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Genesys Conversion

J. Scott "DrainSmith" Zumwalt Peter Whitley
Wizards of the Coast


If you have any feedback, issues, or questions contact me on reddit as

/u/DrainSmith, Discord as DrainSmith#0001, or email at scott.zumwalt@gmail.com

Document Version 1.3.0

Genesys Conversion


A copy of The Lost Mine of Phandelver from the Dungeons
& Dragons Fifth Edition Starter Set is required to make
use of this document.
3 2 1 2 1 1
Use the Goblin (Minion) stats available in Realms of Terrinoth
on page 152. The goblins will form two minion groups of 3
3 7 0/0
each. One group will start and remain at medium range and Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Survival 3.
make ranged attacks. The other group starts at short range and Talents: None.
will maneuver to engaged on their turn. If there are ever one or Abilities: Pack Tactics (While within Short range of an ally add
fewer goblins in either group they will all attempt to flee. jj to any combat check).
Equipment: Fangs (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range
GOBLIN TRAIL [Engaged]).
Snare. Spotting the trap is an Average (kk ) Vigilance check
or, if the character is actively searching, an Easy (k ) Perception 4. STEEP PASSAGE
check. If the trap goes unnoticed, then the character makes an
Western Passage. Any character on the ledge when it falls makes
Average (kk ) Coordination check to avoid trigger the snare.
an Average (kk ) Coordination check to avoid falling from
If they fail they are suspended upside down at short range above
Short range.
the ground. If they are not lowered down slowly the character
will suffer falling damage (Genesys CRB p112).
Pit. Spotting the trap is a Hard (kkk ) Vigilance check or
an Average (kk ) Perception check if the character is actively If the goblin here notices the PCs then it will attempt to sneak
looking. On a failed check the character suffers wounds equal to away to warn the goblins in area 7. Make an opposed Stealth
1 plus the number of uncancelled f. vs Vigilance check against the PC with the best dice pool to
determine if the goblin is spotted.
CRAGMAW HIDEOUT The PCs may attempt to sneak up on the goblin using their
Stealth vs the goblin’s Vigilance.
Bridge. PCs may take an action to cut the rope bridge. Any
1. CAVE MOUTH character on the bridge when it is cut will fall from Short range.
If the characters make a lot of noise the goblins in area 2 will
Flood. Characters can make an Average (kk ) Coordination
attack from within the thicket (difficult terrain). Players roll Ini-
or Athletics check to avoid being swept away.
tiative using Vigilance and the goblins will roll Cool. The gob-
lins receive jj to this roll and receive Defense 1 from being
behind cover. 6. GOBLIN DEN
Sildar is at his wound threshold. Any additional damage inca-
2. GOBLIN BLIND pacitates him, such as Yemmik shoving him. An Average (kk )
Medicine check or the Heal spell will get him back up.
If the characters were quiet while approaching the cave have the
them make an opposed Stealth vs. Vigilance roll against the
goblins. If the goblins go unnoticed they roll Cool for initiative 7. TWIN POOLS CAVE
while the PCs roll Vigilance.
The goblins in this area form minion group of three.

To calm the wolves, make a Hard (kkk ) Charm or Sur-
vival check with jj . If offered food add jj to the check
instead of jj .
Fissure. Average(kk ) Athletics check to climb.
If taunted outside of reach, the wolves will make a Hard (kkk)
Athletics check to break their chains. If the first check fails, they
will try again the next round with an Average (kk) difficulty.

Genesys Conversion

Equipment: Morning Star (Melee [Heavy]; Damage 6; Critical

KLARG (RIVAL) 3; Range [Engaged]), Hide Armor (+1 soak).

4 3 1 2 1 1 8. KLARG'S CAVE
The goblins form a minion group of two and the wolf is a
minion group of one.
5 15 0/0 Fire Pit. Allow the spending of a, t, h, or d to make
Skills: Melee (Heavy) 2 llkk, Stealth 2 llk, Survival 2 use of the Fire Pit. Kicking up coals or falling into it are exam-
lk. ples. Any character affected by it should make an Average (kk )
Resilience check or suffer 1 damage plus one for each uncan-
Talents: Adversary 1 (Upgrade difficulty of all combat check
celed f.
against this target once), Quick Strike (add j to any combat
checks they make against any targets that have not yet take their
turn in this encounter.) CONCLUSION
Abilities: Brute (May spend aaa or t to make an addition- Reward all players with 5 experience points for successfully
al hit. This may only be activated once per round). rescuing Sildar and an additional 3 if they defeat Klarg.

