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Locals hear chants in the nearby ruins.

A large gang organization wages war against a local city.

Something is needed to cure a plague and your group is sent to collect some.

The characters must chase escaping bandits through the countryside

Statues in a large cemetery come to life at night.

A lich is raising a massive undead army.

The party finds a small cursed object (marble, figurine, ball bearing) which keeps multiplying every day. They
have to find a way to destroy it before its carrier gets crushed under the weight.

A god's weapon has fallen to earth and now there is a race to obtain it.

A party member discovers a great sword made of red metal that has the properties of adamantine, mithril,
silver and cold iron, but can be wielded in one hand as if it were a long sword. What is it? (the godly weapon,

A mountain village is plagued by inexplicable earthquakes. It's actually the wrath of a Greater Earth Elemental,
who had an eye ripped out by a clueless miner who thought it was a normal gem.

A very superstitious village is holding a witch trial, and the party member is called to act as the judge.

A Mage summons a demon but is unable to control it and ibecomes possessed.

A thick plague-inducing fog is slowly covering the countryside. (no revenue that turn from those buildings)

Several of the king's tax collectors have disappeared after traveling to a particularly dangerous area.

A good cleric tries to establish a temple to his god in a city

Animals within a particular area are becoming monstrous and mutated.

A local noble is suspected of making a pact with a powerful devil or demon.

A secret vigilante society is inflicting barbaric punishments on "evil-doers."

The daughter of a nobleman has run off with a seedy, disreputable commoner.

A Sorceress (consort?) has lost her unique familiar and all efforts so far to reveal the creature's whereabouts
have been fruitless.

The Queen's ambassador has disappeared while en route to the Eldeen Reaches and is suspected of being a

Dryads fight to preserve their forest against an encroaching Human settlement.

A young fey must prank the group to be accepted by or meet the dare of a peer group and the characters may
not realize it is a classic scenario of peer pressure.

Every night, fey creatures from a nearby grove kidnap a person in their sleep and force them to take part in a
drinking contest.

The party is constantly being hassled by a pixie that is insistent on collecting a very small debt and will not take
anything but exact payment.

A wyvern has made the newly constructed fort/tower its home. the building must be operational ASAP!
A cabal of powerful golem-builders has sent a messenger to a Kingdom with a threat; submit to their demands
or they will unleash their colossi upon the Kingdom.

A cursed, animated rope tied itself around the wrists of two brothers who hate each other, forcing them to
stay close. Ghost wife/mistress?

A series of murders are being committed with the MO of an executed killer.

Villagers are fed up with a group of troublesome mercenaries.

a powerful bandit leader is about to be hanged for his crimes, but is sprung from his prison by his cohorts.

Monsters occupy an abandoned mine, using it as a base from which to launch raids on settlements.

124.While exploring an old rundown castle, the group accidentally releases an ancient evil and, in the process,
each member is possessed by a Demon. While trying to find a way to stop the creature they released from
destroying all they know, they must each wage their own personal and internal war with the Demon whom
possessed them to prevent the loss of their soul. Divinity 2

The Dead have risen and, while not attacking the nearby towns people, they refuse to let anyone pass in. They
are protecting their living loved ones from the evil that is now residing in the cemetery.

A ghostly figure mounted on a horse made of living shadow has been sighted on a section of road, terrorizing
travelers and caravans.

A beautiful white tower appears overnight. It has no visible means of entry and it's heavily warded against all
forms of magic. Why is it there? What mysteries does it hold?

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