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Choose the present simple or present continuous, these verbs

aresometimes stative

1. They ___________ (prefer) not to travel at night.

2. Tomás and Carlos ___________ (be) at the office right now.
3. I ___________ (see) that you are busy at the moment.
4. They ___________ (have) a coffee.
5. Now it ___________ (snow) outside.
6. I ___________ (think) that's not true.
7. Jose ___________ (be) silly again.
8. This bag ___________ (weigh) too much.
9. I ___________ (see) Pedro. We have a lot of fun together.
10.Your cooking ___________ (taste) great.
11.They ___________ (have) three kids.
12.We ___________ (taste) the cakes now.
13.The cats ___________ (bark) now.
14.I (think) about it at the moment.
15.Now these dresses ___________ (not fit)

Each sentence has four underlined sections. Identify the section with

agrammar mistake.

1.I play tennis every Monday. Last week, I was playing with Juan, a man I am
knowing from work, when a bird flew into the tennis net.

a. flew
b. am knowing
c. was playing
d. play

2.Marcos owns two different flats. He likes to live in his flat by the sea when thew
eather is good, but in the winter he is preferring to live in the city.

a. likes
b. is
c. owns
d. is preferring

3.I don't understand stative and dynamic verbs. They seem very confusing. I amhat
ing them, because they are driving me crazy!

a. am hating
b. seem
c. are driving
d. don't understand

4.While Ramón was fixing the car, I was making the supper. By seven o'clock I had
been working for eight hours, so I was needing a good meal.

a. had been working

b. was fixing
c. was needing
d.was making

5.When I called Tania, she said she watched TV, so she didn't want to come out
with me, so I went to the pub alone.

a. called
b. went
c. watched
d. didn't wan

Choose “correct” or “incorrect”.

1. Are they having a good time?
2. I am thinking your brother is a nice person.
3. It is tasting good.
4. You are looking great.
5. He's been working since this morning.
6. Carlos' having a huge house.
7. The cake tastes good.
8. They are looking at the photograph.
9. They are designing a web.
10.Marta is liking him very much.

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