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Cite this paper: Chin. J. Chem. 2021, 39, 381—390. DOI: 10.1002/cjoc.202000289

On the Understandings of Dielectric Constant and Its Impacts on

the Photovoltaic Efficiency in Organic Solar Cells
Zihao Fu,a Xuning Zhang,a Hong Zhang,b Yanxun Li,b Huiqiong Zhou,b and Yuan Zhang*,a
School of Chemistry, Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Biomedical Engineering, Beihang University, No. 37 Xueyuan Road, Beijing
100191, China
Key Laboratory of Nanosystem and Hierachical Fabrication, CAS Center for Excellence in Nanoscience, National Center for Nanoscience
and Technology, Beijing 100190, China


Amorphous materials | Donor-acceptor systems | Energy conversion | Nanostructures | Photolysis


Dielectric constant (ε) is an important parameter affecting

the power conversion efficiency of organic solar cells (OSC).
Increasing ε of bulk heterojunctions in general can benefit
the performance of OSCs, as an increased ε will reduce the
influence of Coulomb interaction between weakly bound
electron-hole pairs on charge-transfer states or bimolecular
recombination involving mobile carriers to reduce geminate
and nongeminate losses. In this review, we overview the
current understandings on dielectric constant and its im-
pacts on exciton dissociation and voltage losses in OSCs and
summarize recent efforts attempting to modify the dielec-
tric properties of OSC materials through synthetic ap-
proaches. We further discuss the commonly adopted tech-
niques for determining the parameter of ε with stressing the testing conditions that may affect the accuracy of results. At last, we
suggest that novel experimental methods to improve the dielectric constant and resultant physical processes in OSCs will be appreci-
ated, which helps enrich the existing strategy reservoir toward enhancement of photovoltaic efficiencies.

Zihao Fu (left) received his Bachelor degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University
in 2018. He is a master student under the supervision of Prof. Yuan Zhang in the School of
Chemistry at Beihang University, China. His research focuses on the device physics of high
efficiency organic solar cells.
Xuning Zhang (middle) received his Master degree from Xinjiang University in 2017. He is
currently a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof. Yuan Zhang in the School of
Chemistry at Beihang University, China. His research focuses on the device physics and
processing of high efficiency solar cells based on organic semiconductors and perovskites.
Yuan Zhang (right) received his Ph.D. in 2010 from the University of Groningen in the
Netherland under the supervision of Prof. Paul. W. M. Blom. His thesis focused on the molecular doping of conjugated polymers, aiming to understand
and improve their charge transport properties. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher (2011—2015) in the Center for Polymers and Organic Solids
(CPOS) at University of California, Santa Barbara, focusing on understanding charge transport and injection properties in molecular semiconduc-
tor-based photovoltaics and field-effect transistors. Currently, he is a professor at the School of Chemistry in Beihang University (China). His research
interests cover the topic of device and materials physics of photovoltaic cells based on organic semiconductors and halide perovskite materials.

*E-mail: View HTML Article

Chin. J. Chem. 2021, 39, 381-390 © 2021 SIOC, CAS, Shanghai, & WILEY-VCH GmbH 381
Recent Advances Fu et al.

Contents dominant loss pathway in OSCs. Given the relevance of εr to
some of the essential physical processes in operating OSCs, there
1. Introduction 382 have been a handful of documented studies focusing on increas-
2. Discussion 382 ing the dielectric constant in the polymer donors or small molec-
2.1. Definition of dielectric constant 382 [15]
ular acceptors, aiming to obtain modified photovoltaic charac-
2.2. Benefits of high dielectric constants in OSCs 383 teristics and improvement on PCEs.

