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Neurodevelopmental disorders in children with severe to profound

sensorineural hearing loss: a clinical study

1 Department of Developmental Neuroscience, IRCCS Stella Maris, Pisa, Italy. 2 Department of Neuroscience, Otology-Cochlear Implante Centre, University of Pisa, Italy.
3 Division of Child Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Pisa, Italy.
Correspondence to Dr Anna Maria Chilosi, Department of Developmental Neuroscience, IRCCS Stella Maris, Via dei Giacinti 2, 56128 Calambrone, Pisa, Italy. E-mail:

This article is commented on by Grether on page 791 of this issue.

PUBLICATION DATA AIM The effects of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) are often complicated by additional disabili-
Accepted for publication 16th December 2009. ties, but the epidemiology of associated disorders is not clearly defined. The aim of this study was
Published online 19th March 2010. to evaluate the frequency and type of additional neurodevelopmental disabilities in a sample of
children with SNHL and to investigate the relation between these additional disabilities and the
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS aetiology of deafness.
PDD Pervasive developmental disorder METHOD One hundred children with severe ⁄ profound SNHL (60 males, 40 females; mean age 5y
SNHL Sensorineural hearing loss 7mo, SD 3y 6mo, range 8mo–16y) were investigated using a diagnostic protocol including
neurodevelopmental, genetic, neurometabolic, and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
RESULTS Forty-eight per cent of the sample exhibited one or more additional disabilities, with
cognitive, behavioural–emotional, and motor disorders being the most frequent. The risk of addi-
tional disabilities varied according to the type of aetiology. Thirty-seven out of 80 individuals with
available MRIs showed signal abnormalities, in particular brain malformations (46%) and white
matter abnormalities (54%). Frequency and type of disability were associated with aetiology
(p=0.015) and MRI data (p<0.001).
INTERPRETATION A multidimensional evaluation, including aetiological, neurodevelopmental,
and MRI investigation, is needed for planning therapeutic intervention, such as cochlear implanta-
tion in children with severe to profound hearing impairment. The aetiology of deafness is a rele-
vant risk indicator for the presence of an associated disorder.

According to the literature, sensorineural hearing loss Given the costs of cochlear implantation, clear criteria
(SNHL) is complicated by additional disabilities in about 30% for evaluating possible risks and benefits and meeting par-
of individuals,1–5 but the epidemiology of associated disorders, ents’ expectations are indispensable.6 The preoperative
in terms of type, frequency, and aetiology, is still not clearly assessment and the postoperative rehabilitation and follow-
defined. A wide variety of additional disabling conditions have up of children with multiple impairments imply special
been described in children with severe to profound hearing diagnostic difficulties and the need for a multidisciplinary
impairment, sometimes as part of a named syndrome (i.e. approach. In addition, there is no universal agreement on
CHARGE [coloboma, heart defects, choanal atresia retarded the potential benefits of cochlear implantation for children
growth and development, ear anomaly ⁄ deafness], Waarden- with multiple impairments.7 Thus, cochlear implantation in
burg, Usher, and Goldenhar syndromes), or as comorbid to children with SNHL and associated disabilities is an
deafness of known or unknown aetiology. Studies on addi- emerging issue where the challenge is to define prognostic
tional disabilities are difficult to perform and interpret. The indicators correctly.
heterogeneity of definition and inclusion criteria (such as The aim of the present study, therefore, was twofold: (1)
severity of cognitive disability) has led to widely differing to evaluate frequency, type, and severity of additional
results from various studies. Moreover, the relation between (motor, cognitive, behavioural, epileptic) neurodevelop-
deafness and disability can raise contradictory interpretations mental disabilities in a sample of children with SNHL
that may be related to aetiology or a secondary association. using a comprehensive diagnostic protocol that included
Additional disabilities in a child with severe to profound neuroradiological investigation by magnetic resonance
hearing impairment have important consequences when imaging (MRI); (2) to investigate the relation between
assessing and choosing a therapeutic treatment, in particular aetiology and additional disabilities by type and severity of
when considering cochlear implantation or hearing aids. disease.

