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Non-verbal Sensory perception is a determinant of neurological develop-

ment. This has been well established by animal experimentation

and clinical evidence on visual, tactile, and vestibulokines-
development of thetic modalities. The repercussion of auditory deafferenta-
tion on language development is clear, but there have been few
children with deafness studies about the effects on extraverbal capacities.
In Europe the prevalence of neonatal cochlear hearing loss

with and without is about 3 to 5 out of every 1000 live births, with a third of
these children having severe to profound bilateral congenital
hearing loss (Davis et al. 1995, Van Naarden et al. 1999). Even
cochlear implants in the absence of other neurological damage, and despite
specially designed educational intervention, deafness is fre-
quently the cause of low academic achievement (Rapin 1979,
Denoyelle et al. 1999). Considerable efforts have been made
Emilie Schlumberger*; over the past few decades to improve the early detection of
Juan Narbona; deafness (American Academy of Pediatrics 1999), and this has
Manuel Manrique, Clínica Universitaria de Navarra, led to better results from therapeutic interventions from a
Universidad de Navarra, Unidad de Neurología Pediátrica, young age (Yoshinaga-Itano 1995, Samson-Fang 2000).
Pamplona, Spain. It is commonly accepted that motor development is slow-
er in children with deafness, in terms of both coordination
*Correspondence to first author at Hôpital Raymond (Myklebust 1964) and speed of movement (Wiegersma and
Poincaré, Service de Médecine Physique et Réadaptation de Van der Velde 1983). The neuropsychological features of
l’Enfant, 104 Bd Raymond Poincaré, 92380 Garches, France. congenital deafness have been studied extensively in adults
E-mail: and most of the studies deal with visual perception (Neville
and Lawson 1987): the principal support for communication
skills in those with deafness.
A cochlear implant (CIm) can restore the auditory input to
the developing brain. Svirsky (2002) and many others have
Deprivation of sensory input affects neurological reported promising results in terms of improvement in recep-
development. Our objective was to explore clinically the role tive and expressive language in children with deafness who
of hearing in development of sensorimotor integration and were given an early CIm combined with subsequent speech
non-verbal cognition. The study involved 54 children (15 therapy. So far there have been no studies on the repercussions
males, 39 females; 5 to 9 years old) with severe or profound of CIm on cognitive extraverbal or fine motor development.
bilateral prelocutive deafness but without neurological or The aim of this work is to investigate clinically the neuro-
cognitive impairment. Of these, 25 had received an early logical and neuropsychological development of children
cochlear implant (CIm). Patients were compared with 40 with deafness – excepting verbal development – whether they
children with normal hearing. All were given a battery of received an early CIm or not.
non-verbal neuropsychological tests and a balance test, and
were timed for simple and complex movement of limbs. Method
Deafness, whether treated by CIm or not, resulted in a delay The ethics committee of the University Clinic of Navarra
in development of complex motor sequences and balance. approved our research protocol. All parents gave their informed
Lack of auditory input was also associated with lower, but consent. The children participated freely in all tasks.
non-pathological, scores in visual gnoso-praxic tasks and
sustained attention. Such differences were not observed in PARTICIPANTS
children with CIm. Hearing contributes to clinical The study included 94 children, 54 of whom had prelocutive,
development of spatial integration, motor control, and bilateral, severe or profound hearing loss defined in accordance
attention. An early CIm enables good verbal development and with the norms of the Bureau International d’Audiophonologie
might also improve non-verbal capacities. (hereafter we shall use the term ‘deafness’); the remaining 40
were a comparison group of children with normal hearing.
The sample was divided into three groups which are detailed
in Table I. Group A contained 29 children with deafness
between 5 and 9 years of age who were mainly recruited from
outside the region served by Navarra University Hospital. All
children were diagnosed as severely or profoundly hypoacusic
before 2 years of age. All except four children had been enrolled
in early intervention programmes, had begun using hearing
aids soon after diagnosis, and attended regular kindergarten or
school with speech therapy support. Exclusion criteria were
known neurological impairment, or learning disabilities*.
Four of the children in this group underwent motor skill tests

*US usage: mental retardation.

