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| oo Lpatle 9. | CHANGED TO. er, = g : eal : “a Sees chs CHANGED YO Le pie Wb ba 22 eee Go. o~ FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION ances ‘WASHINGTON £8, B.C. Bager Hoover rector, Federal Durean Investigation taent of Justice ington 25, De Co : Dear Nr, Hoover: This will acknowledge your letter of August 19, 1952 - 7 with enclosures, all relating to alleged trospase and i2- rsonztion in connection vith investigation of the Wilbe ich Founéation, ‘Rangeley, Maine. ai The officers A. Harris Kenyon, Robert B, keller, and Uarl ¥. Brincer are, respectively, Food and Drug Inspector, and Medical Officer of the Pood and Drog Adminis- jaoh being duly authorized by the Administrator to, anong other things, make factory inspections an] coniuct investigations pursuant to the euthority granted ip section 704 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (sitle 2, section 37%, U.S.C. Additionally, theee three officers wero epecifically eted by competent authority in the Yoo4 and Drug Administration to make the inspection and inves- > tigation in question, At the time of the attempted inrpection they fully identified thenselves by badges and other official a + fdentification and cloarly stated their purpose and the nature oe of the visit. Acquiescence in such inspections on the part of the ovner or custodian of such premises is a legal duty ani, te this office received prior to the attempted inspeo- ring to furnish any inforsetion sought if contacted e Ate place of busive ~ ah RAETATH. 24 Very truly yours, joka L, Harvey fooiate Comissioner « oO oO . a Say. mE for informtion and files "of! the Federe) Burcau of Invostigation. The Moore-Cottrel1 Subscription Agencics, Inc. Worth Cohocton, Now York Atten: L, Rawleigh - Dear Sirt In response to your letter of May 6 advising, us that the Armed Forces Uodical Library, Washington 25, D. C. have recoived no issues of the ORGONE ENERGY BULLETIN since Volume 2, No. 1, 1950s - Evory issue of the“ORCONE ENERGY BULLETIK for tho past four yoars, and also the Maroh issuc for 1953, have been sent to the“Armed Forces Medical Library, Washington 25, D.C. upon publication, clearly addressed. We do not understend how it is possible that thexe publications have not been received, and wo would like to know if there is a possibility that sabotage is involved. Mony attempts havo been made by the Rod Fascists in the US/ to impode the use of cosmic orgone energy. | Fe are sending ancthor full set of Bulletins from Volume 2, bo. 2 through Volume 5, Nos. 1,2 by Registered mail to the Armed Forces Medical Library toduy to replace these copies not received, We aro also sending copy of this letter to their attention. : Yours, ciftorely, Crxestitive pirector 7 ORGOME INSTITUTE PRESS The Wilhelm Roich Foundati:. ec: Armed Forcos Modicnl Library, Ae Washington 25, D.C. P.S. Pleaeo let us know if you get any information on the above, either rd tu recoipt of the original mailings of the Bulletin or as to why Fly addressed mailings were not received. (ye W/E =e 7 preeneen BL gee ag ; forgo oe & “:geptember, 14, 1953 -: 2 pega t Orgone Institute Orgonon: ey, Matne tntereat whson' prompted Mote oath z I oppreotate’ your letter of Septender 2, 1959. Fatle I would 2tke to be of service, the information avatlable to the FAI concerning this motter does not reflect o violation of any Federal low within the jurtedtctton ‘of ehte Bureaus © gy ae 2 ‘Sincerely yours, 2) 2 5 a : z = u John S4gar Hoover i Ptrector : Ls ‘ce = New York, with .oopy apaifomng 3 383 NOTE: Inasmuch as tt 8 notZposstble to deternine the . riame of the writer of this letter the outgoing ts being addressed to’ the Orgone Institute. Bufiles reflect that William Washington worked part time on research work for the Orgone Institute during 1949 while attending Harvard University. He subsequently left thet employment and 7 Dr. Filhelm Reich, head of the Institute, felt that Washington's activities should be inveatigated in view of the fact that he had access to confidential research matters while employec at the Institute. The