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(GAE - 485)

Agrinext Consultancy, Pune

A Training Report submitted to the



In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree



Submitted by

Miss. Rutuja Prakash Gorivale

(ENDPU 2017/845)


JUNE 2021

I hereby declare that this report or part

Thereof has not been submitted

By me or any other person to

Any other University or

Institute for an award

Of Degree or


Place: Dapoli (Rutuja Prakash Gorivale)




 Office: (02358) 284090 / 282414, Fax: (02358) 282414

No. CAET / Dean / In-plant Training / /2021 Date: / /2021


This is to certify that Miss. Rutuja Prakash Gorivale has successfully completed
four months In-Plant Training during 01/02/2021 to 31/05/2021 at Agrinext Consultancy,
She has presented her work to evaluation committee and explained the outcome
satisfactorily. She has completed all the formalities required for In-Plant Training with
submission of report.

Evaluation Committee

Member Member Secretary




 Office: (02358) 284090 / 282414, Fax: (02358) 282414

No. CAET / Dean / In-plant Training / /2021 Date: / / 2021


This is to certify that Miss. Rutuja Prakash Gorivale (Regd. No. ENDPU 2017/845)
has successfully completed In-Plant training at Agrinext Consultancy , Pune during
01/02/2021 to 31/05/2021.

(Dr. P. B. Bansode) (Prof. Dr. S. K. Jain )

Coordinator Head of the Department
In-Plant Training and Chairman

(Dr. Y.P. Khandetod)

Associate Dean
College of Agril. Engg. and Tech., Dapoli


I take it to be my proud privilege to avail this opportunity to express my sincere and
deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Y. P. Khandetod, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture
Engineering and Technology, Dr. B. S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli for providing me
the necessary facilities for summer training.

I am gratified to record sincere thanks to Mrs. Madhuri S. Ghugari, Director of

Agrinext Consultancy, Pune, for his constructive suggestions and encouragement bestowed
during entire period of training. I am also thankful for providing me actual expenditure
during training Programme.

I am thankful to, Prof. Dr. S. K. Jain Professor and Head, Department of Farm
Structure Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Dapoli for his
timely co-operation during the training.

It’s my pleasure to express sincere thanks to, Assistant Professor H.T. Jadhav ,
Department of Farm Structure Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering and
Technology, Dapoli for suggesting and supporting me to take In Plant Training in Irrigation
and Drainage engineering.

I extend my sincere gratitude to Dr.P.B. Bansode, In-charge, in-plant training,

CAET, Dapoli, who was instrumental in deputing me for the in-plant training.

Place: Dapoli
Date: (Miss. Rutuja Prakash Gorivale )


1.1 Company Profile 1
1.2 Introduction 1
1.3 Vision 1
1.4 Services offered at Agrinext Consultancy 2-3
1.5 Mission 3
1.6 Services offered @ Agrinext Consultancy 3
1.7 About the Director 3


4.1 Introduction 7-9
4.1.1 Basic terminologies related to Irrigation 7-8
4.1.2 Types of Pressurized Irrigation system 9
4.2 Introduction to Drip Irrigation 9-28

4.2.1 History of Drip Irrigation 10-11
4.2.2 Need of Drip Irrigation system 11
4.2.3 Principles of Drip Irrigation System 12
4.2.4 Layout of Drip Irrigation System 12
4.2.5 Components of Drip Irrigation System 12-15
4.2.6 Advantages of Drip Irrigation System 15-16
4.2.7 Limitations of Drip Irrigatiom System 16
4.2.8 Types of drippers 16-21
4.2.9 Filters 21-25
4.2.10 Fertigation Equipments 25-27
4.2.11 Safety Equipments 27-28
4.3 AutoCAD 28-29
4.3.1 General Overview 28
4.3.2 General commands used in AutoCAD 28-29
4.4 Design of Drip Irrigation System 30-32
4.4.1 Design Objectives 30
4.4.2 Perfect Design 30
4.4.3 Unit Conversions 30
4.4.4 Basic Formulae 30
4.4.5 Data Collection and FSQ 30-31
4.4.6 Design Calculations 31-32
4.5 Pump Duty Calculations 32-33
4.6 Design procedure of drip on paper 33
4.7 Maintenance 34-35
4.7.1 Drip Maintenance 34
4.7.2 Daily Maintenance 34
4.7.3 Weekly Maintenance 34
4.7.4 Fortnightly Maintenance 34
4.7.5 Quarterly Maintenance 34
4.7.6 Yearly Maintenance 34-35

4.8 Guest Lectures 35-43
4.8.1 Guest lecture on “Ground water hydraulics” 35-37
4.8.2 Guest lecture on “Artificial Intelligence” 37-39
4.8.3 Guest lecture on “Expert session on Rivulis Irrigation” 39-41
4.8.4 “Subsidy procedure & carrier growth path” 41-42
4.8.5 “Interview Techniques” 42
4.8.6 “Agriculture Commodity & Supply chain” 42-43
4.9 Field Visit 44-45
4.9.1 National Research Centre for Grapes, Manjari Farm , Pune 44
4.9.2 College of Agriculture , Pune 44-45
5.1 Sprinkler Irrigation System 46-48
5.1.1 Introduction 46
5.1.2 Types of Sprinkler Irrigation System 46
5.1.3 Selection of Sprinkler Irrigation System 46
5.1.4 Advantages of Sprinkler Irrigation System 46-47
5.1.5 Limitations of Sprinkler Irrigation System 47
5.1.6 Sprinkler design & Problems 47-48
5.2 Convert GPS file into AutoCAD file 49-50
5.3 Hunter Online Test & Solve Questionnaires 50-51
5.4 Study Drip Irrigation Design 51-57



3.1 Training Schedule 5-6

4.1 Components of Drip Irrigation System 12-15

4.2 Difference between Inline & Online Dripper 17

4.3 Difference between PC & Non-PC Dripper 18

4.4 Difference between Cylindrical & Strip Dripper 18-19

4.5 Choosing filter according to Dirt type 21

4.6 Guidelines for choosing filtration type according to 21-22

water source & quality

4.7 Equivalent silica size 22

4.8 Unit conversions 30

4.9 Data Collection & FSQ 30-31

4.10 Pump Duty Calculations 32-33

4.11 Acid Treatment 35

5.1 FSQ 52-53

5.2 Irrigation Data for Guava 54

5.3 Operational Schedule for Guava 55

5.4 Head loss of Main line 55

5.5 Head loss of Submain line 56

5.6 Pump Duty Calculations for Guava 56-57



4.1 Types of Pressurized Irrigation System 9

4.2 Types of Drippers 18

Plate No. Name of figure Page No.
1.1 Services offered at Agrinext Consultancy 2
4.1 Drip Irrigation Layout 9
4.2 Traditional Irrigation method 10
4.3 Drivers for Drip Irrigation 11
4.4 Layout of Drip Irrigation System 12
4.5 Online Non-PC Dripper 20
4.6 Online PC Dripper 20
4.7 Inline Non-Pc Dripper 20
4.8 Inline PC Dripper 21
4.9 Gravel Filter 23
4.10 Hydrocyclone Filter 24
4.11 Disk Filter 24
4.12 Screen Filter 25
4.13 Fertilizer Tank 26
4.14 Venturi 27
4.15 Action Commands 28
4.16 Drawing entities 29
4.17 Line-weight 29
4.18 Netafim Net-Beat System 39
4.19 Manna Irrigation 41
4.20 Lift Irrigation System 44
4.21 Automation system in field 44
4.23 Water Conservation Structures at COA, Pune 45
4.24 Greenhouse visit at COA, Pune 45
5.1 Sprinkler Head 47
5.2 Layout of Sprinkler Irrigation System 48
5.3 Example on Sprinkler Irrigation System 48
5.4 Image on Google Earth Software 49
5.5 Image on Map Source /Garmin software 49
5.6 Image on .GPX File save as .DXF File 50

5.7 Image on .DFX File open in AutoCAD software 50
5.8 Image on Google Earth software 53
5.9 Image on .DXF file open in AutoCAD software 54
5.10 Drip design for Guava in AutoCAD 57

