¥ building often falls asloop at the front desk. B.stockbroker C. undertaker. bookmaker with many of the points she made, claiming they were B. issue ©. account D. trouble ie. u. 12. 13. 14. 16. 1. ‘The sink is completely blocked so we'll have to get a(n) ‘A miner Bundertaker C.surgeon —-D_phavuher ‘The organisers how many people would be attending the course and there were not enough chairs. ‘A. underestimated B. overestimated ©. overrated D.esticnated a minute! I can't find my keye) ‘KKeepon— BHoldon— C. Coon D.Carry on ‘You just never lift a____to help mé— Ihave to do everything myself? A.shoulder — Bhand ©. finger D. wrist Scientists seom to hi ting to push the __of nature tothe limit, A laws B ondes ~ 6. rules D. regulations ‘There wes. on the door who wouldn’t let us into the disco. A. referee B lifeguard —C. wrestler. bouncer Tvon’t actin films that are too violent —1_ the line at that. ‘A. paint B. make ©. draw Da write hhad lost my glasses in the water and could barely _ the edge of the A. notice B.recognise C.remark —_—D. distinguish you ___ to Berlin, call my friend Peter‘and say “hello” from me. A.willgo Bowon'tgo C.go D. going, She gets fiftzen per cent ____on every insurance policy she sels. Avsalary B. commission C. bonus D. pension ‘My uncle is thinking of ___next year and spending the rest of his life ‘travelling round the world Acretiring _B.being made redundant C. being sacked D. being resigned Before thoy dpened the new factory a lot of the young pedple round here were the dole. Ain Bap Cat Dion 5. She has, ‘@ position as general manager. ‘A. applied B.applied for C. solicited asked. worked all summer but I didn’t enough to save any money. Again B. win Spey art In the interview they asked if Thad much with computers. ‘A. experience B. experiment ©. experiments, D. experiences a. 22, Many governments have tried to ban __- A.syndicates Beemployors Gtradeunions D. employees (There is a special section of the newspaper entirely devoted to job ‘A advertisements B. announces ©. propaganda D. publicity ). LJook forward to___ from you and receiving your brochure, heard Bearing C. hear D. hears ‘Are there any squash ___in the area? ‘A. greens B pitches C.rings D. courts People somnetimes use baseball___as weapons. Acclubs B. sticks ©. bats D. rackets It doesn’t matter which football team you support the __is always in the wrong. ‘A-lineeman Breferes.C.arbitrator. umpire think the ___ is abit too high, don’t you? Annet Bring ©. pitch D. set Iwant to explain why the team has not managed to got into the rst division. AAttheend BIntheend ©. Finally D. Last a like to buy the radio, but I haven’t got any money on me at the mo- ‘ment. Could you for me for a day or two? ‘A. bring it round B. lay itin C. take it in D. put it on one side “Were you told to get dinner ready?” “No, I did it of my own A. desire B, accord idea D. will ‘Mr Newrtich invited his guests to an expensive restaurant. However, he felt = at ease. Adee B painful.) D. unwell Police blamed a small hooligan... in the crowd for the violence which occurred. ‘Aconstituent Boélement’ —C. division —_—D. portion ‘The police arrested the wrong man mainly because they __ the names they bad been given by the witness. B. merged Confused —D. puzzled Da ‘The police car raced down the street with tbe. blaring. A siren B bell ©. gong, D. alarm 17. lis parents died when he was very young s0 he was, by an aunt. ‘A grownup B.takencare C. taken after __D. Lrought up 8, [have been eating honey so my fingers are a Adixty B. sticky C. wet Biyellow 92) Mrs Proper always tells her chitd not to talk’with his mouth. . A wide B. open Ctegether” —D. full 10, Thave always my older brother for hié courage and honesty. ‘A.taken up B. taken afler C. looked upto D. looked after LL. After the guests had left we were allowed to eat the cakes. ‘A. remaining ©. missed D- additional 12, Don't be so de was only joking. ‘A. sensible |" C.eensitive _D, insensitive 18, The esnspizatars were plotting the of the government. ‘overthrow B.disaster_C.demolition _D.. catastrophe 4.34, Wheis I entered the room, the children were ‘over the last orange ‘ B.discussing C. squabbling _D. participating 15. My sister has just sixteen. ‘A.completed B. turned C.become D. had 16. A good way of, food is keeping it in a fridge. ‘Avenduring B.extending —C. prolonging _D. preserving 17.’ Many Asian countries still rely on rice as the food. A. staple B. capital ©. superior -D. winning + 18; The dish had a very interesting taste as it was with lemon. ‘A. spiced ‘B. pickled C. seasoned. flavoured 19. The sight of so many sweets made the children’s mouth : A drip B, water C. moisten Di wet 20. Just think! Next month you'll be, and it seoms like only yesterde you were a baby. ‘ your teens B. in your teenage C. at your teens D, teenager 21. “Another eup of coffee?” — “No, but thanks ” A.notatall —B. forall ©. all thesame D. you for all 22, It was very of you to lend us your car for the whole week. ‘A.generous B.ambislous | C. uulest D. thoughtlose a 423, We'll have to find someone to. ‘our plants while we're away on holiday. A.bringup —-B.geton C.growup look after 2A, Idon’t think you should be so. with the children. Watching televi- sion for half an hour a day won't do them any harm. A.stubborn —_B. strict . reliable D. thoughtful 25. It was very of you to eat the last slice of cake without asking. A. loyal Bieensitive C. self-confident D. naughty 1, Bven very active children often stop playing sport when they. A tell off B.bringup — C.growup dD look up 2. There is some controversy over who is responsible for the, of peni- cillin. Accration B.discovery’ C. invention _D. revolution 3 Linferred his remark that Mrs Vegetarian docsn’t eat meat. ‘A. from Bot Cte D. with 4. He said he would eue us, but Idon’t think he'll his threat. A-schieve B.bringabout C. perform D. carry out, 5. How about a glass of orange juice to__your thirst? A. quash Bquench — G.quell D. quicten 6. He was arrested for trying to pass__notes at the bank. A-camouflaged. B, fake C. counterfeit. fraudulent 7. The safe deposit box ___a high-pitched sound when it was maved, A. elected Boexduded — C.expelled . Demilted 3. Her chain was made of __ gold, unmixed with ary other metal. A. pure B.dishonest |" C. clean D. right 3. Thaven’t boon _Pete lately. ‘A. getting up to Bo getting through to ©. getting on with 2. getting round to 10, Although it was only ___\_ jewellery, it looked real enough. A fictional Bute C. invented. imitation 1. You are late agai — plaize try to be__in future, A-accurate” Bi punctual © “Clelficent reliable 2. After he bros the window, the boy was. from school. A. exiled Bexcluded — C.Gxtracted expelled. 