Atomic Energy Commission advised thet an examination of Retch'’s experiments and a review of hie scientific writings indicate that Reich ts mentally ungound tn his ectentific ezperiments. In view cf the fact that the Orgone Inatitute was not performing any work for t the Untted States Government, poydn gation was con= ducted as requested. The Inatttute, 1953, sent a picture of Washington tq, the Aurea, (117-693) A copy of “thta Letter 48-deing sent. toy fee York Office since it was the offs au with the above information. ghO YR Amgen ROR z's EP Bo WS eps * preone institut) Oo e Beptesber 1, 1953 MMIII. vicar Koover, Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D.C. : na Dear Kr. Hoover: ‘Due to cmucial developments in ORANUR research, we would like to remind you of the William ¥eshington caso which was reported to your bureau in 1949/50. The case de urgent. A photogrerh of this mn who 1s either a schisophrenic or @ Moscow Modju spy, was sent to you a a few months ago. We would apureciate speedy and thorough ection. Sincerely yours, = oO O° ith. Tecenber 2, 1957 d d. HE El & Ramm POI RB TU tire Lobert igVtecullouch i The tlhe: toh cooperative with us or with anybody else. Recently the Pure Food’ and Drug Administration of the Department of Agriculture initiated an ijancion Proceedings against Reich restraining his transporting his wares in interstatc commerce. Richardson stated his client has instructed this motion could not be argued in court for two reasons, namely, the scientific and technical aspects were too involved for the court to pass on and, secondly, national / security was involved in that his discovery paralleled the atomic energy developments. Since national security was involved, according to his client, he thought he should come directly to us. In the first instance, pursuant to his client's instruction, he would like to get together with the agency of government concerned and, secondly, from a selfish standpoint, Richardson wondered if Dr. Reich was the type of person he should become involved with, even in an attorney-client relationship. I told Richardson I, of course, could not advise him on thie; that I would have to check to ascertain if we had any current interest im this matter, Richardson also stated he has an appointment to sce the "General Counsel of the Food and Drug Administration on Thureday. I told Richardson we could not advise him as to what he should do with reference ito the attorney-client relationship and I did not know if the Bureau had any interest in Dr. Reich and whether we would be interested tn evpn mae to him. jy SE27 Vesa sf/4 6 /- 35. i fescusy am. 9g OR 2 98 ee fi inveate - 101 Oak. a : cs : : Pa a | J fe wea I checked and ascertained we have had considerable wrespondence and some checks made on this person. He is carrying on tancer research and his research consists of a specially built box wherein an individual ‘site in the box for a period of two hours and breathes the air from the inside of the box through a tube. Apparently Dr. Reich has become somewhat of a local problem in Rangeley and the Town Manager advised in 1950 that Reich's writings were barred from the public library im Rangeley since he had advocated early sexual relations for children in the treatment of cancer.. Senator Smith in October, 1950, furnished information from a local constituent on her suspicion of the Reich Fandation. We simply acknowledged this. - We had checked with the Atomic Energy Commission on Reich's claims in 1951 and the Atomic Energy Commission stated they had looked into his project and described Dr. Reich as mentally unsound. The Immigration and Naturalization people have also been checking into Dr. : Reich. I advised Richardson we had no current interest in Dr. Reich and he might wish to check with Immigration and Naturalization, (Reich has been having trouble with IN&S who have been checking on him). I aleo advised him he might want to check with the Atomic Energy Commission..:. Richardson expressed his appreciation. Since Senator Smith had stated she would like for me to call her, I did return her call. J told