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Solve the following problems. Clear and concise presentation of solution is encourage.

1. In Physics, 10 test scores were randomly selected, and the following results were obtained:
73 77 71 68 65 77 67 66 73 77

Find: (5 points each)


Solution: The mean is determined by the sum of the ages and then dividing by the total number
of recipients.

𝑥̅= ∑ 𝑥 /n
= 73 + 77 + 71 + 68 + 65 + 77 + 67 + 66 + 73 + 77
= 714
= 71.4


Solution: Arrange the data in order and select their middle value

65 66 67 68 71 73 73 77 77 77

Since the middle point falls halfway between 407 and 415, find the median by getting the mean
of these two values.

M𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 (𝑀𝑑)= 71 + 73

= 72


65 66 67 68 71 73 73 77 77 77

Solution: Since 77 is the number that appears thrice, 77 is the mode

2. Thirty automobiles were tested for fuel efficiency (in kilometers per liter) the following
frequency distribution was obtained.

Class Boundaries Frequency

7.5-12.5 3
12.5-17.5 5
17.5-22.5 15
22.5-27.5 5
27.5-32.5 2

Find: (5 points each)


Step 1. Find the midpoints of each class and place the values in the third column. To find the
midpoint, get the sum of the lower and the upper class limits and then divide it by two.

Class Boundaries Frequency Class Midpoint

7.5-12.5 3 10
12.5-17.5 5 15
17.5-22.5 15 20
22.5-27.5 5 25
27.5-32.5 2 30

Step 2. Next, multiply the midpoints by the frequency for each class, and place the results in the fourth

Class Boundaries Frequency Class Midpoint f x xm

7.5-12.5 3 10 30
12.5-17.5 5 15 75
17.5-22.5 15 20 300
22.5-27.5 5 25 125
27.5-32.5 2 30 60

Step 3. Find the sum of the second and the fourth column.
Class Boundaries Frequency Class Midpoint f x xm

7.5-12.5 3 10 30

12.5-17.5 5 15 75

17.5-22.5 15 20 300

22.5-27.5 5 25 125

27.5-32.5 2 30 60

n=30 ∑ 𝑓 • 𝑥m=590

Step 4. Divide the sum of the fourth column by n.

𝑥̅= ∑ f •xm
= 590
= 19.67 in kilometers per liter


Step 1. Make a column for the cumulative frequency.

Class Frequency Class Midpoint f x xm cf

7.5-12.5 3 10 30 3

12.5-17.5 5 15 75 8

17.5-22.5 15 20 300 23

22.5-27.5 5 25 125 28

27.5-32.5 2 30 60 30

n=30 ∑ 𝑓 • 𝑥m=590
Step 2. Divide n = 30 by 2 to get the halfway point which is 15.

Step 3. Find the class that contains the 40th value by using the cumulative frequancy distribution. Since
15 is in between 8 and 23, then the median class is in the third class

12.5-17.5 5 15 75 8
17.5-22.5 15 20 300 23

Step 4. Compute the median using the given formula.

Note: To get the class width (w) = 22.5-17.5 = 5

= ¿](5 )+17.5

= 19.02


Solution: The class with the largest frequency is the third class boundary. Therefore, this is the
modal class

Class Boundaries Frequency

7.5-12.5 3
12.5-17.5 5
d1 = 15−5 =10
17.5-22.5 15
22.5-27.5 5 d2 = 15−5 = 10
27.5-32.5 2

The mode is the only measure of central tendency that can be used in finding the most typical
case when the data are nominal or categorical.


=17.5 +[ ¿5
= 17.75

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