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2004, 46: 599–606 599

but were excluded from the rest of neuropsychological study groups A and B: more children with low familial educational
because they did not receive regular schooling. level were in group A and more children with high parental
Group B consisted of 25 children with deafness and the educational level were in group B. This is an unavoidable
same age characteristics as those in group A, but group B had consequence of the method of recruitment (families educat-
received a CIm and a subsequent intensive speech therapy pro- ed to a higher level are presumably more likely to demand and
gramme. Median age at implantation was 26 months (range 12 obtain a CIm for their children with deafness). However, we
to 39 months). Implants were Nucleus 22 or 24 (Cochlear Ltd, believe that this difference in cultural level is not relevant to
New South Wales, Australia). The coding strategy of the CIm was our results, because of the good quality of special education
spectral-peak (SPEAK). This group comprised all the children resources for all children with deafness in Spain. We know
(except one) on the CIm programme at our centre who met the that the rehabilitation programmes received by both groups of
inclusion criteria. children with deafness were excellent. The comparison group
Group C comprised 40 children with normal hearing lay at an intermediate point between the two other groups in
recruited in a local school following authorization by their terms of educational status. The non-verbal IQ determined by
parents. Distribution in the different parameters (sex, educa- the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices test (Raven 1967)
tional status of the family, age) allowed a comparison with was not different after grouping our participants according to
group A and B. low, medium, and high parental educational levels.
Distributions of age, sex, and family education level of the
three groups can be seen in Table I, and diagnosis of deafness MEASURES AND ASSESSMENT
in Table II. Medical records for children in groups A and B were reviewed,
The study was undertaken during the decade in which in particular for information about the aetiology of deafness
cochlear implantation was being adopted in Spain, and and age at walking. Children underwent a classical general
Navarra University Hospital has been a pioneer in the early neurological examination, to which we added special tasks
application of this technique. This explains why group B chil- (Table III) to evaluate maturation of balance and motor con-
dren received a CIm whereas group A, who had the same trol. The ‘coordination of legs’ subtest of the McCarthy’s
hearing loss characteristics but were mainly recruited from Scales of Children’s Ability (McCarthy 1972) provided a score
other regions of Spain, did not. of balance (0 to 13 points). We also used the revised Physical
Familial educational status was categorized as ‘high’ if both and Neurological Examination for Soft Signs (Denckla 1985)
parents had completed university education, ‘medium’ if to quantify the speed of repetitive, alternating, or sequential
both parents had completed secondary education, and ‘low’ movements of limbs.
if neither parent had completed secondary education. There The protocol for evaluating cognitive function included non-
is a difference in family cultural/educational levels between verbal IQ measurement and tests of visuospatial perception,

Table I: Characteristics of children according to hearing status, n (%)

Group Sex Educational statusa Age (years)

Males Females Low Medium High 5–<6 6–<7 7–<8 8–9

Group A (–CIm) 7 (24) 22 (76) 18b (56) 6 (24) 5 (20) 8 (28) 6 (21) 7 (24) 8 (27)
Group B (+CIm) 8 (32) 17 (68) 5 (20) 7 (28) 13 (52) 13 (52) 4 (16) 2 (8) 6 (24)
Group C (Comp) 15 (37.5) 25 (62.5) 19 (47) 10 (25) 11 (28) 17 (43) 8 (20) 5 (12) 10 (25)
aEducational status of child’s parents. bFour children in this group were not considered for neuropsychological evaluation because they did

not receive regular schooling. Group A (–CIm), children with deafness; Group B (+CIm) children with deafness and cochlear implant; Group
C (Comp), comparison children with normal hearing.

Table II: Diagnosis of children with deafness

Age (years) Group A Group B

5 7? 10?
1 genetic: deaf parents 1 Waardenburg syndrome
2 genetic: deaf brothers
6 4? 3?
1 genetic: deaf brothers 1 bilateral otitis Pseudomonas and cholesteatoma
1 intrauterine growth retardation
7 6? 1?
1 genetic: deaf brothers 1 meningitis Haemophilus influenzae
8 3? 2?
2 genetic: deaf parents 1 preterm
1 cochlear malformation
9 1? 2?
1 genetic: deaf parents 1 genetic: deaf brothers

Question marks indicate unknown cause of deafness (likely to be genetic).