her -Ivhad seen Richardson; that we had no current interest in the*Reich Foundation; that I had told Richaras- he might want to check with the Atomic Energy Commission, IN&S and he had already made appointments to check with the Food and Drug Admini: tration, Senator Smith stated she was most appreciative of the courtesy extended to Richardson, She commented on my recent session with her wherein we had discussed the Bureau's activities and stated she had enjoyed that session and she hoped the next time we meet we could discuss a more Pleasant subject matter; that she had given an awful lot of thought to our eession and she hoped we could get better acquainted and we would find her a very reasonable person, I do not know exactly what this means. < STILL WOISE “ : a ASSISTANT IR. WILHELM REICH, oo me is oO a. Office Meni wndum * UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ro + are atghgis77, ef para: March 23, 19545" i pee mon + Me spn DIKECTOR OF ORGOWE INSTITUTE, BANCOCK, MAINE By telegram March 22, 1954, Motae requests oppotntnent with Director og soon as possible ofter his arrival tn Washington, 15:35 today. “He will call on orrivol. - There t8 no positive tdenttfying doto tn Buftles concer: the above-captioned tndtutdual, Our files reflect, however, the following data on indtviducls who may or may not be tdenticol wit! hint - Files reflect one Motse George Wiilions, wa, Wt1ltam Motae, Negro, of Chiecgo, in January, 1947, on plen of guilty war sentenced to eight yeors tn a Chicago Office Theft fron Interstot: Shipment cose. (15-16056). In 1936 the Bureau hod Iimited corres ence with one Willian L. Motse, President, Soctnl Service Bureou Atlontic City, re a speech matter. (94-1-5529). Dies Committee report reflects one Williom L. Moise in 1939 wos a state officer(! of American League for Peoce and Democracy (ALPP). (61-+7582-1208, Page 397). ALP is a cited organization. Y Wi sarge ton wos arrested in Decenbder, 1941, under \Custodial Detentton\Progran and released two weeks later. (100-1¢ \He rune Orgone Institute which oatenstbly carries on concer resec The organization has been promoting espectolly butlt boz wherein individual site ond breathes the air from the inside ofthe boz ‘through a tube. Litercture put out by the group contains numero: Reantngless terms and the Atomic Energy Comatsaton has advised ti Rich's work 48 unsound ond meaningless. AEC described Retch os unsound. Bureau has had numerous communtcattons from the tnatt tr: On February 10, 195¢, the Attorney General announced filing of @ Complaint seeking 0 permanent injunction to prevent interstate shipment of devices ond Iiterature put out by thts group because lof false cloima. (105-11461) ro" BECOUMENDATION: oc = Mr. Nichols, with copy of tnoontng. oc = Mr. Holloman, with oopy of tncoming. aaitirow & iy APH 14 |: a Do-6 Oerict oF Dmscroe FEDERAL BUREAU OF wivEsTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE . Glavine re arb at March23, 1954 i eee eae er307Y oe wr SA WEBB in the crine Records r Sec n advises that he tnter- ae viewed UR, WILLIAM MOISE and that vei Wr, Motse has a suitcase of wr. WoV omen naterial concerning a Fasctat and kiss woteex Communist plot against the alas Gandy “Orgone Institute, Honcock, Maine, of which ir, Moise ts Assistant to Dr, Vilheln Reich, the Director of the Institute. Ur, Motse stated that he ts under orders of Ur, Reich to deliver the contents of the suit= case to Mr, Hoover and to no one else. refused to turn this matertal over to SA = land stated that he will return tomorrow a 10:30A4N so that he can give this suitcase to the Director, He strted that all he wanted to do was turn tt over to Hr, Hoover personally and then derart, Ke wants to be sure the Director knows of his mission. Unless advised to the contrary when Er, Moise calls at the Bureau tomorrow at 10:20Al he will be advised of the Director's absence and attempts vill be made to have him speak to an assintant, ¥r, Hoise called #t today at 52259 and when advised of the Director's absence consented to see an assistant, Background material attached, dpa nee ems. arch 23, 3g Tine