2.2.1. Charge generation and exciton binding energy 383 This review is organized as follows: we will first provide the
2.2.2. Reduced bimolecular recombination and general concept of dielectric constant and elaborate its impacts
dielectric effect to increase VOC 383 on the properties of charge generation and voltage loss in OSCs.
2.2.3. Reduced energy loss in OSCs 384 We will turn to discuss representative synthetic approaches used
2.3. Methods of increasing dielectric constants 384 to increase the dielectric constant of OSC materials and correlate
2.3.1. Measurement of dielectric constant 384 these modifications to device efficiencies. Then, we will discuss
2.3.2. Materials core modification 385 the commonly adopted experimental techniques for determina-
2.3.3. Side chain modification 386 tion of εr with focus on the factors affecting the measurement
2.4. Factors affecting the preciseness of dielectric accuracy. At last, outlook on the potentials with increased dielec-
constant determination 386 tric constant for OSCs with non-fullerene acceptors will be pro-
2.4.1. Alternating current frequency 387 vided.
2.4.2. Direct current biasing 387
2.4.3. The effect of illumination 387
2.5. Future development of high dielectric constant OSC 2. Discussion
materials 387
3. Conclusions and Perspectives 388 2.1. Definition of dielectric constant
Dielectric constant is a dimensionless factor, usually expressed
as ε, which is always relative to the vacuum dielectric constant (ε0
1. Introduction ‒12 [17]
= 8.854×10 F/m ). The response of a material medium to the
Organic solar cells (OSCs), as one of the third-generation pho- electric field can be described by the dielectric constant, which is
tovoltaic technologies, have the advantages of low cost, flexible derived from the molecular polarization of different types and
different time scales. If the time required to apply the electric
assembly, light weight, being foldable, and large-area processing
field is shorter than the polarization response time required for
through R2R (roll-to-roll). Photovoltaic effect is defined as the
the material, it will not affect the capacitive response of the entire
potential difference between different parts of the junction
material. Therefore, materials with high dielectric constants are
caused by light. The first silicon solar device with a power conver-
more resistant to electric fields than materials with low dielectric
sion efficiency (PCE) of 6% came out of Bell Scientific Research
[1] constants. The term “dielectric constant” for organic semicon-
Center In 1986. Tang et al. reported planar heterojunction solar
[2] ductors generally refers to the static dielectric constant that is
cells based on organic photo-absorbing materials. In 1994,
based on an assumption that ε can remain approximately a con-
Heeger and Yu et al. proposed the smart concept of bulk hetero- stant for a given frequency range until the frequency is very high,
junction (BHJ) structure with which the photocurrents were ap- which then corresponds to the optical dielectric constant equaling
preciably enhanced due to the enlargement of donor-acceptor the square of refractive index. In reality, due to the different po-
interfacial areas, leading to a PCE of 2.9%. The BHJ in solid state larization mechanisms, the dielectric constant of a material can
is featured with three-dimensional interpenetrating networks, exhibit a frequency-dependence (see detailed discussion in Sec-
where the electron and hole transport within the donor and ac- tion 2.4). In this review, we mainly focus on discussing the static
ceptor domains, respectively. Since its invention, the BHJ has be- dielectric constant that is relevant to the electronic behaviors in
come the dominant structure for OSC researches. Due to the de- OSCs. As known, the dielectric constant in organic semiconductors
velopment of non-fullerene acceptors (NFA), the PCEs of OSCs 6 [18]
is low. For comparison, the εr of silicon 12.1 at 10 Hz, while
have exceeded 10% in the last couple of years, and recently PCE low values of 2—5 are generally found in organic semiconduc-
over 17% was reported based on well-engineered NFAs. Despite tors.
The low dielectric constant of organic semiconductors
these accomplishments in OSCs, there are two main factors limit- can lead to the formation of polarons and Frenkel excitons, re-
ing the commercial production of OSCs, namely the photoelectric sulting in high exciton binding energies from several hundred of
conversion efficiency and stability. There are tremendous efforts [21]
meV to 1.4 eV. Compared with materials with high dielectric
on improving the PCEs of OSCs in the perspective of new materi- [22]
[6] [7]
constants (e.g., Si or halide perovskites ), the low dielectric con-
als synthesis, energy level alignment, morphology optimiza- stants in organic semiconductors can enhance the Coulomb inter-
[8] [9]
tion, device architecture engineering, and interface modifica- action between holes and electrons, thereby increasing the at-
tion. In addition to these approaches, the attempts on modify- traction and repulsion effects. The dielectric constant plays an
ing the dielectric constant of donors or acceptors to realize en- important role in the performance of OSCs. In a photovoltaic de-
hanced photovoltaic efficiencies have been made. vice, the absorbed photons create excitons that are dissociated at
Due to the presence of the dominant carbon atoms (with light the donor-acceptor interface. The resultant electron-hole pairs
heteroatoms), weak intermolecular coupling (or dipoles) with that are coulombically bound (on charge transfer-states or
disorder nature, most organic semiconductor materials have a low CT-states) need to be further separated into mobile carriers. With
relative dielectric constant (εr < 6), which is a critical limiting fac- the assistance of internal electric field, the mobile carriers are
tor for exciton dissociation and charge separation in OSCs. Gener- transported toward the electrodes, yielding the photocurrent.
ally speaking, increasing the εr of the semiconductor can lower Meanwhile, the generation of charges can lead to the splitting of
the exciton binding energy (Eb) and reduce geminate recombina- quasi-Fermi levels in the donor and acceptor, resulting in a pho-
tion losses, thereby it is beneficial to the overall device per- tovoltage. In these processes, the coulomb interactions deter-
formance in OSCs. In addition, the increase in the dielectric con- mined by the dielectric constant negatively affect charge separa-
stant reduces the encounter probability between separated holes tion and prompt charge recombination. Therefore, increase of the
and electrons, due to the decrease of coulombic radius, which dielectric constant of BHJs is generally preferred for OSCs with the
is favorable for the mitigation on bimolecular recombination, a key merits summarized by Koster et al., such as (1) it reduces