13, 1. 16, a. A child’s first five years are the most important as far as learning is, |. He offered me $500 to break my contract. That's : ‘A. bribery B blackmail C. compensation D. reward _ Tt was such a shock to receive a letter like that . Ain the red B. out of the blue Cin the pink D. over the moon ‘The hooligan the money out of my hand and ran away. A.snatched Bi. gripped C.clutohed withdrew ‘As he was caught in of a gun, he was immediately a suspect. ‘A.control B possession C.ownership _D. handling |. He is doing a science at the University of Edinburgh. A. career Boertificate C. title D. degree . The teacher told us to learn the irregular verbs _heart. Ato Bat D. ‘The conductor the boys off for misbehaving on the bus. Atold B said C. shouted D. cried ‘The first thing he did was to___his shoelaces and take his shoes off. ‘A.disconnect —B. mislead Cundo D. unpack ‘Acconcerned —_B. affected Chit Ditouched I don't think they'll be taking any more teschers this term be. cause there aren’t many students. Aup Bin Con D.over Could you speak ‘abit? We éayt hear you at the back of the room. ‘Aout B loud Gover D.up T'm going to take a couple of days next month to help my sister ‘move house. A.over ior ©. out D.up ‘The police __<\__ off the street where the bomb had gone off. ‘A-cordondd B.battened CC. fastened iD. shuttered We sill make mistakes; no-one is A allible B. infallible C.mistaken _—D. unmistakable . Everyone laughed when he took the teacher so wel. ‘A. over B.up Co D. out ” ) { i 1 t | a yo 10. sis, After considering the case, the judge put the young offender for two year. S incharge Beineontrol —C. on trial D. on probation An IQ test is supposed to measure the of your intelligence. A level B.extent degree D.size ‘She was sent out of the examination room because the examiner caught her: Avsneaking -Bicheating —C. lying D. copying We used to all sorts of things when our parents went out. ‘A. get through to Bi. get over C. get upto D. get on with, Tiknew that something. ‘was going on as soon as Iwalked into the A huge Boda Cast D. massive If don't write you a note to say you have a doctor’s appointment, the teacher will think you are playing. A. truant B. the fool C.fortime hard toget ve got so much spare time now I'm thinking of taking__a new hobby like stamp collecting. Ain Bot Cup D. over ‘You are not very. today, Hugh. What's the matter? I've never known you so quiet. A.chattering — B.loud C. speaking _D.. talkative |. Rita is not, of doing this work —she should change her class. A fit B capable C. possible D. suitable It-should be that students ate expected to attend clessés segu- larly. A. marked Boreminded C. perceived,“ B. noted ‘The traffic policeman let her with a weraing though she was driv- ing way over the speed limit. Aup Gon D. out . This is an exciting book which new ground in educational re- : x A. breaks B. reaches C. scratches. turns 5. The tutorial system at Oxford and Cambridge is the of many uni- versities. ‘A. sorrow Bijoalouey ——C. regret Deemy 16, When the detectives finally trapped him, he bad to tolying. A.recourse ° B. resource C. resort D. retort 17. He was very thrilled when he heard he bad the exam. ‘A. passed Beapproved —C. failed Door, #8: Lwish he'd lotus make some of the decisions instead of soxaptely tak- ing. all our meetings. Aim B.over D.up 19. my opiriion, students shouldn't have to repeat the year if they fail _ thelr exams. Aln BAL 6.0n D. From 20, Prof. Rush was speaking so quickiy I couldn't. what he said. A. accept B, listen, ©. eateh Dz take . 21. Jane said she eviiid not ‘the information given in the lecture. Avaccumulal2 — B»absorb C.admire D. listen 22, Mr Welifired weit to a school which ‘good manners and self- discipline, ‘A. blossomed —_B. planted C harvested —_D. cultivated .e stnell of the burnt cabbage was £0. ‘that it spread to every room. A.pervasive Beffusive ° C.extensive _D. diffuse 24, Suddenly I understood perfectly and everything fell, place, A. down B. for C. into D. out (825, Mr Horrid was a terrible teacher and obviously not. for teaching, Acutin B.euton, ©. curup D. cut out 1. Most of the. ‘were unimpressed by his latest film. A-reviews Boetiticising —C. critics ‘D. comments “a, Itwas so embarrassing when Romeo forgot his in the second act. ‘A paper B. lines . part D. seript 8. hope the film has a happy A finish Bend C. finale D. ending 4, It's surprising the performance went so well‘after only three : ‘Arebearsals B.auditions ©. applauses—_—D. directions ni5: High sisk eports have really taken Aup Cia Don 13 a 6. ‘The person ___ the orchestra was a young woman in her early twenties. Acomposing B.directing C.eondueting-_D. leading 7. We're always playing tricks on Pete because he takes ages o_on. A.catch B. keep ©. pick 'D. get. 8. Little Tom did not tke his first___at school stall. ‘course B. period G-presenceD. térm 9. There was a(n)____ against the College's new syllabuses. Abang Boutry —C.scream whist 10, New students must for clases before torm bogins. Avenrol Wentar ©. in . teach 11. When you listen to lecture it is useful to___the important points. ‘Adear Bputdown C. nod Bewrite on 12, Prof. Silver was a most effective speaker and his audience seemed to ‘on his every word. ‘Aeatch Bding Chang D.hoia 13, My brother found it difficult to learn to write because he is . ‘A.left-handed B right-handed C.singiehanded D. two-handed 4, In writing the acoount of his summer adventures, Neville chiose not to hhis experiences in the order in which they happened. ‘Avcompose = B.dlassify . D. arrange 15. This cheese has gone = You'll have to throw it away. ‘A. mouldy Bodecayed - C.stale D. contaminated 16, The steak looked tender, but it was as tough as Aabolt, Beasaddle C.oldboots DB rubber 17, Dinner will be served __ but we have time fof a rijik before then, + Avactually Beurrently —C. lately. D. presently 18. Can you help me work __thSansveré to these maths problems? Ain Bout Coup Dot 19. Tean agree with you to a certain _- _, Professor, but not entirely. ‘A. pan Bevel Cextent D. way 20. The Examination Board have recently changed the ___for the Di loma in History. Abrockare ~B.eyllabus ©. programme —D.compendium 21. Slow downs bit. Ican’t__up with you when you walk so fast. A. get B. hold ©. keep D. work “ . 