Genesys Conversion



BARTHEN'S PROVISIONS The Ruffians attack in a minion group of five. If the play-
er’s are feeling confident then consider spending a Story
Delivering the Supplies. If the characters did not res-
Point to add an additional Ruffian. Once the group is
cue Sildar then they can learn the local history by making
reduced to a single member then the remaining Ruffian
a Hard (kkk) Knowledge (Lore) check.
flees toward Tresendar Manor.
Quest: Halia’sJob Offer. To learn that Halia has an REDBRAND HIDEOUT
ulterior motive a character can make an opposed Vig- Tresendar Manor has many secrets. Consider times in
ilance vs Deception check. Halia has lkk for this which a and t could be spent to reveal these secrets.
check. Additionally, the players can spend a Story Point Additionally, any secret door can be found if a character is
to learn her motivation. actively searching and succeeds on a Hard (kkk) Percep-
tion check. Any locked door can be opened with an Aver-
age (kk) Skulduggery check with thieves’ tools or broken
down with a Daunting (kkkk) Athletics check. Listen-
ing at any door is an Average (kk) Perception check.

Genesys Conversion

Cell Doors. The doors can be opened with as per the

REDBRAND RUFFIAN beginning of this section or broken open with a Formi-
(MINION) dable (kkkkk) Athletics check. Use of a crowbar or
other means of applying leverage will reduce the check to
Daunting (kkkk). The GM can spend d with either
3 2 1 2 1 2 check to cause the lock to break and jam the door. A
blacksmith will then be required to remove the door.

4 4 1/1 6. ARMORY
Skills (group only): Brawl, Coercion, Melee (Light). The cloaks in this room can be worn to give the character
Talents: None. jj for any Deception check involving convincing any
Abilities: None Redbrand Ruffian that the character is also a Redbrand.
Equipment: Sword (Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
[Engaged]). Brigandine armor (Defense 1, +1 soak)
No additions necessary.
Cistern. The satchel can be found with a Hard (kkk)
Perception check.
Bridges. Character can make a Hard (kkk) Mechanics
If the characters make sufficient noise, then the ruffians
check to determine that the bridges are faulty.
in area 2 will attempt to sneak in to get off a surprise
attack. They have no Stealth skill, so their sneaking will Crevasse. Falling into the crevasse causes the character
only result in initiative being done with Vigilance for the to suffer falling damage from Short range. The bottom
players and Cool for the ruffians. of the crevasse is difficult terrain. Any character with a
Magic skill can feel that something has affected this area
Treasure. The satchel contains an Invisibility Potion
with magic.
(RoT page 102) and a Health Elixer (use painkiller CRB
page 116).
Ruffians here form a minion group of four. 3 2 3 2 3 2

The pit trap can be noticed with a Hard (kkk) Percep- 4 15 15 0/0
tion check. If this check fails, the character must make Skills: Brawl 2 llk, Perception 2 lk, Lore 1 lkk, Arcana
a Hard (kkk) Coordination check to avoid falling in 1 lkk.
the pit. Every a gained in the Perception check can be Talents: Adversary 1 (Upgrade difficulty of all combat check
used to add j to the Coordination check. If the trap is against this target once).
detected the character must make an Average (kk) Ath- Abilities: Weird Insight (Can target a single character up to
letics check to skirt around the edge. If t results in any Short range and does a contested Perception vs Discipline
of the checks it be used to disable the trap as the false check. If successful the nothic learns the target’s Strength, Flaw,
floor accidentally collapses in such as a way to create a safe Fear, or Desire. The target may spend a or t to choose which
passage. Should a character fall into the pit they will take otherwise it is up to the GM.)
falling damage from Short range. Equipment: Claws (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
4. TRESENDAR CRYPTS Spells: Even though the nothic has the Arcana skill it can only
cast one spell
The skeletons are a minion group of three. Use the Skeleton Rotting Gaze (Magic Action: Attack; Additional Effects: Poi-
(Minion) stats in the Genesys Core Rulebook page 146. sonous. Choose a target a Short range and make a Hard (kkk )
Arcana check. If successful do 3 plus 1 damage per uncanceled
5. SLAVE PENS s and the target must immediately take a Hard (kkk ) Resil-
The ruffians here form a minion group of three. ience check or additionally suffer 1 wound and 1 strain. This
extra damage counts as poison.)