382 © 2021 SIOC, CAS, Shanghai, & WILEY-VCH GmbH Chin. J. Chem. 2021, 39, 381-390
Dielectric Constant and Its Impacts on the Photovoltaic Efficiency Chin. J. Chem.

bimolecular recombination; (2) it reduces the reorganization en- in charge generation and ultimate PCE of OSCs. Generally speak-
ergy, thereby allowing fast interfacial charge transfer under small- ing, the exciton binding energy Eb is sensitive to the dielectric
er energy offsets, according to Marcus theory; (3) it reduces the constant. Taking the case of exciton binding energy of CT-states,
exciton binding energy, which is favorable for exciton dissociation which follows the relation,
at the donor and acceptor interface; (4) it reduces the Coulomb
attraction between CT excitons, facilitating the dissociation of 𝐸bCT = (1)
4π𝜀0 𝜀𝑟 𝑟
weakly bound electron-hole pairs into mobile carriers; (5) it re-
duces the Coulomb attraction between mobile carriers due to the (here q is the elementary charge, r is the separation distance be-
increase of screening effect, which helps reduce non-geminate tween the electron-hole pair), increasing εr will reduce the bind-
recombination. Although the general merits of a higher dielectric ing energy of CT excitons, provided that r is unchanged. Given
constant are acknowledged, at least with a theoretical perspective, the low values of εr in organic semiconductors, one expects for-
how it affects functional OSC devices is yet incompletely under- mation of Frenkel excitons with a large exciton binding energies
stood. In fact, there are some inconsistencies in previous studies (hundreds of meV) upon photoexcitation. By taking a modified
on the role of dielectric constant, from which unhelpful infor- Onsager theory where the electron-hole pair dissociation takes
mation is provided. In this review, we hope that the discussed place when random energetic disorder (here taking an estimate of
fundamentals of dielectric properties could provide useful infor- 100 meV) equals the Coulomb energy, the Coulomb capture radi-
mation relevant to the current understandings on the role of εr in us is 4.8 nm with an εr of 3. Favorably, the capture radius can re-
OSCs and experimental approaches for mediation of this im- duce down to 1.4 nm when εr increases to 10, meaning that at-
portant parameter. traction between the electron-hole pair weakens. In this context,
the dissociation probability P(E) is predicted to increase over two
2.2. Benefits of high dielectric constants in OSCs [35]
orders of magnitude when εr increases from 3 to 10, suggesting
The benefits of increasing dielectric constants of BHJs have more efficient charge separation.
been theoretically evidenced. A meaningful prediction on the As discussed above, due to the energy offset, an efficiency up
merits of using high εr BHJ absorbers can be seen from the simu- to 10% is expected with ΔEoff of 0.4 eV for fullerene solar cells.
lations of experimentally obtained current-voltage characteristics It is interesting that in some recently reported NFA-BHJ systems,
of fullerene solar cells based on a drift-diffusion model. Through efficient interfacial charge transfer has been observed under a low
increasing the εr, the simulation results indicated that enlarge- or even zero ΔEoff. This seems to indicate that there are addi-
ment of εr could beneficially reduce the reorganization energy of tional energy sources for the dissociation of excitons, the mecha-
CT-states, thus allowing for efficient interfacial charge transfer nisms of which are currently under active discussion. We advise
under a small ΔEoff, according to Marcus theory. Moreover, the the readers to bear in mind that despite the relatively fast intrinsic
biomolecular recombination rate could be favorably reduced with charge transfer (sub-picoseconds) observed in some low offset
enlarged εr, due to the reduced coulomb interaction between NFA-OSCs, whether the dielectric constant plays a role in the
mobile carriers. With these theoretical insights, some implications whole processes of charge generation and resultant high efficien-
can be obtained: 1) Charge generation can be further promoted in cies is yet incompletely understood. Also, full correlations of the