5. Sign your name on the. . The lecturer spoke so fast that tfound it hard to take _/“ what he was saying, A.away Boup Cover 2. In the examination you may be asked for commaats en Various, of a topic. ‘A-angles Bofeatures ” C.uspects D. qualities Failing the final exam was a big. to may hopes. A band B. kick nit D. blow A. dotted B. broker C. drawn D. spotted ‘We shall have 40 use that glass as we are a cup Ac few B. short ©. minus D. less ‘Some language students reach 2 hi ‘of competence in communi- ‘sation. A. degree B. grade C.level D. mark Unfortunately, state schools don't have much in the of sports fa cilities compared to private schools. ‘A. part, ©. means D.way ‘Your answers to the examination questions must exactly the i structions given below. A.accompany —_B. follow C.conform ——_D. keep. Ttis very difficult to, the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language. ‘A. convert, Bitransfer C.exchange__—_—D. convey (On Sunday, Vivian studied for seven hours ‘A.onend B. at once ©. in fall length ‘Tom handed in the test and awaited the results. ‘A. in the same breath B out of breath C. with bated breath D. under her breath ‘Don’t tell me your name again. It’s ‘A. off my chest Bin my mouth C. at my fingertips D. on the tip of my tongue She's had a in her left shoulder for a week now. A. sore Bache ©. pain D. burt 6 a uw 12, M4. 6 16. 1. Do you think parents should theit children from spending too ‘ouch time online? A deny B refuse C. disqualify. prevent He criticised her in the meeting and I’m afraid she’s really taken it to ‘A heart B.brain C. mina D. chest ‘He was so badlly injured that they had to bring ona__and carry him ‘off the football pitch. A bed Bohammock C. stretcher. bunk Tn some countries you don’t need a doctor’s __to buy antibiotics. A.recipe 'B. prescription C. receipt Dinote ‘The nurse took his {and checked that he was comfortable. A heat Biever C.temperature D. thermal You be hungry again. We've just had lunch! Avmighta't —-Bean’t C.maynot —_D. mustn't Jane is so in her work that it would be a pity to disturb her. A. intent B.attentive — C.consumed —_D. absorbed Itsuddonly__on me what he really meant. A. dawned Boeame Chit D, struck ‘You wil need a pen and some paper to this problem. It is too dif- ficult to do in your head. Adiscover Beworkout realise D. find out ‘The little country hotel served them a sheal fit for Avaking Balord .an emperor D. a queen Let me__ the bill before we leave this restaurant. Avarrange -Biconclude —_C. settle Di pay ep, ‘Would you please __ from smoking while the lecture is ix progress? A. refrain Bikeep yourself C. avoid D. stop This course zo previous knowledge of tte subjéct. Aassembles B.assumes —_C. assigns D. assures ‘The students paid tteation ta their distinguished profestor. A-respectable Birespected _C. respectful - D. respective ‘Mr Discontent wanted to compliin Yo the waiter but was afraid of mak- ing a(n) . Avact Bidrame D. scene . Have you __ any evening classes next term? ‘A. enrolled ‘Uonscribed ——V. signed these onions. chop D. grate 2. She had to her dress beeause she had lost so much weight. . AL shift B. change ©. loosen, Balter 3. Look at that beautiful brooch! I only paid $3 for it at the-sale. It was a real A bargain, B. affair O: bento) D. occasion 4. You'llbe. your money if you buy that hat: you will never wear it, Agivingaway B wasting saving D, losing, 5. The cost of the material is ia the bill for the work. Avincluded —©-Beenclosed, ~ C-held D. combined 6. Ifyou don’t kx'ow hin to wash that sweater, look at the inside the collar A badge: B.label ©. notice D. sign 7, Tdon’v think T could eat any. but I'd like a coffee. ‘A.dessert B. starter C. main course _D. second helping 8 Can you. ‘the soup while I slice the bread? A.sprinkle B. whisk Croll D. stir 9. 1 find it really hard to walk in shoes with very high A. soles B heels C. bottoms ~ D. supports 10, Could you go down to the baker's and get mea. oftbread anda ‘eouple of jam doughnuts. A loaf B. piece C.tump D. slice LL, He was charged with a(n) of currency regulations. ‘A break B.disrospect. C. breach D. observance 12. Our insurance policy offers immediate against the risk of bur- lary, accident or damage by fire. ‘Acart B. security O-relief D. cover 13, The man jumped out of the window and committed . A. suicide B.homicide C. murder ‘death 14, Sho is always wearing a strange red hat with a long. init. _ Avhair B.fur C. feather D- tail 15, “How would you like your hair cut, sir? - “Just a. please.” Acut Brim ©. shave D. sutip a a 46, Corporal Lucky was hit by a bullet but he was only wounded. ‘A barely B.little C. slightly D. merely 17. My sister works on the in the local supermarket on Saturday mornings. A check-through B. check-up. C.check-in _D, check-out 18. We had to wait in a, im the post office for over ten miniates. A.row ‘Biline ©. queue D. file 19, Tlost the receipt and the shop assistant refused to givemea___. A-discoumt Brenna C. guarantee D. exchange 20. They said they could order it for me because they didn’t have my size in ‘A shop B hola C. stock, 21, Our local supermarket changes a lot to roceries. ‘A. deliver Bocarry bring D. bear 22, The accused man was able to prove his innocence at the trial and was “Kabcolved —Baoquitted C. forgiven _D. pardoned 23, Ifthe terrorists are not sent to prison, there willbe a public. A attack Bonslaught — C. recrimination . outery 24. The prisoners had spent almost a month digging a before the ‘guards discovered it ‘A. pipe B. tunnel C. subway. D. pass 25, He was thrown into prison and, of his property. Avconfiscated B. denied C.removed Bs, deprived 9 1. Don’t take that road. There's always very. traffic along there. AL heavy B. strong © powerful. D. hard 2 She's so skinned that nothing oftends her. ‘A hard B. thick © strong D. heavy 8. ‘This tea is too___ for me. Gould you bring me some hot water? A. strong thick Chard D. heavy 4. Theolder children used to __on him in the playground at iunch time. A. get B.hit ©. pick D. beat 5. Put the lid’back on the tin so that the biscuits crisp and fresh, A stay B. bring C.get D. become 18 10. co 12. 