Top Notch Fundamentals B PAG 96 Y 99 - CHAPOÑAN INGA ANA

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4 Complete the paragraph. Use the simple past tense forms of the verbs in the box. Use each verb
only once.

be eat put buy come get

see not exercise drive go take not read

Amy _____came home late last night. She and her colleagues _____
saw a movie after work.
1 2
After the movie, they _____ out for dinner. This morning Amy _____got up at 8:00. She
3 4
usually gets up at 7:00. She _____ a shower and got dressed by 8:15. She usually takes the bus
to work , but today she-----· put
In the car, she _____ on her makeup and _____ a
6 7 8
banana for breakfast. She-----,
did not exercise and she _____
did not read the newspaper. But Amy was only
9 10 11
five minutes late to work! Later, she _____ a cup of coffee at a restaurant near her office building.

5 Write five sentences about your activities this morning. Look at the pictures for ideas.

I wake up at 7:00 am

I brush my teeth

I eat my breakfast at 8:00am

I sometimes watch tv in my rooms

I brush my hair

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10 Choose the correct responses to complete the conversation. Write the letter on the line.

1. A: Hi. How's it going? a. There was a great concert at the stadium.

B: c b. So what did you do on Saturday?
2. A: Friday night? Let me think ... c. Not bad. Hey, where were you on Friday night?
Oh, yeah, I went shopping.Why? d. Now that sounds nice!
B: a e. What about Sunday? Did you do anything
special on Sunday?
3. A: There was?Too bad I wasn't there!
B: b

4. A: Well, I exercised, I did the laundry,

and then I studied.
B: e

s. A: Actually, I had a great day on Sunday.

The weather was beautiful, so I went
bike riding at the beach.
B: d

11 Answer the questions. Use the simple past tense.

Talk to my brother.
1. Who did you talk to first today? ___________ _;____________
I went to the cinema and to eat with my friends.
2. What did you do the day before yesterday?------------------
I came back to my house on Saturday at �
3. What time did you come home last Saturday night? _______________ 9:00pm
I went to the beach with my family.
4. Did you do anything special last weekend?__________________ _
S. Did you have a good day yesterday?____________________
I had an excellent day yesterday _
I read 5 books.
6. How many books did you read last month?-------------------
7. Where did you live five years ago?----------------------
I lived in Chiclayo
I watched TV ocassionally.
8. How often did you watch TV last week? ________________ ____

Pat Events 99

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