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From Corey King, creator…

Hello, and thank you for purchasing King Rising. My name is Corey King, and I
am the creator of this illusion. The video that you received with this
package goes into extreme detail on the technique and performance of this
illusion. These notes are my own personal history (and hot tips) regarding
King Rising. I hope you enjoy!

I created King Rising about a year ago, deep in the trenches of – my room.
My goal was to create, for magicians, a practical self-levitation that didn’t
use any gaffs whatsoever. I am a working professional in magic, and pocket
space for me is very limited. Working restaurants, my pockets are crammed
with decks of cards, coins, and some gaffs. The last thing I needed was to
wear or carry around another gimmick to levitate with.

I am a huge fan of the Balducci, but it does have its drawbacks. I intended
to improve upon these drawbacks when creating King Rising. First was the
fact that both feet didn’t rise. It looks that way in the Balducci, but I
wanted to create an even BETTER illusion… now in the King Rising, you can
clearly see that both feet rise off of the ground, without a doubt.

Also, I didn’t like the fact that with the Balducci, you actually had to turn
away from your audience to do the illusion. If you could really levitate, why
would you have to face the other direction? My goal was to create levitation
where you could make eye contact with the audience, while still being able to
perform the illusion. I wanted to make it as practical, and polite, as possible!
So, in creating King Rising, I have eliminated the main drawbacks of the
Balducci levitation, while still giving the illusion of self-levitation. I was
originally going to keep this illusion ‘underground’, but after I spoke to Brad
regarding the levitation, I knew that if I was going to release the rights to
anyone, it was going to be ellusionist. Anyway, enough History – onto the

My Ideas about the King Rising

First off, I really want to emphasize the fact that the jacket plays a crucial
part in performing this illusion. It was actually Brad Christian’s idea to bring
the jacket into play. Originally, the effect relied heavily on the use of
misdirection. Originally, ‘The move’ took place during the patter “I can
actually conjure up enough energy to levitate a few inches off of the
ground”. It never occurred to me that a jacket would be the most logical
way of covering the move, without drawing much attention where it shouldn’t
be. Without this, I don’t think King Rising would be what it is today, so Brad,

Next are the angles. Angles are vicious in this illusion, but with practice,
they will be easily overcome. The main tip I really want to get across to you
guys is that you don’t want to perform this illusion for too many people… I’d
say 5 at the most. I’ve gotten away with 10 people, but it was really pushing
it. With 5 or under, you are keeping yourself safe. Even though you are only
showing a small number of people, word will get around that you can levitate,
that I can promise to you.

Also, Brad brings up in the explanation of the illusion that you CAN tell your
audience what is going to take place before it actually does. This is a great
idea, but if you want to get an even BIGGER reaction out of your audience,
don’t come out and say what you are going to do. Say something along the
lines of “I might be able to do this next thing. I have only done it a few
times… I don’t know if I will have enough energy”. Keep them guessing. Use
words and phrases like “might be able to”, “energy”, and “…only done it a few
times”. These lines will not only keep the audience at the edge of their seat,
but will keep them less likely to want to figure out how the effect works.
The more you play this up, the better off you will be. Like I mentioned, if
they don’t know what’s going to happen, they can’t immediately look for a
solution. But, if the way of telling the audience what is going to happen
works for you, KEEP DOING IT, and forget what I said. Just some food for

Finally, the most important, and most blatant hint I can say is to practice,
practice, and practice some more. I know, I’m a magician just like you guys,
and sometimes those are the words that I hate to hear. But, King Rising IS
an acquired skill that will come only with practice. Main focus points are
your angles, your patter, and the rising itself. Practice this illusion a few
dozen times in front of a mirror, or better yet, a camera or some close
friends or relatives. The more times you practice, the better you will be…
your rise will look so good that you might even fool yourself, who knows?

Closing Comments
Once again, I want to thank you for purchasing this effect. With enough
practice, you will have added a MIRACLE to your performing repertoire. But
please, do Brad and I a favor…

Follow the magician’s code and don’t reveal the secret to this illusion. It took
a lot of work to get King Rising to what it is today. Like I previously
mentioned, I was going to keep this underground, and only have the handful
of magicians who are my personal friends be the ONLY ones to know about
it. But, I wanted to do magicians around the world a favor by giving them a
practical levitation that they could do at anytime. If you tell people, it’s not
hurting Brad or I, we’ll live, but it’s hurting the economy. I don’t think King
Rising is something that should be like the Balducci, just floating around the
Internet on every bulletin board there is… but something that the
performer should keep to himself. So, like I said, keep this one to yourself,
I’d really appreciate it.

Feel free to contact me with any additional questions or ideas you may have
regarding King Rising. You can also see me on the King Rising Forum at
ellusionist to personally help with any problems or questions you might have.

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