16. 1, 19, a1. I'm afraid that the herring we had for supper has given me ‘A.sickness -B.indisposition C. infection _D. indigestion ‘Mi Diligent did nise hours’ studying a day for her beam. A. solid B. heavy C.powerfel big Te was during my stay in India that T___ast or very hot curry. Algined Beaoquired um 1. received suppose I___lent the book to Simon} but I'm almost sure I didn't. A. might B. could C.must have D. might have You. that man our‘phoué number. I didn't trust him at al ‘Avast ot have ewes 'B might not have given . should not bate gieie D. could not have given ‘The hot weuthec hag made the___ even worse. A-famise B.drought ©. foods D. hail Forkinately only three passengers suffered minor busts B.paine injuries D. damages “ite government have declared a state of _ alter yesterday's earth quake. ‘Aerials Biemergency C.urgency ——_D. danger Scientists are working to find acure for___like AIDS. ‘Alls B.infirmities C.diseases D. complaints . Thousands of ___are fleeing the war in the north. ‘Avemigrants B.employees C.cccapees refugees “This ime juice needs __ before you can drink it. diluting" Bodiesolving — C.softening —_D. watering Put the orange in the waste basket, not onthe floor A. skin Bofind C. shell D. peel People were injured by 0 of tennis balls. ‘Avsleet Ble D. snow "The food they serve here is excellent hecause they havea fine. Avcooker B.chet CcheadwaiterD. stove . Tean’t remember Mary's number. "Whave to___in the phone book Aclookitup Bigokit” C.look for D. look it out ‘They arrived so late for the meal, that the food was__. A. dried B hard C. spoilt, D- lost >. Don’t bring those clothes in off the line yet. They're still abit ‘A. bumid B, mild C. cool D. damp 2 [| Lo svehadjest____she atl othe har toled egy and waa sartingto veel it. | A. burst Beracked C. fractured _D. shattered 4 24. A____ of wind blew my hat off. f A pu B draft ©. gust D. breeze : 25, They have closed the centre ofthe city to traffic because of __ p ‘A. overpopulation B. contamination } © famine D. pollution fi 10 i 1. Lean get___om a lat loss now that I don’t have to pay rent, i A over B. down Cby D. through | Tam ____ furious with Charlotte, How could she forget our wedding anniversary? § A absolutely — B.extremely —C. very D. terribly § 8. Hersole___ inthe hotel kitchen was peeing potatons, i A role B. profession C. job D. work { 4. Becareful not to the tray too much or the glasses will slide off. } A. bend Built incline D. twist 5. Can't__ you to another piece of cake? Avconvines -B.persuade —C. pull D. tempt j 6. Teouldn’t open the wine as [dida'thavea____. | Avcorkdriver B.corkscrew Clever. serewdeivor | 2. weveputiweateanatnorne wo weltaptes ‘A. down B through Con. Deby | 8 Thaven't had a chance to read anything apart from tie >in today’s Paper. | "WRsine ale Cn mtn | 9. How many television ___do they have in yout country? Acanals Bichannels. _C, wavs D. numbers 10. Twish the papers weren’t always so full of. ___about the reyal family A.goscip Barumair ~~ G.slander —D. chat 11, My favourite radio _<\_ is Radio 3 A-canal Brchaanel —_C, station D. way © 12, Arudeboy J his tongue out at me. ‘A. put BB. stuck C. showed D. took an : A st 18. Do you know what Radio 8 is on? ‘Afrequeny Biline dial D. posit 14, The Sun is a newspaper with a of over three million. A.distribution B. coverage. circulation —_D. sales 15. Can you pass me the. ‘control? I want to see if my favourite Soap hhas started. A. far Boremoved C. distant D,xemote 16, He never really got. his rélationship with Jers ‘through Bby Cover D.up 17. Waiting outside the examination roora, 1 trembled with __. ‘A comprehension B- apprehension C. expectation D, tenston 18. 'm terribly sorry uti we haven’t got any copies of the book in stock. ‘They sold __ early this morning. Aout Pup C.through Dover 19, It is_5=__. that students will have doubled their vocabulary in three months. “S.worry Biforeseen - C.hope D. anticipated ‘20. { wouldn't eat those gooseberries if were you, they don’t look to me. Aripe B. ready . formed D. underdone 21. In a multiple-choice exercise it's sometimes easier to. ‘the wrong amswers before choosing the right one. ‘A omit B. exclude C. give D. eliminate 22, That fish smells terrible! Throw it in the Abin ‘B. rubbish ©. sink 1D. waste-paper basket 28, Teouldn't get ‘to Wendy so Lleft a message on her answering ma- chine. Aover Bethrough D.up 24, Iwas completely. out after running so far. ‘Aveshousted Beran C.worn Di rubbed 25, She is hard-working and efficient.__._, she has had several years’ ex- perience of this kind of work. ‘A.Aswellas. B.Notonly. .C.However _-D. Furthermore * a a di 1. Look, | That shelf is about to fall down. Aup Bout Cover D. down 2 Sowhat have you been getting. while I've been away? ‘A. down to B.away with. C. up to, D. through to a ‘was she very rude to my mother, but she insulted may father too. ANotonly -B.Aswellas C. In addition to. Furthermore 4 passing all her examinations, she won a major tennis tournament ‘his month. AImaddition B. Moreover C.Notonly DAs wellas 5. Please give me two of bread. ‘A. crumbs ‘B fakes ©. slices D. temps 6 She. her automatic cooker to cook the meat for seven o°clock. Ase B. put arranged. timed 7. This knife is terribly It won't even cut a piece of cheese. ‘A. sharp, B Bat C. blunt D. thick 8 The apple was so that he put some sugar on it A bad. B juicy C.ripe Disour * 9. He rubbed his finger round the ofthe glass. A ledge B. ip G. rim Ditip 10, A food mixer is a very useful to have in the kitchen A. tool Binstrument C. scheme D, gedget 11, The refrigerator was, with food. A. affluent Beqammed — C. bloated B.fall 12. Our new catis black with white A. dlaws B. hooves C. wings D. paws 13. As the elephant walked along he swung his from side to side. A. beak B.fin ©. trunk D. hump 14. The lion when the Keeper tried to make him go back inte his cage. ‘A roared Beneyhed —_C, mooed. D. barked 15, I think it’s time you ‘and told him you think things should be ‘changed. “A. killed wo birds with one stone B. put the cat among the pigeons ©. took the bull by the horns D. got out of the rat race 16. Why did you ‘and mention the party to Roger? It was supposed to be acurprise, : ‘A. let the cat out of the bag B. put the cat among the pigeons ©. have kittens D. kill two birds