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I have not attended any seminar, training or any short courses related to engineering for the
past years that I was employed in my current organization due to the work load and
responsibility I am handling.

However, I have attended several seminars before I joined my current organization, the
following are the list of attended seminars and training programs:

1. Safety Training and Seminary – Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness

Date: 26 January 2009
Al - Khafji Joint Operations (Kuwait Gulf Oil Company/Aramco Gulf Operations)
Al – Khafji, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2. Fire Extinguishers Practical Awareness

Date: 19 January 2009
Al - Khafji Joint Operations (Kuwait Gulf Oil Company/Aramco Gulf Operations)
Al – Khafji, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

3. Safety Seminar – Scaffolds and Ladders Course

Date: 17 January 2009
Al - Khafji Joint Operations (Kuwait Gulf Oil Company/Aramco Gulf Operations)
Al – Khafji, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

4. Safety Seminar – Heat Stress Course

Date: 18 May 2008
Al - Khafji Joint Operations (Kuwait Gulf Oil Company/Aramco Gulf Operations)
Al – Khafji, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

5. Safety Seminar and Workshop – Behavior Based Safety & Incident Investigation
(Root Cause Analysis)
Date: 15 February 2008
Philippine Society of Safety Engineers – Middle East Chapter
Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

6. Safety Seminar – Basic Safety Training and Seminar

Date: 21 November 2007
Al - Khafji Joint Operations (Kuwait Gulf Oil Company/Aramco Gulf Operations)
Al – Khafji, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

7. Safety Seminar – Basic Safety in Trenching and Shoring

Date: 19 November 2007
Al - Khafji Joint Operations (Kuwait Gulf Oil Company/Aramco Gulf Operations)
Al – Khafji, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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8. Training and Workshop on Project Scheduling Primavera 3.0 (P3 Course 601)
Date: 19 October 2007 – 23 November 2007
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineering – Eastern Province Saudi Arabia
Al – Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

9. Technical Seminar on “Post Tensioning – Principles and Application to Concrete

Elements” and “Construction Safety Management”
Date: 24 August 2007
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineering – Eastern Province Saudi Arabia
Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

10. Project Scheduling Introductory Course

Date: 23 April 2007
Al - Khafji Joint Operations (Kuwait Gulf Oil Company/Aramco Gulf Operations)
Al – Khafji, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

11. Seminar in Basic Land Surveying

Date: 16 January 2007
Supercity Realty Development Corporation
Binan, Laguna, Philippines

12. Tutorial in Computer Aided Design in 2Dimension

Date: 12 January – 02 February 2005
Legazpi City, Philippines

13. Seminar in Plumbing Code and Plumbing Design and Installation

Date: 18 July – 05 September 2004
Plumbing Review Center Cebu
Cebu City, Philippines

I am also a member of the following professional organization:

1. Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers – Eastern Province Saudi Arabia Chapter

2. Philippine Institute of Safety Engineers – Middle East Chapter
3. Saudi Council of Engineers – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
4. Philippine Professional Regulation Commission Registered Civil Engineer (PRC No.
100859 – Year 2004)

Aside from the seminars I have attended, I am able to improve and upgrade my technical skills
through my day-to-day experiences as a Civil Engineer and from the guidance of Senior and
experienced engineers and exchanges of ideas with colleagues. I still keep abreast of new
emerging engineering technologies and updated standards through self-study and researches
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to aid me in coping with the continuously fast changing technology. I conduct research and
gather information from the internet to aid my analysis and study before commencing project
activity. Moreover, for new engineering products and technology, the vendors/suppliers conduct
product presentations to keep us updated with their new line of product technology and at the
same time, catalogues and product manuals are frequently supplied to us being the
Construction Management team of the project. Our organization is also able to supply us with
updated engineering standards, from British Standards to American Society of Testing and
Materials (ASTM), American Concrete Institute (ACI) and engineering published journals. I am
also reading the largest middle-east construction and contracting magazine “ContructionWeek”
which is published weekly.

More importantly, I put into application and practice all the new engineering principles and
techniques that I have learned and acquired from all the available resources. I may not be able
to engage myself in formal trainings, educations and seminars, for now, to upgrade my skills as
Engineer in paper; however, I still ensure that I am up to date of the new emerging engineering
principles and technologies.

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