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12, DECEMBER 2017 6779

Impact of Antenna Topology and Feeding

Technique on Coupling With Human Body:
Application to 60-GHz Antenna Arrays
Carole Leduc and Maxim Zhadobov, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— The 60-GHz band has been identified as an attrac- Evaluating and reducing their coupling with the human body
tive solution for the next-generation mobile networks (5G) as well is of importance to stabilize performances of wireless mmW
as for body-centric applications. This paper provides a quan- devices, make them more robust, and reduce exposure of users.
titative comparative analysis of electromagnetic exposure and
heating induced by 60-GHz body-mounted antennas. Near-field Several wearable antennas have been proposed for body-
interaction between representative antenna arrays for off-body centric communications at 60 GHz. Endfire radiation is
communications with three feeding topologies and human body required for antennas designed for on-body communications.
is compared in terms of matching and radiation, as well as in A few prototypes have been reported, the most promising
terms of user exposure. The presence of a ground plane results candidate being Yagi–Uda antennas [6], including those on
in exposure reduction by more than 70 and 8 times in terms of
peak and averaged levels, respectively. Designs allowing to avoid a textile substrate [7]. Besides, a button-like antenna with
grating lobes allow further reduction of exposure. For considered a radiation pattern tangential to the human body surface
antenna arrays operating at the maximum allowable power, has been recently proposed for on-body communications at
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection 61 GHz [8]. For off-body communications, patch antennas or
occupational exposure limits are not exceeded. However, only antenna arrays with a broadside radiation have been identified
the antennas with a ground plane comply with general public
limits. Resulting heating is quantified for on-body millimeter- as suitable candidates [9]. Patch antenna arrays proposed for
wave antennas. Detailed analysis is performed for acute and off-body communications at 60 GHz include 2 × 2 microstrip
disperse exposures. Numerical results are validated by measure- patch antenna array on a classical [10], textile substrate [11],
ments. Effect of averaging is also investigated. For antennas or patch antenna array fed by a substrate integrated waveguide
with a ground plane, heating (typically of several tenths of °C) network [12]. However, the evaluation of antenna/human body
remains within environmental temperature fluctuations. However,
the antennas without a ground plane can induce heating locally interaction with an attempt to minimize them has never been
exceeding 10 °C. a subject of in depth investigation at mmW.
Wearable antennas for off-body communications have to be
Index Terms— 5G, 60 GHz, antenna arrays, antenna/human
body interactions, body-area networks, dosimetry, feeding, designed to minimize the impact of the body presence on
heating, millimeter-wave (mmW) band, specific absorption antenna performances. Indeed, human body can affect their
rate (SAR). input impedance, radiation, and efficiency. Influence of feeding
for a single patch antenna at 60 GHz placed on a human body
I. I NTRODUCTION model has been numerically analyzed in terms of matching and

B ODY-CENTRIC wireless networking is increasingly used

for health care, sport, entertainment, military, and other
applications. Because of the growing need in wireless network
radiation [4]. However, to the best of our knowledge, possible
solutions for reducing impact of the human body presence on
antenna performances have never been reported in the 60-GHz
capacity, operating frequencies have been shifting toward the band. Note that such investigations are mainly of importance
millimeter-wave (mmW) band, which offers high data rates for antennas designed for off-body communications as anten-
(typically several Gb/s) [1]. Recently, the 60-GHz band (e.g., nas for on-body communications intrinsically strongly couple
57–64 GHz in North America) has been identified as an attrac- with the body.
tive solution for next-generation mobile networks (5G) [2] Besides, mmW near-field exposure of users results in a
as well as for some body-centric applications [3]–[5]. In this very local absorption of electromagnetic energy, mainly by
frame, mmW antennas can be located close to or on body. skin, leading to local heating even for relatively low-power
exposures [13], [14]. It was suggested that the temperature
Manuscript received October 25, 2016; revised February 28, 2017; accepted
April 11, 2017. Date of publication May 3, 2017; date of current version rise can be considered as an mmW exposure-related metric
November 30, 2017. This work was supported by the French Ministry of directly linked to possible biological responses. Several studies
Higher Education and Research, and by the National Center for Scientific investigated the heating of tissues related to exposure at
Research (CNRS), France. (Corresponding author: Maxim Zhadobov.)
The authors are with the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications microwaves [15], [16].
of Rennes, UMR CNRS 6164, University of Rennes 1, 35042 Rennes, France To the best of our knowledge, this issue has never been
(e-mail: addressed in context of body-centric wireless communications
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at at mmW. Note that current international exposure standards
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2017.2700879 and guidelines do not provide any recommendations for
0018-926X © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Fig. 1. Schematic of antenna array structures. (a) A1 . (b) A2 . (c) A3 . Dimensions are in mm.

