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Fahad Vakassi
Mariam Irshad
Fatima Ahmreen
Asim Aqeel Rana
Shagufta Zaheer
Nabeel Ahmed
Zubair Hassan Zai

Intent of
urship in

Table of Contents

1. Acknowledgement 3

2. Abstract 4

3. Introduction 5

4. Contribution 7

5. Literature Review 8

6. Significance of the Study 11

7. Objectives of Study 12

8. Theoretical Framework 12

9. Variables 13

10. Hypothesis 13

11. Methodology 14

12. Data Analysis 15

13. Test of reliability 15

i. Knowledge 15

ii. Attitude 19

iii. Role Model 23

14. Discussion 27

15. Conclusion 27

16. References 29

17. Appendix 30


We bestow all praises, acclamations and appreciation to Almighty Allah the most
merciful and compassionate, the most gracious and beneficent, whose bounteous blessing
enabled us to perceive and pursue higher ideals of life. All praises and respects are for
His Holy Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) who enabled us to recognize the

We gratefully acknowledge supervision of Mr.H.Mushtaq Ahmad, Assistant Professor

Department of Management Sciences Bahria University Islamabad, who was very kind,
helpful and cooperative throughout the project. We are also heart fully thankful to
Ms.Nayab for her support and guidance throughout the project.

Special thanks to our parents, whose moral support, encouragement and prayers enabled
us to complete this work dedicatedly.

We would like to thank all the faculty members for their cooperation and healthy
suggestions throughout our project.


Entrepreneurship has been emphasized in many countries as a way of

boosting economic growth and job creation. As entrepreneurship is
becoming popular around the world, its education should be customized
according to each country’s unique cultural context. In recent years it has
become increasingly apparent that graduates are seriously interested in
establishing their own businesses. This trend mirrors changes in employment
patterns within the general economy.

In this research paper different aspects and factors that lead the graduates to
be entrepreneurs has been explored. What makes them to decide to start their
own business rather than to do jobs. There are several determinant variables
that evaluate a graduate intent towards entrepreneurship. These are
Personal values and characteristics, Childhood environment
and role model, Education, Age, Experience, Market
knowledge, Work history, Government policy. We took following
factors to be explored in depth for the purpose of conducting research,
Knowledge , Attitude, Role Model. In the following study questionnaires
were used to gather data. We received 151 responses out of 180
questionnaires dispatched to different universities in Islamabad for data

Entrepreneurship has long been considered a significant factor for
socioeconomic growth and development because it provides millions of
job opportunities, offers a variety of consumer goods and services, and
generally increases national prosperity and competitiveness (Zahra,
1999). In recent years, a wave of interest in entrepreneurship has
touched almost every country in the world because of increasing global
competition based on agility, creativity and innovation. The increased
interest in entrepreneurship can also be attributed to the changing
structure of the western economy, the trend to downsize large
companies, changing business patterns, and developing market
economies in China, India, and Eastern Europe (Hynes, 1996).

There is no universal definition of entrepreneurship and scholars’ view of the topic has
changed considerably since Schumpeter (1934) defined it for the first time. However now
it has become basis for a whole new field of study. And different institutes in different
parts of the world offer different modules, courses, and training programs targeting this
segment of studies. Choosing a right career is the most important decision in some one’s
life, especially when you are taking initiative on your own where there are thousands of
risks involved in terms of money, decision making, and cut throat competition.
Entrepreneur is the word derived from French language word enterprise, means a person
who undertakes the commercial venture according to oxford dictionary..

Entrepreneurship education provides students motivation, knowledge, and skills essential

for launching a successful venture company (Cho, 1998). Nevertheless, the extent of
entrepreneurship education by country differs according to each country’s unique cultural
context (Lee and Peterson, 2000). Most research about the decision to start a business
includes background or predecessor factors underlying the entrepreneurial decision.
Included among those antecedent factors is the influence of role models on the potential
entrepreneur’s thought process. Business owners have the opportunity to share their
wisdom and practical knowledge with the learner. By including their children in their
firm, business owners provide the opportunity to gain entrepreneurial knowledge that will
become valuable in future business start-ups (Stephens et al., 2006).

