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Insights about Human Development and Birth

Aprilyn M.Combis

Laguna State Polytechnic University – Sta.Cruz Campus

NCM 107 MCN Lec BSN 2-A

Ms. Myranie L. Sy, MAN, RN

October 20, 2021

Insights about Human Development and Birth

We humans, are the most complex being living in this world, we function and we think

indifferently to each other and we are categorized as the highest form of species and there is no

doubt in that because looking at the processed we had all undergo just to have this life we are

living, well it all made sense.

In the video I have watched I’ve come to understand more deeply how baby is made with

the help of the animated video it becomes easier to visualize how a human is made and

developed, it all started with the ovary that produces one mature egg cell which in turn travel to

the fallopian tube to be fertilized by a sperm that is released through ejaculation by the male,

once these two fused together a zygote would be form. The uterus plays a big role in this case

because this is where the fertilized egg would stay where it would be called an embryo. It is seen

that the heart and the circulatory system are the first one to be developed as it is as early as in 5

weeks followed by the shaping of nose and ears at 6 weeks, by 9 weeks the reproductive organs

begin to form, 10 weeks the sense of smell is achieved by 11-16 weeks the musculoskeletal

becomes to harden and by 18 weeks the baby starts to kick and roll. It will continue to develop

and by the 30th week the most important organ, the brain is achieved that’s why by 35 weeks the

baby can already recognize the mother’s voice, in the last age of gestation by 40 weeks, the

integumentary system are developed.

Human development is indeed made out of many processes and challenges that’s why its

necessary for us, future nurses to have appropriate knowledge about this so that when the tine

finally comes where we need to assist a pregnant woman we could do our task effectively, we are

talking about new life here and compare to other cases this particular duty is a bit challenging

because we are handling a very fragile client.

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