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Full name: …Nguyễn Quang Huy……Module:Kỹ năng đọc……………………

Student’s Card number: 21D170255 Module’s number: 21125ENPR6211
Test code: …2……..
Task 1: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question:

1.C 6.C
2.B 7.D
3.A 8.A
4.D 9.A
5.C 10.B

Task 2: Write the correct form of the word in brackets:

1) understood
2) practised
3) irrational
4) experienced

5) stressful


1.A 6.C
2.D 7.D
3.D 8.A
4.A 9.B
5.C 10.C
Read and summarise the following article by your own words: (200-250 words)
Global warming has been observed and is at least undeniable. The various glaciers are
shrinking and the icebergs are melting. The real issue is the reasons for it. I don't believe
that the carbon emissions or the greenhouse effect are the real issues.. Trees cool the
environment and with the reduced forest areas the atmosphere is heating up. Human
beings have a much higher population now than ever before. Human beings have a much
higher normal body temperature than trees.Humans use all sorts of gadgets that heat up
the atmosphere. Even the refrigerator working off electricity eventually warms up the
atmosphere. It is a prevalent myth that carbon emissions in thermal power generation
plants only are very bad for the atmosphere and that nuclear energy or solar energy are
good. The problem is not just the generation of electricity, but the use of it. I think planting
more trees is the only practical approach we have for now. Maybe we could do research on
which trees cool the environment more. Climate change happens whether we like it or not.
It will also happen whether we understand the causes of it or not. The issue has been
couched in terms of human influence on Climate Change. The climate is always in constant
change. It has been since before humans walked the Earth, and probably will be for long
after they stop walking the Earth. Today humans have been put into the driving seat of
Climate Change. There probably is no doubt that the fact that human existence has an
effect on the climate, but there is equally no doubt that the fact that plants and animals
exist also has an effect on the climate.Many plants and animals won’t be able to migrate to
cooler climates to survive. The entire issue of climate change, or global warming today, is
based on humans and their carbon dioxide output. In summary, I believe that global
warming is happening. I believe that a small part of global warming is a natural event that
will continue for many millions of years but that the main thrust today is from human energy
demand and the waste heat that results from that demand.
I assume that carbon dioxide is a true indicator of the waste heat that is dumped into the
environment, a barometer of waste heat energy. I don’t believe that carbon dioxide, or any of
the greenhouse gases for that matter, does any more than provide a denser path that slows
the release of heat to the Universe. In the absence of waste heat injected into the
environment the Earth would cool irrespective of the concentration of carbon dioxide.

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