near-field mmW exposures [17]–[19]. In this context, it is Microstrip patches are fed using an aperture-coupled method,
essential to investigate, both from electromagnetic and thermal where apertures are excited by a microstrip feeding network
viewpoints, the impact of antenna topology and feeding type printed on the bottom. With this feeding method, the interele-
on near-field antenna/human body coupling. ment spacing ds is kept at 0.5λ0 at 60 GHz (ds = 2.5 mm)
The aim of this paper is to quantitatively investigate allowing to avoid grating lobes.
antenna/body coupling under near-field exposure conditions in 3) Aperture-Coupled Patch Antenna Array Excited by
the 60-GHz band and explore antenna design solutions allow- Stripline Lines (A3): Similar to A2 , the antenna array A3
ing to minimize this coupling. To this end, three antenna arrays [Fig. 1(c)] is a multilayer structure (three substrate layers)
(2×2 radiating elements) with different topologies and feeding with four microstrip patches fed using an aperture-coupled
techniques have been designed for off-body communications. method allowing to keep the interelement spacing ds at 0.5λ0 .
The antenna performances in free space and on a tissue- Due to the choice of stripline technology for the feeding
equivalent phantom are evaluated and compared to highlight network, a ground plane is present on the bottom surface
their sensitivity to the human body presence. Electromagnetic of the antenna array A3 . To increase the coupling between
and thermal dosimetric analyses are performed to quantify the the stripline network and aperture, Sub3 thickness exceeds
impact of the feeding type on exposure levels in the human by more than three times the thickness between the feeding
body. network and ground plane (Preg2 + Sub2 ).

II. A NTENNA A RRAY T OPOLOGIES B. Fabrication and Measurement Constraints

A. Feeding Techniques 1) Multilayer Structure: To assemble different layers in A2
Different methods exist to feed microstrip patch antennas: and A3 , 90-μm-thick FastRise 27 prepreg glue is used. The
1) direct contact feed as a coaxial probe or microstrip line; 2) electromagnetic properties of this prepreg are close to those of
proximity feed; and 3) aperture coupled feed [20]. Here, three RT/duroid 5880 (εr = 2.7 and tan δ = 0.0017). Note that the
feeding antenna array solutions for 60-GHz on-body anten- prepreg thickness represents roughly 25% of the total thickness
nas are proposed and compared. The antenna structures and of A2 and A3 . This is taken into account in simulations to
dimensions optimized for each feeding type are presented in enable a fair comparison with measurements. Positions of
Fig. 1. All structures are printed on RT Duroid 5880 substrate Preg1 and Preg2 in the antenna array stack are chosen to
(εr = 2.2 and tan δ = 0.003 at 60 GHz). increase coupling and avoid critical misalignments between
1) Patch Antenna Array Fed by Microstrip Lines (A1): the feeding network and aperture layers.
The antenna array A1 [Fig. 1(a)] is a monolayer structure 2) V-Band Connector: To measure the performances of the
inspired from [10]. It is composed of a single 127-μm-thick fabricated antenna array prototypes (Fig. 2), a V-band connec-
RT duroid 5880 substrate layer, with a 17-μm-thick copper tor is used (overall size is 20 mm × 8.8 mm × 10.5 mm).
ground plane. Microstrip patches are connected and fed by Note that this connector is only required for measurements
a microstrip network. Interelement spacing between printed and will not be present in prospective body-area networks and
antennas (ds ) is 3.7 mm (≈0.74λ0 at 60 GHz), resulting in the next generation mobile systems, where antennas are expected
presence of grating lobes. The ground plane allows to reduce to be integrated and fed by electronic circuits. To allow a
the backward radiation of the antenna array. direct comparison with measurements, the connector is taken
2) Aperture-Coupled Patch Antenna Array Excited by into account in simulations.
Microstrip Lines (A2): The antenna array A2 [Fig. 1(b)] is a Transition strips with a length of 5 mm are integrated
multilayer structure composed of two 127-μm-thick substrate into the antenna array structures to link the antenna feeding
layers Sub1 and Sub2 , as well as of three copper levels. network to the V-band connector. The strips represent an