low-offset BHJ-OSCs if εr increases; 2) the tradeoff of voltage loss modified Eb in NFA-OSCs with increased εr to device performance
with regard to charge generation can be further mitigated, as are yet lacking, despite the theoretical prediction that points to a
reducing ΔEoff favors the reduction of radiative and non-radiative reduced Eb at larger εr. To some degree, the gap between the
recombination losses for VOC; 3) the reduced bimolecular re- theoretical and experimental studies can be related to the associ-
combination rate due to the increased εr will reduce the depend- ated changes in morphology or transport properties with the
[64] [37]
ence of photocurrent on bias when the electric field is low, thus modified dielectric constant, which complicates our under-
facilitating charge extraction and the increase of fill factor (FF) in standings.
OSCs. 2.2.2. Reduced bimolecular recombination and dielectric ef-
2.2.1. Charge generation and exciton binding energy. OSCs fect to increase VOC. Large Coulomb attraction force between the
typically use the bulk heterojunction (BHJ) structure in which an electron and hole pairs (geminate or non-geminate) leads to
electron donor D (e.g., conjugated polymers or small molecule strong recombination, e.g., via bimolecular and trap-assisted
semiconductors) and an electron acceptor A (e.g., fullerenes, recombination pathways. Bimolecular recombination is rela-
non-fullerene small molecule acceptors, or polymeric acceptors) tively strong in OSCs, compared to inorganic or hybrid perovskite
[27] [43]
are mixed with nanoscale phase separation. The key reason to solar cells, acting the primary loss mechanism. Thus, reducing
adopt BHJ structure instead of single-components (e.g., perov- the attraction between mobile carriers is preferred in OSCs. The
skite solar cells) is the required exciton dissociation that cannot carrier loss due to recombination has been directly correlated to
efficiently occur in a single layer of neat donor or acceptor, due to the reduced fill factor (FF) and open circuit voltage (VOC) in OSCs,
the small dielectric constant of organic BHJs (typically of 3—4) and especially when thick active layers are used.
resultant high exciton binding energy. In a BHJ, the energy off- The increased bimolecular recombination loss near VOC will
sets ΔEoff (between the HOMO and LUMO of D/A) provide the reduce the number of extracted carriers and negatively affect
driving force for excitons to be dissociated at the D/A interface. In Fermi level splitting, thus lowering the VOC. As shown in Figure 1, a
principle, this driving force (energetic offset) needs to be compa- high rate of bimolecular recombination is the primary source of
rable to the exciton binding energy, otherwise severe exciton re- energy loss in all types of OSCs. The VOC can be improved by re-
combination will be encountered, causing increased geminate ducing bimolecular recombination. Increasing the high frequency
losses. The required ΔEoff for charge generation inevitably in- dielectric constant has been found helpful for decreasing the re-
duces a tradeoff between charge generation and VOC, a major duction factor (denoted as γ) for bimolecular recombination at
[30] [23]
barrier for the improvement of PCE. Due to the interaction open-circuit, and is now emerging as a popular strategy for
between D and A, charge transfer states are formed, namely the increasing VOC. While a conclusive model describing how the
weakly bound electron-hole pairs (or CT excitons). CT states can dielectric constant affects the VOC and PCE is yet to be fully elabo-
either dissociate into mobile carriers or decay to the ground states rated, increasing εr is at least expected to be beneficial for reduc-
via radiative or nonradiative pathways. In these competitions, the ing the voltage loss. This correlation is elegantly observed in a
dissociation of CT-states, that are critically affected by the attrac- previous study where the authors plotted Vrec (the voltage loss
tion between weakly bound electron-hole pairs, plays a vital role determined by the balance between generation and recombina-

Chin. J. Chem. 2021, 39, 381-390 © 2021 SIOC, CAS, Shanghai, & WILEY-VCH GmbH 383
Recent Advances Fu et al.