Drucker (1985) called entrepreneurship an “innovative act, which includes endowing

existing resources for new wealth-producing capacity.” (Gartner 1985) described it as the
“creation of a new organization.” It is important to note, however, that entrepreneurship,
a primary source of innovation, may involve the development of new visions and
business methods for established companies as well as the creation of new organizations
(Carnier, 1996). Therefore, entrepreneurship can be applied to all kinds of organizations
including non-profit institutions. Although many studies assert that entrepreneurs are
different from non–entrepreneurs, there is no unified definition description of
entrepreneurs. Instead, scholars have developed various definitions of entrepreneurs

Youngsters are more energetic and enthusiastic. They are usually innovators and risk
takers, they want to take lead in any given set-up. So as our topic suggests fresh graduates
are more like to take initiative on their own to kick off new businesses and entering into
the market as entrepreneurs.

Factors that influence intentions entering entrepreneurial market depend upon different
situations. Gartner (1985) attempted to find differences in personality and background
between entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs—namely, that entrepreneurs are cultivated
by cultural, economic, social, political, and educational backgrounds that are
fundamentally different from those of non-entrepreneurs and that each entrepreneur has
his/her unique motivation, goals, and talents for venture creation according to his/her
unique background. (Thandi, Sharma, 2004) explains the few factors influencing decision
of a graduate to be a entrepreneur knowledge, skills, attitude and experience. Greene and
Saridakis (2003)examined graduate entrepreneurship over a four-year period between
1999 and 2003, and found that self-employment rate increased steadily as fresh graduates
built up labour market experience. The research identified various factors that influence
graduate entrepreneurship.

In Personal characteristics the Graduates that are older, male and have parents with prior
experience of entrepreneurship are most likely to become graduate entrepreneurs. The
research, however, did not find statistically significant differences between the social
class background or the ethnicity of the employed and the self-employed graduates.

In Skills the Comparison between graduate entrepreneurs (2003) and employed graduates
in the Class of ’99 data set reveals that both groups received much the same type of skills
development whilst in higher education. Furthermore, amongst the current graduate
entrepreneurs, the skills they developed in higher education had made no difference to
choosing self-employment. The research, however, found that entrepreneurial skills learnt
during higher education do appear to have a long run impact on future entrepreneurial

In Attitudes, Greene and Saridakis (2003) reported that entrepreneurs are most likely to
see themselves as being extremely ambitious. When asked about their long term values,
they place less emphasis on career development and friends compared to the employed,
and do not seem overly concerned with financial issues despite the initial attraction of
entrepreneurship being the possibility of an attractive salary. Similarly, earlier research
by Rae and Woodier (2006) reported that graduates who have embarked successfully on
self-employment tend to display high career commitment, intrinsic motivation and single
mindedness.Findings from the Greene and Saridakis (2003) report suggested that the
graduate entrepreneurs in the Class of ’99 study tend to be motivated by non-financial
factors. In fact, compared to the employed, four years after graduation, graduate
entrepreneurs reported lower income levels but higher levels of satisfaction. Although
there is a minority who have done well economically, the majority of graduate
entrepreneurs are found to be relatively poor but happy.Sources of support Greene and
Saridakis(2003) reported that the most likely sources of advice and guidance for
graduate entrepreneurs are informal sources such as family, social networks and work
colleagues. Compared to the graduate employees, entrepreneurs were more likely to

make use of academics, but less likely to make use of their careers service whilst at
university and less likely to make use of careers publications and recruitment agencies.


This research will help to understand the intentions of graduates that what makes them to
accept the challenging task of being a capitalist or an entrepreneur. What risks are
involved when they decide to start-up their own business. This research will help
graduates of different fields understand the Pros and Cons of entrepreneurship.
This study will also contribute by helping the graduates for caste their future plans for
entrepreneurship and how should they plan and approach each step.