CAET College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology
DBSKKV Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth
Dept. Department
Hp Horse Power
Agril. Agricultural
Engg. Engineering
Er. Engineer
Dr. Doctor
Avg. Average
mm Millimeter
cm Centimeter
etc Etcetera
Fig. Figure
gm Gram
ha Hectare
hr Hour
Hp Horsepower
i.e. That is
kg Kilogram
m Meter
PC Pressure Compensating
DFS Digital Farm Solution
HR Head representative
lph Litre per hour
PCJ Pressure Compensating Junior
TM Trade Mark
NRV Non Return Valve
UV Ultraviolet

CV Coefficient of Variance
CNL Compensating Non Leakage
MS Mild Steel
PE Pan evaporation
Pc Pan Coefficient
Kc Crop Coefficient
SBU Strategic Business Unit
KMZ Keyhole mark-up language
GDB Geo-database
DXF Drawing Exchange Format

1.1 Company Profile
Company details : Agrinext Consultancy, Pune

Address : Agrinext Consultancy, Bhosale Garden, Hadapsar , Pune

Phone No. : 7440403736
mail ID : agrinext2018@gmail.com

Director : Mrs. Madhuri S. Ghugari

Mobile : 7440403736

1.2 Introduction
“Agrinext Consultancy” is a leading consulting organization working in the
agro-industries domain, serving to small, medium and large-scale micro-irrigation and
agro-industries with its simple and reliable products and solutions. It was established in
2018 with a vision to develop micro-irrigation with the help of modern design
technologies and applications. Agrinext works for the development of agricultural micro
irrigation industry by imparting expert modern design and consulting solutions. Various
services offered by Agrinext which include micro-irrigation system design, corporate
trainings, technical trainings, business development planning &consulting service;
keeping major focus of providing the “Technically Feasible and Economically Viable”
micro-irrigation system design.

1.3 Vision
To develop micro-irrigation with the help of modern design technologies and

1.4 Services offered at Agrinext Consultancy

Plate No. 1.1 Services offered at Agrinext Consultancy

1) Micro-irrigation design solutions:

The simple and economical micro-irrigation system design is very important
to have a sustainable system micro-irrigation system; design is the key factor. A
technically feasible and economically viable designs made by Agrinext experts can
increase the systems life, saves on various resources like water, electricity, human
efforts, etc., helps to satisfy the customer needs thus, making him a loyal customer.
Makes remarkable difference in approach, gives repeated and loyal customers to the
company. Therefore, helps in increasing company’s business.

2) Micro-irrigation training solutions:

Training provides a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge base among
all employees. Agrinext provide modular training solutions for organizations internal
and external stakeholders. These trainings include micro-irrigation system technical
training, motivational training, In-plant training for engineering students, training on
micro-irrigation system installation etc. Training helps organization in aspects like -
positive attitude and better approach towards customers, increase competitiveness,
better utilization of their skills, economical use of resources, increase productivity and
adherence to quality standards, reduces monitoring needs, improves organizational
viability, scalability & flexibility hence helps in increasing company’s business.

3) Business development:
Agrinext plan for business profitability by offering the consultation solutions
for marketing, promotional and branding activities to micro-planning, data analysis,
complete business development.

4) Staffing Solutions:
For efficient human resource management hiring right person, for right
position is utmost important. Employees, who are well managed and receive
continuing training and evaluation, are better prepared to do their jobs and to serve
your customers.

1.5 Mission-
Agrinext works for the development of agricultural micro irrigation industry
by imparting expert modern design and consulting solutions.

1.6 Services provided @ Agrinext-

Keeping our major focus of providing the “technically feasible and
economically viable” MIS design intact:

 MI System Design
 Corporate Training
 Technical Training
 Consulting Services
 Business Development Planning
1.7 About the director-
Mrs. Madhuri S. Ghugari, have completed her Bachelors in Technology from
renowned Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola and post-Graduation in
Management from Symboisis, Pune. Her 10+ Years of industrial experience in the
field of Micro Irrigation have compelled to her venture into the business consulting.
her prime objective is to bring smile to the farmers face.

The In-plant training of four-month duration performed during 1 Feb 2021 to 31
May 2021 at Agrinext Consultancy, Pune with objectives mentioned below,

1) To understand the Drip irrigation system.

2) To understand sprinkler irrigation system.
3) To get knowledge about lift irrigation system design.
4) To get hands on training in drip irrigation system design on AutoCAD software.
5) To get on field experience of field survey, design parameters and installation,
maintenance of drip irrigation system.

The In-plant training was conducted at Agrinext Consultancy, Pune during period 1
February, 2021 to 31 May, 2021 at Pune
Table No.3.1: Training Schedule
Sr. Date Details
1. 01/02/21 Registration, Importance of in plant training, Industry
expectation & carrier options after B.tech, Drip Concept and
History Part 1
2. 02-03/02/21 Various irrigation methods (flood, Drip, sprinkler) their Aim,
advantages limitations, components
3. 04-05/02/21 Basis of infiltration, various water source & types of filters
4. 06-07/02/21 Holiday
5. 08-10/02/21 Fertigation equipment, Sprinkler irrigation, foggers, pop ups
sprinkler, pivot irrigation, rain gun
6. 11-12/02/21 Classification of Drippers, components, various comparisons
of dripper
7 13-14/02/21 Holiday
6. 15-16/02/21 Soil water plant relationship, classification of soil, various
safety equipment’s
8. 17-19/02/21 Basic Design concept, objectives of design, parameters for
design combination, Area calculations & unit conversion
9 20-21/02/21 Holiday
10 23/02/21 Guest lecture on bore recharger, urdhvam by Mr. Rahul
Bakare sir
11. 24/02/21 Guest lecture of Netafim BFS manager Mr. Balaji Biradar sir
12. 25/02/21 Guest lecture of Rivulis irrigation by Mr. Lalbahadur Joshi sir
13. 26/02/2021 Field visit to national research centre for grapes, Manjri-pune
14. 27/02/2021 Holiday
15. 28/02/2021 Holiday
16. 01/03/2021 Field visit to college of Agriculture, Pune
17 02/03/21 Holiday
18. 03-10/03/21 Concept of Design and its calculations (Application rate,
irrigation time, no of shifts & valve, head loss)
19. 11/03/21 Subsidy procedure and carrier growth path by Mr. Ravindra
Jadhav from Netafim irrigation
20. 12/03/21 Guest lecture by Mr. Lalbahadur Joshi from Rivulis irrigation
at morning

21. 13/03/21 Interview techniques by Chandrakant Turare sir at afternoon
22. 15/03/21 Agriculture commodity & supply chain by Mr. Mandar Gadge
from Mahindra e Krishi
23. 16/03/21 Guest lecture by Mr. Lalbahadur Joshi from Rivulis irrigation
on components and Manna irrigation.
24. 17/03/21 Maintenance of drip irrigation
25. 18/03/21 Holiday
26. 22/03/21 World Water Day celebration & competition
27. 23/03/21 Give information of Various irrigation companies
28. 24-29/03/21 Placement of students in various companies
29. 30/03-02/04/21 Irrigation designs and their problem
30. 05/04/21 Holiday
31. 06/04/21 Cooperate reporting, email etiquettes
32. 07-09/04/21 Design Quotation of various companies
33. 11/04/21 Study of POCRA Project
34. 12/04/21 Subsidy Guidelines for drip
35. 13/04/21 Holidays
36. 14-22/04/21 Lockdown & work from home
37. 23/04/21 Guest lecture by Mr. Pradeep mudgalkar from BERMAD on
‘Automatic control Valves’
38. 27-30/04/21 Lift irrigation system design
39. 06/05/21 National conference on innovation global trends in art, design
technology, management & education
40. 11/05/21 Detailed project of solar based lift irrigation project
41. 14/05/21 Big Project execution and success stories
42. 24/05/21 Hydroponics
43. 28/05/21 Insight on career enhancement

The four-month training was done at Agrinext Consultancy, Pune. During this
training period following points were covered.
4.1 Introduction
Irrigation is the artificial application water to the land or soil. It is used to assist in the
growing of agricultural crops, maintenance of landscapes, and re-vegetation of distributed
soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall.

