MCS 535 - Human Computer Interaction 1 Sem 2021-2022 Assignment #8 TOPIC: User Support NAME: Rey Martin Esperida Course Yr. & Sec: Mscs 2A

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MCS 535 – Human Computer Interaction 1st sem 2021-2022

TOPIC: User Support
NAME: Rey Martin Esperida COURSE YR. & SEC: MSCS 2A

Instruction: Download this file and type your answer here. Upload your assignment in the VLE using this name
format, Lastname_Assignment1 (e.g. Gonzales_Assignment1).
1. Find a computer application that you have never used before. Attempt to learn to use it using only the online
support. Is there enough information to allow you to use the application effectively? Is the information easy to
find? What improvements (if any) would you suggest? (15pts).

-The computer application that I just used is the Adobe Photoshop, I browsed from the internet the basic tools
and its multi functions. And seems that the online support has give me the opportunity to use the application very
well. And I found it easy to find seems the search engine has been upgraded already.

2. Which usability principles are especially important in the design of help systems, and why? (15pts).

I guess the User friendly, seems not all user are capable to use the computer itself, in fact, it should always start
to a simple GUI and functions before to upgrade its feature.

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