This paper will be of special interest to researchers who want to conduct any kind of
investigation on ‘intentions of fresh graduates for forming an enterprise’. This research
will cater the problems of those students who have recently completed their studies and
interested to form new venture or want to select their career. This research paper will also
provide facts and figures based on deep and thorough research to those who want to
compare the salaried based jobs with that of forming their own business. This paper
might help government officials i.e. Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprise, to form or
enhance their policies according to the trend in forming new ventures.

Following is a very brief review of some findings on factors influencing entrepreneurship
and some work done on entrepreneurship and tertiary education. Neely (2003) presented
‘Five Tenets of Entrepreneurship’. Some aspects on his first tenet suggested items for the
questionnaire and for the analysis. Specifically, Neely (2003) posited that entrepreneurial
tendencies are influenced by a number of factors Thandi, Sharma (2004), including:
Personal values and characteristics – Entrepreneurs tend to be achievement-oriented,
enjoy taking responsibility for projects and decisions and hate work involving repetitive
tasks. They welcome change, regarding it as a source of opportunity. They are flexible,
individualistic and opportunistic.

Childhood environment and role models – A disproportionately large percentage of

entrepreneurs have self-employed or entrepreneurial parents (especially fathers). Also,
parents who encouraged independence, achievement and responsibility tended to instil
the desirability of entrepreneurial pursuits in their children. Apart from parents, siblings,
relatives and other entrepreneurs were also important influences, especially where they
played a mentoring role during and after the launch of the business.

Education – Entrepreneurs tend to be less educated than the general population, though
this is by no means the ‘norm’. Though Neely felt that ‘a formal education is by no
means necessary’, education was important for successful entrepreneurship, for it helps
entrepreneurs deal with the challenges and obstacles encountered along the way. Age –
Entrepreneurial careers were pursued between the ages of 22 and 45. Neely said that the
exceptions required ‘a degree of experience, financial backing and sheer energy not often
found outside this group’, he adds that there are ‘milestone’ ages – 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45
– at which entrepreneurs are most likely to embark on their first endeavour. Experience –
By applying experience and insights from previous ventures to new ones, some
entrepreneurs become serial entrepreneurs, launching or buying a number of businesses,
thereby honing their entrepreneurial skills. Market knowledge – A working knowledge of
the market enables entrepreneurs to ‘hit the ground running’.
Work history – Nascent entrepreneurs are very often dissatisfied with paid employment.
However, in their own ventures, they use the experience gained in finance, marketing,
distribution and product/service development.

Government policy – This can be proactive by providing entrepreneurial supporting

activities and funding, as well as encouraging commercialisation of research in
universities and government funded laboratories. Jane Guthrie, managing editor of the
Kansas City Small Business Monthly, believed that most entrepreneurs shared a number
of particular drivers. She cited several ‘drivers that fuel entrepreneurs’, including
independence, risk taking, ego, vision, instinct, energy, lure of wealth, initiative, control,
challenges, passion and family tradition.

Saras D. Sarasvathy (2001), a Business Professor at University of Washington,

acknowledged that ‘there is something different about entrepreneurs. They think a

particular way or there’s something about they way they approach problems’. She set out
to discover characteristics, habits, and behaviours that make entrepreneurs tick. For her
study, entitled What Makes Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial, she met with 25 founders of
companies with revenues between $200 million and $6.5 billion. She found that
entrepreneurs were flexible in their thinking and creative Thandi, Sharma (2004).

Thandi, Sharma (2004) collegial discussions at the Australian Graduate School of

Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology intimated that certain factors
either pull or push one towards entrepreneurship. The ‘pull’ factors include management
experience, family history of entrepreneurship, prior self-employment, and functional
skills such as financed and marketing. ‘Push’ factors include being unemployed.
Education and motivation could be either a pull or push factor.

When studying the entrepreneurial characteristics of undergraduate students in a South

African University, Louw et al. (1997) found that: Awareness of the importance of
entrepreneurship was higher among third year Business Management respondent.
Awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship was higher among Business
Management. There was a tendency towards risk aversion despite the importance of risk
taking in entrepreneurial activities. Gender of respondent did not affect responses.
Research by Drnovsek and Glas (2001) at a Slovenian University showed that: Graduate
students in Master of Science programme in entrepreneurship, rather than the MBA
graduates, were more likely on average to start up a new firm. Graduate students with
longer working experience are on average more likely to start up a new firm. Graduate
students of entrepreneurship and MBA students do not differ on self-perceived
entrepreneurial self-efficacy.