4.1.1 Basic terminologies related to irrigation:

1. Soil texture:
Relative proportion of mineral partials (sand, silt and clay) in given soil.
2. Soil Depth:
Thickness of soil cover over hard rock or hard sub-stratum below which roots cannot
3. Soil Structure:
The arrangement of soil particles and adhesion of smaller particles to form large ones
or aggregates.
4. Soil porosity:
The space in given soil that is occupied by air and water and not occupied by soil
5. Soil Moisture Tension:
The moisture held in the soil against gravity. Soil moisture tension is a measure of the
tenacity with which water is retained in the soil and reflects the force per unit area that must
be exerted to remove water from the soil.
6. Field Capacity:
It is the amount of water remained in the soil after removal of gravitational water.
7. Permanent Wilting Point:
Moisture content at which plants are not able to absorb water from soil and show
8. Available moisture content:
It is the difference between field capacity and Permanent wilting point.

9. Infiltration:
It is the process of entry of water into the soil generally by downward flow through
all part of the soil surface.
10. Percolation:
The post infiltration water movement downward within the soil profile under the
influence of both gravity and hydrostatic pressure.
11. Permeability:
It indicates the relative ease with which air and water penetrate or pass-through soil
12. Seepage:
The slow lateral movement of water through soil pores or small cracks in soil profile
under unsaturated condition known as seepage.
13. Evaporation:
Loss of water from the exposed surface of the soil.
14. Transpiration:
Loss of water from the leaves.
15. Evapotranspiration:
Total loss of water from the soil by the capillaries and by the plants.
16. Water Requirement:
It is defined as quantity of water required by a crop or diversified pattern of crops in
a given period of time for its normal growth under field conditions at a given place. It is
expressed in depth per unit time.
17. Net Irrigation Requirement:
It is the amount of irrigation water just required to bring the soil moisture content in
the effective crop root zone depth to field capacity. Thus, net irrigation requirement is
difference between the field capacity and the soil moisture content in the root zone just before
application of irrigation water.
18. Irrigation Scheduling:
Scientific irrigation scheduling is a technique providing knowledge on correct time
and optimum quantity of water application at each irrigation to optimize crop yields with
maximum water use efficiency and at the same time ensuring 18 minimum damage to the soil

4.1.2 Types of Pressurized Irrigation System:

Fig. No.4.1 Types of Pressurized Irrigation System

4.2 Introduction to Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation system is the irrigation system in which there is direct application of
measured quantity of water, near the root zone of crop, with uniform distribution of water,
through the small openings or orifices called emitters. Drip irrigation is a system, applies
measured quantity of water near to root zone, when it required to the crop with equal
distribution of water, which is user friendly in the operation with more life having affordable

Plate No. 4.1: Drip Irrigation Layout

4.2.1 The History of Drip Irrigation:

Mainline tubing is a flexible polyethylene tubing used for carrying water

throughout a drip system. It is designed to carry water from your spigot to your plants via
emitters, sprayers, sprinklers, or drip lines inserted along its length. We know that the origins
of drip--or micro-irrigation, goes back to ancient times, but from where and when did the idea
of modern drip irrigation come about?

Plate No.4.2: Traditional Irrigation Method

The story of modern drip irrigation begins with a man named Simcha Blass. Born
November 27, 1897 in Poland, Blass studied engineering before co-founding Mekorot,
Israel's national water company, which provided water for Israel's southern Negev desert in
the 1930's. Around the time that Blass was working on the first modern aqueduct in the

Jordan Valley, a farmer he knew drew his attention to a large tree growing "without water".
After digging around the apparently dry surface, Blass found a leaking pipe coupler was
supplying water to this tree.

In 1948, Blass bought up the pipes that England had used to extinguish fires during
the London Blitz and shipped them home where they were used to construct a water system
to supply 11 Israeli settlements and the Arab Bedouins in the Negev. After years of
experimentation, a device, using water pressure and friction to control the water emitted from
holes drilled at regular intervals in a plastic tube, ushered in the age of modern drip irrigation.

With the advent of modern plastics in the late 1950's, Blass reopened his private
engineering office with his son, Yeshayahu, and pursued the idea of commercial drip
irrigation. His main goal was the creation of a product that ran the water from the pipe
through an emitter with a larger and longer passageway that used friction to slow the flow to
a steady drip. In the early 1960's Blass developed and patented the first practical plastic drip

Working at Kibbutz Hatzerim during this period, Blass and his son developed drip
irrigation systems both in Israel and abroad. He soon found investors within the Kibbutz to
purchase his technology and erect a facility for large scale manufacturing of drip tubing and
emitters. Taking Blass's original "spaghetti" tubing, along with a new inline emitter
developed with the aid of other engineers, they formed Netafim, the world's first drip
irrigation company.

In 1992, some 27 years later, Drip Works was founded on the principle that water is
one of the world's most precious resources. From the beginning, Netafim has been one of our
most dependable suppliers, providing the highest quality drip irrigation products available.

4.2.2 Need of drip irrigation:

Water resources of country are depleting at an alarming rate and growing population
and changing lifestyles are putting more and more pressure on the available resources.
Under the circumstances it is needed to popularize drip irrigation method in various state
of country through extension services which may give information about technology
needed and economic benefits of drip irrigation and help to reduce over exploitation of
water resources of the country.

Plate No. 4.3: Drivers for Drip Irrigation

4.2.3 Principles of Drip Irrigation system:

1. Water is applied at a low rate over a long period of time.
2. Water is applied at frequent intervals.
3. Water is applied directly to the crop root zone.
4. Water is applied through low pressure delivery system.

4.2.4 Layout of Drip Irrigation System:

Plate No. 4.4: Layout of Drip Irrigation System

4.2.5 Components of drip irrigation system:
Table No.4.1 Components Drip Irrigation System
Components Use Image

1 Water source To store water.

2 Pump set To deliver the water from source

(well) to main.

3 Filter To clean the water and deliver it

to the main.

4 Fertilizer To inject fertilizer in the

Injector irrigation system.

5 Mainline To convey irrigation water from
water source to the sub main.

6 Sub main To convey irrigation water from

mainline to sub main.

7 Lateral To convey water from sub main

to emitters.

8 Emitters To supply water from lateral to

root zone of plant

9 Control To control the flow of water.


10 Grommet To connect the sub main to
and Take-off lateral.

11 End caps To close the laterals.

12 Flush valve To flush the sub main.

13 Air release To release the entrapped air in

valve the system.

14 Non-return To prevent backflow of water.


15 Pressure To measure the pressure.

4.2.6 Advantages of drip irrigation System:

1. In drip irrigation, night irrigation is easy and possible.
2. Drip irrigation is suitable for salty water also.
3. There is very less accumulation of salts in soil.
4. EC and PH can be controlled.

5. Water saving by 30-70% depending on the crop.

6. Large area under irrigation.

7. High Water Use Efficiency (Water losses are minimized).

8. Uniform supply of water to all the plants.

9. Less weed growth.

10. Labour saving – weeding, irrigation and fertilizer application.

11. Energy saving (Electricity).

12. Cultivation with mulches is possible.

13. Simple to irrigate the field.

14. Fertilizer saving.

15. Increased yield and better quantity over year to year.

16. Facilitates growing of crops in undulating areas without land levelling

4.2.7 Limitations of Drip Irrigation System:

1. High initial cost.
2. Clogging problem.
3. Technical skill is required in design and operation.
4. No protection against frost.

4.2.8 Types of Drippers:
Drippers are used to release water to plant from lateral tubing. Emitters can be
punched directly into laterals or manufactured directly as integral drippers.


Online Inline/Integral Other


Non-PC PC Strip/ Flat Cylindrical


Fig. No. 4.2 Flow chart of Drippers

1) Online
In this system drippers are fixed above the lateral as per the crop spacing and soil
type. Online products are available in different flow rates 2, 4, 8 lph.
2) Inline
In this system drippers are fixed inside the lateral in the factory itself. Inline products
are available in different sizes such as 12, 16, 20 mm and different flow rates 1, 1.9, 2, 2.85,
3 lph.
Table No. 4.2 Difference between Inline and Online Dripper
Inline Dripper Online Dripper

Factory itself fixed spacing Manually attached

Increase 20% more life. Decrease 20% less life.