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Fig. 2. Manufactured antenna arrays. (a) A1 . (b) A2 . (c) A3 . Left: top and bottom views. Right: antenna array prototypes with V-band connectors.


results are due to fabrication accuracy (etching accuracy and

misalignment between substrate layers).
A parametric analysis has been performed numerically to
determine possible variations in experimental results due to
fabrication uncertainty. This study revealed that the measure-
ment results are included in the range of possible variations.
Fig. 3. Schematic of the antenna array position on a planar skin-equivalent The copper printing accuracy decreases with the copper thick-
phantom. (a) 3-D view. (b) Side view.
ness, and misalignment effects on the antenna performances
increase with the substrate layer number. In case of A2 , the
parametric analysis highlights that the main impacts of the
extension of the microstrip feeding networks [Fig. 1(a) and (b)]
printing precision uncertainty as well as the antenna layers
or microwave-stripline transition [Fig. 1(c)] allowing to reduce
misalignment induce maximal shift of about +/−2 GHz in
the impact of the connector support on the antenna radiation
terms of the bandwidth.
Besides, the analysis of experimental results suggests
that S11 is insensitive to the presence of the phantom
III. P ERFORMANCES IN F REE S PACE AND ON B ODY for A1 and A3 . However, a slight shift is noticed for A2 in
A. Tissue-Equivalent Model the 56–60 GHz range due to the absence of a ground plane
strongly decoupling antennas from the phantom.
At 60 GHz, the human body is electrically very large, and as
a consequence, some body parts can be locally approximated
by simple geometrical shapes (e.g., a flat phantom can locally C. Radiation
represent torso). Here, we considered a flat dry skin phantom The normalized radiation patterns of antenna arrays are
(100 mm × 100 mm × 15 mm) with εr = 7.4 and tanδ = 1.54 plotted in Fig. 5. For the sake of brevity, they are only
at 60 GHz [21]. The antenna arrays with the connector are presented in the E-plane (x z plane in Fig. 1). Numerical and
placed at 4.5 mm above the phantom (Fig. 3). experimental results are in a very good agreement.
The impact of the phantom on the front radiation is almost
negligible for all three structures while, as expected, it is much
B. Matching more pronounced on the back radiation and gain (Table I).
Simulated and measured reflection coefficients (S11 ) of Note that due to an interelement spacing exceeding 0.5λ0
the antenna arrays mounted on the connector are presented at 60 GHz, relatively high level grating lobes appear in the
in Fig. 4 for antennas in free space and on phantom. The front radiation of A1 (−7 dB compared with the main lobe)
measurements have been performed using a 10 MHz–67 GHz [Fig. 5(a)]. A2 demonstrates the highest backward radiation
vector network analyzer (Rohde and Schwarz ZVA67) after an in free space among the considered structures due to the
open-short-load calibration. microstrip feeding network on the back side (−8 dB along 0°),
For all antenna arrays, a good matching is demonstrated which significantly reduces on phantom (−21 dB along 0°).
with S11 below −10 dB at 60 GHz. Simulated and mea- A2 is also the most affected by the body presence in terms of
sured S11 are in a reasonable agreement both for antennas gain (+0.7 dBi compared with free space).
in free space and on phantom. The bandwidth variations Note that S11 and radiation are unchanged when a wet skin
and frequency shifts between numerical and experimental model is used.