856 DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2010.03621.x ª The Authors. Journal compilation ª Mac Keith Press 2010
METHOD What this paper adds
Participants • This study adds new information about children with sensorineural hearing
The sample consisted of 100 children with SNHL, consecu- loss, who frequently present with a variety of disorders.
tively referred to the Department of Developmental Neurosci- • It provides information to assist clinicians and families in predicting outcomes
and adjusting expectations for these children.
ence, IRCCS Stella Maris, Pisa, Italy, for neurological and
psychiatric evaluation from January 2005 to December 2008.
Most of the children were referred by audiological centres brainstem responses, impedance testing with stapedial reflexes
during cochlear implant re-evaluation or during post-implan- study) and subjective (behavioural audiometry) methods. The
tation follow-up. hearing threshold was calculated with pure-tone audiometry
The group included 60 males and 40 females, with a mean between 0.5, 1, and 2kHz, and deafness severity was defined
age at the time of assessment of 5 years 7 months (SD 3y 6mo; according to the Bureau International d’Audiophonologie.9
range 8mo–16y). Fifty-seven children had cochlear implanta- For more details see Table SIII (published online only).
tion and 43 had hearing aids at the time of assessment.
The inclusion criteria were (1) bilateral pre- ⁄ peri-verbal Additional disabilities
profound ⁄ severe hearing loss documented by a complete audi- The additional neurodevelopmental disorders were classified
ological assessment, (2) age not more than 18 years, and (3) into the following categories: motor disorders; cognitive dis-
fully available results from diagnostic investigations, per- ability (DSM-IV);10 pervasive developmental disorders
formed according to the protocol reported below. (PDDs; DSM-IV);10 behavioural and emotional disorders
For more details on sample characteristics, see Table SI (including, according to DSM-IV, attention-deficit–hyper-
(published online only). activity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, depression);
and epilepsy.
Neurological and psychiatric assessment If a child exhibited more than one additional disability, we
The assessment protocol was based on a multidisciplinary defined the disorder additional to deafness as primary accord-
approach and administered by child neuropsychiatrists with ing to the two clinical criteria stated by DSM-IV: (1) the rea-
experience in developmental disorders. For a description of son for visit and (2) the clinical significance of the disability,
the assessment protocol with indication of some scoring crite- which causes significant distress or impairment in social, occu-
ria for making the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders pational, or other important functional areas.
see Table SII (published online only). Because it is still debated if language and learning dis-
All children underwent a comprehensive clinical and labora- orders in children with hearing impairment are additional
tory investigation that included the following evaluations: fam- to deafness or a direct consequence of it,11 these disorders
ily history and medical record of the child’s pre-, peri-, and were not included among additional disabilities in the present
postnatal clinically significant events; routine haematology and study.
biochemistry tests of ammonia and lactate, serum and urine
amino acids, urinary mucopolysaccharides, and organic acids; Aetiology
thyroid function; connexin 26 and 30 and molecular analysis of Aetiology was classified into the following main categories:
mitochondrial DNA for the presence of mutations to A1555G unknown, if the cause of deafness remained unknown, despite
and A3243G;8 high-resolution chromosome tests and specific the comprehensive evaluation; hereditary non-syndromic
genetic analyses in children with additional cognitive disabili- (mutation in connexion 26 and 30); hereditary syndromic (i.e.
ties and ⁄ or dysmorphic features; awake and asleep electroen- Jervell and Lange-Nielsen, CHARGE, Goldenhar, and chro-
cephalogram; and brain MRI in all the children suitable for mosomal syndromes); pre-perinatal (preterm birth and
cochlear implantation according to our centre’s criteria.7 hypoxia); and infections: intrauterine (TORCH [toxoplasma,
In the presence of MRI white matter abnormalities, or if the rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex] complex) and post-
medical history or clinical signs seemed to indicate a neuro- natal (meningitis).
degenerative disease, a battery of tests was performed that In addition to the above conditions, a new category was
included specific neurometabolic tests, mutational analysis of included, termed ‘presumably syndromic’ because of the asso-
mitochondrial DNA, muscle biopsy, studies of cerebrospinal ciation between deafness and brain malformations of an un-
fluid, and other neurophysiological studies (visual and somato- determined origin.
sensory evoked potentials, nerve conduction velocity).
Other, more specific molecular–cytogenetic studies, i.e. Magnetic resonance imaging
array-based comparative genome hybridization, were also per- MRI studies were performed using a 1.5T system (GE LX
formed in individuals with brain malformations including Signa Horizon System Milwaukee, USA). The protocol
migration disorders such as focal dysplasia and periventricular included conventional sequences (fluid-attenuated inversion
nodular heterotopia. recovery [FLAIR]-, T1-, and T2-weighted images) in the
axial, coronal, and sagittal planes.
Audiological assessment Images were interpreted by experienced neuroradiologists
The audiological assessment included a comprehensive evalua- and were classified as follows: normal; areas of abnormal
tion based on objective (otoacoustic emissions, auditory white matter signals; major brain malformations: migration

Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children with SNHL Anna M Chilosi et al. 857

disorders (focal dysplasia, periventricular nodular heterotopi- Aetiology of deafness and neurodevelopmental disabilities
as), diffuse brain malformations; and minor brain malforma- Table II shows the number of individuals affected by distinct
tions (arachnoid and pontocerebellar cysts). pathological conditions (when specified) and the number of
The study was approved by the Stella Maris Scientific Insti- children with associated disabilities within each aetiological
tute Ethical Committee. Informed consent was obtained from category. The aetiology of deafness was unknown in 31% of
parents of children participating in this study. children.
Among genetic causes, hereditary non-syndromic deafness
Statistical analysis was documented in 22%, presumably syndromic in 12%, and
The significance of the associations among variables (type of hereditary syndromic in 10% of children.
aetiology, presence of associated disability, presence of MRI Among non-genetic causes, pre-perinatally hypoxic ische-
abnormalities) was evaluated by v2 test for nominal variables mic or vascular disorders were the prevalent aetiologies (17%),
and the magnitude by the Cramer’s V statistic. Analysis of the whereas intrauterine infections were less frequent (8%). This
relative risk between different conditions is reported with 95% percentage might be underestimated, especially for cytomega-
confidence intervals (CIs).12 lovirus infections (observed in six children) that often go unde-
tected, unless the mothers are known to be positive.
RESULTS Analysis of the relation between aetiology and disability
Neurodevelopmental disabilities additional to deafness (Table II, Fig. 1) revealed that different aetiologies have vary-
Neurodevelopmental disabilities were present in 48 out of 100 ing probabilities of being associated with additional
children referred to our clinic. Table I shows the frequency of disabilities (v2=14.2, degrees of freedom [df]=5, p=0.015,
the five categories of primary disability. Cramer’s V=0.38): the lowest rate was observed in unknown
The analysis of the relative distribution of primary disabili- and hereditary non-syndromic deafness (32%); the highest in
ties among affected children showed that motor disorders and presumably syndromic (92%) and hereditary syndromic
cognitive disability were the most frequent conditions; deafness (60%). In the case of intrauterine infections and
behavioural disorders were next, followed by PDD and epi- pre-perinatal causes, the frequency of disability was about
lepsy. PDD was diagnosed in five individuals, three of whom 50%.
were also affected by cognitive disability. Analysis of the relative risk between different conditions
Regarding the severity of the associated disability, we con- showed that the probability of undetermined presumably
sidered, as suggested by others,13 the number of co-occurring syndromic deafness being associated with disability was 2.9
pathologies in the same individual. As shown in Table I, 21 and 2.6 times (respectively) higher than hereditary non-
children presented more than one disability in addition to syndromic (relative risk 2.88; 95% confidence interval [CI]
deafness. 1.52–5.43) and unknown deafness (relative risk 2.58; 95%
In the no-disability group 19 children displayed oral and ⁄ or CI 1.56–4.27). Other comparisons were not statistically sig-
written language disorders, which were not included among nificant.
the additional disabilities in this study.
Aetiology of deafness and types of neurodevelopmental
Table I: Number of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, consid- Figure 1 shows the distribution, within each aetiological cate-
ered as primary, isolated, and multiple in the sample of 100 children with gory, of the type of neurodevelopmental disorder, by calculat-
sensorineural hearing loss ing its occurrence not only as a primary disability but also in
association with other disorders. Although the subgroups were
Isolated too small to calculate statistical significance, there was a ten-
Primary disabilities disabilities Multiple disabilities dency towards an association between aetiology and type of
Type n Type n Type n disability. In particular, individuals with hereditary syndromic,
presumably syndromic, intrauterine, and pre-perinatal deaf-
None 52
ness were at higher risk of being affected by cognitive disabil-
CD 14 CD 10 CD+BEH 1
CD+PDD 3 ity, compared with unknown and hereditary non-syndromic
MD 14 MD 2 MD+CD 4 deafness. As for motor disorders, the risk was higher in chil-
dren with presumably syndromic deafness and pre-perinatal
MD+CD+vision 4
MD+CD+EP+vision 1 lesions in comparison with other conditions.
BEH 13 BEH 12 BEH+CD 1 Motor disorders were mainly represented by cerebral palsy
due to pre-perinatal brain lesions, but also occurred in four
EP 2 EP 1 EP+BEH 1
Total 100 27 21 children with brain malformations of determined or undeter-
individuals mined origin, and in one child with mitochondrial disease;
two children had primary movement disorders.
CD, cognitive disability; BEH, behavioural and emotional disorders;
PDD, pervasive developmental disorder; MD, motor disorder; EP, A rather unexpected result was that about one-third of
epilepsy. children with mutations in connexin 26 or 30 exhibited an

