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Read the text carefully, and answers its questions (1-6)

Nutritional rehabilitation (NR) educates mothers by involving them in nursing their
malnourished children back to health by feeding them locally available foods prepared
with indigenous cooking methods. The mothers participate in every aspect of the
child’srehabilitation, and emotional effect of the child’s recovery in response to the diet
she has prepared is an important part of the learning experience.
Malnutrition, and in particular protein energy malnutrition (PEM), can be seen as
adeficiency in nutrients. Ultimately, the elimination of malnutrition will depend upon
such factorsas controlling tuberculosis, preventing diarrhea diseases, improving the
physical and domesticsituation for families, providing education (particularly for
woman), enhancing opportunities for productive employment, and adjusting social
customs and economic distribution so that even theunderprivileged may have enough to
eat of the foods which are available to the community.
Naturally, all of these matters imply such a radical change in the pattern of living in
manyareas that it is difficult to foresee how it can be achieved within a single generation
when themost wealthy nations deploy the major part of their resources on instruments for
their mutualdestruction. Meanwhile, malnourished children are brought by their anxious
and distressed parents to health services around the world. They demand and deserve
some immediate actionsand cannot be put off by platitudes about the need for changes in
the social order andredeployment of national resources.
What are the alternative interventions which can be employed to treat the children
and thefamilies that suffer from PEM, to prevent the emergence and the recurrence of
this serious andwidespread condition ? These include the provision of more food, the
utilization of appropriateavailable foods, nutrient education about how to make the best
use of the foods which exist, andthe medical management of any underlying conditions
which limit the intake, absorption orutilization of nutrients. Food supplementation only
has a partial role, but it may make a criticaldifference in those children who are most
severely in need of nourishment

Questions :

1. What is the suitable title for this passage ?

2. How do you define malnutrition and what are its causes ?
3. The eradication of malnutrition will depend upon several factors, what are they ?
4. Why does the elimination of malnutrition take a long period of time ?
5. How can children and families that suffer from PEM (Protein Energy Malnutrition)
behelped !
6. What steps have been taken in Indonesia to help mothers with their malnourished
children? Please include the terms PKK and “Balita” in your answer.
7. Can you explain the meaning of healthy life style and give the example !
8. What do you think about Food Industry in Indonesia ?, please explain about it !

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