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Arunima Rana (2018) carried out the study about “Face-book Marketing and its Influence on

Consumer Buying Behaviour in Kathmandu”. The objective of the study was to gather consumer

opinions and perceptions on Facebook marketing, to test the relationship between

demographic variables and Facebook marketing influencing consumer buying behavior, to

investigate the relationship between Facebook marketing factors and consumer buying

behavior, and to measure and analyze the influence of Facebook marketing on consumer

buying behavior. The quantitative research methodology was used. Samples of 200 Facebook

users was taken for this study and they were required to fill up the questionnaires.The people

selected for this study were 18 and above. According to the findings of the study, despite the

fact that marketers spend hours establishing brand image, consumers are less concerned with

brand image when making a purchase decision. The finding also show that consumers are more

influenced by word of mouth and opinions expressed by people they know on Facebook, which

has a significant impact on their buying behavior. Celebrity endorsement is the least effective

Facebook marketing factor, implying that customers are more influenced by the opinions of

friends and family than by celebrity endorsement. The limitation of study was that the sample

size was very less to represent the total population of Kathmandu.
Richard, J. E., & Guppy, S. (2014) carried out the study about ”Facebook: Investigating the

influence on consumer purchase intention”. The objective of the study was to gain a better

understanding of the social networking applications and activities that influence buying intention

and to prioritize these factors according to their influence on buying decision. Snowball sampling

technique was used. Participants were provided a link to the survey via Facebook and requested

to complete it. To reach a large number of people, a public Facebook event was made.

After these people finished the survey, the event with the link would appear in their newsfeeds,

allowing more users to participate in the survey. Total 215 people participated. According to the

findings of study, the use of Facebook's like button, location-based check-in service, and share

button applications had a favorable impact on customers buying intentions. Comments on

Facebook has no significant influence on buying intention. As a result, marketers should plan to

include activities on their Facebook page to help create brand, product, or service recognition

and boost sales. Facebook shopping might be a crucial channel in the future. The limitation of

this study was that all participated Facebook user may not be aware about new Facebook


Chitharanjan (2016) [ CITATION Chi16 \l 1033 ]carried out the study about "Analyzing

the impact of social media marketing and online advertisements on consumer behavior" The

objective of the study was to have a basic comprehension of varied concepts of social media

marketing and the online ads and to critically examine the different customer behavior pattern

and recommend solutions so as to tackle the challenges faced by Apple Inc. The researchers have
favored a descriptive research design. The strategy is valuable for quantitative researches. Data

were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected by

questionnaire technique and the secondary data collected through books. journals, websites and

online articles and focusing the data on evaluation of the impacts of social media marketing and

online advertisements on consumer behavior. The findings of the study were that the customer's

satisfaction level is high towards the social media advertisement undertaken by consuming and

recognized that in the present period if business needs to impact the behavior of consumer

towards their product and services then they have to carry out their advertisement using social

media channels. The limitation of the study was limited of time and budget the study was

completed is short period and due to limited budget researcher collected the available data and

information from the free online libraries and other sources only.

Syed M. Naimat U. (2018) carried about the study about” Relationship between Social Media

Marketing and Consumer Buying Behavior”. The objectives of the study was to understand the

impact of social media marketing on consumer buying behavior and to study and provide the

possible implications of the social media marketing on consumer buying behavior. Online survey

was conducted and 100 people responded who were active users of social media.

Distribution of the questionnaire was done by emailing its link and posting it on different social

media sites. The findings and conclusions of the study verified that there is a positive association

between social media marketing and customer buying behavior, as well as that social media can

be used as an effective marketing tool. The limitation of study was that the sample size was very



Jenyo Gabriel, K., and Soyoye Kolapo, M. (2015) carried out the study about "online marketing

and consumer purchase behavior: a study of Nigerian firms", the purpose of this study was to

identify what extent the functionality of the infrastructure of the internet impact consumer.

