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Name: Alima Haroon Butt.

Roll No: F20BAMS002.

Major: News Reporting & Editing.
Semester: 2
Instructor: Mam Amna Waheeda.
Pre-mid Assignment: 2
Death of Abdul Sattar Edhi
Abdul Sattar Edhi was a Pakistani philanthropist, ascetic, and humanitarian who founded the
Edhi Foundation, which runs the words largest volunteer ambulance network along with various
homeless shelters, animal shelters, rehabilitation shelters and orphanages across Pakistan. He
was nominated several times for the Nobel Peace Prize and also known as the richest poor man
in the world.
He died on 8th July 2016 at the age of 88 due to complete kidney failure after having been placed
on a ventilator. One of his last wishes was that his organs be donated for the use of the needy but
due to his poor health, only his corneas were suitable for later use in donation. He was laid to rest
at Edhi Village in Karachi.

Abdul Sattar Edhi 1928-2016

Abdul Sattar Edhi served the humanity for more than six decades. To many, Mr. Edhi was
known as the “Father Teresa” of Pakistan. He was known throughout Pakistan for his Edhi
Foundation, which he single-handedly set up almost 60 years ago, starting with meager resources
and then expanding through private donations. Today, it operates nursing homes, orphanages,
soup kitchens and family planning centers which is all free of charge as well as Pakistan’s largest
ambulance service. With his lush white beard, Mr. Edhi was known in the orphanages as Nana,
or grandfather.
In a country where government-run services have been glaringly ill equipped to deal with
humanitarian crises, Mr. Edhi’s social welfare system has become a trusted household name. The
ambulance service, with at least 1,500 vehicles, has become grimly familiar in Pakistan, whether
ferrying people maimed in terrorist attacks or carrying those injured in natural disasters.
Mr. Edhi maintained an austere lifestyle. He dressed simply and lived with his family in a
sparsely furnished apartment adjacent to his foundation’s headquarters, always spurning
attention from the news media. He was nominated several times for the Nobel Peace Prize. His
wife, Bilquis, a nurse by training whom he married in 1965, worked closely with him in the
foundation. The couple received no salary for their work and lived off government securities.
Mr. Edhi’s wife, two sons and two daughters survive him.

Death News of Edhi in National Newspaper

DAWN newspaper published the news with the title “Iconic social worker Edhi passes away.”

 Address:
It was mentioned that Abdul Sattar Edhi, the founding chief of the Edhi Foundation and
the country’s icon of charity and welfare work, passed away on Friday in Karachi.

 Cause of death:
The doctors at the SIUT where Mr. Edhi had been going through regular dialysis since
2013 said that despite the combination of new antibiotics and nutritional support, his condition
had deteriorated. Due to respiratory difficulties, he was put on the ventilator with intensive
monitoring of his health conditions in the ICU. He passed away while undergoing regular
dialysis at the health facility.

 Talk to Family:
Edhi’s family had asked for prayers from the nation when Mr. Edhi was rushed to the
ICU of the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) and put on a ventilator amid
deteriorating health conditions. Mr. Edhi suffered severe breathing problems when he was going
through dialysis, his son Faisal told reporters along with his mother Bilquis Edhi, from the Edhi
Home, while appealing to people to pray for his early recovery.
“The doctors and other staff are doing their best, but we appeal to the people of Pakistan, whom
he has loved the most, to pray for him. He has been facing severe breathing problems as his
respiratory system is badly affected. He is on artificial respiration right now,” Faisal had told
reporters earlier.
The 92-year-old philanthropist breathed his last at around 11.15pm after he was moved to the
intensive care unit of the SIUT in the afternoon, amid deteriorating health conditions while he
was undergoing regular dialysis at the health facility. His eldest son and director of the Edhi
Foundation, Faisal Edhi, formally announced Mr. Edhi’s demise at around 11.35pm outside the
“Edhi sahib is no more with us; he left us around 15 minutes ago,” he said in a choked voice with
tears rolling down his cheeks before television cameras. “I appeal to the Pakistani nation to pray
for the departed soul.”

 Terminology:
Edhi’s son said that his funeral prayers will be offered tomorrow [Saturday] after Zohar
prayers at the National Stadium and he will be buried at Edhi Village, where he already marked
his grave some 25 years ago.

5 W’s and 1 H:
 Who:
Abdul Sattar Edhi.

 What:
Death of Mr. Edhi.

 When:
July 8, 2016 on Friday.

 Where:

 Why:
Deteriorating health conditions.

 How:
While undergoing regular dialysis at the health facility.

DAWN: “Iconic social worker Edhi passes away”

Death news of Edhi in International newspaper

The New York Times:

The New York Times published the news with the title “Abdul Sattar Edhi, Pakistan’s ‘Father
Teresa,’ Dies at 88”

 Address:
It was mentioned that Abdul Sattar Edhi, the Pakistani philanthropist whose name
became synonymous with charitable causes and who achieved an almost saintly status in
Pakistan, died on Friday in the southern port city of Karachi.

 Cause of death:
His son Faisal said Mr. Edhi had been undergoing treatment for renal failure at the Sindh
Institute of Urology and Transplantation when he died. The death was widely mourned in a
country that is hungry for role models and heroes. To many, Mr. Edhi was known as the “Father
Teresa” of Pakistan.

New York Times: “Abdul Sattar Edhi, Pakistani’s ‘Father Taresa,’ Dies at 88.
5 W’s and 1 H:
 Who:
Abdul Sattar Edhi.

 What:
Death of Abdul Sattar Edhi.

 When
On Friday.

 Where:
Southern port city of Karachi.

 Why:
He had been undergoing treatment.

 How:
Renal Failure.

Although, both news covers the 5 W’s and 1 H but the national newspaper “DAWN” covered the
news better than the International newspaper “New York Times” because in Dawn every little
detail about the death of deceased is mentioned, what happened to him, where he died, what is
the cause of his death, at what age he died, time of his death, in which hospital he died, what his
family members said about him, when and where will the funeral take place, where will they
burry him etc. It was also mentioned how the country plunged into a state of mourning as the
news of Mr. Edhi’s demise spread over the news headlines. Condolence messages from the
Prime Minister to Senior politicians and Sports celebrities to Showbiz stars also started pouring
in over the social media, with news channels paying tribute to Edhi, everything was mentioned.
Not only this, the newspaper also mentioned that Mr. Edhi had decided to leave a will before his
death. “According to his will, his all-body parts or organs have to be donated after his demise,”
said Faisal. “But due to poor health conditions, only his eyes can be used. So, his cornea will be
donated. Under Edhi sahib’s will, he will be buried in the same clothes he wore at the time of his
Whereas, in the international newspaper, there were no proper details that what happened to him,
how he died, what his family members said about him and most importantly when and where the
funeral held. It was mentioned that the death was widely mourned in a country that is hungry for
role models and heroes. But the news was basically focusing more on Edhi’s introduction, who
he was and what he did rather than how he died and what happened to him and what the
members said about him. The international news was also focusing on how he was known
throughout Pakistan for his Edhi Foundation, which he single-handedly set up almost 60 years
ago, starting with meager resources and then expanding through private donations. The news
also included what ex-Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif said in the statement but mainly it did not
include the details of his death.

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