Genesys Conversion


The bugbears are a minion group of four. If the rat was able to warn Iarno, characters get jj on
If the characters are wearing the red cloaks area 6 the checks to discover the secret door.
bugbears will automatically assume they are Redbrands. If they arrive through the secret door Iarno must roll
Convincing the bugbears to do anything is a Hard (kkk) Vigilance for initiative. If reduced to 5 or fewer wounds,
Coercion check. Getting information about Wave Echo Iarno will beg for his life.
Cave from them is a Hard (kkk) Coercion or Charm
If the characters force Droop to fight he will downgrade Reward each player 2 experience points that you feel role-
all of his checks once and add jj. Droop can be useful, played well while interacting the citizens of Phandalin.
however, if told to only perform the Assist action add j Reward all players with 5 experience points for success-
to one character’s dice pool per round. fully navigating the Tresendar basement and defeating
all the foes in their way. If they managed to defeat Iarno
10. COMMON ROOM reward them with 5 experience points. If he was captured
The Redbrands in this room are a minion group of four. alive the players should receive an additional 3 experience
If the characters burst into the room they will surprise
the occupants giving them jj on their Cool roll for
initiative and causing the Redbrands to use Vigilance. If IARNO GLASSTAFF
they enter casually they have a chance at an Average (kk) (NEMESIS)
Deception check to pass as Redbrands. Additionally, the
Redbrands here have been drinking heavily add jj to all
checks they make. 2 3 3 3 2 2

BUGBEAR (MINION) 2 25 20 2/2

Skills: Arcana 2 llk, Melee (Heavy) 1 lk , Vigilance 2
3 2 1 2 1 1
ll, Lore 2 llk.
Talents: Adversary 2 (Upgrade difficulty of all combat check
against this target twice).
4 6 0/0 Abilities: Combat Magic (Iarno may add the Close Combat
Skills (group only): Melee (Heavy), Stealth, Survival. spell effect without raising the difficulty of the skill check)
Talents: Quick Strike (add j to any combat checks they make Equipment: Staff of Defense (Melee [Heavy]; Damage 4; Criti-
against any targets that have not yet take their turn in this cal 4; Range [Engaged]; Defensive 2, Deflection 2)
encounter.) Spells: Iarno can cast anything from the Arcana list, but here are
Abilities: Brute (May spend aaa or t to apply damage a some he is likely to use. He uses the Staff of Defense as a magic
second time). staff magical implement. He will cast Defense Barrier as soon as
Equipment: Morning Star (Melee [Heavy]; Damage 6; Critical he is threatened.
3; Range [Engaged]), Hide Armor (+1 soak). Defense Barrier (Magic Action: Barrier; Additional Effects:
Add Defense. Iarno chooses himself as the target and makes a
Hard (kkk ) Arcana check. If successful his ranged and melee
defense will increase by 2 and for every uncanceled ss past
The rat has a wound threshold of 1. the first s he will reduce any damage received by 1.).
Any character with at least one rank in Alchemy can Magic Missile (Magic Action: Attack; Additional Effects:
determine the purpose of the apparatus. Destructive. Iarno chooses a target at Short or Engaged range
and makes a Hard (kkk ) Arcana check. If successful the tar-
get will suffer damage equal to 7 plus1 per uncanceled s. This
attack has Sunder (spend a to damage on item on the target,
can be activated multiple times (CRB p88)) and Pierce 2 (ignore
up to 2 points of soak)).