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Fig. 4. Reflection coefficient S11 in free space and on phantom for (a) A1 , (b) A2 , and (c) A3 . Measured in free space ( ), measured on phantom ( ),
simulated in free space ( ), and simulated on phantom ( ).

Fig. 5. Measured and simulated normalized radiation patterns in the E-plane at 60 GHz for (a) and (d) A1 , (b) and (e) A2 , and (c) and (f) A3 . Top line:
front radiation. Bottom line: back radiation. Measured in free space ( ), measured on phantom ( ), simulated in free space ( ), and simulated on
phantom ( ).

IV. E LECTROMAGNETIC N EAR -F IELD D OSIMETRY mesh cell size along z close to the phantom surface progres-
sively increased to λg /15 ∼ 0.125 mm in the rest of the
In this section, electromagnetic power absorption in the
phantom (λg = 1.84 mm at 60 GHz)].
phantom is assessed numerically for each antenna array. Based
on specific absorption rate (SAR) computations, the incident B. Computed SAR and P0
power density (P0 ) is retrieved. The impact of the connector
Exposure levels at the phantom surface are computed for
presence is also investigated.
the models of antenna arrays without the feed strip and
connector for an input power of 500 mW, which corresponds
A. Numerical Electromagnetic Model to the maximal authorized power for transmitting antennas
Antennas and 100 mm × 100 mm × 2 mm phantom are at 60 GHz [3], corresponding to the “worst case” scenario
modeled using the time-domain finite integration technique from the viewpoint of user exposure. Note that in realistic
implemented in CST Microwave Studio. Perfectly matched body-centric applications, the typical output antenna power at
layers are used as boundary conditions. Due to a low penetra- 60 GHz is expected to be limited to 10 mW due to power and
tion depth in the phantom (roughly 0.5 mm at 60 GHz), local autonomy constraints.
meshing is used to get an acceptable accuracy and ensure a fine The SAR distributions are shown in Fig. 6. Peak SAR
resolution close to the phantom surface [λg /50 ∼ 0.037-mm and equivalent incident power density P0 averaged over

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Fig. 6. Computed SAR distributions on the skin-equivalent phantom exposed to antenna arrays. (a) A1 . (b) A2 . (c) A3 . Dashed lines: antenna perimeter.