with one stone 17, Tk must be true. I heard it straight from the = mouth A. dogs B. horse's C. cen's 18. Tknow you're upset about breaking dp with Tony but there are plenty "A. horses in the stable 'B. cows in the field C. tigers in the zoo D. fish in the cea 19, Half way up the msizntain there was a___where climbers could stay ‘over night. ‘A. hut Bidungalow —_C. cottage D, bed-sit 20. It took thera ever an hour to put up their . A hut B. tent —_D. bungalow 21. He lives in a tiny up in the mountains. ‘A. suburb Bety village 22, He likes to spend his holidays lying on a beach and she likes to spend hers walking in A-acountry B.thecountry _C. country - D. some country 23. Have you seen the exhibition at that new ___in the high street? ‘Actedium = Btheatre Cathedral. gallery 24, Competition from goods produced with cheaper labour has meant that many ___ have closed. ‘Amarkels — Bifactories C. stadiums —_—D. galleries 25. The royal wedding was celebrated in the magnificent sixteenth-century ‘Avcathedral —-B. theatre ©, market D. gallery 1. ‘The puppy was, 0 much I nearly dropped him. ‘A.sniggering Biwriggling C.chuckling —_D. giggling 2 We wera that the flight would be delayed for two hours, A invited B ordered C.informed —_D. instructed 3. He managed to the branch of a tree and avoid being swept away by the flood waters. ‘A. grasp, B. clutch chug D. munch, a 10. a. 12. m 1. 16. 1. 18, 26 ‘That man next to me on the bus must have been a ‘My wallet has ‘shoplifter B. kidnapper C. hijacker. pickpocket ‘The murder took place in the main street in the middle of the day, but there were no AJudges B. prosecutions C. witnesses. juries He was ‘when he was caught trying to catch a plane to France. ‘A arrested B. put on probation ©. executed D, acquitted Skilled have produced perfect copies of many of tee world’s fa- ‘mous paintings. A.muggers — Bcmugglere ©. rapiste D, forgers ‘The judge released him on but he'll have to appear in court again ext week. A.sentence —_B, bail ©. punishment D. fine We made. the nearest port whon we heard the storm warning. Aout Bof Cup D. for ‘The judge’s ruling __a wave of protest campaigns across the country. A-instigated Belaunched —C. provoked ._D. commenced ‘Mrs Baker rolled out the pastry and cut it into pretty ___ before bak ingit, ‘A. shapes ©, measures. sizes, Ifyou don't lift that saucepan carefully, it will spill and you may yourself, ‘A. cut B. peel C. skin D. scald don't like my steak cooked too long. Tike it . A. burnt. Bounderdone —C. raw D. well done Frozen food should always be before itis coated, A.defrosted —_B. dissolved C. melted D. softened ‘When you have cracked the eggs, put the in the rubbish bin. Avcoverings BB. shells ©, covers D. skins She. the tablecloth carefully and put it away in a drawer. A bent B. creavod . folded D. pleated 4 fat lady sat on my shopping bag in the bus and my tomatoes. Avsquashed B.crushed _C. broke D. squeezed ‘There was ashorp and the plate broke into two picues, A bang, Beerack C.crash D. noise be 19, Can you give me a teaspoon to my tea? ‘A. beat B. spin ©. turn D. stir 20, Instead of telling her where he'd really been, he made compli: cated story. ‘Aout B. for Cup Dio 21, We'll make for lost time if we keep working fora couple more hours. Aout Bup ©. for Deof 22, 1l’s fifteen years since Timothy worked in Holiand and his Dutch is pretty now - A stale B. scratchy). €. sloppy D. rusty 23, The person who ___ an exaruination is supposed to see that nobody tries to cheat. ‘A. dominates ~~, governs ©. supervises D. leads 24. Add the essence ‘until the teaspoonful is beaten into the mixture. ‘A.dropbydrop Boinch by inch C.leafby leaf —_D. spot by spot 25, Please: don't talk in the because there is an examination in the ‘eeture hall. ‘A.promenade B. lane C.eorridor —-D. way 1. Tmow you have a good voice and have ambitjons to be an opera singer ‘but don't give up your day yet! A.job B. work ©. situation —_—D. place 2. Tamin the as to where Chris was last night. ‘A shade B. pink ©. dark D, black 8, Breaking hic leg dealt a to his chances of becoming a professional footballer. > A. thump B.strike © hit D. blow 4, Jane is a sympathetic listener. She lent me a(n) ‘when Lost my Job. A. mind Bear ©. mouth Deve 5, Let's make a dash for the train now as the rain seems to be oft Avreducing —_B. slowing easing D:rasning 6, Our firm is so successful because it is at the cutting ofcomputer technology. AL limit B edge C.verge D. fringe 25 a He was, intensively for two weeks before the tennis tournament. ‘A. coached B. practised C. learned D. taught 8. Our journey was by the icy roads, which forced us to'drive very slowly. Aobstructed B.impeded ©. barred D. blocked 9. Before the parachute jump he was carefully in safety procedures. A. shown, B.familiarised C. presented’ «D. instructed 10. She her daughter to the care of a babysitter for the evening. A.confided -Beonoigned —C-entrusted —D. resigned LL. The engineer ‘the machine with a hammer and, miraculously, it roared back to life, . ‘A. slapped Besmacked C.punched ———D. whacked 12, Fighting among rebel soldiers. last night and a curfew has ow ‘been imposed on the city. Acenhanced —B. intensified. C. heightened —_D. aggravated 15. While other companies collapsed in the economie recession, Cartwright Led. ‘and share prices rose. Acarned Bexploited’ —_. profited D. gained 14. Reboeca, hher fianeé across the face during an argument and ‘walked cut of the restaurant. ‘A. slapped B.smashed - ©. struck D. punched 45. The yearly procession to the temple in honour of the local deity was an ‘important religious. in that city. A. activity B. festival Co fast D, habit 16. Although she was able to walk with the aid of crutches, havi ankle. her movements considerably. Ac barred B. blocked C. intervased ) D. hindered 17. The Oscar winning actress simply ‘charm 3nd professionalism in her acceptance speech. A. enided Biexcluded || Cexpunged —D.extricated 18. After buying an expensive nsw penthouse Marianna was flat___. A-shattered —B. torn C.smashed —D. broke 19, The new political party came to the after the general election. A fore Bh back Caio D. front 20. On the eighth day of the strike the Minister fit to make a state- ment. A.appeared —_B, showed C.tooked D. saw 21. Harry blew a. when his holiday was cancelled. A. fuse B. plug C. switeh, DeSoekKer 22, Despite