S225PU OFFICE OF DIRECTOR “ve FEDERAL BUREAU OF tavestication UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, eae ——Mr._Hiltion Motne, tere ———deeeddy ar won. Mrs Jones Prone Ho. : eKARS. Mise candy. Wr, Motee advised that the had just arrived in town and had some material he wished to turn over to the Director, He was advised of the Director's absence from tre office and arrange= nents have been made for him to come to the Bupscu thie evening to be interviewed by SA of the Crime Records Section, Py wire on March 22nd Mr, Moise advised nat he would arrive tn Washington at ‘S115P4/ER ry requested an appotntnent as soon as possible after hisarrtval, This wire and also a background memo attached, Path Jpe ‘As 70 APR 19 1954 0 sate Uli ae Orrics oF Dmecron wee sien : meen (mM | caries gicsa: sanaarwat Geant we. tava March 24, 1954 See eer wr Rosen UR, VILLIAM MOISE, Assistant to yr. tery pr. Filhelm Retch, Director of Myers Orgone Institute, Rangeley, Matnesr, Jones called and was advised of the wr. vinterrow— Director's absence from the office and he consented to see xr. woltoun one of the Director's assistants iss vol é lto turn over a auttcase of = +. Ks cen cterial concerning a Fascist and: 2 ‘onrunist plot against the Orgone Institute. z “After checking, arrangenents were made for him to see SA of the Crime Records Section. PF 22: 2 that Motee hed a suitcase of Serial which he @aid was proof of c "red Foscist instigated plot” against Orgone insti= tute as well vs tthe security of the United States. advises the case contains articles accumulated duriny the lost 10 years agoinst Orgone. Bureau files show that the pseudo-actentijic work of the Orgone Institute has been discredited by the Atonic Energy Comnisston and the Pure Food and Drug Administration. The Attorney General revortedly hes on injunction against them to prevent the Orgcne Institute from interstate mailing of y devices ond literoture. i | | \ i } i 4 | Moive ask for a recetpt for the suttcase and Gdvised him a receint 2 conld not be view of Bureau policy. Ur, Moise said thet Dr. Reich wonted the Bureau to know that he feels the communists are trying to stop the use of Orgone energy. Hie alao told Ur. Yoise there appecrs to be meme YEE O& Dtciog She 2uttcese wh: under FAI, Jurt atot ton ond noe cauld aot advise Kot. would be-take naterta, ta the woeat any action te taken. = t@ prevartng o memorandum on the matter Gs well Gs a letter for the Director's- sgnature ackn ging receipt of the natertol. nthe suttoase ORGONE INSTITUTE March 30th, 1954 ee Boe 2: Mr. J.Bigar Hoover, Director Federal Durean of Inveatigation Washidgton, D.Ce Dear Me.Hoovert oO T have received your letter of March 25th. I would like to underscore the tesic xotive for sending this material to. your I have, as a physician at the sickbed - of society, sent this material for one single reason only: It proves that "conspirecy® rests on an emotional cont Sgiousness of pathological behavior. It prover, furthergore, that the present-dey methods of dealing with conspiracy are entiquated and inadequate, These methods require thorough reconsideration. I do not know the chief conspirators. Your interest in thie matter is greatly appreciated. or” Vn rd Wilhelx| Raich, MD. \3 CO: Te Prosident of the United States, Washington, D.C. 4: RECORDED. erAPR 97S i ae aa @ ae on scons reraumy 9 ARCHIVES of tis ‘ ‘i ORGONS : »INSHITULE MI Mm» socially pathological acts of the Bectional Plague belong bes @ Beart of Boctal Peychiatry. Ooly the erisinal results of an gnoticn: Sonepimecy belong defore s Board of Justice, Politicians, that is pec; Who are not concerned with factual trath, but solely with interests of ROWEE, have no access $0 either the fuctual functions aor to the jadic. consequences of an Rectiousl Conspiracy. hts te an entirely NAN ai’ Tate affetr tranegressen all party Lines vith their narrov interests o votergitting, 6 40a matter of tnterastionl iaterest today, ant not of ene country; it transgresses also national berderlines, just as Li: Ateelf transgresses a2) human borders and fractional limttations. ‘hi: the nev fact in the