Genesys Conversion

Genesys Conversion



The random encounter is a staple of the Dungeons and Dragons
style of role-play gaming. It’s purpose is to make travel danger-
ous and keep the players on their toes. Unfortunately, they rarely
add anything to the story. The random happenstance and twists 2 25 20 1/0
of fate that make the game interesting happen all the time in Skills: Arcana 2 llk, Melee (Heavy) 1 lk , Vigilance
Genesys with every roll of the dice. It is this author’s opinion
2 ll, Lore 2 llk.
that the game be run without using random encounters, but
instead use travel as an opportunity to add other interesting bits
Talents: Adversary 2 (Upgrade difficulty of all combat
in to the story. Perhaps there can be a scene where the adven- check against this target twice).
turers sit around a campfire and trade stories of how they got to Abilities: None.
where they are now. If there is a part of the story that you wished Equipment: Staff (Melee [Heavy]; Damage 4; Critical 4;
were utilized more than find a way to add to it or foreshadow it Range [Engaged]; Defensive 1)
in some way. Use travel as chance to be more creative. Genesys Spells: Kost can cast anything from the Arcana list, but
gives us a way to think outside of the grid and tell more com- here are some he is likely to use. He uses his staff as a
pelling stories than the usual dungeon crawl. However, if that magic staff magical implement.
just isn’t your style than go ahead and use the random encounter
At Any Kost (Magic Action: Barrier; Additional
table anyway. The stats for all monsters on the table are available
elsewhere in this document.
Effects: Add Defense. Kost chooses himself as the target
and makes a Hard (kkk) Arcana check. If successful
CONYBERRY AND his ranged and melee defense will increase by 2 and for
every uncanceled ss past the first s he will reduce any
AGATHA'S LAIR damage received by 1.).
The Kost of Treachery (Magic Action: Attack; Addi-
Persuading Agatha is a Hard (kkk ) Charm check. If you feel tional Effects: Deadly. Kost chooses a target at Short
the players are role-playing it well add jj . Reward all players or Medium range and makes an Average (kk) Arcana
with 2 experience points for dealing with the hag.
check. If successful the target will suffer damage equal to
7 plus 1 per uncanceled s. This attack gains a Critical
OLD OWL WELL rating of 2 and Vicious 2.)
Noticing the zombie smell is an Easy (k ) Vigilance check.
Recognizing Kost’s tattoo an Average (kk ) Knowledge
(Forbidden) check. Recognizing his clothes is an Average
(kk ) Knowledge (Geography) check.
Use the stats for Reanimate (Minion) (RoT p166) for the
zombies. They will form three minion group of four.
Reward the players with 5 experience points for successful-
ly treating with Kost non-violently. If they manage to defeat
Kost and all 12 of his zombies reward them with 10 experience

Genesys Conversion


The twig blights here form two minion groups of three. Again,
THUNDERTREE you can choose to give the players a chance to detect the twig
blights. Otherwise, the twig blights can wait until the characters
Forcing open the swollen and stuck doors of intact buildings is are close and surprise the players. The characters will roll Vigi-
an Average (kk ) Athletics check. lance for initiative and the twig blights will use Cool and gain
jj to the check.
The twig blights here are a minion group of two. You can choose
to give the players a chance to detect them by rolling Stealth vs
Perception. Otherwise, they remain completely hidden in the
open and you can use them to reinforce the twig blights in area
2 if combat erupts.

Genesys Conversion


Venomfang will avoid a fight if he can. If cornered in his lair will
fight until reaching 15 wounds or 10 strain before flying away.
2 4 1 2 1 1 This should be a very difficult fight for the players. Venomfang
will fight very intelligently. Reward cleverness of the players as
much as you feel is warranted. They will know that the dragon
is in the tower and could use the element of surprise to tip the
3 3 0/0 scales in their favor. Find any way in which a or t can be used
Skills (group only): Brawl, Stealth, Cool. to give them advantages in the fight. Similarly, during the fight
Talents: None. any h or d generated by Venomfang should help the players
as much as possible. Also, make note that the dragon has a sil-
Abilities: False Appearance (indistinguishable from a
houette of 3 and that this will affect combat as per CRB p. 109.
dead shrub while motionless. Upgrade Stealth checks
twice), Flammable (If affected by an attack with Burn
the Twig Blight will suffer the damage twice), Darksight YOUNG GREEN DRAGON (NEMESIS)
(does not suffer any j as the result of fog, smoke, or dark-
ness if the obscured target is within Short range). 4 3 3 3
Equipment: Claws (Brawl; Damage 3; Critical 3; Range
5 3