TABLE II local SAR and P0 (here SAR by 25%, P0 averaged over

S IMULATED P EAK SAR AND P0 , AS WELL AS AVERAGED OVER 1 1 cm2 by 15%, and P0 averaged over 20 cm2 by 60%).
Comparison for A2 and A3 demonstrates that the ground plane
P HANTOM . T HE A NTENNA I NPUT P OWER I S 500 mW presence allows reducing local SAR and P0 by 98.9%, P0
averaged over 1 cm2 by 98.4%, and P0 averaged over 20 cm2
by 95.5%.
These results demonstrate that occupational exposure limits
defined by the International Commission on Non Ionizing
Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) [17], [18] are not exceeded
whichever the antenna array is. However, only two of
three antenna arrays comply with the general public lim-
its. Indeed, P0 for A2 exceeds by 3.5 to 4 times the
general public exposure limits. Note that these results are
obtained for the maximum allowable power, and in practice,
1 and 20 cm2 are provided in Table II for each antenna. Plane- wireless devices are expected to operate at lower power
wave equivalent incident power density P0 is calculated as [5] levels.
ρ · δ · SAR
P0 = (1) C. Impact of V-Band Connector
2 · (1 − R)
To evaluate the impact of the feed strip and connector
where ρ is the mass density of the phantom, δ is the pene- in measurements, SAR distributions have been compared for
tration depth, and R is the power reflection coefficient at the antennas with (Fig. 7) and without (Fig. 6) a connector. The
air/phantom interface. results demonstrate that the connector significantly disturbs the
Two main antenna parameters impacting SAR are: near-field distribution. In case of A1 , distortions of SAR are
1) interelement spacing ds between patches and 2) the presence mainly due to the radiation pattern reflection from the V-band
of a ground plane. metallic connector support [Figs. 6(a) and 7(a)]. For A2 , SAR
1) A1 has an interelement spacing >0.5λ0 resulting in under the feed strip slightly increases [Figs. 6(b) and 7(b)]
grating lobes. SAR induced by A1 spreads along x due due to the microstrip line and connector radiation. The
to the grating lobe radiation in the E-plane [Fig. 6(a)]. most pronounced impact of the connector is noticed for A3
However, A1 has a ground plane, which significantly [Figs. 6(c) and 7(c)]; the peak SAR significantly increases
reduces the back radiation. (by a factor of 46) and shifts to the area under the feed strip.
2) A2 has an interelement spacing of 0.5λ0 allowing to
avoid grating lobes. However, due to the absence of a V. T HERMAL D OSIMETRY
ground plane, significant back radiation results in a high
level of SAR under the antenna, i.e., 70 times higher This section deals with the numerical and experimental
compared with A1 [Fig. 6(b)]. assessment of mmW-induced heating under near-field expo-
3) A3 has a ground plane and interelement spacing of sure conditions.
0.5λ0 , and therefore, SAR induced by A3 is the lowest
one among considered structures. The maximum SAR A. Numerical Thermal Model
appearing on the right (direction of positive x) of the In the electromagnetic-thermal cosimulations, SAR is used
antenna [Fig. 6(c)] is due to a relatively low, while not as a source to compute heating in a 100 × 100 × 15 mm3
negligible, grating lobe in this direction [Fig. 5(c)]. phantom using CST Multiphysics Studio. Here, the heat trans-
Comparison of exposure levels for A1 and A3 (Table II) fer equation is solved using thermal stationary and transient
shows that avoiding grating lobes results in a reduction of solvers.

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Fig. 7. Computed SAR distributions on the skin-equivalent phantom exposed to antenna arrays. (a) A1 . (b) A2 . (c) A3 with a V-band connector. Dashed
lines: antenna and connector perimeters.