lives of all of us, ‘hts fect hee farreaching ec; quences, : It 10 of great importance to recogutse the enotiona) elenent of conspimcy as the true basis of ite merely political manifestations. ‘notion, and not politics, ie a primry Shmotion of society everyvhor Tron this 1¢ follows that Social Psychiatry serves @ more basic f 4n soctety thaa the Board of Justice, It 1s one of the Nev Pacts inc Lives that thie 4s becoming evident now. Ve degia to recognise that t: Susticn must finally step out of ite present, mervly formltatio, lege Procedures anf include the hawag, the emotional, the factual element, . ‘other vords, the YUKDAMEITAL MLEMENT underlying the administration of + Justice in human affairs, os only great Justices were able to practic: heretofore. Confidence in justice must be resterels : Thie Virdseye view should be strictly adhered to in the considera: of the material on "OONSPIRACI"; “if it were to be bantled from s merci political or legalistic, formlistic paint of view; it may well be ta: MMMMoweeriasn thet nearly the WEOLE OF THE POPULATION OF SHB UEA WOULD HAVE GALLED ARFORE OOULTS OF JUSTICE in the pursuit of elimination of unte:. Gonspiring from our lives, However, @ prosecution of the mjority of - population te never possible. It ie possible, bovever, to keep the Ir accord with bwin kovledge. 7 ALL thie te a part of the BIOLOGICAL REVOLUTION to which all of b: found itvelf subjected over the pest few decades, creed - It 40 obvious that husantty 16 exotionally, that 1s tio-energetic Sick. Politics and Poverdrunkenese are eyzptons of this sccial diseas Powerdrunkards are not ani cannot be the judges of powerdrunkeness, J: Little as thieves can be judges of the social 411 of thievery; nor cu. sional mass murderers be the counsels and judges of the social 111 c. murder. Human 121s belong to the vast , unchartifed reals of SOCIAL ” It 4 only Physicians and Biucators, operating at the SICKEED OF SOCIE ean hope te exterminate this disease in a manner adequate to this gren: of medicine ant psychiatry. Tt will be possible, but tt will not be easy, to keep the politi: powerdrunkard avsy fron the confines of this task by one single, simpl: question: : "WHAT WOULD YOU, POLITICAL POWER SKEXER, ACTUALLY, FACHUALLT DO T° ‘ALIMIMATS OR BUN BMOPIOHAL SICKNESS OF THR MAJORISY OY PEOPLE BYE5Y Tt can be shown that those who are out today te gain pover by per Political foes would, a ws ace of te ignorant politictansos. March 24th, 195% ' Vilbetm Betoh : MAR 23 ry WESTERN UNION ee ‘= vB wu F031 PD a “es RANGELEY ME MAR 23 501PUE % JEDGAR HOOVER FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ‘ TELEGRAM WAS SENT TO MR TANNEHILL US WEATHER BUREAU WASHINGTON DC TODAY QUOTE SNOW STORM OVER RANGELEY REGION AS PREDICTED IN TELEGRAM OF 3/22 STOP YOU CAN NO LONGER ESCAPE RESPONSIBILITY FOR DESERT DEVELOPMENT IN USA STOP WE SHALL PURSUE SUBJECT OF DESERT DEVELOPMENT TO LAST DETAIL STOP EVASION NO LONGER WILL WORK STOP ORANUR WEATHER CONTROL WILL HAVE TO WIN OVER FORCES OF CHEMISTRY EVIL KILLING PLANETARY. LIFE STOP UNQUOTE CoRGONE_INSTITUTE.. Seren INGE ITUTE® ost 291854 r RECORDED 99 pg ic 4bl- 34 YIDEXED-50 : Gaal : Dre Filheln Retch fhe Wilhelm.Retch Foundatton Orgone Institute Research Taboratorses, Ines Rangeley, Matne Dear Dr. etch: ce Ment This te to advise you that on March Pé, 1954, tn my absence, Mr. Willtan 4 identified himself ao yor representative, nave aveilable to one of my asatatante the documents which pou had tnetructed him to deliver to the FBI. This matertal has been brought to a attention and will be gtven appropriate consider tton. sincerely yours, Ccuin FET | MAR 26 1954 John Edgar Hoover ~ Director wore: addreas per Sf MY /5i8 y 4 OSbE OE pier eeqeine: UIT HOE H A Pre cate 8 Oo~ mom RRA yh Skagen TLL ION SHnTisE ye 4 ASSIS™ANT DR. WILHELW PEICH, cS 7 brrEcron of bRGONE INSTITUTE, Office MeO. .dum + wntren © roto xeon : RANGELEY, KATHE INOPOSIS: By reference from the Director's Office, Votse was tnter- SHEE onthe feeords of Horch 23 and agatn on March 24, 1954. Hc had come from Orgone Institute to present to the Director a number >, documents which he alleges are proof of a "red fasctst instigated p! against Orgone Institute and the United States. The work of thts inatitute has been discredited by the Atomtc Energy Commissionyan” ¢ Attorney General, at the request of Pure Foo? an? rug Advintderattc hoa requested, and reportedly obtained, an injunction to stm tinier. ate dtetrtbution of the tnstitute's apparatus and literature. 