tion rates at VOC) versus εr (see Figure 2a and ref [41]), where a Chen et al. showed the first experimental evidence on the
linear best fit to the data yields a slope of –0.088 V. The result dependence of dielectric constants on energy losses Δ(eV) in OSCs.
suggests that VOC loss could be modulated within a relatively wide The physical origin for the ΔV is interpreted by the relation Δ(eV) =
range upon changing εr, enabling to increase the VOC by ~0.1 V. Eeff – qVOC (Eeff is the effective bandgap) with eVoc = eEeff–Eε +
Interestingly, an exponential decrease of the bimolecular recom- kTln(np/NvNc). Obviously, Δ(eV) consists of two loss parts, includ-
bination coefficient γ with increased εr was observed (see Figure ing the chemical potential energy loss to carrier recombination
2b). This trend implies that a reduction of bimolecular recombina- (kTln(np/NvNc)) and the electric potential energy loss due to die-
tion strength could be afforded by using higher εr OSC materials. lectric effect (Eε). Eε is indeed a function of the dielectric constant
of different polymers and fullerene BHJ systems, which indicates
that the loss is due to Coulomb interaction. It could be speculated
that the overall VOC loss is dependent on the dielectric properties.
It is worth noting that the VOC loss due to the dielectric effect is
larger than 0.3 V for systems with a small dielectric constant like
PCDTBT:PC71BM. While for systems as PDTS-iI:PC71BM which
has a larger dielectric constant (close to 5), the loss almost com-
pletely vanishes (see Figure 3).

Figure 1 Schematic diagram to illustrate bimolecular dynamics repre-

senting the relationships among the dielectric constant, exciton binding
energy and charge recombination. Picture taken from ref [45].

Figure 2 (a) Vrec plotted versus dielectric constant εr with linear best fits
(slope = –0.088 V). (b) Recombination rate γ plotted versus εr with expo-
nential fit to guide the eye. The largest deviation from the fit occurs for
DTS:PC71BM without DIO, for which, unlike all other systems, the mor-
phology was not optimized through annealing or additive processing.
Figures taken from ref [41]. Figure 3 (a) Potential energy loss Δ(eV) (= Eeff – qVOC) plotted as a func-
tion of dielectric constants. (b) Energy loss to dielectric effects Eε (=
Cho et al. observed a similar trend that the voltage loss re- Δ(eV)+kTln(np/NcNv)) plotted as a function of inverse order of dielectric
duces when increasing εr of the donor polymer from 3.9 to 5 constants. The approximation of DOS values is not reflected in the error
through addition of polar side chains. In bilayer OSCs, an 80 mV bars. (c) Chemical structures of materials used in ref [47]. The seven pol-
increase of VOC was obtained with an increased εr, which was at- ymers were blended with PC71BM individually to form bulk heterojunction
tributed to the significant increase in carrier lifetime. One may cells. Figures taken from ref [47].
also anticipate that altering the strength and direction of dipoles
at the interface between the donor and the acceptor could signif- 2.3. Methods of increasing dielectric constants
icantly change the VOC. In addition to the impact bimolecular Qualification of dielectric constant values is the basis for tun-
recombination on voltage loss, dielectric effect has been clarified ing this parameter through chemical approaches. Among the vari-
as a major loss mechanism for VOC. A promising finding is envis- ety of adopted test methods for εr, the widely used method is
aged that the VOC loss due to dielectric effect could be eliminated based on the parallel-plate-capacitance measurement with im-
with increasing the dielectric constant to 5. This enables to widen pedance spectroscopy. Regarding the modification of εr, many
the optimization window for VOC, in addition to the commonly groups are attempting different approaches to increase the die-
used energy level tuning. lectric constant in organic semiconductors without affecting other
2.2.3. Reduced energy loss in OSCs. In additional to the loss opto-electrical properties, such as materials core modifica-
due to carrier recombination, an additional possible photovoltage tion and side chain modification, which will be discussed in fol-
loss is related to the extra energy used to separate the electron- lows.
hole pairs in organic semiconductor characteristic of the inher- 2.3.1. Measurement of dielectric constant. Parallel-plate-
ently low dielectric constants. capacitance measurement with impedance spectroscopy is a sim-

384 © 2021 SIOC, CAS, Shanghai, & WILEY-VCH GmbH Chin. J. Chem. 2021, 39, 381-390
Dielectric Constant and Its Impacts on the Photovoltaic Efficiency Chin. J. Chem.