Minimum mechanical damage Maximum mechanical damage

Less friction High friction

High permissible length Less permissible length

Installation is easy as good as laying a Installation is complicated & time

plain pipe/lateral. consuming

Table No. 4.3 Difference between PC and Non-PC Dripper

PC Dripper Non-PC Dripper

Same discharge with pressure 0.5-4 kg Operating pressure 1 kg per square cm,
per square cm it varies discharge varies

More permissible length, reduce sub- Less permissible length, increase sub-
main cost main cost

Self-flushing mechanisms available No self-flushing mechanisms

Clogging resistance is high Clogging resistance is less

Uniform distribution of water Non-uniform distribution of water

Use in undulating land Can’t use in undulating land

Anti-drain mechanism is available No anti-drain mechanism is available

Table No. 4.4 Comparison of strip dripper and cylindrical dripper

Sr. No Strip/Flat dripper Cylinder dripper

1 Length of labyrinth is short hence Length of labyrinth is long hence more

less chances of clogging due to chances of clogging due to impurities.

2 Less friction loss in the lateral helps High friction loss in the lateral which
to increase permissible length of affects permissible length of lateral
3 Wider water passage area in shorter water passage area in labyrinth
labyrinth improves life of dripper reduces life of dripper

4 Easy to rolling and unrolling Difficult to takes more space in rolling

and unrolling

5 Dose not damage dripper during Chances of damages near to dripper

winding/ rolling during winding/ rolling

6 Possibility to manufacture in thin Can’t Possibility to manufacture in thin

wall for low cost wall for low cost

7 Wider filter area and high filter Smaller filter area and low filter
efficiency efficiency
8 Strip dripper helps to side line Chance of impurities enters in filter of
impurities which reduces clogging dripper directly which increases
chances clogging chances

9 Rare chances of mechanical damage Huge changes of mechanical damage

of dripper of dripper.

10 Elimination of impurities from the Elimination of impurities from the

dripper is easy dripper is comparatively complex

11 Effective diameter is more Effective diameter is less





Plate No. 4.5 Online Non-PC dripper

(for e. g. Button Dripper)




Plate No.4.6 Online PC Dripper

(for e. g. PCJ Dripper)
Labyrinth (Turbo- Next technology)


Filter Plate No.4.7 Inline Non-PC (AriesTM Dripper)

Root Barrier

Pressure Compensation
Chamber Diaphragm


Plate No.4.8 Inline PC (Drip net PC Dripper)

4.2.9 Filters:
The maximal diameter of a ball shaped particle which can pass through the screen wires.
Mesh is the number of holes per square inch expressed in mm.
Table No. 4.5 Choosing filter according to dirt type
Dirt type Filter type Filter Principle
Various solids and sand Screen filter Surface filtering
Clay, silt and some sand Disc filter Depth filtering
Organic matter Gravel filter Depth filtering
Sand Hydro cyclone filter Centrifugal separation
of solids from water.

Table No. 4.6 Guidelines for choosing filtration type according to water source and
Water source Problematic factor Filter type
(Severe problem) (Mild

Well Sand Hydro cyclone Screen or

control Disc
Well Bacteria (Iron, Chemical treatment Disc
Sulphur, Manganese) + Disc filter

River Clay, Silt and organic Gravel filter control Disc

Reservoir Algae, Organic matter Gravel filter control Disc

Effluent water at Algae, Organic matter Gravel filter control Disc
secondary treatment level

a) Primary Filters:
1. Sand /Gravel Filter:
1. Used as primary filter for open water source such as water from reservoirs, dams,
open canals, rivers, sewage water and other types of contaminated water.
2. For removal of biological impurities like algae.
Working Principle:
Gravel filters operate by allowing unfiltered water to pass through a bed of aggregate
(crushed silica) that captures the suspended material as the water passes through the tank. The
bed of aggregate recommended is crushed basalt, has many varying aperture sizes that makes
the water travel through many passages on its way from the inlet to the outlet of the filter.
Depth filtration allows capture of algae and organic impurities from unfiltered water.
Efficiency of large particle retention is very high as long as the gravel is kept clean.
Table No. 4.7: Equivalent silica size (mm)
Media Mesh Micron (μ) Min Max Average
Crushed silica 80 – 130 170 – 120 0.8 1.3 1.05
1. Can be installed individually or in battery of filters.
2. Available in Flow rate 10 to 50 m3/hr.
3. The filtration media and mushroom filters are housed in epoxy coated M.S. body.
4. The standard size of silica is between 0.9 and 1.5mm.
5. Backwashing is recommended when, the pressure difference between the filter inlet
and outlet reaches 0.5kg/cm2.

Plate No. 4.9 : Gravel Filter

2. Hydrocyclone /Sand Separator Filter:

Used as primary filter for bore well to remove high density material (sand).
Working Principle:
It operates on two forces i.e. centrifugal force and gravitational force. The water inlet
is provided tangentially at the upper part of the funnel shaped body. As the water enters the
hydro cyclone tangentially, it gives spiral motion to the water. The centrifugal force thus
created forces the sand and the other solid particles heavier than water towards the wall from
where it slides downwards into the collecting tank at the bottom and the clean water rises
spirally to the outlet above.
The velocity at which the water flows through the Hydro Cyclone filter determines
the efficiency at which the particles are separated from the water.
1. M.S. pre-treated epoxy powder coated–Threaded BSP or Flanged connections.
2. M. S. powdered coated sand collection chamber at bottom.
3. Available in flow rate 10 to 50 m3/hr.
4. When pressure difference at inlet and outlet becomes equal to or greater than 0.5
kg/cm2flushing is necessary.

Plate No. 4.10 : Hydrocyclone filter

b) Secondary Filters:

1. Disk Filter:

Plate No. 4.11 : Disc filter

The intersections between the grooved faces of any two pair of adjacent discs
through which water passes as shown in above image.

1. Primary filter for Bore wells and secondary filter for open water sources.
2. Depth filtration increases filtration efficiency.
3. Flushing operation: pressure difference at inlet and outlet is 0.2 kg/cm2.
4. Completely corrosion resistant.

2. Screen filter:

Plate No. 4.12: Screen filter

1. Screen filter can be used as a secondary filter and available in 10, 25, 30 and 50m3/hr.
2. They can be manual or self-cleaning and only used for clean water.
3. They have a replaceable stainless-steel screen, and the screen ranges from 40-140
4. Screen filters may be installed downstream the sand media as a preventive filter in
case the sand media is fails.

4.2.10 Fertigation Equipment’s-

Selection criteria of right fertilizers to be used through fertigation equipment-

1. 100 % soluble fertilizers in water to be selected to prevent drippers from clogging

causes due to insoluble impurities available in fertilizer

2. Zero / No precipitation at any condition in applied fertilizer solution to prevent
clogging of drippers.
Types of Fertigation Equipment-

1. Fertilizer Tank, Venturi, Injector

2. Hydraulic electric pump.

1. Fertilizer Tank-
i. Made of mild steel and very simple to use and maintain.
ii. Operated by hydraulic pressure in the irrigation system, doesn’t require any
external energy
iii. Can be connected as inline or bypass
iv. Only one solution, bulk fertigation.
v. Not accurate fertigation. Chances of corrosion.

Plate no. 4.13 Fertilizer Tank

2. Venturi Injector –
i. Principle of vacuum suction created by an advanced venturi complex. This allows
the injectors to operate at small pressure differentials. A vacuum is created as the
water flows through a converging passage that gradually widens
ii. Injection is activated at the chemical inlet, when there is a pressure differential
between the water entering the injectors and the water and chemical leaving to
the irrigation system
iii. This pressure differential can be between 15-75% according to the required
injection rate.

Plate no. 4.14 Venturi

4.2.11. Safety Equipment’s

1. Non-Return Valve-

i. Allows water to flow through it in only one direction.

ii. This is called as Check Valve or Clack Valve or Non-Return Valve or One
way Valve.
iii. Generally installed after pump set & at the start of irrigation system when the
water is carried against slope.
iv. A flap is used which restrict reverse entry of water.

2. Vacuum Breaker Valve-

i. Admits large quantities of air when the pipe drains

ii. Applications: For all types of irrigation system in general and subsurface drip
irrigation system in particular.
iii. Features / Benefits:
• Avoid damaging PVC pipes from collapsing.
• Eliminates vacuum that could draw contaminants into the drip system.
• Non corrosive.