6 30 20 1/1
The ash zombies form a minion group of four. Use the stats Skills: Brawl 4 llllk, Coercion 4 lllk, Cool 3
for Reanimate (Minion) (RoT p166) with the added ability: lll, Discipline 4 lllk, Ranged 4 llll, Resil-
Ash Puff (When a minion is removed from the group all char-
ience 4 llllk, Vigilance 3 lll.
acters in Engaged range suffer 2 damage and must make a Hard Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade the difficulty of combat
(kkk ) Resilience check. Every uncanceled s reduces the checks targeting this character twice), Swift (a dragon
damage from this effect by 1. This counts as poison). does not perform additional maneuvers to move through
difficult terrain).
Abilities: Flyer (can fly (CRB p 100)), Silhouette 3,
Sweep Attack (a dragon may spend a from a Brawl check
No additions necessary. to hit one additional engaged opponent that would be no
more difficult to attack than the original target, dealing
5. BLIGHTED FARMHOUSE base damage +1 damage per s), Terrifying (at the start of
The twig blights here form two minion group of four. They will the encounter, all opponents must make a Hard (kkk)
remain completely unseen and will not attack until the charac- fear check as an out-of-turn incidental (CRB p243). If
ters enter the farmhouse. The first round the minion group is 4. there are multiple sources of fear in the encounter, the
At the beginning of the second round the group becomes 8 as opponents make one fear check against the most terrify-
the remaining blights come in from the other door. ing enemy).
Equipment: Poison breath (Ranged; Damage 6; Criti-
6. RUINED STORE cal 3; Range [Medium]; Blast 6, Slow-Firing 3), anyone
damaged must immediately make a Hard (kkk) Resil-
Webs. The area around the door way is difficult terrain. To get
into the building through the door requires moving through the
ience check or suffer 6 wounds, claws (Brawl; Damage
webs. A character that attempts to perform the Move maneuver 11; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; Knockdown, Vicious 3).
through the area must make an Average (kk ) Athletics check
or suffer Ensnare 1. This will occur every time they attempt to 8. OLD SMITHY
enter or leave the area. Consider using t to cause the web to
The ash zombies in this area form a minion group of two.
be torn down to make the passage of other characters easier. A
character can be cut out of the web by another character using
an Action to do so. The web can be set on fire to clear it away in 9. HERBALIST'S SHOP
one round. Anyone in the web if this occurs will suffer 6 wounds
If anyone is searching this room they will successfully find the
with Burn 1.
wooden case on a Hard (kkk ) Perception check. If Mirna
Use the stats for Bane Spider (Rival) (CRB p147) for the giant sent them they succeed automatically.
spiders. Remember that these are rivals and not minions. They
each have their own activation and pool of wounds.

Genesys Conversion

10. TOWN SQUARE Equipment: Great Axe (Melee [Heavy]; Damage 8; Critical 3;
Range [Engaged]), Hide Armor (+1 soak).
Recognizing the subject of the statue is a Hard (kkk ) Knowl-
edge (Geography) check. If for some insane reason a character
really needs to knock the statue over they may do so with a BRUGHOR AXE-BITER
Daunting (kkkk ) Brawn check. They will be rewarded with
nothing but the shame of reducing an ancient piece of art to (RIVAL)
scattered chunks of stone.
4 2 1 2 1 1
The ash zombies in this area form a minion group of five.
5 10 0/0
12. WEAVER'S COTTAGE Skills: Melee (Heavy) 2 llkk, Coercion 2 ll.
The twig blights in this area form two minion groups of three. Talents: None.
Abilities: Aggressive (Moving from Short into Engaged
13. DRAGON CULTISTS range is a free maneuver).1
Equipment: Great Axe (Melee [Heavy]; Damage 8; Criti-
The cultists form three minion group of three and use the same
cal 3; Range [Engaged]), Hide Armor (+1 soak).
stat block as the Redbrand Ruffians.