her poor exam results, Alice put 2 fae on the situation. ‘A tough B brave C.couragacus) DB. bold 28, Iwas thrilled to meet Paul McCartney in the when I sat next to him at the theatre. A. meat B. blood ‘Cotes D. vein 24, I'm very sorry, but these ‘ace Out of stock at the moment. ‘A wares B. goods C.commodities D. oupplios 25, Each, of the house must pay his own tax. A. dweller B.settier C.resident —_—D. inhabitant L._-Oitee at the skating rink, Ivan was allowed to skate to his heart’. ‘Avhappiness — B. delight C.content D. contentment 2. Floods have completely the farmer's crops. ‘A ruined B.damaged OC. harmed D. injured a1 the notioe-board quickly, looking for second-hand ears for sale. ‘Avpesred at Bscanned —C.serutinised —_D. inspected 4, ‘The farmer makes money by pedigree horses, ‘Abringingup Benurturing C.growing- _D. breeding 5. Formonths sat with my binoculars watching abird___ its young. ‘A breed B.rear C.bringup ‘D.grow “He. :my rubber, miss!” shouted the boy. A. swiped Borippedoff C. abducted acquired 7. Many forest animals were killed in the fire. A. settling Biresiding -C. inhabiting. dwelling 8. This city has four million, . ‘A.residents © Binhabilants C. dwellers settlers 9. During pioneer days a lot of land in the United States was up for Again B.promotion C. grabs D. taking 10. This lovely new dress fits like a : A glove B. gauntlet ©. gown D. treat 1. Investors have taken from the improving economic situation. A-consolation —B, courage heart D. meaning 2 5 j Fe ot tuoi throw dwn th Fic, quay an avion to competitors to match us for A.gauntlet — B mitten ©. sword D. hat 13. Every time the government meets their demands, the union leaders ‘move the : A.lamp-posts B. goalposts C. bus stops -—D, roadblocks 14. ‘The designer refuses to gild the. . preferring clean, simple lines for his creations. Alily B. flower C.rose D. daisy 15. With fuel in short supply, machinery in the factory slowly ground to a(n) A stop B. halt ©. pause D.end 16. The teacher was adamant and stuck to his about the date af the final exam, ‘A. weapons B. neck ©. thumb D. guns 17. David decided that smoking was ruining his health and 90 gave it up for A. good B. always Call D.onee 18.. For busy people in today’s society, lifestyle management is gaining ‘A point Bi speed C. terrain D. ground 19. The government is making little in its fight to beat inflation. A. forward B. advance C. headway improvement 20. ‘The art toacher gave the children a froo. in thoir creative comyoai- tions. A offer Beit . kick D. hand 21, The forensic expert, the evidenee looking for partivles af skin. ‘A. scanned Beglimpsedat —C. scrutinised. peered at 22. My brother is always, me about my hosed nese: A teasing Bepestering —C. gettingonat D. harassing 23, He managed to, the flow of bleod by tightly bandaging the wound. Avrestrain B. check C.eurb D. inhibit 24, Wo intend this to be a(n) _-_\_ yoject, taking us into the next decade. Aconstant —-B. iucessani =. steady ‘D. ongoing 25. Tt was only when tie had keen unemployed for six months that Neil's situation hit. A. base C. home D. back A in 15 1. My father has decided to__a beard to cover a small sear he has on his chin. ‘A rear B.bringup _C. breed Big 2. My grandmother was a lovely person who ploasure from helping others. A. derived Bigathered ©, deduced”. collected 3, You were really___ when you raid $100 for those shoes. They're not even leather! ‘A. swiped Bripped off, C. pinched __D. pilfored 4. Tean't tell you____. the popsilation of Prague, but there’s an encycto- pedia in the cughoard ‘Aoffhand Binhand C.athand =D omhand 5. After making several bad business deals the company was losing money hond over : ‘A finger B. wrist ©. fst D. thumb 6 Maggie is so moody and unpredictable. She's apt to fy off the ‘without any real cause . A strap B. handle C. catch D. belt 7. An) proportion of the population did not vote in the last elec- tions. ‘Aessential —-B. fundamental ©. grave _ D. significant 6. When a former cocret agent tried to publish his memoirs, the govern- ‘ment had certain parts of the book : ‘A forbidden B. prohibited — C. censored _—~--D.. disallowed 9. Benjamin Britten, the composer, is probably most __ for his opera “Peter Grimes". ‘A-conspicuous B.famous C. remarkable _D. distinguished 10. scientists from around the world met in London to discuss a revo Tatfonary new drug. ‘A\Noteworthy B. Elevated C Prestigious. Eminent 11. Greg has, to all intents and __; finished his degree course, with the ‘exception of his final dissertat ‘Avpurposes —B.reasons = C. aims. D. proposals 12, Tewas___ justice for Ted to receive a parking fine when he was at th doctor's A. poetic Bonly ©. rough D. small 2 RD a 18. There are more people employed, by and in the service sector thar in manufacturing nowadays. A. large Ball D. through 14. We giggled at the sight of Mrs Brown __ down the road in her six- inch stiletto heels. Acstaggering — B.tottering C.reeling ——_‘D. stumbling 15. He slammed my hand in the car door and, to add insult to__ didn't stop to apologise Adame B.harm coinjury D. infamy 16. Wewere all on a___-edgo until the very end of the Hitchock fil A chair B knife Cliff D. razor 17. Those stones have been here since time A.immemorable B.immortal C. innumerable D. inimemorial 16. Enjoy your “Sunwoy” eruise, safe in the. that everything has been taken care of A.awareness B.recognition C. knowledge —_D. fact. 19. This shoe repairer is so quick that he can sole and heel your shoes in a(n) ‘Amoment —-B. hurry . instant D. jiffy 20. Sue spent weeks in hospital after being seriously ina car crash. A. muined B. injured (C.impaired D. damaged 21, When she lost her temper, she the vase her ex-husband had brought her. A.snapped_B, clipped C.smashed - broke off 22. My neighbour has threatened to ‘over our disjute about property boundaries. A. take legal action B. take legal a C.try me D. bring me to trial 23, Mr Wright is being. for fraud at the Old Bailey courthouse, this ‘afternoon. ‘A. taken to court B. charged C. summoned D. tried 24, As longas you have the most ingredients for the recipe, you can ‘make do withaur A. eritios! ©. crucial D. vital 25. The heavy rain lashed down, throughout-the night without letting up. Acontinually B. perpetually C, continuously D. eternally 20 16 1. The border guards have been accused of, relagees A pestering —-B.gettingon ‘at C. teasing 'D. harassing 2. My young nieces kept me to buy them eweets. Avpestering —_B, teasing ‘Gogettingon at D. harassing 31 ‘a plate when I was washing wn; but it can still be used. Avsnapped —-B. smashed). chipped D. shattered 4. Thewindsereen ___~into-d thousand pieces when the car hit a lamp- post. A.smashed .