ple and efficient method. The material sandwiched between
two metallic parallel electrodes is subject to a small perturbation
of low amplitude AC signal with sweeping 0.1—1 MHz usually
from MHz range down to tenths of Hz. From the obtained imped-
ance response value, the capacitance value can be obtained by
the following formula,
1 −𝑍′′ −𝑍′
𝐶= = +𝑖 (2)
𝑖𝜔𝑍𝛼 𝜔|𝑍|2 𝜔|𝑍|2

where ω is the angular frequency, 𝑖 2 = −1 and 𝑍 𝛼 is defined as

the impedance complex function indicating impedance value at a
particular frequency. The equation for the dielectric constant is
given by,
𝜀𝑟 (𝜔) = = 𝜀r ′ − 𝑖𝜀r ′′ (3)

where C0 is the capacitance of the empty capacitor, given by C0 =

ε0A/d withε0 ≈ 8.854×10 F/m, A is the area of the materials
sandwiched between the electrodes and d is the thickness. In
Equation 2, the real part corresponds to the relative dielectric Figure 4 (a) Synthesis route for FTQ. (b) Photovoltaic J-V curves of
constant εr of tested materials, and the imaginary part includes TQ:PCBM and FTQ:PCBM devices (1 : 3 w/w) under the illumination of AM
loss mechanisms such as conductance and relaxation processes. It 1.5 G (100 mW/cm2). Figures taken from ref [56].
should be noted that the capacitive response is not only related to
the dielectric properties of the body. In some semiconductors, The strategy of core-modification via fluorination has been
due to a specific electrical conductivity, accurately determining εr [61]
applied to other material systems. For example, Xu et al. syn-
will require extra carefulness. thesized five types of fluorinated NDI polymeric acceptors and
Impedance analysis is used to measure the dielectric constant found that among the fluorinated polymers, the devices based on
through applying an AC electric field with varied frequencies to the acceptors with higher dielectric constants yielded JSC and FF
the device to determine the resistance. In Equation 3, the real and fill factors that are considerably higher than those with lower
part of the impedance is denoted as Z’, and the reactance, namely [57]
dielectric constants. Jia et al. reported the results of changing
the imaginary part of the impedance is denoted as Z’’. After cor- the degree of fluorination on the PT backbone (see Figure 5) and
rections of the series resistance Rs (≈10 Ω) and system inductance according photovoltaic properties of those based on the final
L (≈ 6 μH) of the tested device, the capacitance (Ccor) is calculated products (P6T-F00, P6T-F50, P6T-F75, and P6T-F100). They found
from the measured impedance spectrum according to the rela- that the dielectric constant increased with increasing degree of
tion, fluorination and meanwhile the degree of crystallinity, absorption
1 𝑍′′ −𝜔
coefficient, hole mobility could be enhanced.
𝐶 r = − [(𝑍′ )2 (𝑍′′ −𝜔 )2
] (4)
𝜔 −

where 𝜔 is the angular frequency as, ω = 2πf, and f is the fre-

quency. Frequency-independent geometric capacitance is deter-
mined by impedance measurements in the dark with a large re-
verse bias (e.g., –1.5 V) on a diode device that exhibits high shunt
resistance. Based on the relation,
𝐶g 𝑑
𝜀= (5)
𝜀0 𝐴

where Cg is the geometric capacitance, d is the film thickness, A is

the device area, Hughes et al. have identified frequency-inde-
1 6
pendent impedance values in the frequency range of 10 —10 Hz
for OSCs. The results help elucidate the timescale relevant to free
charge carrier lifetime in organic semiconductors.
2.3.2. Materials core modification. Böttcher et al. has pro-
posed an effective method for enhancing the dielectric constant
via reformation on the materials core. It was found that adding
polar groups to the materials core could improve the dielectric
constant. Baring the similar concept, Lu et al. utilized a fluorine Figure 5 (a) Chemical structure of newly developed P6T-Fx polymers. (b)
substituted thiophene-quinoxaline copolymer to synthesize novel Dielectric constant and exciton binding energy of newly developed P6T-Fx
materials FTQ (see Figure 4), which shows a better perfor- polymers. (c) JSC, FF and PCE as a function of fluorination degree of the
mance in OSCs than those based on non-fluorinated TQ. The P6T-Fx polymers. Pictures taken from ref [57].
fluorinated FTQ not only has a deeper-lying HOMO energy of
–5.51 eV (compared to the HOMO of TQ at –5.36 eV), but favora- In addition to increasing the degree of fluorination of the ma-
bly presents a larger dielectric constant (εr = 5.5) than that in TQ terial, adding cyano groups to the main chain tends to be an ef-
(εr = 4.2). As a result, the FTQ/PCBM based OSC outperforms the fective route for the increase of dielectric constant. It is based on
one based on TQ/PCBM, showing an enlarged Voc (from 870 mV the consideration of the large dipole moment of cyano groups.
to 932 mV) and PCE that is 25% higher than that in the TQ/PCBM As an example, Zhang et al. substituted the cyano group for the
devices. hydrogen group in PB3T-C66 to obtain PB3TCN-C66, and found

