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Technological University of the Philippines

Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila



In partial fulfillment for


Submitted by:
Group 6
MORGA, Sherlene G
SY, Michelle R.
TABJAN, Lovely Dynna


Submitted To:
Prof. Veronica M. Dela Rosa
College of Industrial Technology Food
and Apparel Technology Department

12th of February 2021

Technological University of the Philippines
Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila

I. Introduction

The duo-trio test was developed by Peryam and Swartz (1950). In duo-trio test,
the subject is presented with three products; the first is identified as the reference (or
control) and the other two are coded. The subject’s task is to indicate which product is
more similar to the reference. These tests are sometimes used instead of triangle tests
to compare unknown differences between coffee. Tasters are presented with a
reference coffee, and then two coded samples of coffee; one coffee is the same as the
reference, and the other is the coffee to be tested.

Evaluators are asked to identify the sample that is the same as the reference
coffee. This test might be preferred, as the evaluator has a reference coffee to
compare. Generally, people find it easier to evaluate with a reference standard. One
disadvantage of this test, versus a triangle difference, is that more tasters are required.
The reference sample may always be set as the same product (constant reference) or
may be randomly chosen so that each product is represented (balanced reference).
This test method is less efficient than the triangle test, with a 50% chance of guessing
correctly, and requires a large amount of sample, but is frequently used when a flavor
is complex or intense. Interpretation is easily determined from a statistical table.

Panelist analyzes the samples using descriptive terms for appearance, flavor,
aroma and mouthfeel. This kind of tests is done to help the producers/manufacturers
of a specific product. This test is useful for products that have relatively intense taste,
odor, and/or kinesthetic effects.

II. Objectives
 To determine whether there is, or no sensory difference exists between two
 To learn how to conduct duo-trio test

III. Materials
 Master Sheets
 Summary Sheet
 Score Sheet
 2 brands of Coffee powder (3 in1)
Technological University of the Philippines
Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila

 Sample containers
 Trays
 Water cups
 Hot to lukewarm water

IV. Procedure
1. Taste reference sample first and rinse mouth with water.
2. For trial 1, taste the coded sample on the left side close to you and rinse mouth with
3. Taste the coded sample on the right side close to you and rinse mouth with water
4. Encircle which coded sample is similar to the reference
5. Taste reference again and clean taste palate with water
6. For trial 2, taste the coded sample on the left side further to you and rinse mouth with
7. Taste the coded sample on the right side further to you and rinse mouth with water
8. Encircle which coded sample is similar to the reference

V. Results and Discussion

Two different brands of instant coffee (Nescafe’ Creamy White and Great Taste White)
was used in the test to identify if there’s a significant difference in terms of the flavor, aroma and
appearance. Total of 10 panelist were (age 18-35 years old; 5 men, 2 women) Note that: these
are not experienced in this field and due to the pandemic, researchers were able to select
random and unexperienced panelist.
Technological University of the Philippines
Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila

Figure 1 Different Brand of Instant Coffee used Figure 1.1 Actual set-up of a duo trio test, 2 sets of coded
samples with a reference in the left side

They were given a scoresheet with an instruction indicated that they have to determine
which of the two sets of coded samples is the same or matches the references and encircle it in
the scoresheet. The answers will be invalid if they are not able to define the matched sample, or
else they should make a guess.
Figure 2. Documentation of panelist
who performed the duo-trio test

Summary Sheet
Date: February 11,2021
Sample: Instant Powdered Coffee
Technological University of the Philippines
Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila

Sensory Test: Duo-Trio Test

391 518 567 327
R (A) (B) R (A) (B)
1 E 0 1 E 1 0
2 F 1 0 F 0 1
3 E 1 0 E 0 1
4 R 1 0 R 0 1
5 E 1 0 E 0 1
6 N 1 0 N 0 1
7 C 1 0 C 0 1
8 E 0 1 E 1 0
9 S 1 0 S 0 1
10 1 0 0 1

TOTAL 8 2 2 8

The results were analyzed by using 2-tailed test since it depends on the preference of the panelist
based on their sensitivity. The control sample in replicate 1 is A while in replicate 2 is B. Therefore,
both 2 replications, 8 out of 10 panelists were able to guess in the two sets of coded samples with the
help of the references and their senses to determine the flavor, aroma, sweet and creaminess of the

Judgements = 20
CALCULATIONS: Correct Responses = 16
p 0.05 = 10
Technological University of the Philippines
Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila

Adjusted Chi-Square (X²) Test

X² = (O₁ – E₁)² - 0.5 + (O₂ - E₂)² - 0.5

E₁ E₂
O₁ = observed number of correct choices
O₂ = observed number of wrong choices
E₁ = expected number of correct choices
p = ½ for duo-trio test
E₂ = expected number of incorrect choices
q = ½ for duo-trio test

O₁ = 16
O2 = 4
E1 = n ( ½ ) = 16 (½) = 8
E2 = n ( ½ ) = 4 ( ½ ) = 2

X² = (O₁ – E₁)² - 0.5 + (O₂ - E₂)² - 0.5

E₁ E₂

X² = (16 – 8)² - 0.5 + (4- 2)² - 0.5

½ (16) ½ (4)
Technological University of the Philippines
Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila

X² = 64 - 0.5 + 4 - 0.5
8 2
X² = 63.5 + 3.5
8 2
X² = 7.94 + 1.75

X² = 9.69

From Roessler Table, X² table = 3.84

X² calculation > X² table
9.69 > 3.84

Since X² calculation is greater than X² table, there is a significant difference between

Nescafe Creamy White and Great Taste White samples. Using the chi-square method, the null
hypothesis is rejected. Hence, the panelist can determine the difference between the two samples.

VI. Conclusion
Technological University of the Philippines
Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila

In conclusion the researchers were able to conduct the duo trio test and the application of
Chi-square distribution (X2). Duo trio tests can also be beneficial for store brands to compare
their product to name brand foods and beverages for competitive reasons. One impediment to the
duo trio test is that it merely compares products through differentiation; it does not measure to
what extent the products differ as a ranking or rating test would (Beinner et al.) This experiment
has succeeded since the researchers performed the objectives successfully


Technological University of the Philippines
Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila


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