( Bysiattered C. snapped —D racked 5, ‘The optician cays you have to wear glasses, like it or it, Ajump B.losthe ©. dislike Dofump 6. You will’be putting your life on the if you take up skydiving. Aline B. way Clane D. ground (7 His friends and family left him in th when he went bankrupt. A. church B.lurch Cend D. street 8 Tilreserve ‘on Ben Shipley's latest novel until I've read it, ‘A. condemnation B. thought C.judgement —_D. criticism 9, ‘Tara was really laying it__on about her accident at work. A.fine B. broad C. thin D. thick 10. Were you on the ‘when you said you had resigned from work? A.wagon flat Cllevel D. town 11, Stars of the Hollywood silver screen tended to be larger than Alife B. drama C. reality D. ever 12, Judging from the noise it is making, the washing machine is on its last Amp Bolegs ©. resort D. breath, 18. Tleft the house ia a hurry and my bedroom was___ with clothes. Avscatiered — BdispersedC. strewn D. sprinkled 14. Always having had __ feet, Delia is off again, backpacking round India. A itehy Brecratchy — C.sore Dlight 15. The skaters ___ gracefully arose the ios. ‘Aslid B glided Ccslipped ——_—D. skidded 16. The cat slept peacefully in the long grass. ‘A. nestled. B huddled C.snuggled —_—D. cuddled at | 4 Me Wright Ne egetable garden carey A attends) C.maintains — D. tends 418. Euuployees of the company are forbidden to, information about the secret formula. ‘A. betray, B. divulge ©. portray D. unveil 19. The soldier didn’t his comrades even when he was pressured to do 20. A reveal B. divulge ©. betray D. disclose 20. The removal men the heavy piano up the stairs with great diffi- culty. A toted B. shoved ©. thrust D. heaved 21. She 1 few clothes into a case and hurried to the airport, A.scattered —_B. piled C. shoved D. heaved 22. My fear of wasps from the fact that I was severely stung as a child, cot ‘A begets B. stems C.generates _D. commences 23. This year’s series of open-air plays __with a performance of “Electra”. A. stems B originates G.derives 1D. commences 2A. We could hear the monkeys __long before we reached their cage. Acchatting Bprattling C. chattering. babbling 25. Jane_____ about the surprise party for Shoila and now the whole idea isruined Ablabbed --Bgossiped -—«C. prattled —D. chatted 17 1. [think you__anerve when you mentioned Ralph’ fusthooming re- tirement. ‘Atouched Bad ©. drilled D. hit 2 Yes, Isaw the last episode of the series, ut I'mt'sone the ___ about what really happened. ‘A better Bi surer Ghcleverer wiser 8. ‘Thousands of refugece are camping at the __between the two coun- tries, hoping to find agylues Aboundary — B. brim ©. border Darim 4. After six months sf convalescence in a nursing home, Simon is finally on the Amend B top Ce Deron ba 5. For stamps and coins to be of value, they need to be in mint__. A state B.situation | C.condition _D. appearance 6. The professor looked as if he were away in a world of his own. A.yards B. kilometres — ©. streets D. miles 7. Dave gave the office party a that year. A miss B. hit ©. chance D. break 8. Thecupis full to the 0 be careful when you carry it. Abrim B.boundary — C.verge D, border 9. Young children are often ‘teiinesses such as measles. A liable B. sensitiv C. susceptible D. apt 10. Some people like to. ‘their heck doing dangerous sports. ‘Aendanger — Eibreak C. twist D. risk 11. After losing my'job, was on the of a nervous breakdown. ‘A. border Be brim Cc verge D. bounds 12, The ssheo! playing fields are out of __while equipment is being set ne ericket match. bounds B. brim C. verge D. border 18. Children should keep away from the river _in case they fall in. ‘A bounds B. bank ©. D. border 14. We're spending our holidays on the this summer. A. beach, B. bank C-coast D. shore 15, The old lady her bag for fear she might lose it. ‘A seized B. grabbed ——C.. grasped D, lutehed 16, Isn't packing three suitcases for a weekend away going a bit ‘A-overload Boverhead —C.overboard —_D. overskill 17, In spite of his stammer, Gerald rose to the and delivered a fasci= nating speech. A. top B.situation ©. bait D. occasion 18, “How often do you visit your parents?” « ‘0 often, even though they live some distance away.” ABven B. Ever ©. Every D. Never 19. My puppy was very expensive because he's a special A.breed B. sect ©. tribe De caste 20. “Do you think I should ask Andy?” “Pm sure he'll be only willing to-help you with the project. Acjuct B.t00 ©. that Dse a ‘vis possible to__out of the pension scheme if you do not wish to participate. ‘A back B charge C.opt D. break 22. You say you need new clothes but your wardrobe is full to__ with dresses. . Acoverfilling B. overflowing C. overlaying _D. overstepping 28. Frank wasinformed at tho ___ that the assignment would be no easy matter. A offset B. upset C.reset D. outset 2A. Itwill be overstepping the ‘you address the managing director by his Sirst name. ‘A. mark Blin C.grade D. limit 25, Iwas__due toa personality clash with my boss. Avresigned —B.sacked G.retired D. made redundant 1. The____of the failure of the bank resulted in many people losing their life-savings. ‘A.catastrophe B. problem _C. trouble D. cause 2 The play was such a. that it came off after only two nights. A.cataclysm Bicalamity _—C. catastrophe. disaster 8. Hundreds'of workers have been due to financial problems at the factory. ‘A sacked: Beresigned C. made redundant _-retired 4. The, ‘in India resembles the class system structure in Britain. A breed Bcaste C. tribe D, sect 5. Anthropologists have spent years studying thé social cystem of this__. A. breed Bocaste C.teibe D. sect. 6. Countries often become, 1) promote trade and industry between them. Aallies B.colleayues_~ C. acquaintances _D. accomplices 7. Most people have few friends biit many who they only see from time to time.. Acallies Biuiwmplies C.asuclates _D. acquaintances 8. Many people are téeling the now that there is an economic reces- sion. A. strain B. pinch C. prod D. pain 9, Victoria went to great to complete a high quality presentation. A