858 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2010, 52: 856–862

Table II: Occurrence of neurodevelopmental disorders across different aetiological categories in the sample of 100 children with sensorineural hearing loss

Rate of
Aetiology of deafness n disorder

Hereditary Mutation in connexin 26 and 30 22 7 ⁄ 22

non-syndromic (22 ⁄ 100)
Presumably SNHL associated to migration 3 11 ⁄ 12
syndromic (12 ⁄ 100) Disorders: focal dysplasia
SNHL associated to migration 3
Disorders: periventricular
nodular heterotopia
SNHL associated to diffuse 6
malformations of the central
nervous system
Hereditary Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome 2 6 ⁄ 10
syndromic (10 ⁄ 100) Down syndrome 1
De George syndrome 1
Other chromosomal anomalies 3
Goldenhar syndrome 1
Pendred syndrome 1
CHARGE syndrome 1
Perinatal (17 ⁄ 100) Preterm birth and hypoxia 17 9 ⁄ 17
Intrauterine Rubella 2 4⁄8
infections (8 ⁄ 100) Cytomegalovirus 6
Unknown (31 ⁄ 100) 31 11 ⁄ 31

SNHL, sensorineural hearing loss; CHARGE, coloboma, heart, atresia choanae, retarded growth and development, ear anomaly ⁄ deafness.

60 BEH

50 Epil
20 MD
10 CD
Unknown Her NonSyndr Her Syndr Presum Syndr Infection Pre-perinatal

Cause of hearing loss

Figure 1: Distribution of the different neurodevelopmental disorders within each aetiological category. MD, Motor Disorders; CD, Cognitive disability; PDD,
Pervasive Developmental Disorders; Epi, Epilepsy; BEH, Behavioural and emotional disorders; Her, Hereditary; Syndr, Syndromic; Pres, Presumably; Infect,

associated disability: three children were affected by behavio- tions in 38% (six individuals with neuronal migration anoma-
ural disorders, one by epilepsy, one by motor disorder, and lies and seven with diffuse brain malformations involving the
one by epilepsy and cognitive disability. posterior fossa and cerebellum). In three children with nodular
heterotopias an array-based comparative genome hybridiza-
Neuroimaging and neurodevelopmental disabilities tion analysis was performed. One out of three children
MRIs were available for 80 out of 100 individuals; there were presented a deletion, Cr6p25.3, whereas in the other two the
no differences between children with hearing impairment, analysis was negative.
with and without available MRIs in terms of either type of Minor brain malformations (8%) were present in three indi-
associated disabilities (v2=1.53; df=5; p=0.91) or aetiology of viduals with mutation in connexin 26.
deafness (v2=0.89; df=5; p=0.97). About half of the children The association between aetiology and presence of MRI
had normal MRIs (Table III). abnormalities (reported in Table SIV, published online only)
MRI abnormalities were represented by abnormal white was statistically significant (v2=31.1; df=5; p<0.001; Cramer’s
matter signals in 54% of individuals and by brain malforma- V=0.62). Most of the individuals with normal MRIs were

Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children with SNHL Anna M Chilosi et al. 859

Table III: Occurrence of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormalities and rate of disability in 80 children with sensorineural hearing loss