600 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2004, 46: 599–606

executive function, and visual memory. We used tests that neuropsychological tests. As usual, the correlation matrix was
were appropriate for the child’s age, had been validated for considered adequate if the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin index was
the Spanish population, and that the children could under- greater than 0.8. Values of measures of sampling adequacy
stand easily without oral instructions. The complete protocol, for each variable were accepted if greater than 0.5. The three
described in Table IV was performed by the same person (ES) groups of children were compared for factorial scores with
for each of the children, usually in a single session. In accor- an analysis of variance. Results were considered significant
dance with our focus in this study on non-verbal skills, lan- when p≤0.05. All statistical analysis was performed with SPSS
guage abilities will not be discussed here. (version 10.0).
Results pooled for each of the three groups were com-
pared by using a two-way analysis of variance with the Tukey Results
or the Tamhane correction for multiple comparison. In order MOTOR TESTS
to detect maturational changes over time, between group dif- Age at walking
ferences for children younger than 7 years old and between The age at which the comparison group started walking (group
group differences for children that were 7 years old or more C; 11.8 months, SD1.2) was earlier than that for children with
were calculated. deafness (groups A and B; 14 months, SD2.8; p<0.001). This
To detect more general differences between groups, facto- was still true even after excluding four children with deafness
rial analysis was applied to the data from both the motor and who learned to walk only after the age of 18 months (p<0.001).

Table III: Motor tasks

Balance: leg coordination subtesta


Walking forward
Walking on toes
Walking on a line
Standing on right leg
Standing on left leg
Jumping alternately from one leg to the other
Time performance: feet, hands, and fingersb Label used in text and Table V
Action (Twenty repetitions)

Repetitive movements
Foot: tapping of forefoot on floor T1 (right foot), T2 (left foot)
Hand: tapping with one hand on knee T5 (dominant hand), T6 (non-dominant hand)
Finger: tapping thumb and index T9 (dominant hand), T10 (non-dominant hand)
Alternating movements
Foot: heel–toe alternations on floor T3 (right foot), T4 (left foot)
Hand: pronation and supination T7 (dominant hand), T8 (non-dominant hand)
Sequential movements
Fingers: opposing each finger with thumb in sequence T11 (dominant hand), T12 (non-dominant hand)
aMcCarthy’s Scales of Children’s Ability (McCarthy 1972).
bRevised neurological examination for subtle signs (Denckla 1985).

Table IV: Protocol for evaluation of neurological and neuropsychological capacities

Capacity Test

General intelligence Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (Raven 1976)

Visuospatial gnosias and constructive praxias Visual Perception (Colarusso and Hamill 1980)
Visual Understanding, ITPA (Von Isser and Kirk 1980)
Visual Association, ITPA (Von Isser and Kirk 1980)
Copy Drawing (McCarthy 1972)
Draw a Child (Harris 1982)a
Copy of Rey’s Figure (Rey 1959)b
Executive function Mazes (Wechsler 1949)
Visual memory Visual Span, ITPA (Von Isser and Kirk 1980)
Reproduction of Rey’s Figures (Rey 1959)b
Handedness Edinburgh Inventory, modified (Oldfield 1971)
aChildren under 7 years old. bChildren 7 years old or more. ITPA, Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities.

Non-verbal Development and Deafness in Children Emilie Schlumberger et al. 601

Balance Repetitive, alternating, and sequential movements of limbs
The comparison group (group C) had better balance than The three groups of children showed rapid increases in veloci-
children with deafness (groups A and B; p<0.001). When ty of movement with age. Exhaustive results of the comparison
balance was compared separately for the children younger between the three groups can be seen in Table V. When move-
than 7 years old and those 7 years old or more, the compari- ment was compared separately for children younger than 7
son group had better balance than children with deafness years old and 7 years old or more, children in group C were
and without CIm (group A; p=0.005) but there was no differ- faster at certain repetitive and sequential movements than
ence between the comparison group and children with CIm children in group A (see T3, T4, T5 and T6 in Table V). There
(group B) in either age range. was no such significant difference between other groups.