efforts Bitommest — C. pains D. difficelty 10, Julia's work is not a on Natalie's, A. patch Bi spot ©. scratch D. serap LL, Somebody as conceited as Ron neods bringing dovra 8. or two. A. step B notch Coming D. pee 12, New technology is being. neat work, ‘A phased B shown Cinstalled ——_D. filtered 13. ‘The foreman came to the building site'to pay the workmen's A. foes Biallowance —C. wages, D. salaries 14, Ihave no appetite snd Tain lethargic. I've beon feeling under __ for ages. ‘A. pair B threat ©. stress D. par 15. The edvxiowsic Situation makes many people unwilling to take the. ‘en oper: their own businesses. A plunge B.bull C. initiative. opportunity 46,1 don’t know how Iean up the courage to dell him the awful news. A. pick B.set D. pluck 17. The new soap opera on Channel 3. new depths in terms of taste- essness. A fils B, reaches ©. plumbs D. achieves 18, We'll keep you of any further changes in the examination specifi- cations, ‘A. noticed Bannounced — C. mailed D. posted 19, Relief workers. hundreds of crates of second-hand clothing which had been donated. Avrevealed B.unpacked © C. unwrapped. unveiled 20. The Queen was present at the official ofthe statue. Avunvelling Bunpacking C. unwrapping _D. revealing 21. The hut finally fell down, unable to. days of violent winds and rain. ‘Aputupwith B.withstand —C. support D. afford 22, Asasingle parent, it’s difficult for her to a family. ‘A.putupwith B. afford ‘©. oapport D. withetand 23. 1 phoned the company, who. ‘me that my goods had been des- patched. ‘A.confirmed — B. assured C. guaranteed D. reassured 6 i & ! (BE waa excremely, of you to drive home in that blizzard. AvveckissBoadvonturous impervious D. instinctive Pcese send a reply tothe wedding invitation inorder to your at- ‘Aguarantee —Boeonfirm C.assuro. ‘i reassure 1. really admire the hero ofthe film, He's so Avreckless Beadventurous ©, foolhardy D. instinctive 2 Amodern cash register keeps a record of every Avoontract Ba deal C. purchaser. transaction 3. Looking after « house, four children, a lazy husband and two dogs is real ‘Adradgery B. labour C.toit D. grind 4. Theexperimental play was only a___suocess, which disappointed the playwright. ‘A ocal Biresecved —C.qualiied _D. cautions 5. Tetakes time to get a financial system upand___after the mtrodue- tion of anew currency. ‘Aununning B proceeding C,walking going 6. Life is so full of both good fortune and misfortunes that you have to learn to take the rough with the. ‘A. tough B. ready ©. calin D. smooth 7. Stephen really lost his_when his dental appointment was cancelled yet again. Avrag B. voice C.calm D. head 8. In today’s competitive world, everyone needs a regular holidiy to their batteries. Arefill Bi. recast C. recharge’ D: reetify 9. When my new motor kept breaking down, T knew I'd been taken for a by the second-hand ear salesma drive Bride walk D, stroll 10. Tt has been medically proven that poor diet leads to. growth. A-controlled —B. tempered» C. curbed D. stunted 11. Don’t take it as ___that you'll be promoted in your job; other col leagues stand 2 ot chanice too. Avroad Protandard Cried D.word 112, My husband and [ are not rich but we are ‘Awealthy — B.tight C.comfortable D. handup 13, Believing that the firm had given hima raw __, he took his ease to an industrial tribunal, ‘A deal B. meal ©. apple Di nerve 14, Te was a hot summer day and ice cream salesmen ere deing a trade. ‘A busy B.roaring C. bustling lucrative 415, Bob is so short-tempered; he shoul? try to. __ his anger. A.stunt B. control © temper D. curb 16. Ifyou ___your demands, they inay be acczpted by others. A. temper B.contral ‘C. stunt D. curb 47, The teacher told'its to___ the poem hy the next lesson. ‘Aremember Bireciliect —C.memorise remind 18, Idon't{_her name, as we met only once. . ‘Aweaurics Berecollect —C. reminisce. remind 19 Hlon’t Gxpeot Alan to buy you a drink. He earns plenty of money but he's very__ ‘Abardup Bwealthy ©. tight D. comfortable 20, Could Tborrow a few pounds? 'mabit___at the moment, ‘Acomfortable B.wealthy C. tight ‘D. hardup 21, The audience were in____as they watched the latest Aykebourne comedy. ‘A-stitehes —_-B. pleats tears D. shreds 22, Don’t mention work to Ray, asit's a sore___ with him at the mo- ment. ‘A. finger B place ©. point D. thamb 28, The trouble with socialising with colleagues is thai. they usually ehd up : ‘A. sense Bret, .back D. shop 24, The dog.___ under the table when I shouted at bin for eating my ne ‘Acslithered- B. slunk ©. seampered _D. strutted 25, The opposition will be elected into government at the next election, without a‘ of a doubt, ‘A. shadow Bishede . CO. benefit, D.hue a ES a 20 1, Take your mobile phone with you just tobe on the __side, Acsunny ‘B. cafe C.straight —D. secure 2. It'shard to get back into the __of things after a long holiday. ‘A. pace Bway Crbythm =D. swing 3. Noisy parties are really not my ‘Aseene B. liking © idea D. preference 4. Thate the way Tony ____around looking so self'important, Avslithers -Brscampers—C. strut D.slinks 5. Rosie the kitten playfully around with a ball A.scampered — B.ctrutted CG. slithered, slunk 6 Along, green snake through the grass and disappeared. Astrutted B.slithered —C. slunk D. scampored ‘7. She tried to. __ Tom's importance to the company in erder to gain a Promotion for herself, ‘A reduce B.dwindle —C. shrink D. diminish 8, Dueto inflation, my savings have gradually __ to practically nothing. Adwindled " B. shrank C.reduced diminished 9. My new pullover to half its previous size when I washed it. A.reduced — —B-shirank C.diminished —D. dwindled 10. Ineed to ‘my weight by about ten kilos for health reasons. A. shrinic B.diminish C.dwindle =D, rode 11, Tdon’t think you're suitably, for this party. A. dressed B. clad ©. wearing D, dothed 12, Jack was disappointed not to be promoted as he ‘as given to, that the job would be his. Aclnow B. realise Ciunderstand —D. say 18. The Prime Minister has ___-the coniroversial statement he made about nuclear arms. Avettracted —-B. retracted” C. pulled out” —_D. renounced 14. The King was forded to, his right to the throne when he married a divorcee. A. extract ‘B. pullout C. retract D. renounce 15, The team hau to of the competition because of injuries. A.renounce ~ B. extract C. pull out D. retract

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