Lankard (1991) made a case that educational institutions’ curricula should include
techniques for helping students develop entrepreneurial skills. He hypothesised that
vocational education could foster a number of entrepreneurial characteristics such as
being action oriented people and believing that working smart and hard is the key to
success. He also said that entrepreneurs had a history of being enterprising, earning
money through babysitting, paper routes etc. Entrepreneurs also often came from families
where one or both parents have owned their business. In order to produce entrepreneurial
graduates, Lanyard made some recommendations for curriculum changes in terms of
vocational and technical education in the US. He advocated emphasis on business
planning, computer applications, managing capital/cash flow, marketing skills and
accounting skills; promotion of the involvement of vocational programme instructors in
any business management instruction initiatives across all programme areas; and
emphasis on opportunities for entrepreneurship education strategies including the special
needs of targeted populations and the promotion of vocational equity for all students.

Cho (1998) also maintained that if entrepreneurial talent were innate and could not be
built up postnatally, entrepreneurship education would lose its significance and that
entrepreneurial talent should therefore not be perceived as innate. Furthermore, Cho’s
(1998) study reveals that entrepreneurship education promotes the intention of venture
creation because entrepreneurship-related knowledge and skills stimulate an individual’s
motivation to create a new venture.

Several previous studies indicated that intentions, including entrepreneurial intentions,
are one of the best predictor of planned behavior. Krueger et al. (2000) Entrepreneurship
Mgt. (2006) found that personal and situational variables affect entrepreneurial attitudes
and motivation. Role models affect entrepreneurial intentions by changing attitudes and
beliefs. Exogenous influences, such as perceptions of resource availability, can change
intentions to launch a business. Intentions explain why some entrepreneurs decide to start
a business before they scan for opportunities. Krueger et al. (2000) asserted that
intentions predict entrepreneurship better than personality traits and situations and that “a
strong intention to start a business should result in an eventual attempt, even if immediate
circumstances... may dictate a long delay”. They concluded that role models could affect
entrepreneurial intentions if they changed attitudes and beliefs about a person’s perceived
ability to be successful in a new venture. Krueger (2000) posited that intentions were a
function of perceived desirability and feasibility of an act, and asserted that perceptions
related to desirability are learned.

Douglas and Shepherd (2001) suggested that risk, need for independence, and income
potential are important factors affecting career decisions. Risk and independence are
especially important for those intending entrepreneurial careers. They found that income
was not a determining factor leading toward the intention to start a business. Goals,
motivations, and intentions are intertwined in predicting the entrepreneurial decision.
Kuratko, Hornsby, and Naffziger (1997) suggested that individuals starting businesses
have personally relevant goal sets to which they aspire. Extrinsic goals that concentrate
on wealth and personal income and intrinsic goals, such as recognition, challenge,
autonomy, family security, and excitement were important for sustaining
entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship, along with strong intent, is the two basic
requirements for successful venture creation. Launching ventures without relevant
knowledge is reckless even when there is strong intention for venture creation. Thus,
appropriate entrepreneurship education is a precondition for bringing up the right
perception and intention about entrepreneurship Lee, Chang, Lim (2005).

Specifically in terms of graduate start-up support, the NCGE report few useful studies
within a UK context which “explicitly compare and contrast the types of support used by
graduates engaging with entrepreneurial activities” (ISBA Consortium, 2004). There is a
lack, they suggest, of comparative studies relating to advice and consultancy, business
support, and financial support, for graduate entrepreneurs. An exception is Tackey and
Perryman (1999) who suggest, for their research, that graduates rely on a variety of
sources for support and business, both within and outside the university and that they
value the informal more than the formal. A somewhat similar picture is evident in
relation to the wider issue of enterprise education and training. Hannon, Collins and
Smith (2005), argue that current supply reveals “confusion about the purposes and impact
of entrepreneurship education”, whilst the NCGE acknowledge that entrepreneurship
education and training is characterized by ambiguity and uncertainty about what and how
enterprise should be taught. Again, exceptions do exist. Henry et al. (2003), on the basis
of a rigorous study tracking the progress, post programme, of 35 aspiring entrepreneurs
over a three year period, conclude that such programmes can be effective and yield
significant benefits for aspiring entrepreneurs. It is the use of control groups and
longitudinal designs, they suggest, which ensures a level and quality of evaluation that
can offer a real contribution to policy development.