Reward the players with 5 experience points for successfully CRAGMAW CASTLE
navigating Thundertree and defeating all the foes in their way.
If they managed to drive the dragon off reward them with an
additional 5 experience points. If they defeated the dragon com- 1. CASTLE ENTRANCE
pletely reward them with 10 experience points instead. If the characters are trying to sneak up to the
entrance they should roll Stealth versus the Vigilance
(k) of the goblin sentries. The roll should be done by the char-
WYVERN TOR acter with the weakest Stealth pool. If the goblins spot the char-
acters they will start out as a single minion group of four as the
characters approach the castle but will be reinforced with two
ORC CAMP additional minion groups of four after the characters enter area
Finding the orc camp is an Average (kk ) Survival check. 2 as the reinforcements are waiting in the hallway.
Every character participating in the search will suffer 1 strain for If the characters attempt to pass themselves off as Redbrand
every h generated and 1 wound for every d generated. If the
Ruffians they will roll Deception vs Vigilance but will gain
check fails they still manage to find the camp but will alert the
jj if they are wearing the red cloaks.
lone orc of their arrival. Since d can only happen on l dice,
consider spending a Story Point here to upgrade the difficulty.
Use the stats for Ogre (Nemesis) (CRB p147) as Gog. The
orcs form two minion group of three, or three and four, if the Trap. Spotting the tripwire is a Daunting
sentry retreated into the cave. Brughor has his own stat block. (kkkk ) Vigilance check or an Average (kk ) Perception
Reward the players with 10 experience points for clearing out check if they are actively looking. Any character that triggers the
the orc menace of Wyvern Tor. trip must make an Average (kk ) Coordination check or suffer
1 strain for every h and 1 wound for every uncanceled f.


If the character successfully sneaked into the castle then they
4 2 1 2 1 1 may encounter the goblins in each post room as a minion group
of two.


Skills (group only): Melee (Heavy) , Coercion. If the characters successfully sneaked into the castle then they
Talents: None. may encounter the goblins in each post room as a minion group
Abilities: Aggressive (Moving from Short into Engaged range is of three.
a free maneuver).

Genesys Conversion

Genesys Conversion

5. STOREROOM succeed on an Average (kk ) Knowledge (Geography) check .

Drinking the brandy once will restore 5 strain. Each additional The grick is attempting to stay hidden to get a surprise attack
glass will add j to all checks. This is cumulative. on intruders. Check the grick’s Stealth vs the Vigilance of the
character with the best pool. If it goes unnoticed the grick will
get one free action before initiative is rolled.
The hobgoblins in this room form a minion group of four.
The goblins here form a minion group of two. Use the goblin
7. BANQUET HALL leader stat block for Lhupo.
The goblins in this room form two minion group of four. Use
the goblin leader stat block for Yegg.
Unlocking the door is a Hard (kkk ) Skulduggery check or a
HOBGOBLIN (MINION) Formidable (kkkkk ) Athletics check.

4 2 1 2 1 1 11. RUINED TOWER

Spotting the canvas “door” from the outside is Hard (kkk )
Vigilance check or a Average (kk ) Perception check if the
5 7 0/0 characters are actively searching.
Skills (group only): Melee (Light), Ranged, Perception.
Talents: None. 12. GUARD BARRACKS
Abilities: Martial Advantage (While the minion group is The hobgoblin starts as a minion group of one but is reinforced
greater than 1 add s to all Melee attacks), Dark Vision to a group of two after one round.
(when making skill checks, hobgoblins remove up to jj
imposed due to darkness) 13. OWLBEAR TOWER
Equipment: Sword (Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 2;
Treasure. For potion of healing use painkiller (CRB p94).
Range [Engaged]), Longbow (Ranged; Damage 8; Criti-
Replace scroll of revivify with Regeneration Elixir (RoT p103).
cal;3; Range [Long]), Chainmail (+2 soak). Replace scroll of silence with invisibility potion (RoT p102).


Treasure. For potion of healing use painkiller (CRB p94).
3 3 1 2 2 1
6 20 0/0 4 3 1 2 1 1
Skills: Melee 3 lll, Stealth 3 lll, Perception 2
Talents: None. 5 25 0/0
Abilities: Dark Vision (when making skill checks, goblins
remove up to jj imposed due to darkness), Opportu- Skills: Melee (Heavy) 3 lllk, Stealth 2 llk, Coer-
nistic (goblins inflict 1 additional damage with successful cion 2 ll.
melee attacks on prone or immobilized targets). Talents: Adversary 1 (Upgrade difficulty of all combat
Equipment: Tentacles (Melee; Damage 4; Critical 5; check against this target once), Quick Strike (add j to
Range [Engaged]; Ensnare 1), Beak (Melee; Damage 7; any combat checks they make against any targets that
Critical 3; Range [Engage]; Pierce, Vicious 2; Beak can have not yet take their turn in this encounter.)
only be used if target is ensnared by Tentacles). Abilities: Brute (May spend aaa or t to apply dam-
age a second time).
Equipment: Morning Star (Melee [Heavy]; Damage 6;
Critical 3; Range [Engaged]), Hide Armor (+1 soak).
To identify the statues a character must examine them and

