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ssiqgnment-1 8.

SectiOn+ C1
FIl in he banks: (5xI =S)
1 The unit oj re-t entiVty iS Weber /5q.m.
2 The ele clsical equi valen t Of Pe(uctance
iS e s i s t a r (e.
3.The comductom(e is aaogouS o permtane
4 The e (ative per meabi (i
ty of v a c u u n is
umit Co) one
5 The umit fo ne tic
tice ed in
Tes(a CT)-
5hovt auestions Csx=S)
A Coil of (S00 t u i s C a r e s a C a s e n t
QL loA
esta6G shes a f l u x of 0-SnU b. Find the indu
ctance o the Coi(
Given T tOA
NEISO0t u s
olut on LI =N L= N

ISoO xOSX lo-3)

L O.04 SH

T n du ctonte af the Co s o. o a s u
State hema's hauw

The (u7ren indu cec in a circit due to

chanqea in a mag eticfield is dire
-Cted to
oPPOsethe chcmge i n flu*
and tto erest a
nechamica forCe which
OPPOS es the motion. The
nts will Te pel each OPPOopposing
Sing CuTYe
othe as a
Em Ce) =- Nd
RDisting hbetween staticaly ane
a ne
dy mamtCatty incduced ?
Statici(y induced DyncA Vnt CC incluced.

1.The fCur is i n ked when a conduckor is

wth the t o i CCondu moued in a sta tidna

-ctor] without mouin mag meticf ie ld ov uSnen

eitheY the Coil ox the maqne tic field is
Hield System but keepimg a Con
-ductOY Stotioo
y Chang tn9 t h e emt is tnd uleel
CUr t n theftd the move met S Provded
Stem. Such a done ih
Ehea Ehauk
2The emy thus tinduonductor is mov ed
-ced is¢¬AdAs SStne magmetttfteld.
CkgnanTégÉYireeted huss emn indu
i n thiss way 1S Called ced
w t h o u t motton o f dynanni
Ca Cly induced
e i t h e s Comd'uotoy eny
OY C u r i s CcL Ced

Statically irnduced 3 An anple of dly na

Cmf mmcaly induled emf
3. n ampli o
1s the emf e n e v a t el
StCttcacly inducea in D.camd
emt n's theemt indu-ators. A.cqene
Cecd in trCAYSfox mer

Define mu eual inductante and ge its un

A sUutual in ductamce w hen lwo coilS ase
PCaced near ea ch ot nev ancl Curent is
c h a n g g i n one Coil/ am in d u ced Cu rent
S p r d u l e a ih anothes corC This is. COCCed
muluat î d u c t C m (e 51 U n i t ' i s hemou(H)

incdace d CurYen t Ts pro luced inthe

secon d ceit EhevefoYe main c u Y ê n t tS not


Mutualy îmducedl emf in covl y is dir ect(u
O2as tional to Sdte
hAmg e dCurr ent
n coiC X.
em d a em = M c I
M Mutial
Me M utu dnducECam ce betw een
M- Nz 1 2 (onl 1 oith M- zr tecoils
Coil 2 ith
M =
Source vsltaqeJ SouYCe volkage]
o.wha{ is trimging t{{ ec{7 2SS15G

Co when the
So (cUr (ines c'boss the
aigaP,they te
to balge out acsosS the eelges,
al air
gp This effe ct ts
cated thefinging-
g n a makes the efHec
effect TS2)Fing
ur puth
-tive g ap oea
Caraes tman thaf of the zing
Snce the Aé a is maale
densiY in the aiy
a p t s eeluced. fCux
CB /A)
The ci q ap (Emgth is smal( MCLq net
ed u c t i n i n +Cuk Tur
mii mum. Tf the airGap
Cength s
Smal Comp ared.
EY ines

with the fYetds

gap wtclththe
e ect Od
ngina. Con be

compos e t h e C i m ( ax.ites and disemi COn ties

amagmettc ame etectr ascutt?

Ma4 ne t Circufe

. The c(ose páth Jo the The close pcLEh -for the

magne ticf(ux is ca lt ecl CrCate is CcuCtel etectsi
Ynagme tic ct Cufe.
2-The murn ber of meaqmet2. Flous Celecron decid e
-tc hes of toY(e dec ide the cCurievnt
the magne tteftUr.
|throuah the condue kO
3. Floux S.
( ¢)- mME CuYemt CI)= t mF|
Peststane e
4. Mmt is the driuint mt&thedr ng fortel
J o re in the magmetic i n the e lecric i r cui't-The
CXCuk The unit ¢t mit OfE mE iS UOLEsly).
mMt iS anpeve urns Resis tan ce ce) ofpose
CATD. the(ou of Curene. the
S Reltance (s) opposed | umtt of re sis tonce is
bythe maqnetrc pa Ch |ohm().
to the flux. The u n i t 6-CW*ént CT) meaStarel
e s s tamce ts AT(w in amphere CA
G Flu C) meas used .

t meas u e cltn
Cn w eber u s b ) voluts CU).
. m mE mne asured inn
Amp TurnS ( A t
S Ho r A 9. ConductCance
PeY nen e
2esistamce =/e
ReluCEanCe= s
pe m e a btEy (M) to Comd ucttby C
. eelu ctiutH 2es istutY
12. Elu Ce nsity CB)=4, 1. current
13. Eecerie intunsiy
Cn= NT/ (ATm)
CE VI &Culm)

Maqne C cscut Elecerc Circut

1. cheYe s me
maqnetic There are mamy matert
nçu latov as fCur Cam -ais oh h used
Pacs t hrough acc the asinsulat
-osS. rom
cnichcurr ent
mct evials{evem thèOLConnak pass.
-h t e air. aas weC
2S CIS 4SC naqne t f(ux 2. ai¥ PUC,gcasS

Ehere s mo Pes{ e ct Sy nehe t resin e t
insa ca lors. 3. t h e electTiC Cu&rent

3. maqnetic ftue dloes aceucL ty f l o s th an

no tfCosPut s e t up elecbiç CirCuit.

in the magnetk Circuit . At Constant tempestue
. At Cons tont temper the sesis ton Ce
- a t r e ,the rel u tamce CtrcutE ts lon stantas tES
CS af a maqnetic Grcut Value clepencs on ves ttiuo
s not Cons tamt but hich s aCmest ems
varces with s .
.Eneca ne ede as (ng
S.once maqnetic fCux oS
eurreni FloS tkrougL
S S e t u p i n a n a g n e t r c eLectric c Y c E .
Circuit no t n e

n eeces

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