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General Assignment

Academic skills for Higher Education – ASE331

(1st semester, 2021-2022)

Review and write an essay on all of academic skills you have learned
from the subject.
Note: You can add more information and citation from other sources and
attach them in the list of references.
Submit hard copy of your comprehensive essay of this assignment.
Deadline 16:00 pm on 20 Dec, 2021 (use full format you learnt).
Academic skills for Higher Education – ASE331
(1st semester, 2021-2022)
1) Writing report to reflect your gains of attitudes, knowledge, skills
(particularly academic skills) and your improvement after taking the course.
You may refer below suggestions to write:

 What are your own ideas about value of life and skill? and how value of
life and skills are developed?
 Do you think that you are a member in academic community? What
should you do to be real member in that respected community?
 Since of taking the ASE331 course, what your attitudes, skills
(particularly academic skills) have changed? How did they changed?
What do you do to create the conditions that led to success? Did you
practice? Did you urge yourself on a particular way? Did you find people
to help?
 On the way of yourself development, what were difficulties that you
overcame and lessons you learnt from it.
2) Submit hard copy of your comprehensive report. Deadline 16:00 pm on 3
January, 2022 (use full format you learnt).

3) You will have 5 minutes to present your report (online) in Exam day of
4 January, 2022.
- Students of Tuesday morning class will present from 7:30 – 9:30 am
- Students of Saturday morning class will present from 10:00 – 12:00 am
- Student of Saturday afternoon class will present from 14:00 – 17:00 pm
You will be called to present following A-Z order of your name in class.

4) Submit video clip of your presentation on 5 January,2022.


Assoc.Dr. Hoang Van Phu


First cover:




Reflection report of my gains of attitudes, knowledge, skills

and personal improvement
after taking the course ASE331

This submitted to
Lecturer: Asso. Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Phu
The Department of Life Science
International School of Thai Nguyen University

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for Subject of Academic Skills for Higher Education (ASE331)

Month…, Year…….
Preliminary pages (number of page: use Latin numerals: i, ii..)
Topic title
List of Symbols and Acronyms/Abbreviations
Table of contents
List of figures (if available)

Main pages (number of page: use Arabic numerals or digit (1, 2, 3…)
Main contents


Follow American Psychological Association format (APA)

Note: Citations: use of the American Psychological Association (APA)

Times New Roman; no capital; font 12 pt, no bold, 1 column; justified; single space for a
article, 3 pt for different article; tab starts from second line: 1 cm.

Colmer T. D., M. R. Gibberd, A. Wiengweera, andT. K. Tinh (1998). The barrier to radial
oxygen loss from roots of rice (Oryza sativa L.) is induced by growth in stagnant
solution. Journal of Experimental Botany, 49(325), 1431-1436.

Supplementary pages
Appendix / Annex (if any)

Format requirements
Paper Type: White, A4
Margin: Top: 2.0 cm; Left: 2.5 cm; Right: 2.0 cm; Bottom: 2.0 cm
Font: Time New Roman, 12pt
Line spacing: 1.5

Slide 1: Introduce yourself

Slide 2: Talk about values and skills

Slide 3 - 4: Talk abut academic skills

Slide 5 - 6: What are your changes and how

Slide 7: Conclusion and lessons learned

You have only 5 minutes to present.

Record it and submit

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