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Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2021)

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21K74-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-1327-2

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: A Review

Robin Sharma
Dept. of Information Technology
Shimla, India m

Abstract—The United Nations Food and Agriculture use of chemicals, pest and disease infestation, inadequate
Organization asserts that the whole world’s population would irrigation and drainage, weed control, and much more.
rise by an additional 2 billion in 2050, whereas at that time, the
Agricu lture is a vigorous field where circu mstances
increased land area for farming will solely account for 4%. In
the aforementioned situation, more coherent cultivation cannot be concluded to provide a co llect ive exp lanation.
Artificial Intelligence techniques have empowered us to
2021 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) | 978-1-6654-1272-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICICCS51141.2021.9432187

practices need to be accomplished by utilizing modern

technological advancements and unravel the ongoing barriers seize the elaborate specifics of every circu mstance and
in farming. An undeviating use of Artificial Intelligence and its deliver the answer that is the finest fist for that specific
subsets in agriculture can serve to be an embodiment of a shift problem. Progressively appropriate compound problems are
in the way that farming is exercised during the present time. being unraveled through the progress of nu merous AI
The agricultural domain faces countless obstacles for instance
disease, improper soil analysis, pest infestation, irrigation, and techniques.
inadequate drainage, and a lot more. These challenges lead to The core focus of this paper is on the significant
dangerous environmental hazards and intense crop loss as a Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques that are used to face
result of using redundant chemicals. The realm of Artificial the issues in agriculture. The three essential AI techniques:
Intelligence along with its meticulous learning abilities has Expert Systems, Fuzzy Systems, and Artificial Neural
evolved to form a key approach for dealing with diverse
Networks are measured as the concentrated areas. This
farming-related issues. This paper emphasizes the applications
of Artificial Intelligence practices in different domains of paper discourses the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques
agricultural science, the industry insights, and the challenges to in a vast subdomain of farming to capture the measured
adopting AI in agriculture. growth of the agro-intelligent systems.

Keywords— Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Artificial

Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning,
Applications of AI, Fuzzy Systems, Agriculture.


T HE machines were deployed during the industrial

revolution as a substitute for human labour in the 19th
century. Eventually, with the growth in Info rmation
Technology in the 20th century, after the advent of
computers, the innovation of Artificial Intelligence powered
mach ines was initiated. In the ongoing era, it is an actuality
that Artificial Intelligence is slowly but strongly replacing
human labour.
Artificial intelligence denotes the imitation of hu man
intelligence in machines that are designed to think like
humans and replicate their behaviour such as learning and
problem-solving. Machine learning is a subset of artificial Fig. 1. Subsets of AI
intelligence as shown in Fig. 1. Machine learn ing is the tool
used to identify, understand and analyse a pattern in the
data. One of the important areas of research in th is advanced
technological world of co mputer science is Artificial The prospect of agriculture and the farming industry
Intelligence. This technology is becoming persistent very relies heavily on inventive concepts and technological
quickly because of its speedy technological advancements developments to intensify yields and improved utilization o f
and its stout applicability in problems , mostly that cannot be resources with the help of unconventional computing tools.
resolved well by tradit ional co mputing structures and also Crop models and decision-making tools are being
humans [1]. A similar field o f much priority is farming progressively used in the agricu ltural field to improve
production and resource use efficiency, there is an enormous
where around 30.7% of the entire wo rld’s population is
scope for Art ificial Intelligence to revolutionize agriculture
precisely committed to 2781 million hectares of agricultural
by integrating advanced technologies to forecast agricultural
land [2]. Therefore the farmers have to face numerous productivity [2].
challenges fro m sowing to harvest. The extensive In agriculture the first use of agriculture was conveyed
predicament in agricu lture is yield protection, insufficient in 1983 [3]. To solve the current difficulties in agriculture ,

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Authorized licensed use limited to: San Francisco State Univ. Downloaded on June 30,2021 at 18:47:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21K74-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-1327-2