Table V: Timed movements. Comparison of three groups: those with normal hearing, those with deafness and cochlear implants,
and those with deafness but no cochlear implant

Timea (s) <7 years old ≥ 7 years old

Comparison +CIm –CIm p Comparison +CIm –CIm p
(n=25) (n=17) (n=13) (n=15) (n=8) (n=15)

T1 8.65 (2.09) 9.07 (2.25) 9.05 (2.71) 0.810 6.40 (1.21) 7.25 (1.67) 7.62 (1.69) 0.092
T2 9.32 (2.56) 10.18 (1.72) 10.27 (3.14) 0.417 6.78 (1.27) 7.12 (1.42) 8.21 (2.34) 0.096
T3 14.43 (3.44) 13.41 (2.87) 14.64 (3.78) 0.531 9.25b (2.03) 11.03 (2.97) 12.46b (2.90) 0.007
T4 14.28 (3.70) 15.56 (4.08) 14.91 (3.18) 0.547 10.13b (1.69) 12.12 (1.75) 12.38b (2.34) 0.009
T5 5.73b (1.02) 6.39 (1.13) 7.03b (1.41) 0.005 4.24b (0.52) 5.00 (1.12) 5.13b (0.59) 0.004
T6 6.40b (1.06) 7.32 (1.42) 7.38b (1.49) 0.031 5.06 (0.84) 5.47 (1.02) 5.72 (0.90) 0.141
T7 9.09 (1.59) 9.15 (1.44) 9.27 (2.28) 0.898 7.31 (1.13) 6.67 (0.87) 7.29 (1.44) 0.442
T8 8.95 (1.26) 9.88 (1.82) 9.66 (2.02) 0.275 7.74 (0.85) 7.48 (1.39) 8.14 (0.98) 0.325
T9 7.26 (1.09) 8.00 (1.47) 7.74 (1.27) 0.232 6.08 (0.68) 5.93 (0.94) 6.35 (0.95) 0.472
T10 7.91 (0.89) 7.96 (0.99) 8.41 (1.56) 0.870 6.84 (0.93) 6.70 (1.11) 6.82 (1.02) 0.950
T11 14.15 (3.19) 15.09 (3.88) 16.70 (4.04) 0.148 11.08 (2.66) 11.94 (2.20) 12.22 (2.23) 0.422
T12 14.75 (2.08) 14.07 (3.35) 16.86 (4.38) 0.062 10.59 (2.32) 12.63 (2.00) 12.14 (2.49) 0.091

Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations; p values refer to comparison of three groups.
aRefer to Table III for key to T1–T12. bTwo groups are significantly different. Comparison, comparison children with normal hearing (group C).

+CIm, children with deafness and cochlear implant (group A); –CIm, children with deafness and without CIm (group B).

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0
Factorial score
Factorial score

0.0 0.0

–1.0 –1.0

–2.0 –2.0
n= 25 16 12 15 8 15 n= 25 16 12 15 8 15
<7 years ≥7 years <7 years ≥7 years

Simple movement factor Complex movement factor

Figure 1: Analysis of variance between groups of children for two motor factors. Simple Movement factor: for children younger
than 7 years old, p=0.273; for 7 years old or more, p=0.617. Complex Movement factor: for children younger than 7 years old,
p=0.702; for those 7 years old or more, p=0.008. , comparison children with normal hearing; , children with deafness and
cochlear implant; , children with deafness. aSignificantly different from others.