The purpose of this research is to explore and analyze critically the importance of
entrepreneurship in the broad context of the market, what are the key factors which affect
the decision of fresh graduates to come into this particular field rather than going for a
normal salaried job.

Establishment of enterprise in a society is very useful in many different perspectives i.e.

it contributes a lot in economy of a country to make it more stable, then it promotes the
healthy competition with in the market, last but not the least it helps in you in attaining
and retaining the knowledge workers, it might also be helpful to a society in a way that it
gives you brilliant minds and big business tycoons like Bill Gates, Thomas J. Watson,
Jamshedji Tata, Baldev Das Birla, William (Bill) Hewlett, David (Dave) Packard and
Michael Dell etc.

Are entrepreneurs born or are they groomed? Cho (1998) mentioned that if
entrepreneurial talent were innate and could not be built up externally or nurtured,
entrepreneurship education would lose its significance and that entrepreneurial talent
should therefore not be perceived as innate. Furthermore, Cho’s (1998) study reveals that
entrepreneurship education promotes the intention of venture creation because
entrepreneurship-related knowledge and skills stimulate an individual’s motivation to
create a new venture. Lee and Peterson (2000) state that even those individuals who are
motivated by such factors as financial rewards, achievement, social, career, and
individual fulfilment need a national culture that supports and encourages entrepreneurial

(Lee, Chang et al., 2005) Entrepreneurship, along with strong intent, is the two basic
requirements for successful venture creation. Launching ventures without relevant
knowledge is reckless even when there is strong intention for venture creation. Thus,
appropriate entrepreneurship education is a precondition for bringing up the right
perception and intention about entrepreneurship.


The main purpose of the research is to explore and critically examine in a descriptive and
analytical manner the relevance of fresh graduates’ intent on becoming entrepreneurs.

a) To explore, study and analyze critically the factors, philosophy and

decision pattern influencing a student when he or she holds graduate
b) To examine and explore the role of the culture, family history, skills,
financial implication in the way of deciding his or her career when he or
she is entering the job market.
c) To study and examine the impact of fresh Graduates intent on start-up a
new venture.
d) To discuss critically the environment forecasted effect of his or her
carrier decision.

After completing a literature survey and defining problem a theoretical framework is
developed a theoretical framework is a conceptual model of how one theorizes or makes
logical sense of the relationships among the several factors that have been identified as
important to the problem. It offers the conceptual foundation to proceed with the research
and it is none other than identifying the network of relationships among the variables
considered important to the study of any given problem situation. The theoretical
framework is the foundation on which the entire research project is based. It is a logically
developed, described and elaborated network of associations among the variables deemed
relevant to the problem situation and identified through such processes as interviews,
observations and literature survey. Experience and intuition also guide in developing the
theoretical framework. A good theoretical framework identifies and labels the important
variables in the situation that are relevant to the problem defined. It logically describes
the interconnections among these variables. The relationships among the independent
variables the dependent variables and if applicable the moderating and intervening
variables are elaborated.


Dependent Variables Independent Variable


Attitude Entrepreneur

Role Model


The key question being posed or hypothesis tested in the thesis; in this study we are going
to frame the following hypotheses:

H1: It is expected that fresh graduates will have better understanding of the importance
of entrepreneurship education.

H2: It is expected that fresh Graduates based on their skills will have positive attitude
towards starting-up their own business.

H3: It is expected that role model will have a greater influence on intentions of fresh
graduates to start up business venture.



