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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 January 10, 2022 am – "Common Sense"
Pamphlet by Thomas Paine published

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CCXXXIV] – A.V.A. Uniqueness

The American Voter’s Alliance has opposed government overreach (with its grassroots
network and supporters’ help), accomplishments I’ve witnessed/confirmed regarding PA:
• The A.V.A. has connected grassroots activists in 27 states with key leaders
in helping develop state specific election integrity plans.
• Amistad attorney Tim Griffin has hosted STUPENDOUS national calls every
Tuesday morning @ 11 a.m. (preceded by a Prayer Meeting) with special
guest speakers (e.g., Phill Kline, AZ Rep Mark Finchem, AZ Senator Kelly
Townsend, PA Rep Seth Grove, PA Senator Will Ligon, former WI Supreme
Court Justice Mike Gableman (currently leading the WI Election
Investigation) and many experts on election integrity. These calls have also
enabled our grassroots network to share their best practices and
brainstorm strategy based on experience [thankfully, including my
condemnation of pre-canvassing]; indeed, people who are members of an
election integrity group and want to be part of its national calls are invited
to e-mail (I slipped-in under the wire.)
• The A.V.A. was on the ground (e.g., Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia,
Arizona, Florida, Colorado, Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota, California,
Kentucky, and South Carolina) helping grassroots groups to organize so
that they could efficiently/effectively lobby legislators for key election
reform, informed by what the Amistad Project uncovered about 2020.
• The A.V.A. launched a new website with a free online membership portal
to connect/network grassroots activists across the country.
• Our founder and director (Jacqueline Timmer) has been a repeat guest on
the Real America’s Voice (Dr. Gina’s 7 p.m. show) discussing election
integrity issues, including what A.V.A. uncovered in the CA recall election.
• The A.V.A. continues partnering with the Amistad Project that’s pursuing
Wisconsin litigation over 11/3/2020 and that just achieved two huge wins
in PA [against a statewide school mask mandate and for granting access of
the PA Senate investigation to examine machines in Fulton County, PA].
“When We the People band together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish with the
help of Almighty God, whom our Founders so freely acknowledged in the crafting of our
nation; we have needed the hand of Providence, and we won’t succeed without Him.”
[BTW, I have thanked him when he’s shuttled some of my comments to “comments.”]

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