602 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2004, 46: 599–606

FACTORIAL ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM MOTOR TESTS or more. Children in group A in both age groups, did signifi-
The variables of motor tests were found to be grouped into cantly worse than the comparison group at Copying Drawing.
two factors (Table VI). The first factor, which we call ‘Simple However, with regard to Mazes, group A only performed worse
Movement’, embraces movements that are easily performed than groups B and C in the subgroup of children younger than
automatically after a few imitative repetitions. The second fac- 7 years old (p=0.007).
tor, which we call ‘Complex Movement’, takes into account
movements that are difficult to learn and require the mobi- FACTORIAL ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM COGNITIVE PROFILE
lization of a large panel of muscular groups. In order to com- Two factors were identified (Table VII). We call the first
pare the three groups within the two age ranges, a factorial ‘Procedural’ because it embraces tests evaluating general intel-
score for each patient was calculated for the two factors, with ligence, executive function, and short-term memory (namely
a median of 0 and standard deviation (SD) of 1 (the median the following tests: Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices,
and interquartile amplitude are represented in Fig. 1). An Mazes, and Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities Visual
analysis of variance was then used to compare the new values Span [ITPA]–Visual Span [Von Isser and Kirk 1980]). The sec-
for each group (Fig. 1). For children 7 years old or more, ond factor, which we call ‘Semantic’, encompasses aspects of
there was a difference in the factor ‘Complex Movement’ meaning in the tests of Visual Perception (Colarusso and Hamill
between the comparison group and both groups of children 1980), ITPA–Visual Understanding (Von Isser and Kirk 1980),
with deafness (p=0.008). There was no difference between ITPA–Visual Association (Von Isser and Kirk 1980), and Copy
groups in the factor ‘Simple Movement’. Drawing (McCarthy 1972).
After calculating the new score for each child in each factor,
COGNITIVE PROFILE : INDIVIDUAL TESTS we compared our groups within the two age ranges (Fig. 2).
The three groups were compared for each cognitive test. There In the children younger than 7 years old, there was a clear dif-
was no difference between the comparison group and children ference for the ‘Procedural’ factor between the comparison
with CIm. There were significant differences between the com- group and the children with deafness without CIm. This fac-
parison group and children with deafness without CIm (group tor was normalized in the group without CIm that were 7
A) in terms of performance in the following tests: Raven’s years old or more; however, for this age range there was a dif-
Standard Progressive Matrices (p=0.012), McCarthy’s Scales of ference in the ‘Semantic’ factor between the group with
Children’s Ability–Copy Drawing (McCarthy 1972; p<0.001), CIm and the group without implants (p=0.031).
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Mazes (Wechsler
1949; p=0.005), and Visual Perception (Colarusso and Hamill Discussion
1980; p=0.018). Deafness is often an isolated pathology, so children with such
We compared cognitive test performances separately for sensory impairment but no associated neurological lesion pro-
those children younger than 7 years old and those 7 years old vide a negative pathological model with which to study the role

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0
Factorial score

Factorial score

0.0 0.0

–1.0 –1.0

–2.0 –2.0
n= 25 17 12 15 7 12 n= 25 17 12 15 7 12
<7 years ≥7 years <7 years ≥7 years
Procedural factor Semantic factor

Figure 2: Comparison between groups of children for two cognitive factors. Procedural factor: for children younger than 7 years
old, p=0.001; for those 7 years old or more, p=0.916. Semantic factor: for children younger than 7 years old, p=0.928; for those
7 years old or more, p=0.031. aSignificantly different from others; bTwo groups marked are significantly different to each other.
, comparison children with normal hearing; , children with deafness and cochlear implant; , children with deafness.