This is a descriptive, quantitative and hypothesis testing study conducted on the “intent of
entrepreneurship in fresh graduates”. A total of 180 respondents were contacted and 151
responses were received. The rate of response was 83.8%. The sample was taken from
the Universities of Islamabad such as Islamic International, Iqra University, Comsats.


In this study we focused on the actualization of entrepreneurship, including the following

facts, Knowledge, Attitude, Role Model. These concepts were measured as follows:

Knowledge: To measure this we referred to (Gartner, 1985) and used five items for our
questionnaire. In this scale we used rating options categorized as 5= strongly agree 4=
agree 3=neutral 2=disagree 1= strongly disagree. Respondents scored 0.721 alpha on this

Attitude: To measure this we referred to (Ajzen & Madden, 1986) and used five items
for our questionnaire. In this scale we used rating options categorized as 5= strongly
agree 4= agree 3=neutral 2=disagree 1= strongly disagree. Respondents scored 0.740
alpha on this motive.

Role Model: To measure this we referred to (Scherer et al-Scherer, Adams, and Wiebe,
1989) and used five items for our questionnaire. In this scale we used rating options
categorized as 5= strongly agree 4= agree 3=neutral 2=disagree 1= strongly disagree.
Respondents scored 0.701 alpha on this motive.


After data collection and coding, the appropriate data analytical techniques including
descriptive and multivariate analysis will be carried out keeping in view the objectives of
study by using latest available version of SPSS.

Number of
Motive Questionnaires Cronbach's Alpha

Knowledge 151 0.721

Attitude 151 0.740

Role Model 151 0.701

According to Nunnally (1979), operationally, reliability is adequate in the early stages of

developing a measure if 0.70 or higher is attained.

Test of Reliability of Data


Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 151 100.0
0 .0
Total 151 100.0
A List wise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.721 5

T-Test Table
One-Sample Statistics

Std. Error
N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
K1 151 4.2185 .86328 .07025
K2 151 4.1457 .83584 .06802
K3 151 4.0927 .81936 .06668
K4 151 3.7086 1.17524 .09564
K5 151 4.1854 .83589 .06802

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval
of the Difference
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper
K1 60.048 150 .000 4.21854 4.0797 4.3574
K2 60.948 150 .000 4.14570 4.0113 4.2801
K3 61.380 150 .000 4.09272 3.9610 4.2245
K4 38.777 150 .000 3.70861 3.5196 3.8976
K5 61.529 150 .000 4.18543 4.0510 4.3198

Knowledge-Bar Charts







Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed








Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed








Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed







Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed








Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed



Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 151 100.0
0 .0
Total 151 100.0

A List wise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.740 5

One-Sample Statistics

Std. Error
N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
A1 151 4.0199 1.06752 .08687
A2 151 3.9073 1.23478 .10048
A3 151 3.3179 1.10978 .09031
A4 151 3.3907 1.09528 .08913
A5 151 3.3377 1.05127 .08555

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval
of the Difference
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper
A1 46.273 150 .000 4.01987 3.8482 4.1915
A2 38.884 150 .000 3.90728 3.7087 4.1058
A3 36.738 150 .000 3.31788 3.1394 3.4963
A4 38.041 150 .000 3.39073 3.2146 3.5668
A5 39.015 150 .000 3.33775 3.1687 3.5068

Attitude Bar-Charts







Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed








Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed







Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed







Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed








Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed


Role-Model Table

Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 151 100.0
0 .0
Total 151 100.0

A List wise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.701 5

One-Sample Statistics

Std. Error
N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
R1 151 3.6887 1.02102 .08309
R2 151 4.0265 .73889 .06013
R3 151 3.9272 .88769 .07224
R4 151 3.7351 .92161 .07500
R5 151 3.8543 .88240 .07181

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval
of the Difference
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper
R1 44.395 150 .000 3.68874 3.5246 3.8529
R2 66.963 150 .000 4.02649 3.9077 4.1453
R3 54.363 150 .000 3.92715 3.7844 4.0699
R4 49.802 150 .000 3.73510 3.5869 3.8833
R5 53.675 150 .000 3.85430 3.7124 3.9962

Role Model Bar-Chart






Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed









Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed









Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed








Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed








Strongle Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agreed Strongly Agreed


The present study is based on theoretical framework on Intent of entrepreneurship in
fresh graduates. It drew 151 content analyzed with intent of entrepreneurship of fresh
graduates with 3 variables.
These were Knowledge, Attitude, Role-model. All variables have been compared with
one another with each of the respondent.