in [23]. For short exposures (<10–20 s), the heating pattern

measured using the filter paper coincides with that on phantom
and reproduces the SAR distribution [11]. To avoid water
evaporation during measurements, both faces of the filter paper
are covered by a 5-μm-thick water resistant and IR-transparent
plastic film [24].
Filter paper is placed inside a compact 710×470×470 mm3
anechoic chamber on a plastic grid (0.2-mm-thick wires with
1.5-mm pitch). Antenna array with connector is fed by a high-
power mmW generator (QuinStar, CA, USA) and placed below
the sample. The input antenna power is set to 500 mW; it is
controlled using a −30 dB directional coupler and Agilent
E4418B V-band power meter.
The total length of WR-15 waveguides connecting the
Fig. 8. Schematic of the measurement setup. generator to the antenna is roughly 0.4 m; the total loss in
the waveguides and adapter <1.5 dB.
FLIR SC5000 IR camera operating in the 2.5–5 μm range
The thermal conductivity k and specific heat c of the skin- with a thermal sensitivity of 0.025 °C is used to measure the
equivalent phantom have been measured using the guarded hot heating pattern on the upper paper surface. Thermal images
plate and differential scanning calorimetry methods, respec- are recorded with a 5-frames/s rate. Three successive mea-
tively (k = 0.386 W/(m · °C) and c = 3480 J/(kg · °C) [22]). surements have been performed for each antenna following
Only the heating induced in the phantom by electromagnetic the same experimental protocol demonstrating an acceptable
fields is taken into account. measurement reproducibility.
The heat transfer at the phantom/air interface is governed
by the convective heat transfer coefficient h c and emissivity C. Heating Assessment and Analysis
e equal to 5 W/(m2 · °C) and 1, respectively. To find the best
tradeoff between the reasonable computational accuracy versus Measured temperature rise distributions after 10 s of expo-
simulation volume and duration, the optimal mesh is defined sure are presented in Fig. 9. These distributions are consistent
based on a parametric convergence analysis. with computed SAR provided in Fig. 7 for A2 and A3 . Slight
discrepancies are observed for A1 , which may be explained
by a very low temperature increase (0.1 °C) approaching
B. Experimental Model and Measurement Setup the environmental temperature fluctuations and, therefore,
The experimental setup used to measure mmW-induced sensitivity limit of measurements. These discrepancies can
heating is schematically shown in Fig. 8. Filter paper sam- also be attributed to heating of the antenna itself, which
ple saturated with water is used as an equivalent model is not negligible for A1 compared to heating due to the
(100 mm × 100 mm × 0.2 mm). Note that due to relatively electromagnetic power absorption in the phantom.
low temperature rise induced by antennas for off-body com- Measured heating distribution is also in good agreement
munications, direct use of a semisolid skin equivalent phantom with the computed one for 10 s (Fig. 10), as well as for
does not allow to obtain infrared (IR) images with a sufficient 30 and 300 s of exposure (for the sake of brevity, results for
contrast for reliable interpretation of results. Using a filter the last two are not shown).
paper allows increasing the temperature increment and as a Effect of temperature rise averaging over 1 and 20 cm2
result the signal-to-noise ratio of the IR signal compared to after 10 s of exposure (T10 s ) and at steady-state (T∞ ) is
measurements with a phantom; a similar approach was used presented in Fig. 11 and compared to the P0 trend. For short

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Fig. 9. Measured temperature rise distributions on the sample exposed for 10 s by (a) A1 , (b) A2 , and (c) A3 at 500 mW at 60 GHz. The position of the
antenna array with connector is indicated by dashed lines.

Fig. 10. Simulated temperature rise distributions on the sample exposed for 10 s by (a) A1 , (b) A2 , and (c) A3 at 500 mW at 60 GHz. The position of the
antenna array with a connector is indicated by the black dashed lines.

Fig. 11. Heating after 10 s of exposure and at steady-state, as well as P0 ; peak and averaged over 1- and 20-cm2 values for (a) A1 , (b) A2 , and (c) A3 .
Percentages: temperature rise change between two linked points due to averaging.

exposures, the temperature rise follows the P0 trend (compare 0.16 °C, respectively), contrary to A2 inducing the temperature
T10 s and P0 ). At steady-state, averaging results in a less rise ranging from 4.5 °C after 10 s of exposure to 10.2 °C at
pronounced reduction compared to the peak values (e.g., for steady-state. In case of A1 with the less localized phantom
peak to 1 cm2 averaging A1 ⇒ −55%; A2 ⇒ −71%; and exposure among three considered antennas, the maximal peak
A3 ⇒ −56% for T10 s and A1 ⇒ −11%; A2 ⇒ −49%; temperature rise value is increased by a factor of 5 passing
and A3 ⇒ −31% for T∞ ). The latter is explained by the from 10 s exposure to steady-state. This factor increases
heat conduction naturally leading to a more uniform heating for averaged heating (i.e., 10 and 12 for averaging over 1
distribution for longer exposure durations. The reduction is and 20 cm2 , respectively). For local exposures induced by
more pronounced for more localized exposures. A2 and A3 , this factor decreases to 2.5 and 3.5, respec-
Fig. 12 shows the temperature rise dynamics computed on tively, passing from 10 s to steady-state, respectively. For
the phantom surface at the locations of maximum heating. averaged heating induced by A2 and A3 , it is of 4 and 5.5
Peak temperature rises induced by A1 and A3 are well below (for 1 cm2 averaging) and 12.5 and 10 (for 20 cm2 averaging),
1 °C (with maximal values at steady-state equal to 0.27 °C and respectively.

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Fig. 12. Heating dynamics on the phantom surface for (a) A1 , (b) A2 , and (c) A3 .

