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May 10th, 2011

NEXT WEEK’S MEETING – May 17, 2011 He also told a story about a young person who was given
the responsibility of building a house for a very rich man.
PROGRAM: Annual Joke-a-thon – Hosted by Mike Rosa The young man set to build the house but decided that he
Greeter and Thought for the Day: Nora Avelar
would not use the best materials to build the structure.
After sometime the rich man returned and lavished praise
on the young man for the house that he had built. Because
~~COMING UP~~. of his efforts the rich man decided to give the house to the
young man. So the young man cheated himself when he
May 14 – Moraga Community Faire and Car Show –
11 AM to 5PM - Rheem Shopping Center used the shoddy materials
May 17 – Third Annual Senior Faire at Moraga Hacienda”
Cliff also recounted a story of three horsemen who were
*May 24 -- Brother Ron Gallagher – “St. Mary’s College Today” told to collect all of the pebbles that they could when
crossing a stream. They were told that there would be good
*June 7 – Ron Swisher –
“Serving the Homeless, the Hungry and the Challenged” and bad results from this activity the next day. The good
Ron’s experiences working at Glide Church in downtown San Francisco results – all of the pebbles were valuable jewels. The bad
results – they all wished that they had picked up more of
*June 14 – To be arranged
the “pebbles”. Cliff likened this to a college education.
*June 21 – Ivy Morrison – “There’s Light at the End of the Tunnel” Upon graduation we all pick up many “jewels” that we can
Progress and work in building the 4th bore of the Caldecott Tunnel
use – but we wish that we had learned more during our
June 28th – Demotion Dinner of Tony Schoemehl – This evening event – college experience.
will be in place of the normal noon meeting.
*Indicates a regular Tuesday noon luncheon meeting
Herb Wehmeyer began the meeting with an invocation.
There were many visitors in attendance at the evening Tony Schoemehl announced that we are all set for the Rotary
Rotaract/Interact Barbecue including the spouses and friends of many tent at the Moraga Community Faire on Saturday, May 14th. The
of our members. There were also many students representing both faire starts at 11AM
the Rotaract and Interact Clubs.

Thank you everyone for the great turnout and your participation in
this great (although cool) evening.


Cliff Dochterman was introduced to the gathering by

Tony Schoemehl who highlighted both Cliff’s academic
experiences as well as his term as the President of Rotary He also announced that there will be a board meeting next
International Tuesday evening. Tony lead a quiz about St Mary’s College
with the prizes being additional tickets to the student raffle held
Cliff began by remembering his youth, and noted his talks later in the meeting.
to freshman students beginning their college careers. He
talked about advising them that it was not too late to return Bianca Auble, The president of the Rotaract Club announced
home before taking on the responsibility of those fortunate that the club is selling bracelets in support of the Japanese
enough to obtain a college education. Tsunami Relief effort. Many in attendance contributed to this
worthy cause.
Angelo Costanza announced that there will be a practice session
for the Bocce Ball Tournament on Friday, May 13 th at 9 AM at MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2010-11
the Martinez Bocce Ball Courts. President………………………………….Tony Schoemehl
President-elect…………………….…………. .Nora Avelar
Al Simonsen announced that the Athletic Field Day will be held Past President ………………………….……..Vickie Devlin
Secretary……………………………………...David Kruegel
on June 1. Mark your calendars and sign up to help with this
Treasurer………………..………….……….Louise Schopke
important community event. Al enlisted help for this event from Club Service Chair……………………………Kevin Reneau
all of the students present. Community Service Chair…………………Barbara Bruner
New Generations..…………………………….Rich Render
Brandan Bork, a Rotaract Club member won three raffle prizes Membership……………………………………. Frank May
but the top prize was won by Kyle Snyder. The weekly club Rotary Foundation………………..…………… Lad Lynch
raffle was won by Nora Avelar. Public Relations ……………………………… Gary Irwin
Director at Large…………………………Debbie Roessler
Director at Large……………....Mary Elena Dochterman
Director at Large…………………………Cliff Dochterman

President, Rotary International……..Ray Klinginsmith

District Governor, 5160………………… .Karl Diekman
Assistant District Governor………….Debbie Roessler

Newsletter Editor for Today – Frank May


Kudos Of The Week
“Our boys and girls have greater freedom, exercise greater power, and
have more opportunities for both good and evil, than ever before. Even
Several members of the club volunteered to help the Hacienda
if we fail them, youth will not be neglected, for they are the object of
Foundation with their Cinco De Mayo celebration last week. universal attention from all the conflicting ideologies and opinions in
Thank you to everyone that took part in this successful event. the world….How important it is, therefore, that youth’s great
The volunteers included Cliff Dochterman, Mary Elena possibilities for good be realized and developed!”
Dochterman, Susie Miller-Reid, Al Simonsen and Frank Angus S. Mitchell — Address to 1948 Rotary Convention, Rio de
May. (Ed: I am sure I missed one or two folks here – My Janeiro, Brazil
apologies in advance!!)
Rotary International Theme for 2010-11
Danville at Noon………………………. Brass Door, San Ramon
Orinda at Noon…………….……………… . .Community Center
Berkeley at Noon…………… ……. His Lordships Restaurant
Pleasant Hill at Noon………………..……… .Community Center
Lafayette at Noon ………………. ……. .Oakwood HealthCenter
Oakland at Noon …………………………… California Ballroom
Lamorinda Sunrise at 7:00am ………………….....……Postino’s
Concord at Noon ………………...……………. Concord Hilton


May 14 Moraga Community Faire and Car Show
Rheem Shopping Center – 11AM to 5PM
May 21-25 Rotary International Convention in
New Orleans
June 1 Rotary Field Day
June 4 Multi Club Bocce Ball Tournament in
June 28 Annual Demotion & Recognition Dinner
July 9 District Awards Dinner, Golf and Fun at
Rolling Hills Casino in Corning
Aug. 5,6,7 – OMPA Swim Meet
Oct 6 -9 – 2011 District Conference in Monterey



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