many methodologies have been proposed, starting fro m Sicily island of Italy [14]. The parameters of the input and
database to the decision support systems [4]. A mong these output were coded in the binary format for the train ing and
elucidations, systems that make use of Art ificial Intelligence testing of the network. Dissimilar patterns of inputs were
are tremendous performers as long as the robustness and used by authors to achieve a prototype with maximu m
accurateness are concerned. precision. The finest prototype achieved so far had a 94%
Climatic change, increase in the cost of prductions , precision with six inputs and two output classes. The
decreasing water supply for irrigation and inclusive drop in unsurpassed network that was achieved contained five
the farm workforce have caused a lost of trouble to the concealed layers that were educated up to 300000
agriculture p roduction systems over a last few decades [5]. reiterations and attained 85.9% accuracy on average [15].
In addition to this, the disorder of supply systems and food The management of the soybean crop proposed by Prakash
production is threatened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was based on Fuzzy Logic and delivered guidance about
[6]. Such factors are a threat to the sustainability of the selection of crop, pest issues and fertilizer application [16].
environment, of the present and the future food source chain
[7]. Substantial inventions are always a necessity to stay
ahead of the persistent climate change [8]. The IV. PEST M ANAGEMENT
understandable problem here is by what means to harvest The ut most distressing complication in farming that
adequate quantity of food for the ever growing population. eventually leads way for hefty economic loss is Infect pes t
The research scientists are continuously applying state-of- infestation. For decades, the scientists have struggled to
the-art expert ise and discovering new ways to assimilate lessen the same threat by the advancements of the computer
them into agricultural system [5]. systems which are capable to classify the vigorous pests and
therefore advise measures to control them.
Most of the time, the information involved in
agricultural management is vague, imperfect, and
unfocussed, henceforth the rule-based expert system may t ip
towards indecision [17]. For apprehension of this indecision,
numerous logic-based expert systems were put forward by
Saini and Kamal [18] and Siraj and Arbaiy [19].
An objected-oriented methodology to structure a ru le
based expert system was in use by Ghosh and Samanta who
developed TEAPEST for the management of pest in tea
[20]. For this , a step by step consultation and identification
procedure was imp lemented. Far ahead, Samanta and Ghosh
restructured the system by using a mu ltifaceted back
proliferation neural network [21] which was in turn
reformed by Banerjee, with the help of a radial basis
function prototype to attain advanced sorting rates [22].
Fig. 2. Application of AI in Agriculture Co mpanies involved in pest control use Artificial
Intelligence to programme and advance a whole lot fro m the
pest route plan to pest prediction. With the help o f drone
technology, the pest control companies and the far mers can
Generally, the universal crop management system virtually visit all the crops and deliver almost full-time
delivers an interface for the global management of crops monitoring with the motive to find pests, diseases, dead soil,
that cover every feature of ag ricu lture. The first Artificial or irregular degradation of the crops. Based on this
Intelligence technique in the management of crop was first informat ion, the farmer can then gather the data from any
recommended by McKinion and Lemmon in 1985, in the particular crop area and therefore stop the further spread of
paper "Expert Systems for Agriculture" [9]. Addit ional the disease.
expert system was planned by Boulanger fo r the corn crop
protection in his o wn thesis [10]. An expert system named
POMM E was proposed by Roach in 1987, which was made V. DISEASE M ANAGEMENT
for the apple plantation management [11]. COTFLEX was A major risk to the global economy, environ ment,
another expert system developed by Stone and Toman fo r consumers, and farmers can be caused by plant diseases. In
the management of the crop [12]. A new ru le-based expert India alone, 35% of the crops are destroyed because of pests
system proposed by Lemmon which was also developed for and pathogens triggering a major loss to the farmers. The
the management of cotton crop is called COMAX [13]. 3-D unselective practice of pesticides is a threat to hu man health
Laser scanning, hyperspectral imag ing, and Remote Sensing as some of them are b io magnified and to xic. These effects
techniques are important to create metrics of crops over can be evaded by surveillance of the crop, detecting the
acreages of land that can be cultivated. It is capable to b ring disease, and providing the applicable treat ment. Substantial
an innovative shift in how the lands are supervised by the experience and expertise are needed to recognize an
farmers from the viewpoints of both time and effort. indisposed plant and then take the required action for its
Robinson and Mort propsed a multifaceted feed forward recovery. Co mputerized systems are utilized worldwide to
neural network-based system wh ich was designed to guard analyse the disease and then recommend methods to control
crops which were citrus fro m any kind of damage in the it. For detection of disease, the sensing, and analysis of the