3. Air Release Valve-

i. To prevent system by releasing air pockets frequently.

ii. Features and advantages:

iii. Perfect sealing under very low system pressure
iv. High flow capacity
v. Patented operation together with smart design
vi. Simple, compact and reliable product
vii. Benefits:
• Only one or two moving parts, depending on model
• Corrosion resistant construction

4. Pressure Relief Valve-

i. Used as a safety equipment in drip/sprinkler irrigation to avoid damage to

pipe system.
ii. Generally installed at head control unit.
iii. Selection of size based on the flow of water through irrigation system.
iv. Can be set according to the required pressure needed to maintain in the

4.3 AutoCAD
4.3.1 General Overview
AutoCAD is a commercial computer- aided design (CAD) program used for 2-D and
3- D design and drafting software application. It is used in the industry, by architects, project
manager, engineers, graphic designers, city planners and other professionals.
4.3.2 General commands used in AutoCAD
1) Action Commands
 Array (AR): -Creates multiple copies of objects in a pattern
 Break (BR): -Breaks the selected object between two points.
 Join(J): -Joins similar objects to form a single, unbroken object.
 Chamfer (CHA): -Bevels the edges of objects.
 Copy (CO): -Copies objects a specified distance and direction. Plate No.4.15 Action
 Mirror (MI): -Creates a mirrored copy of selected objects.
 Move (MOV): - Move object from their current location to a new location.
 Offset(O): -Creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and parallel curves.
 Stretch(S): -Stretches objects crossed by a selection window or polygon
 Trim (TR): -Trims objects to meet the edges of other objects.

 Rotate (RO): -Rotates objects around a base point.
 Undo/redo: -Allow you to undo or redo previous commands
 Wipeout (WIP): -Creates a blank area that covers existing objects.
 Zoom(Z): - Increases or decreases the magnification of the view.

2) Drawing entities
 Rectangles (REC):-draw a closed rectangular shape.
 Circle(C):- draw a circle.
 Blocks(B):- creates a block definition from selected objects
 Point (PO):- Creates a point object.
 Polygon (POL):-Creates an equilateral closed polyline.
 Arc (A):- it is a segment of a circle. Plate No.4.16 Drawing
 Hatch(H):-Fills an enclosed area selected objects with a atch pattern, solid fill, or gradient
 Lines(L):-Line segments are created by entering starting
and end points. They can be entered in the Dynamic
Input or the Command Line at the bottom.
 Polylines(PL):-it is very similar to a line it required first and second end points. But
polyline is one object, even though it may have many segments.
3) Layers
 Manages layers and layer properties.
 Layerstate(LAS):-Saves, restores, and manages named layer states.
 Isolate(ISOLATE):-Hides or locks all layers except those of the selected objects
 Unisolate(UNISOLATE):Restores all layers that were hidden or locked with the LAYISO

4) Lineweights(LW)
 Sets the current Lineweight, lineweight display options
andlineweight units.
 AutoCAD lineweights can also be assigned to a layer
andto individual drawing entities.
 Lineweight is almost always represented byCOLOR.

 Using individual lineweights adds a layer of needless
complexity to the drawing.

4.4 Design of Drip Irrigation System Plate No.4.17 Lineweight

4.4.1 Design objectives -
1. Correct design
2. Reduce problems
3. Satisfy customer
4.4.2 Perfect design-
1. Technical Correction
2. Economical
3. User Friendly
4.4.3. Unit conversions-

Table No. 4.8 - Unit conversions

Sr. No Units Equals to

1 1m 3.28 feet
2 1m 100 cm
3 1 ha 10000 m2
4 1 acre 4047 m2
5 1 ha 2.47 acre
6 1 m3 1000 liter
7 1 kg/cm2 10 m of water column

4.4.4. Basic formulae-

• Area of square =a2

Area of rectangle = a × b

Area of parallelogram = b × h

Area of trapezoid = ((b1 + b2)/2) × h

Area of circle = π r2

Area of triangle = b × h

4.4.5. Data collection and FSQ-

Table No. 4.9 - Data collection and FSQ

1. Name of crop

2. Crop spacing (Depend upon row direction)

3. Total area

4. Area to be design

5. Crop age (in horticulture crop)

6. Suggested product spacing

7. Water source

8. Water source depth

9. Pump details

10. Electricity(hours)

11. Automation required/centralized design/Regular

4.4.6 Design Calculations-

1. Design area
2. Water Requirement = Crop Spacing (m2) x P.E x Pc x KC x % Wetted
(lit/day/plant) Area

Where, P.E.-Pan evaporation(mm/day)

Kc-Crop coefficient
Pc-Pan coefficient

3. PWR (mm/day) =

4.Application Rate =

5. Shift Duration =

6. No. of Shifts per Day =

7.Total Lateral Length (m) =

8. Total No. of Drippers =

9. Total Drippers Flow = Total No. of Drippers x Drippers Discharge(lph)

Rate (lph)
10. Hp of Pump =

4.5 Pump Duty Calculations

Table No. 4.10 Pump duty calculations

Dripper operating pressure 10m

Lateral head loss 1m

Submain head loss To calculate

Elevation 2m

Fitting losses 1m

Head required at inlet of submain Addition of above

Head loss in mainline To calculate

Elevation in mainline -

Fitting losses 1m

Head required at inlet of mainline Head at SM+ HL in ML+ elevation

and fitting losses

Secondary filter 2m

Venturi 6m

Primary filter 4m

At inlet of head unit Head at ML+ secondary filter+

ventury+ primary filter HL

Fertilizer tank 3m

Depth of water source 10m

Vertical suction 1m

Pump head requirement Head at head unit +fertilizer tank+

depth of water source+ vertical

4.6 Design procedure of drip on paper

1. Divide total area into number of shifts.
2. Location of submain
a. The submain is placed perpendicular to row direction.
b. It also depends upon permissible length of lateral.
c. For economical design the submain pipe diameter should be less than
mainline diameter.
d. It may be 50mm, 63mm, 75mm etc.
3. Location of mainline
a. It should have minimum length.
b. The size of mainline depends upon maximum shift flow required.
4. Location of valves (flush valve and ball valve) on submain line
a. Location of ball valve man be given at center or at start of submain in
each shift.
b. The flush valve is located at end of submain in each shift.
5. Location of laterals
a. Lateral length depends upon permissible length of product.


1. Friction losses are taken from chart for which through pipe (Mainline,
Submain) is required.
2. Head loss in mainline is more as it carries total flow.
3. For calculation of head losses in submain, length of submain is taken from
remote valve to last lateral on submain of shift.
4. Suggest the pump head and total discharge required only.

4.7 Maintenance
Things to do before drip irrigation –
1. Soil testing
2. Water testing
4.7.1. Drip maintenance –
• Flushing of disc filter
• Flushing of screen filter
4.7.2 Daily maintenance
• The pressure gauge reading at lateral end and drippers
• If pressure at last dripper is less than 0.8 kg/cm2 indicates.
• Pump not creating pressure
• Filter is chock
• System is damaged somewhere & check leakage
• More valve open than scheduling
4.7.3 Weekly maintenance:
• Flushing of main & submain line
• Flushing of laterals
4.7.4 Fortnightly maintenance:
• Clean the gravel filter by rubbing the sand in it then back wash
• Check for any leakage in system
4.7.5 Quarterly maintenance:
• Check the level and quality of gravel in gravel filter
• Check all rubber parts and iron parts for rusting
• Chlorine treatment
• Acid treatment
• Check leakage in main, submain lines
• Check leakage in valves
• Check air release valve working
4.7.6 Yearly maintenance:
• Check filter element of disc filter
• Check filter element of screen filter
• Check gravel & hydro cyclone filter
• Check pH of water

1. Acid treatment:
Tool required for acid treatment –

a) Field of data required is, flow of system to be treated and pH of

irrigation water b) Acid – desired pH

Table No. 4.11 – Acid treatment

Acid Percentage Recommended concentration

in treated water
Hydrochloric acid 33% 0.6%
Phosphoric acid 85% 0.6%
Nitric acid 60% 0.6%
Sulphuric acid 65% 0.6%

c) pH paper, beaker and other safety tools

Acid treatment is the key method to clean drippers-

1. Calculate total flow of system or shift

2. We have to carry out acid treatment by finding out the time for water to reach up
to last dripper
3. Now calculate flow for 15 min
4. Calculate the quantity of acid to make pH 3
5. Now we have to check the venturi flow rate
6. Once acid treatment is over keeping the system ideal for 24 hrs.
7. We have to flush system before and after the acid treatment
8. Check the dripper discharge and repeat the acid treatment procedure until we get
desired discharge.