Chin. J. Chem. 2021, 39, 381-390 © 2021 SIOC, CAS, Shanghai, & WILEY-VCH GmbH 385
Recent Advances Fu et al.

that B3T-C66 and PB3T-C66:IT-4F blends exhibited εr of 2.75 and citon dissociation, non-geminate charge recombination (e.g., bi-
2.54 at 1 kHz, respectively. In comparison, the cyano-group based molecular) and eventual photovoltaic behaviors are yet to be clar-
PB3TCN-C66 donor and its blends with IT-4F acceptor exhibited ified, which will call for further investigations.
higher values of εr of 4.31 and 3.60 at the same frequency. The
increased FF and JSC that led to a PCE of 11.2% (see Figure 6),
compared to the PCE of 2.3% with low dielectric constant blends
PB3T-C66:IT-4F was attributed to the reduced exciton binding
energy that promotes exciton separation and reduces geminate
and nongeminate recombination. However, it should be noted
that while the efficiency improvements are connected to the
modified cores in the donor or acceptor molecules possessing
larger dielectric constants, core modification in some cases con-
currently changes the materials energy level, which may generate
unpredictable or even negative impacts on the materials proper-
ties and eventual device performance.

Figure 7 (a) Chemical structure of the acceptors (ITIC and ITIC-OE) and
the polymer donor (PBDB-T). (b) Determined relative dielectric constants
of ITIC-OE, ITIC, and PBDB-T at different frequencies. Pictures taken from
ref [11].

Figure 6 (a) Synthesis routes for PB3T-C66 and PB3TCN-C66. (b) J-V
curves of the optimized polymer:IT-4F solar cells. Pictures taken from ref

2.3.3. Side chain modification. Compared to the modification

of the material core, adding a polar group to a side chain instead
of the core tends to be more controllable for the dielectric con-
stant. Liu et al. reported the synthesis of a new non-fullerene
accepter with oligoethylene oxide containing side chains (ITIC-OE)
(see Figure 7). The resultant compound displays a high dielec-
tric constant value of 9.5. Jahani et al. reported a side-chain
modification for fullerene derivatives via introducing the triethy-
lene glycol monoethyl ether (TEG) side chains, with which the
dielectric constant increased by 46% (see Figure 8). Differing the
core-modification discussed earlier, the utilization of TEG side
chains merely affects the optical properties, electron mobility and
energy levels. Other successful examples in improving dielectric
constants can refer to the study by Hughes et al, where εr in-
creases from 3.00 to 3.84. Cho et al. found another way to in- Figure 8 (a) Chemical structures of PTEG-1, PTEG-2 and PP. (b) Dielectric
crease the dielectric constant, afforded by introducing a cyano constant versus frequency at room temperature of PTEG-1, PTEG-2 and PP.
[64] Pictures taken from ref [32].
moiety to the side chains. These results have demonstrated the
viability of side-chain modification for increasing the dielectric
constant in conjugated molecules. However, how to increase the 2.4. Factors affecting the preciseness of dielectric constant
dielectric constant while maintaining other favored properties is determination
still of challenge. In the perspective of device performance in In the measurement for dielectric constants of organic semi-
OSCs, the exact correlations among the dielectric constant, ex- conductors, there are some factors that are needed to be taken in

386 © 2021 SIOC, CAS, Shanghai, & WILEY-VCH GmbH Chin. J. Chem. 2021, 39, 381-390
Dielectric Constant and Its Impacts on the Photovoltaic Efficiency Chin. J. Chem.