MRI n (%) Brain abnormalities n Rate of disability

Abnormal 36 ⁄ 80 (45) Areas of 19 14 ⁄ 19

abnormal white
matter signals
Migration Focal dysplasia 2 12 ⁄ 14
disorders and Left hemisphere complex 1
diffuse brain malformation with dysplasia
malformations and brainstem hypotrophy
(38%) Periventricular nodular 2
Complex malformations 1
with heterotopia
Holoprosencephaly 1
Cerebellar and brainstem 1
Triventricular hydrocephalus, 1
hypoplasia of posterior fossa
and hippocampus inversion
Cerebellar vermis and 1
brainstem hypoplasia
Hippocampus inversion 1
Cisterna magna enlargement, 1
left cerebellar hypoplasia
Posterior fossa malformation 1
and hydrocephalus
Posterior vermis and pons 1
hypoplasia, ventricular
supratentorial and
subarachnoid space
Minor brain Pontocerebellar cyst 1 0⁄3
malformations Arachnoid cyst 2
Normal 44 ⁄ 80 (55) None 44 16 ⁄ 44

affected by aetiologically unknown or hereditary non-syndro- DISCUSSION

mic deafness (32 ⁄ 44); abnormal white matter signals were typ- With the advent of cochlear implantation and the broadening
ically associated with pre-perinatal pathologies and with of candidacy criteria for this, more children with SNHL and
intrauterine infections, but were also observed in three chil- associated disorders are being assessed in cochlear implanta-
dren with deafness of unknown aetiology. SNHL associated tion centres by multidisciplinary evaluation. Paediatricians,
with migration disorders and diffuse brain malformations was child neurologists, and psychiatrists may be requested there-
part of complex, nosologically undetermined syndromes of fore, to formulate a full diagnostic and prognostic evaluation.
presumably malformative origin. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency and
The analysis of the association between MRI findings and type of neurodevelopmental disabilities additional to deafness
neurodevelopmental disorders additional to deafness, revealed in a very large group of children with profound ⁄ severe SNHL
a strong relation between brain abnormalities and disability of different aetiology. This study offers some new insights into
(v2=17.5; df=3; p=0.001; Cramer’s V=0.47). In particular, the children with SNHL, who frequently present a variety of dis-
risk of associated disabilities was two times higher in the orders in different combinations. It may assist clinicians and
presence of white matter alterations compared with normal families to predict results and adapt their expectations by
MRI (relative risk 2.02; 95% CI 1.26–3.25). The risk understanding which disabilities are likely to co-occur with
increased even more in children with migration disorders and SNHL.
diffuse brain malformations, with respect to normal MRI In our sample, the proportion of children affected by
(relative risk 2.35; 95% CI 1.51–3.67); whereas minor brain neurodevelopmental disabilities was rather high compared
malformations were not associated with any neurological or with the general population. At least one additional disabil-
psychiatric abnormality. ity, not directly caused by hearing impairment, was found
Cognitive disability and motor disorders were the most fre- in 48 out of 100 children. Of course, this high proportion
quent disorders associated with white matter abnormalities, may be partly because they were studied in a national refer-
migration disorders, and diffuse brain malformations. ence centre for developmental neurological and psychiatric
Behavioural disorders and PDD were frequently observed in disorders.
the absence of any MRI alteration.