H1: In present study our hypothesis on Knowledge was conformed and knowledge was
established to be a strong factor in venture Creation. The mean in table 1 shows that
graduates agreed that knowledge contributes towards venture creation. Respondents
scored 0.721 alpha on this motive.

H2: In present study our hypothesis on Attitude was conformed and attitude was
established to be a strong factor in venture Creation. The mean in table 2 shows that
graduates agreed that attitude contributes towards venture creation. Respondents scored
0.740 alpha on this motive.

H3: In present study our hypothesis on Role-model was conformed and role-model was
established to be a strong factor towards venture Creation. The mean in table 3 shows that
graduates agreed that role model contributes towards venture creation. Respondents
scored 0.701 alpha on this motive.


After applying T-test we reached to the following conclusion that our first hypothesis on
knowledge was confirmed and that knowledge was established to be a strong factor
contributing towards venture creation. The mean in table 1 shows that graduates agreed
that knowledge contributes towards venture creation.
Our second hypothesis on Attitude was confirmed and it was established to be a vital
factor in starting up own business. The mean in table 2 shows that graduates agreed that
attitude contributes towards venture creation.
Our third hypothesis on Role-model was confirmed and it was established to be a strong
factor in venture creation. The mean in table 3 shows that graduates agreed that role
model contributes towards venture creation.

At the end on the bases of this research we can say that there is a relationship between
Entrepreneurial actualization and Knowledge, Attitude, Role-model.
In the light of this study we can say that Knowledge, Attitude, Role-model have positive
perception and relation towards Entrepreneurial actualization.


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Z1) Would you please let us know which age bracket you fall in?
1) 20-25 years
2) 26-30 years
3) 31-35 years.
4) 36-40 years.

Z2) Gender
1) Male
2) Female

Z3) What is the highest level of your education?

1) Intermediate.
2) Bachelor.
3) Masters.
4) M. Phil.
5) PHD.

Z4) What is your discipline of study?

1) Business Management
2) Social Sciences
3) Engineering.
4) Medicine.

K1) Do you agree that Education promotes the intention of venture

(1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed.

K2) Do you agree that knowledge stimulate an individual’s

motivation to create a new venture?
(1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed.

K3) Do you think that entrepreneurship education plays an effective

on venture creation?
(1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed.

K4) Does your University play a role to foster entrepreneurial

among its students?
(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

K5) Do you think that availability of information is impediment that

needs to be addressed?
(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

A1) Do you think that attitude plays an important role in becoming

(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

A2) Do you agree that Confidence has an impact on successful

(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

A3) Would you give preference to venture creation over getting a
(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed.

A4) Do you agree that Graduates have attitude towards venture

creation before Graduation?
(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

A5) Do you agree that Graduates have an attitude towards venture

creation to overcome failure?
(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

R1) Do you agree that graduates who are encouraged to join family
business have positive intentions towards venture creation?
(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

R2) Do you agree that graduates who are taught how to manage
business have better intentions towards Venture creation?
(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

R3) Do you agree that Graduates who are told about the advantages
and disadvantages of business by role models will carry better
intentions towards Venture creation?
(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

R4) Do you think Graduates who are discussed family business will
have better intentions towards Venture creation?

(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

R5) Do you agree that assumption of following family business will

have impact on graduates intentions towards Venture creation?
(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

H1) It is expected that fresh graduates will have better understanding
of the importance of entrepreneurship education.

(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

H2) It is expected that fresh Graduates based on their skills will have
positive attitude towards starting-up their own business.

(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed

H3) It is expected that role model will have a greater influence on

intentions of fresh graduates to start up business venture.

(1)Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither agree nor disagree

(4)Agreed (5) Strongly agreed


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