2. Chlorine treatment –
1. Types of chorine available:
2. Calcium hypochloride (solid)
3. Sodium hypochloride (liquid – domestic use) 4. Chlorine gas
5. Bleaching powder
6. We required 20 ppm chlorine
7. Same procedure we have to run as we have done for acid treatment
8. To have the 20-ppm concentration the chlorine paper becomes purple colour
9. We have to check the concentration at the end of dripper.

4.8 Guest lectures

4.8.1 Guest lecture on “Ground Water Hydraulics”

Speaker: Mr. Rahul Bakare (C.E.O., Urdhvam)

Water Availability:
1) Aquifer:
Aquifers are the geological formation that can store water as well as allow the
flow of significant amount of water through their pores under ordinary field

a. Confined aquifer: Aquifer bounded by two impermeable formation on its top

and bottom are called confined aquifer.
b. Unconfined aquifer: Where groundwater is in direct contact with the
atmosphere through the open pore spaces of the overlying soil or rock, then the
aquifer is called an unconfined aquifer.
2) Bore Charger:
Bore charger increases water production capacity or yield of an existing
borewell with very low investment. It is a unique technology which helps
harvesting rainwater from the top most seasonally replenishable unconfined
aquifers. Bore charger make the bore-well highly sustainable by recharging
dripper confined aquifers.

Implementation of bore charger tool used to enhance the yield of failed or

low yielding bore-wells. The yield improvement is achieved by puncturing the
casing of bore-well at appropriate depths to allow water from the unconfined
aquifer system to enter the bore-well.

3) Bore Charger Impact

a. Improved irrigation and drinking water quantity and quality.
b. Reduction in salination of soil due to dissolved salt.
c. Improvement in soil health.
d. Improved farm output productivity, production and farm
e. Reduced cost of tanker water supply and water treatment for urban population.
Water detection methods: -
A. Traditional methods
1. Forked sticks
2. Pendulum
3. Wire roads
B. Technical methods
1. Electro resistivity survey

2. Electro - magnetic survey
3. Jetting
4. Blasting
5. Chemical bomb
Benefits of technical method of water detection-

• If the cost of this method is more but assurance of water availability is more
• Save money and labor cost
• Provide sustainable water source

Benefits of bore charge

• The recharging of bore well is increased by 4 – 20 times

• 90% -95% guaranty of success
• Recharging of dry and less water wells
• Improve drinking water quality
• Require less electricity
• Obtain more yield and get maximum profit from field

4.8.2 Guest lecture on “Artificial Intelligence”

Speaker: Balaji Biradar (DFS Manager, Netafim irrigation)

1) "Automation in drip irrigation:

An automated micro irrigation system increases crop yield, save water and
energy and labour cost as compared with manual system. Also, increased process
control makes more efficient use of irrigation water, resulting in less water
consumption or high-water use efficiency.

i. By minimizing risk in agriculture
ii. By bringing latest yet simple technology in agriculture B.
Systems involved:
i. Time based system: Start time, quantity of irrigation (in minutes or seconds)
and number of cycles per day can be set. Maximum duration, number of cycles depends
upon model and manufacturer of the controller.

➢ Features
a. The cheapest system
b. Easy to program and operate

➢ Construction
a. No feedback from the system (no monitoring)
b. Power failure or interruption may skip partial or complete cycle
ii. Volume based system:
Start time and quantity of irrigation (in lit or m3) number of cycles per day can be
set. The maximum number of cycles depends upon model and manufacturer of the

➢ Features
a. Operational flexibility: Time or volume based
b. Exact quantity and flow calculation
c. Flow deviation (no flow, low and high flow), detection alarm generation.
iii. Real time sensor-based system:
Irrigation is executed according to signals from the sensors like soil moisture
sensor, tensionmeter, solar radiation, vapour pressure deficit, evapo-transpiration.

a. Irrigation is executed as and when required
b. Saving of resources (water, electricity, fertilizers)
c. Combination of time, volume and sensor based
d. Number of sensors required depend upon size and geographical conditions 1)
2. "DFS (Digital Farming Solutions):
To minimizing the human efforts in agriculture Netafim introduced Net-Beat,
the first irrigation system with a brain.

Components of DFS are,

a Controller: Controller controls the several parameters like whether condition
and soil condition. There are several controllers like Radio net, Single net,
Mini-Ag, NMC Nano, etc.
b Nutrigation machine: There are several nutrigation machines like Fertione,
Fertikit, NetaJet. Fertikit and Neta-Jet dosing machine can precisely maintain
the desired pH required in the solution.
c Sensors: Sensor monitoring is used in Net-Beat.
d Management: Netafim’s monitoring and management systems include sensor
and cuttingedge solutions comprised of wireless communications systems

based on advanced radio frequency technology and manage state of the art
crop management software.

Plate no. 4.18 Netafim Net-beat system

4.8.3 Guest lecture on “Expert session on Rivulis irrigation’’

Speaker: Mr. Lalbahadur Joshi

Rivulis: A small stream or River in Latin

Challenges in Agriculture Irrigation:

• Water is scarce
• Erratic supply of electricity
• Unreliable farm labour for irrigation
• No feedback mechanism available to ensure crop water requirements are fulfilled.
• Affordability of water efficient system 4 “R” s of Drip Irrigation:
• Drip – Right Time
• Drip – Right Place
• Drip – Right Quantity
• Drip – Right Company
Essentials for successful implementation:
1. Proper selection of product/equipment
2. Proper designing
3. Proper installation
4. Proper operation and maintenance

Type of drip irrigation system:

1. Online drip
2. Inline drip
1. Product range: online dripper
Flow regulated (PC)

• Supertif & Supertif ND

• Katif
• Corona & Corona ND
Non flow regulated (Non-PC)

• E1000
Adaptors – Snapeg, Dripeg

2. Product range: inline drippers

Flow regulated (PC)
• Round drippers
• Hydro PC & PCND
Flat drippers

• Round drippers
• Hydrogol
• D 2000
3. Product range: Inline drippers (thin wall) & drip tapes
Flow regulated (PC)
• D5000
Now flow regulated (non pc)

• D1500 (WT:15mil)
• D1000
• D900 (Eolos Compact)
• Ro drip
• T tape
4. Product range: Micro sprinklers & sprayers
Non flow regulated (Non-PC)
• Rondo Micro Sprinkler
• S2000
Flow regulated (PC)

• S2000 PC

• Tomado Ray Jet

Manna irrigation intelligence
A leading provider of irrigation intelligence software solutions: proprietary
satellite models and sensor free cloud – based software, that provides growers with
high resolution, integrated view of the entire field.

What is irrigation intelligence?

Provide each plant with the right amount of water, at the right time, for
optimized productivity and sustainability

Manna solution as against present methods

1. Tradition ‘Father to sun’

2. Irrigation protocols
3. Soil and plant sensors
4. Remote sensing
Manna: Irrigation recommendation system

Sensor – free, site specific, dynamic irrigation recommendation:

• Reliable: based on deep agronomic knowledge with irrigation specialty

• Simple: no equipment, accessible and easy to use
• Affordable: no CAPEX, low- cost subscription
• Mass market: global coverage of satellite & weather

Plate no. 4.19 manna irrigation

4.8.4 Guest lecture on “Subsidy procedure and carrier growth path”

Speaker: Mr. Ravindra Jadhav (Business Development Manager, Netafim Irrigation)

Subsidies to the farmers who adopt drip irrigation system or sprinkler irrigation
• Before 2008 – NMMT – National Mission on MI
• 2008 – 2011 - NMSA – National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture
• 2008 - 2015 – OFWM – On Farm Water Management
• FY 2014 – PMKSY – Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana

➢ Mode of implementation:
1. Project mode – Subsidy amounts gests created in to
company account
2. Cash & carry mode – DBT (Direct Beneficiary Transfer)
➢ Condition to apply for subsidy:
1. Maximum land holding – 5 Ha (Small & Marginal: < 2Ha to 5 Ha)
2. Subsidy structure of Maharashtra state - small & marginal: 45% & 55%
3. Timeline to repeat the subsidy application: 7 years
➢ Key stakeholder in subsidy business:
1. Manufacturer of drip or sprinkler irrigation system (sales engineer, DM, MD,
2. Dealers or distributors or channel partner of drip or sprinkler irrigation system
3. Government officers (DOH, DSAO, TAO, FO, TO, etc.)
➢ Subsidy process implementation system:
1. Subsidy portal plays important role in the process implementation
2. Registration of manufacturer @ State Govt. online through portal
3. Registration of dealers @ State Govt. online through portal
4. Farmer online application @ State Govt. online through portal

4.8.5 Guest lecture on “Interview Techniques”

Speaker: Mr. Chandrakant Turare
Followings points are discussed
• Interview techniques: How to face, dressing style, confidence, behavior,
communication skill, knowledge of your field, way you speak, and way you
express your ideas all these things are noticed by interviewer.
• How to write resume: first write short summery of yourself, precise resume
must be written, proper spacing, highlights main points, these points must
add in resume.