860 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2010, 52: 856–862

The most frequently associated conditions were represented genome hybridization analysis, a new deletion of chromosome
by cognitive disabilities and motor disorders (mainly cerebral 6, Cr6p25.3, was found.
palsy), followed by behavioural–emotional disorders. Nearly The association between MRI findings and neurodevelop-
half of the affected children exhibited more than one disability. mental disabilities varied according to the severity of brain
The aetiology of deafness was heterogeneous and the propor- alterations: it was pronounced in children with white matter
tion of unknown aetiology was slightly lower than that abnormalities or migration disorders that were associated with
reported by Morzaria et al.14 in their meta-analysis of a large the highest frequency of cognitive disability and motor dis-
series of published papers on the aetiology of SNHL, but still orders. In general, we observed that although almost all chil-
falling within the first standard deviation interval indicated by dren with major MRI abnormalities were affected by
those authors. This suggests that our sample may be consid- disabilities, those with minor brain anomalies were free from
ered fairly representative of the paediatric population with neurodevelopment problems. In this respect, however, PDD
SNHL and that the systematic application of exhaustive and did represent a ‘special case’, as most children with PDD had
multidisciplinary diagnostic protocols may lead to a progres- a normal MRI. This finding confirms that early diagnosis of
sive reduction of the frequency of unknown aetiology.13–16 PDD requires specific evaluation in all children with hearing
An important result of the present study was the evidence impairment suspected of autism, because this still lacks the
gathered on the relevance of aetiology as an indicator of risk support of a clear biological marker.
for additional disabilities. The risk of multiple disabilities was In the case of both unknown aetiology and connexin muta-
much lower in the case of unknown deafness and hereditary tions, the risk of MRI anomalies and neurodevelopmental dis-
non-syndromic SNHL, owing to alterations of the connexin abilities is rather low. This may be because unknown aetiology
genes, compared with other aetiologies. Nonetheless, about deafness could be linked to genetic mutations not yet identi-
one-third of the children with hereditary non-syndromic deaf- fied, therefore possibly explaining the analogies of these two
ness exhibited additional disabilities. Therefore, as pointed out groups in terms of neurodevelopmental risk and MRI results.
by Wiley et al.17 and Kenna et al.,18 the presence of connexin
mutations may also be suspected in children with neurological CONCLUSION
and ⁄ or psychiatric disorders. Our sample shows significant and interesting associations
The risk of multiple disabilities was high in children with between disabilities and deafness that require extensive neuro-
hereditary syndromic deafness, in the case of pre-perinatal dis- developmental, laboratory, and neuroradiological investigation
orders and in children with hearing impairment with major aimed at clarifying aetiology, type, and severity of disability,
brain malformations on MRI. This latter condition, which we particularly for therapeutic intervention.
have designated as ‘presumably syndromic’, might be a new We suggest, in agreement with Rajput et al.,15 that deafness
distinct entity to be specified in terms of aetiopathogenesis aetiology should be considered a possible risk indicator for the
and possible causative genes. presence of additional disorders. Moreover, the systematic use
Our study is one of the few that have investigated the rela- of brain MRI could detect cortical abnormalities associated
tion between aetiology and disability in children with severe to with SNHL, whose occurrence may contribute to define new
profound hearing impairment by including MRI examination pathological entities, characterized from a neurogenetic view-
in their clinical protocol. point. At the same time, it was found that mutations in
In the study by Lapointe et al.,19 the authors retrospectively connexin 26 and 30, which are prototypes of isolated non-syn-
reviewed the results of brain MRI of all consecutive children dromic deafness, might be associated with neurological and ⁄ or
with profound SNHL undergoing pre-implantation evalua- psychiatric disorders in some children. This finding contrasts
tion. They reported that 20% of their children showed signifi- with what is generally reported in the literature and indicates
cant brain abnormalities, mainly consisting of migrational that the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders additional
disorders, and suggested that MRI should be part of the pre- to deafness is a complex area of research and represents a rela-
implantation protocol for all candidates for cochlear implanta- tively new topic for the pathophysiology and genetics of deaf-
tion. Our results provide further evidence that brain MRI is an ness.
important tool in the investigation of the aetiology of deafness
and additional disabilities in children with SNHL. A signifi- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
cant number of children with hearing impairment show corti- We thank our colleagues of the ear, nose, and throat departments
cal and subcortical brain abnormalities that may have a who sent their children to our centre. We also thank Pietro Patusi for
negative impact on their development. statistical advice and Vincent Corsentino for reviewing the English of
In our sample we observed three instances of periventricular the manuscript. The study was partly supported by grants PRIN
nodular heterotopias, which may be isolated or part of con- 2007 and RC 1 ⁄ 08 from the Italian Ministries of University and of
genital multiple anomaly syndromes. Heterotopias are Health.
reported in the literature as associated with several copy num-
ber variations, including deletion 6q26q27 or 7q11.33,20 ONLINE MATERIAL
duplication 5p15.1 or 5p15.33,21 and 5q14.3–q15 deletion.22 Additional material and supporting information may be found in the
In one of the three children in our study with periventricular online version of this article.
nodular heterotopias undergoing array-based comparative

Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children with SNHL Anna M Chilosi et al. 861

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