1% was advised that apparently this matter did not come within the Burc’ jurisdiction. The documents he made auatlable consist: primarily of hagaztne articles and letters showing that the institute's work has attacked from all quarters and has often been labeled a frauc. Moi tnetsted on leaving the material, stating that he did not see how t Bureau could disclain jurisdiction without reviewing the matter. "« ervised that he could not be notified as to action being taken or ci whether any actton was being taken. fhen he was cented a receipt, ! asied that the Director write his boss, Reich, to acknowledge recei; of the material. PECOMMENDATIONS: (1) That the material left by votse be reviewed i Crime Records to make sure tt does not pertain to any matters within Bureau's jurisdiction. (2) That any mterial which tt ts not deemed aivi to retain be returned to Orgone Inetitute. Z Adem (3) That attached letter acknowledging recetpt o the natertal be sent to Rech. Ee eh ee eer ese ee oO Oo 0 to Wr. Wichols from Mr. Jones March 75, 1952 FTAILS: In a memorandum dated March 23, 1954, Y advised that by ‘Zelagebaesl 22h ?2, 1954, Moise had requested an appointment wit. rector as 600n as possible after his arrival tn Fashington at 5:1. m Yarch 24, 1954. Pata in Buftles possibly identiftadle with yots t the time, hae now been eliminated by subsequent developments. 5 “Roy background, ftles reflect thot Reich, who was, arrested tn Necert £41, under the custodial Detention Program ond was released uncon” arly’ two weeks laters runs a pseudo~scientific research foundation, Crgone Institute, which ostensibly ts engaged tn the applicatton "or energy to various fields. Thte “orgone” energy, supposedly dtscovzr by Reich, has been discredited by the Atomtc Energy Commisston,and * Pure Food an: Drug Administration recently obtained an injunction t« Prevent Reich from distributing apparatus or Itterature pertatning * | tt in interstcte commerce. On February 10, 1954, the Attorney Gene { i | \ 1 { ij 4 filed a complatnt seeking such an injunction, anc, according to vot ‘the injunction has now been granted. By refere Director's Office, Wotse was intervier by Special agent of Crime Records, at 5:40 P.l%, on Horch 23, 1954. Fes mts: that Motse, representing Ketch, he: been sent to turn over to the Bureau a large nunder of documents, /: the archives of Orgone Institute, which allegedly prove: a "red fac. instigated plot” against the United States. Motse insisted he 7esir to give this materia! personally to the Director an? ke could not in-edtately be convinced that this was imposstble. je could not de discouraged fren trying again and the interviex was terntnated. Again by reference from the Dtrector's Office, Motse was inverviewed by Special Agent MMM ct 10:25 A.., on March "4, 125d. Be had decided to make the information available to Specta! Agent Gn? he produced from his suitcase a large number of Aocuments suck « coptes and clippings of magazine articles ani corresrondence which Pirported to show that the discrediting of Peich's work fs tie reci” of @ "red fascist tnstigrted plot.” The magazine articles consiste primartly of ttens from popular publications suck as Co’liers, Satu Evening Fost, Saturday Review of Literature, and the Journal of the Avericon Medical assoctation, exposing the work of Retch for the fr tot tt ta. 4 brief exanination of the docunents fatled to reflect anything within the Bureau's jurtsdtction, and Kotse was sc acvtsed. Fe was persistent, however, tn hts reyuest that the Bureau accept + material and review i¢ thoroughl,,, We made the pertinent potnt tho~ ‘Be gid not see how the Bureau could advise hin definitely that tt h- yo Jurtsdiction unless the docunente were reviewed, Le