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Authorized licensed use limited to: San Francisco State Univ. Downloaded on June 30,2021 at 18:47:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21K74-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-1327-2

image is done to ensure that imageries of the leaves are intelligent techniques. Sicat and John [26] utilized
partitioned to the external regions like the non-diseased agriculturalists’ information to design some fu zzy system to
area, background, and diseased area of the leaf. The infected acclaim harvests dependent on the suitability of land maps
part of the leaf is then reaped and sent to the lab for produced with the help of the system. The neural network
additional analysis. This helps in the assistance for the system for assessment of topsoil mo istness in the paddy was
recognition of pests and then sensing nutrient deficiency. A calculated by Arif [27]. So me neural network designs in the
comprehensive structure is shown in Fig. 3. forecast of rainwater were co mpared by Manek and Singh
with the help o f four distinctive inputs [28]. The research
established that the radial basis function of the neural
network accomp lish the finest as compared to the former


One of the topmost challenges for a farmer is weed
control wh ich is also the b iggest issue among pest control.
Among all the varieties of pesticides, the use of herbicides
dwarfs all the others including the use of insecticide as well.
No farmer wants to spray herbicide but also no farmer wants
to see the weeds pulling on all the water and nutrients that
are supposed to be for the crops. The use of herbicides has a
dangerous influence on the well-being of humans as well as
the environment.
There are a huge number of companies and projects
wanting to apply computer visualization, robotics, and
mach ine learn ing. Advanced AI practises have been
designed to reduce the use of herbicides through precise and
appropriate management of weeds. Pasqual [29] developd
an expert system for recognizing and abolishing the
Fig. 3. Disease Detection unwanted plant in harvests like wheat, barley and oats. Also,
Burks [30] matched three dissimilar neural networks mostly
In the early years, Byod and Sun established the rule backpropagation, counter dissemination, and radial based
based systems [23]. Art ificial neural network model was function model by means of the alike set of contributions as
premed itated for the control of diseases in diverse harvests the preceding paper, and established that the
by Panigrahi and Francl [24]. Certain fusion systems backpropagation setup performs best with 97% accuracy.
correspondingly existed. An image dispensation prototype
combined with a neural network model to categorise the
phalanopsis sapling disease was proposed by Huang [25]. VIII. YIELD PREDICT ION AND M ANAGEMENT
The predict ion of crop yield is very useful for cost
estimation of the crop and also for the marketing strategies.
Furthermore, in the era of precision agronomy, the
The rigorous labour intensive process in farming is examination of applicable features that affect the yield
irrigation. Problems revolving around irrigation, soil are unswervingly can be done with the help of prediction
important for cult ivation. Incorrect management of the soil, models. With the rise of revolutionary technologies like
irrigation lead the way to the forfeiture of crops and tainted Artificial Intelligence, satellite images, cloud machine
feature. Trained AI mach ines that are aware of historic learning and advanced analytics are emerg ing an ecosystem
weather patterns, the kind of crops to be developed, and soil for sustainable, efficient, and smart farming. The
quality can mechanize the process of irrigation and increase combination o f these advanced technologies is helping
the overall yield. Appro ximately 70% of the world ’s fresh farmers to attain maximu m average y ield and also enhanced
water resource is exp loited fo r irrigation, therefore control over the amount of food grains, confirming they
automating this process can not only save water but also remain in profit. Liu and Minzan [31], utilized an AI neural
help the farmers in handling their water problems. network model engaging a backpropagation knowledge
Co mpanies are manufacturing AI-based technologies and algorithm to forecast harvest from the topsoil constraints.
sensors to observe the health of the soil, such as CropIn Statistical climate data, ideal sowing period in different
which makes use of Artificial Intelligence to ma ximize the seasons, and real time Mo isture Sufficiency Data fro m
per-acre value, and Intello Labs which use Deep Learning to regular raindrop statistics and soil mo isture can be identified
analyse the images. with the help of the AI models to create forecasts and also
Th is segment highlights specific researches done in the provide inputs on the perfect sowing time to the farmers.
field of irrigation and soil management aided by artificial

978-0-7381-1327-2/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 939

Authorized licensed use limited to: San Francisco State Univ. Downloaded on June 30,2021 at 18:47:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21K74-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-1327-2

Fig. 4. Market size for AI in Agriculture [32]