4.8.6 Guest lecture on “Agriculture Commodity and supply chain”

Speaker: Mr. Mandar Gadge (Mahindra e Krishi)

Satellite based plot wise sugar recovery in partnership with Gamaya,

Switzerland to enhance the productivity of sugar mills
• Harvest readiness- plan your harvesting dates at peak crop maturity to
optimize your sugar recovery
• Farm boundaries- identify sugarcane farm boundaries and estimated planting

• Yield monitoring- identify sugarcane farm boundaries and estimated planting
Benefits to sugar mill-

• Higher sugar recovery

• Digitization of process of issuing harvesting orders
• Periodic plot was recovery
• Cost savings on lab testing
• Yield monitoring to estimate the mill running days
• Saving on operations
1. Smart renting – Accessibility to all advanced technology equipment with quality
assurance on pay as you use model
Benefits to farmer –
• Lower investment in machines
• Quality service with latest and advanced technology
• Lower cost of farming
• Higher manpower efficiency
• Healthier crop
2. Krish-e:- Aamdani bandhao - A premium advisory service for farmers to help
increase their income. Progressive, affordable, accessible interventions across the
crop cycle with a focus on improving farming outcomes.
Farmers main point
• Irrigation
• Fertilizer applications
• Disease and pests
• Crop planning
Benefits to farmers –

• Increase in income: Yield increase per acre due to the scientific techniques of
crop planning, timely and correct irrigation methods, appropriate dosage of
fertilizer, advanced disease and pest management systems.
• Reduction in expenses: soil testing, pest and disease alerts and weather
conditions help to identify the right quantity and reduce the excessive and
unnecessary dosage of fertilizer, pesticides, insecticides.
• Expert guidance: Guidance from our experts during entire crop cycle to
support & provide solutions for each query. This helps personalize the
solutions even further for each farmer.
• Krish-e Nidaan- identify diseases and pests affecting your crop. Click a
photo, upload and get instant solution.

4.9 Field Visit
4.9.1 National Research Centre for Grapes, Manjari farm, Pune
Mr. Khade sir gave us information about their manually operated drip
irrigation and automatic drip irrigation. Manually operated drip irrigation included screen
filter, sand filter, water source, pump, air release valve and components of drip. Total
100 acres of land under drip irrigation. 50 acres was manually operated and other 50
acres was under automatic drip irrigation.

Plate No. 4.20 Lift Irrigation system for lifting water from well

Plate No. 4.21 & 4.22 Automation

system in field

4.9.2 Collage of Agriculture, Pune

Mr. Ravindra Bansode sir who
is the head of agriculture department
gave us information about soil water
conservation structure.

Soil and water conservation structure

1. Gabion structure
2. Wooden dam
3. Drop spillway
4. Chute spillway
5. Diversion nala bund
6. Earthen nala bund
7. Cement nala bund

8. Kolhapur type weir
9. Vanrai bandhara
10. Farm pond
11. Compartment bunding
12. Contour cultivation
13. Vegetative bunds
14. Contour bunds
15. Graded bunds
16. Bench terraces
17. Continuous contour trench
18. Staggered contour trench
Their after we went to greenhouse in which sir gave us information about
greenhouse cultivation, drip irrigation and fogger system in greenhouse. Then calculate
flow from drippers and foggers.

Plate No. 4.23 Water Conservation Structures at COA , Pune

Plate No.4.24 Greenhouse visit at COA, Pune.

5.1 Sprinkler Irrigation:

5.1.1 Introduction

Sprinkler irrigation is the method of applying irrigation water which is similar to
rainfall. Water is distributed through system of pipes usually by pumping, it is then spread
into their and irrigates entire soil surface through spray heads so that it breaks up into small
water drops which fall over the plants.

5.1.2 Types of Sprinkler Irrigation:

Sprinkler system are of the following two types:

1.Rotating Head System.

2.Perforated Type system.

Rotating head System:

Based on portability sprinkler system are classified into following types: -

a. Portable System
b. Semi Portable System
c. Semi-Permanent System
d. Solid Set System
e. Permanent System
5.1.3 Selection of Sprinkler Irrigation system:

• Based on Crop to be cultivated

• Shape and size of the field
• Topography of the field
• Time to operate the system
5.1.4 Advantages of Sprinkler irrigation:

1. Land Levelling is not Essential

2. No Conveyance Loss
3. Suitable to all types of soils except clay
4. Suitable when plant population per unit area is very high.
5. Water Saving.
6. Increase in yield
7. Portable
8. Saves Labour
5.1.5 Limitations

1. Wind Distorts Sprinkler pattern and causes uneven distribution of water.
2. Ripening soft fruits must be protected from the spray.
3. A stable water supply is needed for the most economical use of the equipment.
4. The water must be clean and free from sand, debris and large number of dissolved

Plate No. 5.1 Sprinkler Head

5.1.6 Sprinkler design and their Problem:

Sprinkler irrigation system allows application of water under high pressure with
the help of a pump. It releases water similar to rainfall through a small diameter nozzle
placed in the pipes. Water is distributed through a system of pipes, sprayed into air and
irrigates in most of the soil type due to wide range of discharge capacity.
• Sprinkler system is portable system.
• There are 2-3 micro sprinklers on one line.
• In sprinkler system shifts may changes.
• Working Pressure of Impact Sprinkler is 25 kg/cm2.
• Efficiency of sprinkler irrigation is always below 80%.
Various Types of sprinklers are-
 Impact type sprinkler
 Plastic sprinkler
 Micro sprinkler-jet
 Fogger
 Pop-up Sprinkler
 Pivot Irrigation Rain Gun

Plate No. 5.2 Layout of sprinkler irrigation system
Design formulas:
Sprinkler Discharge , Q(lph)
1. AR (mm/hr) =
Sprinkler Spacing , m× Lateral spacing
2. Q= Area ×AR
3. Total Flow = No. of sprinkler × Sprinkler Discharge
Discharge ,lps × Head , m
4. Hp of Pump = 75× Pump of effency
5. Pump Capacity = Q× H× 9.81

Plate no. 5.3 - Example on Sprinkler design

5.2 Convert GPS file into Auto-cad:

Design Procedure

1. To draw the outlines of given area in Google Earth software and make .KMZ file.

Plate No. 5.4: Image on Google Earth software

2. Convert .KMZ file into .GPX file in Global Mapper Software.

3. Open .GPX file in a Map Source/Garmin Software and save as .DXF file.

Plate No. 5.5: Image on Map Source/Garmin software

Plate No. 5.6: Image of .GPX file save as .DXF file
4. Open .DXF file in AutoCAD software.

Plate No. 5.7: Image of .DXF file open in AutoCAD software

5.3 Online Hunter test and Solve Questionaries

A) Product Technician
1. Rotors Overview- Covers the features & benefits of hunter rotors.
2. Sprays / Nozzles- It included six tests related to spray adjustment and maintenance.
3. MP Rotator- Covers MP rotator std. series, MP rotator 800 series.
4. Remotes Overview- Covers the ROAM remote, ROAM XL remote.