account to warrant the accuracy of results. Representative factors Hz. At the same time, great cares are needed to exclude the
may include the AC frequency, DC bias, illumination, choice of impact of existing background or injected charge carriers in the
contacts, and device quality (e.g., shunt resistance), etc. To assure device.
the reliability of capacitive measurements for ε, an independent 2.4.2. Direct current biasing. Impedance measurements for
measurement, e.g., by using ellipsometry is often carried out to OSC materials can be highly sensitive to DC bias and thus the in-
confirm the results. In the case of BHJ films where the donor and fluence of DC bias needs to consider. If there is an ohmic contact
acceptor coexist, there are many factors that can affect the accu- in the semiconductor film, the DC bias applied on the film may
racy of determined εr. As an example, we have evaluated the die- sensitively affect the density of charge carriers due to charge in-
lectric properties of two representative blended films (see Figure jection. As the bias on the electrodes increases, more charge car-
9a). The results indicate that the values of εr in the compared riers will diffuse from the contacts into the semiconductor layer
blends slightly vary with the applied frequency of AC perturbation and the device is getting more far away from behaving a capacitor.
signals. In order to verify if these results truly reflect the differ- In this scenario, the injected charge carriers from the contacts can
ence of εr between the studied materials, elliptical polarization complicate the characteristics measured by impedance spectros-
spectroscopy was performed, which shows consistent tendencies copy, which may cause deviations in the determined relative die-
in the change of dielectric constants (see Figure 9b). Here, care lectric constant from true values. To increase the accuracy, an
needs to be taken for the measurements with ellipsometry as the appropriate DC bias should be adopted to minimize the impact of
surface smoothness critically affects the results and data inter- injected carriers in the device, which is emphasized in a recent
[64] [63]
pretation. study by Nguyen group.
2.4.3. The effect of illumination. In high-performance OSCs
based on donor:acceptor blends, light excitation is more sensitive
to generation of charge carriers. Therefore, the presence of light
can introduce additional capacitance into the impedance meas-
urement and cause deviations in results. In order to eliminate the
impacts of light, it will be necessary to perform impedance meas-
urements in dark. As an example, the capacitance in the
P3HT:PC61BM blends was found to increase by 64% at 1 kHz under
1 sun illumination (100 mw/cm ) and by 26% under 0.25 sun illu-
mination, as shown in Figure 10. Note that the artificial effects
by illumination tend to be reduced in pristine materials, due to
the reduced efficiency to generate free charges under irradiation.

Figure 9 (a) Relative dielectric constant of BHJs films containing IT-4F

and ITIC acceptors measured at different frequencies. (b) Extracted εr of
thin films based on the same BHJs and neat accepter materials as a func-
tion of light wavelength using ellipsometry method. Pictures taken from
ref [64].

2.4.1. Alternating current frequency. Impedance spectrosco-

py (IS) is a sensitive technique, which can be performed in batches
with capturing multiple processes. However, the issue of decon-
[65] Figure 10 Influence of light on the capacitance of (a) pristine P3HT and
volution should be concerned. In a typical measurement pro-
(b) P3HT:PC61BM blend. Picture taken from ref [63].
cess with IS, the response of the sample gradually accumulates
with the change in the frequency of applied AC fields: at low fre-
quencies, the impedance analyzer will collect all the signals that 2.5. Future development of high dielectric constant OSC
increase with frequency; however, some contributing species will materials
not be able to make changes to the field. Fast enough responses While the smart synthesis has led to donor and acceptor ma-
essentially freeze their response and their contribution will be terials with high dielectric constants, the increase of εr is accom-
ignored. In order to obtain the true and reliable dielectric con- panied by the sacrifice of other important properties such as
stant of the material, it is necessary to understand the polariza- crystallinity, microstructure, phase separation, recombination,
tion contributing to the overall capacitance and to “mute” those reduced hole/electron mobilities. As an example, Reynolds and
unwanted polarizations. In low frequency domains, the polariza- coauthors introduced polar cyan groups to the end of DTS-TPD
tion could be affected by ionic conduction or injection of charge polymer side chains. Although the introduction of cyan groups
carriers, both of which cannot describe the intrinsic response of increases the dielectric constant of the polymer, a poor JSC was
the material to the field. For this reason, it is preferable that the observed in OSCs, due to the higher energetic disorder in hole
measurement of the dielectric constant of organic materials is transport which limits the enhancement of device performance.
5 6
carried out in the high frequency regimes, e.g., between 10 —10 Recently, Nguyen and coworkers reported the effect of increasing

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