IX. INDUST RY INSIGHT S manufacture IoT-based equipments for disposition of

Global AI in the agrono my market scope was treasured Artificial Intelligence enabled applications for farming on a
at USD 608.9 million in 2018 and is predicted to record a huge scale.
CA GR o f 25.4% fro m 2019 to 2025 [32]. A I practises
applied to cult ivation can be useful for the growth of yield
and productivity. Consequently, agribusiness organizations X. CHALLENGES TO A DOPT A I IN A GRICULT URE
implement AI technologies in the form of pred ictive Tremendous opportunities are presented by Artificial
analytics-based solutions. The Artificial Intelligence-based Intelligence in the field of agriculture, but still, there is
techniques and applications benefit by controlling pests, insufficient knowledge when it co mes to advanced high tech
monitoring the soil, yielding healthier crops, and improving mach ine learning solutions in farming. Divulging farming
the agriculture-related responsibilities that are involved in with exterior factors like soil conditions, weather conditions
the all-inclusive food stock. AI is progressively increasing and susceptibility to the outbreak of pests is high. When the
in the farming industry aimed at the enhancement of yield harvesting is started, the planned schedule of crop raising at
significance and accurateness as it aids in analyzing the the beginning of the season might not appear to be good
farm data. because it gets predisposed by the exterior parameters.
The rap idly escalating populace requires the necessity A lot of data is needed by the AI system to train the
for the enact ment of AI in the industry of agriculture . mach ines, for making accurate predict ions. In cases of
Inadequate arable availability of the land and the enormous land area for farming, it is easy to collect spatial
requirement for amp lified production of food, because data whereas the accomplishment of temporal data is
security of the food determines the requisite for a green challenging. It is also problematic to develop the
uprising fuelled by the Internet of Things, artificial knowledge-based rules and put them in a correct sequence
intelligence, and data. Applications assisted with AI supply for a huge nu mber of parameters. Nu merous crop-specific
to numerous regions in the farming business, for instance, informat ion could be attained once in a year only when the
recommendation and predictive analytics, detection of pest crops are grown. Because it takes time for the database to
infestation, monitoring of soil, and identifying plant mature, it co mprises a considerable amount of stretch to
diseases. build a robust AI ML model. This is the foremost purpose
AI-inspired resolutions encompassing drones, robots, for the application of AI in agricu lture-related products like
and ground centered wireless sensors are progressively pesticides, fertilizers, and seeds.
being positioned in the agri-business. For example, Another decisive factor is the expensive cost of many
Microsoft co-operated with ICRISAT (International Crop cognitive solutions for agricu lture that is readily accessible
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) to in the market. The AI-inspired solutions have to be more
manufacture an AI grounded planting app. Additionally, feasible to ensure that the technology influences the
Nature Fresh Farms, an American technology firm, is agricultural co mmun ity. The AI cognitive solution s if
occupied in evolving a technology based on AI to evaluate offered in so me open-sourced platform then that would help
data about the plant at scale to yield precise forecasts and to make the solutions additionally reasonably priced, which
harvest. This particular technology calculates how much will then lead to earlier adoption and better insight among
time blossom wou ld take to mature by means of an A I the farmers.
algorith m. The various advantages of AI applications inspire
numerous technology based start-ups and companies to

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Authorized licensed use limited to: San Francisco State Univ. Downloaded on June 30,2021 at 18:47:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21K74-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-1327-2


Syste m Name Crop Name Description

In Kerala, The Centre for Informatics Research and Advancement (CIRA) has built an expert system program
AGREX named as AGREX which can support the farmers to receive well-timed and trustworthy guidance. This expert
program finds increased use in paddy, vegetables, postharvest technology, and fruits in the field of crop
protection, fertilizer application, disease diagnostics, and irrigation scheduling.

It is an object-oriented, rule-based expert system that can identify serious insect pests of tea and therefore
suggest a suitable control mechanism.

Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (ICAR- CRIJAF) developed a web-based expert system
JAFexpert Jute called JAFexpert. It is capable of providing data for management and accurate identification of injurious
organisms and abiotic damages for jute and allied fibre crops.

This expert system program is utilized for making a diagnosis of a specific disease of mango. The system’s
AMPRAPALIKA Mango knowledge base includes information about the indicators and therapies of 14 mango tree illnesses that exist
during the non-fruiting and fruiting seasons.

The National Institute for Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) developed this expert system
Rice-Crop Doctor Rice
program which is used to detect diseases and rice pests and then suggest the cure.

This expert system is designed for the det ection of diseases triggered by wheat plants and rice pests respectively.
AGPEST Wheat, Rice It also aids the decision support module with a collaborative console base UI for analysis made alongside the
questions relating to some specific disease symptom.

Table I names some Expert Systems that were developed by therefore take and action before hunger lingers as a
Institutes and Organizat ions precisely for use in agriculture. humanitarian crisis, which in turn can help in the complete
The expert systems are designed specifically for part icular development of the world because food is the most
crops. The description field mentioned above discusses how important necessity for human beings.
the expert systems provide facilities for the crops.

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IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21K74-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-1327-2

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