was gtven *. ‘in’erstand that tf the Bureau did accept the tnforratton, he could ' the advised as to what action was being taken nor even oo t2 whether Gny action vas being token. He was satisfied with thts and state? + ‘he merely wonted to make the informatton avatlable for the Bureau's files. Hts request for a recetpt was refused on the basis of polity. he requested that the Director wrtte a letter to Dr. Retch acknovle a ‘he Bureau has also recetued a telegram dated Yarch 23, 19% ‘from Orgone Institute advising that the same date a telegran was se ‘to the United States Weather Bureau in Washington, stating that a sx atorn had bloun over Rangeley as predicted tn a telegram from Orgon- toweatherBurew the day before. Motse explatned that, as a result of < tnjunctton obtained agctnst his work, Retch had dectded to flood ti: East Coast with rain to prove the value of his expertrents. One 0, the applications of "argone” energy ostensibly te the control of weather conditions. Wr oy bid ee Jomo to Ur. Nichols from Mr. Jones Horch 25, 1954 aaintenbthe material so that Reich would know thet wotse had ful- tIled hia misston. He was told that thts might be posstble. t | i \ ‘ ' ' MAR 3) 1954 ION WESTERN UNI ‘Cerne : BIR WU A039 BI wu F020 PD (y) : RANGELEY ME MAR 1255PME J EDGAR HOOVER, vheors FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE WILHELM REICH FOUNDATION 18 FAR ADVANCED IN PREPARING FULL COMPLIANCE WITH INJUNCTION OF MARCH 19 1954 STOP AN EXACT ACCOUNT OF MEASURES TAKEN AND STILL IN PROGRESS WILL BE SENT TO YOUR OFFICE FOR YOUR INFORMATION THE WILHELM REICH FOUNDATION NE we 1954 gone Inatitute Research - ‘Laboratori Bangeley, Kai) = th Dr. WitherX{Retch ey) \au Wilhelm Betch Foundation Inc. Dear ir, Reich:: - T-wtsh to advise you thot the material lest ot the FBI by Mr. Willian 3. Wotse on March 24, 1954, and the additional matertal received by nat] fron him hove been reviewed. The information contained therein does not pertain to ony matter within the investigative jurisdiction of the 3BI, und I an, therefore, returning it to you under separat: cover. Sincerely yours, 1 i We Bacar Hoover i " John kdgar Hoover a ae Director pg s co- Ur. WU. A, Jones ake usc € folders of as eellaneus documents = Note: This natertélill not be sent until the emorcadun dated avril 1, 1954, recommending that it be sent is Gporoved. | ; ae rh Ye ATS ue mass EL MAR 23 1954 fm WESTERN UNION on. Bhi ee dg! _ BANGOR ME MAR 22 : eee - “J EDGAR HOOVER, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ai REQUEST APPOINTMENT WITH MR HOOVER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER Ry ARRIVAL IN WASHINGTON, | ARRIVE WASHINGTON 5S Pa TUESDAY MARCH 23RD; WILL TELEPHONE ON ARRIVAL WILLIAM MOISE ASST TO DR WILHELM REICH DIRECTOR OF THE ORGONE INSTITUTE HANCOCK MAINE 257AME.. § GOVERNMENT | > omen Office Men to 4 Mr. Nichole pare: April ‘1, S980 va ron 1 240 — on ORGONK INSTITUTE RESEARCH LABORATORIES, INC. mt: es 4 RANGELEY, MAINE NRORUATION CONCERN; Tou ‘ob 11 recall that on 3-. Willian S, Moise, Pepresént tne fe “captioned individual turned over to Se °! Crine Records | [certain documents which Reich and Motae a proof of a "ret faci ‘instigated plot" against Orgone Institute. Moise maintained that the Bur yeould not possibly arrive at the conclusion that this material does not 1 ‘relate to ih matter within the Rureau's jurisdiction without examining 1 the materia, On 3-29-54 SA QM recetued a registered package from Hor i containing addittona similar material, Files reflect that the work of this Institute has been discre. 1 by the Atomto Energy Commtesion and the Food and Drug Administration rec? i obtatned an injunction to prevent them from distributing their literature and apparatus, A thorough review of the material left by Moise shows it merely a collection of the articles and letters which have been written exposing the Institute for the fraud that it te. It te, therefore, bein: recommended that the material be mailed, registered, return receipt wequested, back, to Reich,and letter sv udvising him has been pr

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