Genesys Conversion


3 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 15 0/0 2 15 0/0
Skills: Athletics 2 llk, Brawl 2 llk, Survival 3 Skills: Brawl 2 ll, Cool 2 ll, Perception 2 ll,
llk. Deception 4 llkk.
Talents: None. Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of combat
Abilities: Pack Tactics (While within Short range of an checks targeting this character once), Quick Strike (adds
ally add jj to any combat check). k to any combat checks they make against any targets that
Equipment: Fangs (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range have not yet taken their turn in the current encounter).
[Engaged]). Abilities: Shapeshifter (once per round as an incidental, a
doppleganger may increase or decrease it’s silhouette by 1
and change its appearance to that of any character or crea-
OWLBEAR (RIVAL) ture of its current silhouette. If incapacitated it will return
to its natural form.), Read Thoughts (Can target a single
4 3 1 2 2 2 character up to Short range and does a contested Percep-
tion vs Discipline check. If successful the doppleganger
learns the target’s current surface thoughts. The GM may
spend aaa or t to have the doppleganger learn the
6 20 0/0 target’s Strength, Flaw, Fear, or Desire (GM’s choice)).
Skills: Melee 4 llll, Cool 3 lll, Perception 3 Equipment: Fists (Brawl; Damage 2; Critical 5; Range
llk. [Engaged]; Knockdown).
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of combat
checks targeting this character once).
Abilities: Silhouette 2; Keen Sight and Smell (add jj to
all perception checks based on seeing or smelling)
Equipment: Claws (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range
[Engaged]; Vicious 3, Knockdown).

3 3 1 2 2 1

6 15 0/0
Skills: Melee 3 lll, Stealth 3 lll, Perception 2
Talents: Quick Strike (adds j to any combat checks they
make against any targets that have not yet taken their turn
in the current encounter).
Abilities: Magic vulnerability (Any damage from a magi-
cal source such as a spell or magic item ignores soak).
Equipment: Tentacles (Melee; Damage 4; Critical 5;
Range [Engaged]; Ensnare 1), Beak (Melee; Damage 7;
Critical 3; Range [Engage]; Pierce, Vicious 2; Beak can
only be used if target is ensnared by Tentacles).

Genesys Conversion



Opening the safe requires a Daunting (kkkk) Skul-
Instead of rolling on a table be liberal with spending Story duggery check with thieves’ tools.
Points to reinforce minion groups.
The ghouls form a minion group of three.
Falling into the pit causes a character to take falling dam-
age from Short range.
Replace boots of striding and springing with Elven Boots
(RoT p 109).
2 2 1 2 1 1
No additions necessary.
3 5 0/0
3. OLD ENTRANCE Skills (group only): Brawl, Resilience
Talents: None.
The stirges form three minion groups of three. Abilities: Undead (does not need to breathe, eat, or
drink,and can survive underwater; immune to poisons
STIRGE (MINION) and toxins), Undying (may spend hhh from any check
made by a PC to return one previously defeated ghoul
to an existing minion group, removing damage from the
2 2 1 1 1 1 group accordingly. Spend d to return two ghouls to a
minion group), Paralyzing Attack (after a successful Brawl
check the target must make an Average (kk) Resilience
2 4 0/0 check and be staggered for 1 round per uncanceled f.
Equipment: Claws (Brawl; Damage 3; Critical 3; Range
Skills (group only): Brawl, Coordination, Vigilance, Per-
Talents: None.
Abilities: Flyer (can fly); Swoop (can move from Short No additions necessary.
range to Engaged as an incidental); Blood Drain (after
making a successful Brawl check the stirge can become 8. FUNGI CAVERN
attached to the target and is not counted toward the min-
Poison Gas. Any character crossing the cavern must
ion group total. The target will suffer 1 wound per round
make an Average (kk) Resilience check and suffer 1
until the stirge is removed. It can be removed by using
strain for every uncanceled h and 1 wound for every
an action to perform an Average (kk) Athletics check.
uncanceled f. Any d that result means the character
Once removed the stirge rejoins the minion group.
adds jj to every check for the next hour.
Equipment: Claws (Brawl; Damage 3; Critical 3; Range
4. OLD GUARDROOM The ghouls form two minion groups of four.
The skeletons form two minion group of four each. Climbing the escarpments is an Average (kk) Athlet-
ics check. Falling from the top results in taking falling
damage from Short range.