Purchase behavior in Nigeria and to what extent the internet security issues impact consumer

purchase decisions in Nigerian firms. Samples of thirty companies are drawn from Lagos

metropolis to participate in the research and one hundred and twenty questionnaires were

administered to them to draw conclusion and analysis from their responses. For the purpose of

this research, primary data were sourced with the use of the questionnaire. The questionnaire

comprised of close-ended questions only. The completed questionnaires were drawn dependent

on the research questions under study. The study found that consumers purchase decisions and

infrastructures for the internet has significant relationship and consumers purchase decisions and

Internet security also has a significant relationship. The strength of the study was it included the

employee for different companies. The limitation of the study was all the company didn't

participate equally and only 20 selected companies were selected and other limitation was there

were time constraints for the research.


Fayq Al Akayleh carried out the study about "The influence of social media advertising on

consumer behavior” The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between

social networks and consumer purchase intention and investigate how social media advertising

impacts consumer decisions. The study approach is quantitative in nature and uses simple

random sampling. A questionnaire given to a sample of 1,425 social media users was used to

collect data. According to the study's findings, social media advertising has a major impact on

consumer purchasing decisions. Gender, age, and culture of consumers have significant

moderating impacts on the association between consumer purchasing decisions and social media

advertising, whereas income and education have minimal effects. The limitation pf this study

was that it was limited to the social media users of Riyadh city only and hence cannot be


Carried out the study about ”Customers’ attitude towards social media marketing”. The objective

of this study was to study the influence of social media on consumer buying behavior. The

quantitative research method was used. Udaipur's 100 Internet users were chosen at random

using convenience sampling. According to study’s findings, Customers not only become aware

of brands through social media, but they also prefer the brands advertised through social media

before making a final purchase. However, there is no significant association between brand
awareness and preference for brands advertised on social media sites. Customers have a

favorable opinion of social media marketing methods; they believe that social media marketing

is more entertaining, inventive, educational, and interactive than traditional advertising.

This chapter consist the review of the uses and gratification theory because the theory provides insight
into why Facebook is so widely used. The theory was introduced in 1974 by Elihu Katz and Jay Blumler.
According to [ CITATION Shr18 \l 1033 ] uses and gratification theory of communication explains
how people use media to fulfill their needs. Gratification of needs is the most important role of media
for humans. People get knowledge, interaction, relaxation, awareness, escape and entertainment
through media which they use for interpersonal communication as well. Sheldon (2008, p. 40) states
that “As an audience-based theory, uses and gratification theory hypothesizes that different consumers use
the same media messages for different purposes, depending on their individual needs and goals”
Similarly, Folarin (1998) observes that the theory perceives the recipient of media messages as actively
influencing the effect process, since they selectively choose, attend to, perceive and retain the media
messages on the basis of their needs and belief. According to Katz et al as cited in Roberts (2010), the
uses and gratifications theory is based on the assumptions that (1) the audience is active, (2) the media
choice lies with the audience member, (3) all mediums compete with other sources of need/goal
fulfillment, (4) mass media goals can be found in the message of the source, and (5) cultural value
judgments should not be taken into consideration as the audience explores their own opinions.

According to By directly applying these assumptions to this study, a few customized observations can be
made. First, the average Facebook user is active as he/she has willingly created an account, and is a
member of the site. Next, the user chooses Facebook as a means to fulfill his/her wants and goals over
other sources. Essentially, the Facebook user came to the site for a unique purpose. It could be the need to
connect interpersonally with friends, the need to promote a business or product, that is, advertising or the
need to patronize a product.

carried out the study about Social Media and its impact on consumer behavior. The objective of
this study was to measuring the degree of consumer confidence in purchasing products
online, to identifying the consumer profile that purchase products from online, to determine
the reasons for which consumers purchase products online , to study consumer attitudes
toward other consumer feedback from online, to define the categories of products that
consumers buy online and to identify the maximum amount that consumers are willing to pay
online. Sample of 116 respondents were collected online. The finding of these research was Thw
most consumer

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