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[1] P. Smulders, “Exploiting the 60 GHz band for local wireless multimedia electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz),” Health Phys., vol. 74, no. 4,
access: Prospects and future directions,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 40, pp. 494–522, Apr. 1998.
no. 1, pp. 140–147, Jan. 2002. [18] Exposure to High Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Biological Effects
[2] C. Dehos, J. L. Gonzalez, A. De Domenico, D. Ktenas, and L. Dussopt, and Health Consequences (100 kHz–300 GHz), IEEE Standard ICNIRP
“Millimeter-wave access and backhauling: The solution to the exponen- 16/2009, 2009.
tial data traffic increase in 5G mobile communications systems?” IEEE [19] IEEE Standard for Safety Levels With Respect to Human Exposure
Commun. Mag., vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 88–95, Sep. 2014. to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz,
[3] A. Pellegrini et al., “Antennas and propagation for body-centric wireless IEEE Standard C95.1, 2006.
communications at millimeter-wave frequencies: A review [wireless [20] D. M. Pozar, “An update on microstrip antenna theory and design
corner],” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 262–287, including some novel feeding techniques,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Soc.
Aug. 2013. Newslett., vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 4–9, Oct. 1986.

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[21] N. Chahat, M. Zhadobov, and R. Sauleau, “Broadband tissue-equivalent Maxim Zhadobov (S’05–M’07–SM’15) received
phantom for BAN applications at millimeter waves,” IEEE Trans. the M.S. degree in electromagnetics from the Univer-
Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 2259–2266, Jul. 2012. sity of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,
[22] C. Leduc, M. Zhadobov, and R. Sauleau, “Thermal model of a tissue- in 2003, and the Ph.D. and Habilitation à Diriger
equivalent phantom at millimeter waves,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory des Recherches (HDR) degrees from the Institute
Techn., vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 1036–1045, Jan. 2017. of Electronics and Telecommunications of Rennes
[23] S. I. Alekseev and M. C. Ziskin, “Local heating of human skin by (IETR), University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France.
millimeter waves: A kinetics study,” Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 24, no. 8, He was a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the
pp. 571–581, Dec. 2003. Center for Biomedical Physics, Temple University,
[24] E. P. Khizhnyak and M. C. Ziskin, “Heating patterns in biological tissue Philadelphia, PA, USA, until 2008, and then joined
phantoms caused by millimeter wave electromagnetic irradiation,” IEEE the French National Center for Scientific Research
Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 865–873, Sep. 1994. (CNRS). He is currently the leading Scientist in biomedical electromagnetics
with the IETR/CNRS. He co-authored five book chapters and over 50 research
papers in peer-reviewed international journals. His review article in the
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies was the most
cited paper in 2016. He has been actively involved in over 20 research
Carole Leduc was born in Rennes, France, in projects at the National and European levels. His current scientific interests
1988. She received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in and research activities are in the field of innovative biomedical applications
electronic and telecommunication engineering from of electromagnetic fields and associated technologies.
the University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France, in 2010 Dr. Zhadobov was a Session Organizer and/or a Technical Committee
and 2012, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Member at several international conferences, including the IEEE iWEM 2017,
signal processing and telecommunications from the the BodyNets 2016, the MobiHealth (since 2015), the IMWS-Bio 2014, and
Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of the PIERS 2013. Since 2017, he has been Engineering/Physical Sciences Chair
Rennes, University of Rennes 1, in 2015. of the EBEA Council. He received multiple scientific awards, including the
Her current research interests include the design EBEA Award for Excellence in Bioelectromagnetics 2015, the CNRS Award
and characterization of millimeter-wave antennas for Scientific Excellence 2015, and the Brittany’s Young Scientist Award 2010.
and the evaluation of interactions between the elec- Since 2010, Ph.D. students he supervised received six national awards and four
tromagnetic field and human body. awards from BioEM and the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Societies.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Dhaka. Downloaded on January 06,2022 at 11:49:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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