Genesys Conversion

Genesys Conversion


No additions necessary. The characters should receive 10 experience points for
successfully navigating Wave Echo Cave and defeating all
11. NORTH BARRACKS the foes in their way. They should receive an additional
5 if they manage to defeat Nezznar or 8 if they capture
The bugbears here form a minion group of five. him alive.


The zombies here form two minion group of four.
3 3 4 3 3 3
No additions necessary.
4 25 20 1/0
Skills: Brawl 3 lll, Cool 2 ll, Discipline 3 lll,
Convincing Mormesk of the value of an offering requires Lore 4 llll.
succeeding an Average (kk ) Charm check. Use the stat Talents: Adversary 2 (Upgrade difficulty of all combat
block for Wraith (Rival) (RoT p167). check against this target three twice).
Abilities: Telepathy (the spectator can communicate tele-
15. FORGE OF SPELLS pathically with any one within Medium range), Hover
(hovers; CRB p 100), Eye Ray (The spectator uses two
Any character with a least one rank in a Magic skill can of the following eye rays. It can use each ray only once per
immediately sense that the brazier is a source of magic. round. Each ray targets a character the spectator can see
Replace Lightbringer with Mace of Kellos (RoT p109). up to Medium range:
Replace Dragonguard with chainmail that has an Iron- 1. Confusion Ray. The target makes a Hard (kkk)Dis-
bound Rune (RoT p108) cipline check and is disoriented for 1 round per uncan-
celed f.
16. BOOMING CAVERN 2. Paralyzing Ray. The target makes a Hard (kkk) Resil-
No additions necessary. ience check and is immobilized and staggered for 1 round
per uncanceled f.
17. OLD STREAMBED 3. Fear Ray. The target makes a Hard (kkk) fear check.
4. Wounding Ray. The target makes a Hard (kkk)
No additions necessary.
Resilience check and suffers 4 damage plus 1 damage per
uncanceled f and 1 strain per uncanceled h. )
18. COLLAPSED CAVERN Equipment: Fangs (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 5; Range
The bugbears here form a minion group of three. [Engaged];).
Rift. Climbing up or down the rift requires an Average
(kk) Athletics check. If results and the character failed
the check they will take falling damage from Medium
range. Replace gauntlets of ogre power with Gauntlets of


No additions necessary.


No additions necessary.

Genesys Conversion


2 3 4 3 4 4

4 35 30 1/0
Skills: Arcana 3 lllk, Melee (Heavy) 2 ll,
Cool 2 ll, Discipline 3lllk, Lore 4 llll.
Talents: Adversary 3 (Upgrade difficulty of all combat
check against this target three times).
Abilities: Darkness (can choose an area no larger than
Short range to become blanketed in absolute darkness.
All characters inside the target add jjjj to all checks
that require sight.).
Equipment: Spider Staff (Melee [Heavy]; Damage 4;
Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Defensive 1, Poisonous (as
per magic attack additional effect with a Knowledge of 2),
Potion of Invisibility
Spells: Nezznar can cast anything from the Arcana list,
but here are some he is likely to use. He uses his staff as a
magic staff magical implement.
Blessing of Lolth (Magic Action: Barrier; Additional
Effects: Add Defense. Nezznar chooses himself as the tar-
get and makes a Hard (kkk) Arcana check. If successful
his ranged and melee defense will increase by 2 and for
every uncanceled ss past the first s he will reduce any
damage received by 1).
Wrath of Lolth (Magic Action: Attack; Additional
Effects: Poisonous. Nezznar chooses a target in Short or
Medium Range and makes a Hard (kkk) Arcana check.
If successful the target will suffer damage equal to 8 plus 1
per uncanceled s. If the attack deals damage, the target
must immediately make a Hard (kkk) Resilience check
or suffer 4 wounds and 4 strain equal. This counts as a
Ray of Frost (Magic Action: Attack; Additional Effects:
Ice. Nezznar chooses a target in Short or Medium Range
and makes a Hard (kkk) Arcana check. The attack has
Ensnare 4.)
Ally of Lolth (Magic Action: Conjure; Additional
Effects: Summon Ally. Nezznar makes a Hard (kkk)
Arcana check. If successful a giant spider is summoned
and appears in Engaged range with Nezznar.)


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