5. Residential controller overview- Covers X- core, Pro-c, PCC, Pro-HC, Pro-c
Hydrawise, HC, Hydrawise software.
6. Valves Overview- Covers the 1” PGV, 1.5” PGV, ICV, IBV, Accu-sync, Quick
coupling valve.
7. Sensors Overview- Covers the Solar sync, Rain sensor, Mini weather station, Freeze
clik, wind clik, soil clik, etc.
8. Battery powered controllers- Covers the XC hybrid, Node, WVP & WVC.
9. Commercial controllers Overview- Covers the ICC2, I-core, Dual for I-core, ACC,
ACC-99D, ACC2, ACC-Decoder, ICD-HP, PSR.
10. Drip and Micro Irrigation Overview- It includes Hunter dripline, MLD, Eco-mat &
Eco wrap, PLD fittings, Micro irrigation accessories, Emitters, Risers, Tubings&
Micro sprays, Drip control zone kit.

B) Irrigation Designer
1. Irrigation Design Overview
2. Plot Plans
3. Hydraulics
4. Design Capacity
5. Sprinkler Selection
6. Sprinkler Placement
7. System Layout and Pipe
8. Calculating Frictional Losses
9. Precipitation Rates
10. Scheduling Irrigation

5.4 Study drip irrigation design

1. To prepare irrigation data for drip design.
2. To prepare operational schedule for drip design.
3. To prepare pump duty calculations for drip design.

Table No. 5.1 Farm Survey Questionnaire




1 Crop- Guava
5 Irrigation System Drip
(Drip/Subsurface/Micro Sprinkler)
6 Area (Tentative Area Ac or Ha) 2.74 ha
7 Elevation
8 *Plant age New
9 If Plantation PWR (Lit/day/Plant or

10 Row direction- North-South

11 Row to Row Spacing (m) or (ft) 3.05 m
12 Plant Spacing (m) or (ft) - 1.83 m
13 Dripper/Drip line to be suggested- NPC, Online, 0.4m, 1.0 lph
14 No.of lat/drip lines per row - 2
15 Water source details Open Well
16 Water Source Depth (m) or (ft):
17 Pump details (New /Existing -Pump HP/ Suggest
18 If Existing Pump Flow and Head -
19 Electricity Available for Irrigation (Hrs) 8 Hrs
20 Existing PVC Pipe Location, Size, Class
& Length
21 Other Information if any
22 Required Automation No
23 Special Suggestions

Compulsory Attachment

GPS survey, Gdb/Gpx/format OR Google Earth Image KMZ file with outline.

Surveyor’s site map in AutoCAD if available

Attach Plot Layout Indicate North Direction, Road, WS, Building, Future
Expansion area

Plate No. 5.8 Image on Google Earth Software

Design Procedure: -
1. To draw the outlines of given area in Google Earth software and make .KMZ file.
2. Convert .KMZ file into .GPX file in Global Mapper Software.
3. Open .GPX file in a Map Source/Garmin Software and save as .DXF file.
4. Open .DXF file in AutoCAD software.

Plate No.5.9 Image of .DXF file open in AutoCAD software
5. Preparation of Irrigation Data for drip design.
Table No. 5.2: Irrigation Data for Guava
CROP Guava
Net Area, Ha 2.74
Emitter type NPC INLINE
Irrigation System Drip
Distance between Rows, m 3.05
Distance between Plants, m 1.83
Emitter spacing m 0.40
No. of laterals per Row 2
Lateral spacing m 1.52
Emitter Discharge l/h 1.0
Emitter Operating Press., m 10
Application rate mm/h 1.64
Evaporation Equivalent mm/day 5.5
Evaporation Equivalent Lit/P/day 31
No. of Operations per day 2
Duration of one operation hr 3.35
Total operational time hr per Day 6.71
Water Source Open Well
Permissible length for 10% Flow Var., m 106
Per length for HL 5m, m 157

Total Q - (Cum / hr) 44.9

Ave. Flow per Shift (Cum / hr) 22.5
Area per Shift (Ha) 1.37
Daily water Requirement in Peak Period, m3/day 151

6. Preparation of Operational Schedule for drip design.
Table No. 5.3 Operational Schedule for Guava

Shift Valve Area Valve Flow Shift Area Shift Flow Operating Time
No. (Ha) (cu.m/h) (Ha) (cu.m/h) (Hr)
V1 0.61 10.0
1 1.22 19.9 3.35
V2 0.61 10.0
V3 0.73 12.0
2 1.47 24.1 3.35
V4 0.73 12.0
  2.68   2.68 6.70

7. Calculation of Head Loss of Main line.

Table No.5.4 Head loss of Main line
Pipe Size Pipe ID Flow Length Head Loss Velocity
(mm) (mm) (m3/h) (m) (m) (m/s)
Shift-1 140 133.6 30 100 0.25 0.59
110 105 30 100 0.82 0.96
110 105 30 100 0.82 0.96
90 85.8 30 100 2.19 1.44
75 71.4 30 100 5.37 2.08
63 60 30 100 12.52 2.95
SUM 180.0 600.0 21.97  
Mainline HL
Shift-2 160 152.6 96 100 1.14 1.46
140 133.6 75 100 1.38 1.49
110 105 47 100 1.88 1.51
90 85.8 24.1 130 1.90 1.16
75 71.4 22 100 3.02 1.53
63 60 15 100 3.47 1.47
SUM 279.1 630.0 12.80  

8. Calculation of Head Loss of Submain line.
Table No. 5.5 Head Loss of Submain line.
Submain HL
n Pipe Size Pipe ID Flow Length Velocity
Head (mm) (mm) (m3/h) (m) (m/s)
110 105 53 100 0.94 1.70
90 85.8 36 100 1.23 1.73
75 71.4 24 100 1.42 1.67
63 60 17 100 1.75 1.67
50 46.6 10 100 2.24 1.63
40 37.2 6 100 2.61 1.53

9. Preparation of Pump Duty Calculations for Drip.

Table No. 5.6 Pump Duty calculations for Guava
Pump Duty Calculations for Drip
  Shift No. 1
  Valve V1
1 Emitter Min. Operating Pressure ( m ) 10
2 Lateral Dripline Headloss ( m ) 2
3 Submain Headloss ( m ) 1
4 Elevation ( m )  
5 Valve Headloss ( m ) 2
6 Pressure Required at Valve Inlet ( m ) 15
7 Field Fitting Headloss ( m ) 1
8 Control Valve Headloss ( m ) 0
9 Mainline Headloss ( m ) 2
10 Elevation ( m ) 1
11 Pressure at the OUTLET of HU ( m ) 19
12 Secondary Filtration Headloss ( m ) 4
13 Fertigation Headloss ( m ) 4
14 Primary Filtration Headloss ( m ) 4
15 Pressure at the INLET of HU ( m ) 31
16 Water Source Depth ( m ) 15
17 Vertical Pipe Headloss ( m ) 2
18 Safty Factor ( m ) 1
19 Total Head Required ( m ) 49
20 Valve Flowrate, m3/h  
21 Shift Flow Rate CM/H 24.1

Pump Requirement For Drip:  

Shift No 1
Q cu.m/h 24.1
Q lps 6.7
H mt 49
HP (by Formula) with 65% efficiency 6.7

10. Preparation of drip design in AutoCAD.

Plate No. 5.10 Drip design for Guava in AutoCAD
The In-plant Training at Agrinext Consultancy, Pune started on 1 st February 2021 and
concluded on 31st May, 2021. It consists of an introduction to industry and its working.
Different works were allotted accordingly to complete the various objectives of In-plant
training. It not only included basic knowledge required while stepping in irrigation
industries, but also introduced to corporate world, field activities and AutoCAD software.

From this training Program at Agrinext Consultancy, I have learnt different

engineering aspects of irrigation &design of drip irrigation. The things that I have
learnt here will surely benefit me in developing my further career.

The outcome of training can be concluded in following points:

1. In training program, I learnt drip irrigation system design& installation.

2. I got best experience in designing drip system with AutoCAD and on paper

3. Also, the involvement in installation of drip system provided me the on-field

4. Guest lecturers gave enhance knowledge about corporate world.


The training helped in gathering knowledge about basics of drip irrigation,

its design aspects, installation experience. The knowledge gained during the In-
plant training was overwhelming and will definitely be useful in the future.

Training also introduced me to the applications like AutoCAD, Google

Earth- Pro, Global Mapper, Map Source, etc., which brought a chance to learn the
drawing of drip irrigation system designs.

The involvement in the installation of drip system, during the training,

provided me the on-field experience. Most importantly it acted as a bridge between
what we had been taught in our classrooms previously and the field of
professionalism in which we are going to enter.


1.Drip Irrigation Handbook


3.@ agrinextconsultancy


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