Non-verbal Development and Deafness in Children Emilie Schlumberger et al. 603

of auditory input in neurological development and maturation a CIm. This is the first report of a paediatric population with
(Robinson 1998). However, few studies have been published those characteristics.
so far. Children with deafness and CIm provide a further The most evident consequence of deafness on neuropsy-
opportunity for study in this area (Ponton et al. 1996). chological development is language impairment; for that rea-
In our study, 50 of the 54 children with deafness had no son, improvement of oral language has been the principal
anamnestic or clinical elements of neurological involve- objective reported in the literature until now. In most cases a
ment in their deafness (despite 10 of them having a clear ele- CIm has proved to be sufficient in providing the brain with
ment of genetic deafness). The remaining four patients had the auditory input necessary for the development of recep-
an anamnestic element that might possibly have been relat- tive and expressive speech. A young age at implantation is
ed to a neurological event (one prematurity, one intrauter- correlated with better results (Manrique et al. 1999,
ine growth retardation, one cochlear malformation, and one Nikolopoulos et al. 1999).
meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae) but no clinical or Deafness also affects neuropsychological and motor devel-
radiological signs of neurological damage and, therefore, we opment. People with congenital deafness but no neurological
consider them to be lesion free. impairment have normal general intelligence (Mayberry 1992).
More of the children with deafness but without implants However, there are some subtle differences. Hemispheric spe-
were from families of lower educational status than the chil- cialization is atypical for language (Marcotte and LaBarba 1987)
dren with a CIm. This could be a confounding factor, even if and visuospatial processing, in both childhood (Rapin 1979)
we deal with a European population of children who are ade- and adulthood (Neville and Lawson 1987). Some studies have
quately educated by modern rehabilitation specialists. To be found visuospatial processing to be enhanced, which has been
in no doubt, we compared Raven’s Standard Progressive interpreted as a consequence of training in American Sign
Matrices test results for those whose parents had low, medi- Language (Parasnis et al. 1996). Although some studies suggest
um, or high educational status, and this showed no difference that those with congenital deafness have normal visual span
between the three groups of children. (Mayberry 1992), others suggest that immediate visual memo-
This homogeneous population of children with deafness ry is reduced (Parasnis et al. 1996). A recent study, on a short
all received adequate teaching and speech therapy support, follow up of 18 children, suggests that cognitive and behav-
whether they had a CIm or not, but the two groups (A and B) ioural skills of children with deafness start falling behind from a
truly differ because of the auditory input restored in those with very young age (Kutz et al. 2003).
In our study, the innovative work of giving a CIm to young
children at the mean age of 26 months – and always before 39
Table VI: Composition of motor factors months, which is considered an optimal age range for the lin-
guistic benefit of the CIm – has offered the possibility of
Factors Components
studying different aspects of neurological development.
Simple Complex
None of the children with deafness in our study had neuro-
Movement Movement
logical lesions or even manifested neuropsychological deficien-
T9: Dominant finger repetitive movement 0.832 cies other than language impairment. Despite the repercussion
T10: Non-dominant finger repetitive movement 0.797 of deafness on cerebral functional differentiation (Hirano et al.
T6: Non-dominant hand repetitive movement 0.755 2000) there were adequate educational and neuropsychologi-
T8: Non-dominant hand alternating movement 0.745 cal compensatory mechanisms to enable the children with
T7: Dominant hand alternating movement 0.717 deafness to perform normally in all the cognitive tasks put to
T5: Dominant hand repetitive movement 0.708 them. However, as a group, our series of children with deafness
T3: Right foot alternating movement 0.847 presented some subtle differentiating characteristics: although
T4: Left foot alternating movement 0.819 within the normal range, IQ (Raven’s Standard Progressive
T2: Left foot repetitive movement 0.680 Matrices) was lower in the group without implants than in the
T12: Non-dominant finger sequential movement 0.678 group with implants (p=0.012). In visual tasks the group
T11: Dominant finger sequential movement 0.665 without implants also performed more poorly than both of the
T1: Right foot repetitive 0.591 other groups together (Mazes, p=0.005; copy of drawings,
p<0.001) and more poorly than the group with implants alone
(Colarusso, p=0.018). This poses questions about the detri-
mental effect of a lack of auditory perception on visual percep-
Table VII: Composition of cognitive factors tion, in the context of polymodal development (Bailey 2002).
In terms of motor performance, children with deafness
Factor Components have been characterized as late in maturing dynamic coordi-
Procedural Semantic nation (Wiegersma and Van der Velde 1983, Myklebust 1964)
Mazes: T score 0.860 and visuomotor skills. Wiegersma and Van der Velde (1983)
Visual Span, ITPA: T score 0.740
showed that in a video-game task the movements of children
IQ: Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices 0.680
with deafness between 8 and 10 years old were slower than
those of the comparison group. Those authors went on to
Visual Perception: CP 0.653 0.533
suggest that children with deafness, whether lacking ade-
Visual Understanding, ITPA: T score 0.786
quate muscular control or suffering from subclinical neurolog-
Visual Association, ITPA: T score 0.780
ical defects, might have different motor programmes to
Copy Drawing: z score 0.630
children with normal hearing. Because of the exclusion of
ITPA, Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities. participants with neurological impairment, our results on

604 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2004, 46: 599–606

motor development confirm that children with deafness take References
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the question of why auditory stimulation coming from a CIm Brody BA, Kinney HC, Kloman AS, Gilles FH. (1987) Sequence
is insufficient to completely normalize it. Some suggestions of central nervous system myelination in human infancy. I:
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rious effects on the developing auditory system (Moore 1985). Colarusso J. (1976) Standard Progressive Matrices. Oxford: Oxford
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606 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2004, 46: 599–606

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