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Summary of Journal
Umbilical cord prolapse is a very serious medical emergency . The
problem with this is that the baby has no other way to get the oxygen it needs
because the umbilical cord pressure/compress and the flow of oxygen is cut
off that cause hypoxia . If this happens, doctors need to make a quick and
accurate decision about whether a C-section will be necessary.

It tends to occur most often with premature rupture of membranes

which is when a mother’s bag of water breaks before she’s actually in labor and
her baby's head has begun to engage or settle in the birth canal.  And you can
feel and observe whether the umbilical cord has prolapse, this is when you see
and feel the cord before the delivery of the baby and the fetal heart rate (FHR)
drop. If the fetal heart rate is low, a C-section must be done quickly. While the
mother is being prepared and moved for surgery, a doctor or nurse should
hold the baby’s head away from the umbilical cord with their fingers.

And if this kind of medical emergency will not perform quickly

enough, it can lead to danger because the baby’s supply of oxygen and blood
will be cut off entirely. The lack of oxygen can cause serious birth injuries,
including brain injuries and hypoxia. And after birth, if the baby is
unresponsive, it will be necessary to give the baby oxygen and perform CPR,
even if the baby is fine, it should do a thorough examination and put in
Intensive care unit (ICU)


With the use of my knowledge and understanding, I was able to learn more about
this topic/lesson. I learned why and how umbilical cord prolapse, this is due to
some situations like premature rupture of membranes, Malpresentation of baby,
placenta previa, small fetus, multiple gestation, Intrauterine tumors and
polyhydramnios. And also, its most obvious symptom is that you will see and feel
the cord before the delivery of the baby, so you need to perform an important
intervention which is to put sterile gloves and insert fingers into the vagina to
relieve pressure on the prolapsed cord and continue it until the Operating room is
ready. And of course on how to manage this kind of emergency when happens,
quick treatment from a medical professional is essential. The longer the delay, the
greater the risk of complications such as placental abruption, excessive bleeding,
fetal injuries and stillbirth. But when the client aren’t in hospital and thinks that
her cord has prolapsed, she needs to call the ambulance/911 quickly, so while
waiting for the ambulance, she needs to position and stays herself in Knee
chest position on the floor.

Prolapsed umbilical cord is a life-threatening emergency so the client needs to

know and be aware on how to prevent/avoid this to happen.

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