3red Team Charter

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3RED - Team Charter

To create short but enjoyable and replayable experiences with impactful gameplay. Developing
arcade-style games for a casual audience.

➔ To learn and practice in a creative team environment that will further enhance our skills
as individuals when cooperating with other members.
➔ To foster an understanding in team building and create a psychologically safe
➔ To build and ensure our game meets all stated specifications within the period of time we

● Karr:
○ Programming
■ Experience in programming systems and mechanics
○ Level Design
■ Most enjoyable and preferred role. Experienced in fast prototyping
● Rui​:
○ Character Design
○ Art
○ Animation
■ Proficient and Interested in art, animation and design. Can also work on
narrative if needed.
● Erica​:
○ Sound
■ Have some experience with creating music and sound, and really wants
to be challenged and learn more by stepping out of the comfort zone
○ Narrative/General texts
■ Good editor and can rework scripts to fit and flow better
● Du​:
○ Art
■ Been learning art for a long time
○ Animation
■ Learned pixel animation last year
● Rei​:

○ Narrative/General texts
■ English major and experienced in creative writing
○ UI
■ Artist/Graphic design background
○ Extra Art

● Programming​:​ Karr
○ Ensure that the game design is fully implemented and performs as expected.
○ Observe and parse playtests for bugs and other programming issues
○ Communicate with designers on design limitations programming wise
● Level Design​: ​Karr
○ Ensure that a playable space for users to engage in meaningful challenges exists
○ Playtest key gameplay segments to ensure the quality can be met
● Art​: ​Rui, Du
○ Character design
■ Ensure all characters are designed to fit the theme of the game
○ Environmental design
■ Oversee the map design of the game.
■ Oversee the background design of the game.
■ Design the decoration for each environment and characters.
○ Aesthetic design
■ Ensure all assets follow the same theme and/or aesthetic
● Animation​: ​Du, Rui
○ Ensure animations are created for all necessary characters and objects
■ Animations are interactive with the player's input.
○ Work with the team to ensure that the player’s animation is smooth and dynamic.
■ The character’s animations will fit and expose the characteristic.
● Sound​: ​Erica, Du
○ Ensure that all music fits the game scenarios (support narrative, evoke desired
emotions, etc.)
○ Curate sound effects and BGM to fit the game’s aesthetic
● Narrative​:​ Rei, Erica
○ Participate in the crafting of a game’s story
○ Oversee the creation and development of characters
○ Help define the story behind locations or objects
○ Ensure that all text within the game is understandable, with no errors
● UI​: ​Rei
○ Design graphic user interfaces elements, like menus, tabs and widgets
○ Ensure that innovative solutions are implemented in the game

● Empathy is key
○ Always try to be understanding of fellow members
● Keep to schedule as much as possible
● Communicate
○ If something comes up that might impede your ability to work, please let other
members know
● Put effort into your work
○ A certain amount of nonchalance is acceptable, but not ​too​ much

Decision Methodology
During meetings:

Outside of meetings:

Development Methodology
Unity Project Organization
Keeping the Unity Project helps ensure every team member understands where each file/object
belongs. The structure provides the team easy navigation and identification. Exceptions can be
made but it must be communicated with the entire team.

Scene Hierarchy Structure Directory Structure

● 3rd-Party ● Management
● Animation ● GUi
● Audio ● Cameras
○ Music ● Lights
○ SFX ● World
● Materials ○ Terrain
● Models ○ Props
● Plugins ● _Dynamic
● Prefabs
● Resources
● Textures
● Sandbox
● Scenes
○ Levels
○ Others
● Scripts
○ Editor
● Shaders

Key Notes
- Do not store any asset files in th root directory
- Be consistent with the file naming scheme
- Use sandbox directory for any experimentation. Here, organization is the last thing to
worry about. It is recommended to provide a note for everyone what the member is trying
to achieve
- Any Instantiated objects during runtime must be a parent under “_Dynamic”.

GitHub Pipeline Flow

The integrity and security of the project is a top priority, on par with team members’ well-being.
To ensure the project remains safe and corruption free, a set of important keys are listed to help
remind members how to avoid future conflicts.

The Do Nots
● DO NOT work on the same script file
● DO NOT work on the same Unity Scene File
● DO NOT work on the same Unity Prefab

Members must request permission when accessing scripts/scenes that are not assigned to
them. Following these guidelines will ensure the project remains secure and will help us avoid
any major file corruption.

Version Control
Each member will work under their own repository branch. There should be no circumstances
when one needs to work on someone else’s branch. To ensure the integrity of the project, any

changes implemented must be done in one’s assigned branch. Only push your commits to the
repository when the project runs stable and has been approved and reviewed.

Plan the week’s sprint on JIRA during meetings, and then begin to write out the necessary
backlog. Assign main points to work on throughout the week - members will grab extra backlog
as necessary.

Conflict resolution

Reminder:​ Always keep ​empathy​ in mind. Leave ample time for other people to speak their


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