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CrowdCompass Reporting

Best Practices

Planners often want to include surveys in their app to gather feedback about
sessions, speakers, exhibitors, or the event as a whole. They can use these results to
help improve the content and logistics for their next event and gain valuable insights
from attendees.

Survey results are important at all stages of an event, as these responses can give a
planner insight on a variety of items as they move forward.

Before the event

Though asking attendees to fill out a survey before the event is not done as often as
it is after the event, there are a number of reasons why a planner may want to gain
pre-event feedback. Some examples are to understand if they have liked the
coordination with flight and transportation scheduling thus far, which content they
are most interested in, when they are expected to arrive at the event, which
speakers they are most excited to hear from, and more. These pre-event insights can
help you prepare more and guide you in making minor adjustments leading up to
your event. By following our best practice tip to launch your app to attendees 2-4
weeks before your event, this gives attendees plenty of time to get logged in, begin
exploring content in the mobile app, and respond to a pre-event survey.

During the event

Pull survey responses during the event to get better insight on how attendees’
experience has been so far. This will especially be helpful with surveys that ask
questions on matters that can potentially be adjusted while the event is happening.
For example, asking if there has been enough snacks, water, tea, and coffee provided
during breaks, asking how the temperature inside the conference rooms are, if
attendees have been having trouble navigating the mobile app or finding their
session rooms, if they feel daily event communication has been sufficient thus far,
etc. Depending on the duration of your event, by gaining these insights after the first
or second day of the event, you will know if you have to ask the conference center
staff to adjust the AC, send out more push notifications informing attendees of
where the mobile app help desk is, sending out more emails to attendees recapping
each day and in the morning of the event, or providing directions to conference
rooms in the app. Additionally, the response rates to these surveys can give you an
idea of how effective your survey marketing has been thus far, and prepare for more
survey promotion throughout the remainder of the event if needed.

After the event

If you have planned an event before, you have probably created a post-event survey
before. Whether it is a speaker-feedback, session-feedback, sponsor-feedback, or
overall event feedback, these responses can give you extremely valuable insight as to
which items or aspects of the event that you may want to continue in the future, and
features of the event that may have not been well-received, so you know make a
change the following year. The questions you can ask and the topics you can inquire
on post-event are endless: did you like this year’s event destination? What
city/venue would you like to experience next year? How effective was ____ speaker
at addressing the main topics advertised for _____ session? Did you feel there was
too much, too little, or just enough time for breaks and passing time between
sessions? Did you feel you had enough opportunities to network with sponsors and
other attendees?
These insights can give you feedback to begin developing a plan for your next event.
You may realize that while attendees would love to hear from some of your speakers
again, they were a little overwhelmed with how packed the schedule was and make
the decision to expand your conference by a few extra days. You may learn from this
reporting that attendees would love to travel back to the same city for next year’s
event because it had a lot to offer in terms of night life after a long day of sessions,
but they would have loved to have more organized social activities with other
attendees, so you can work on re-allocating your budget to invest in more
networking and social opportunities for your next event.
Reporting Overview
Dig into ROI, Dive into opportunities!

CC Reporting allows you to measure Attendee Engagement in real time, by
tracking, measuring, and analyzing attendee engagement with a custom mobile
event app from CrowdCompass.
Analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) by reviewing push notification activity,
detailed page views, viewed content counts, the number of activities added to
personal schedules, and more. You’ll confidently know where you stand relative
to your event goals.
Attendee Monitoring:

Name of the report in Toolbox: Purpose

Attendee Login report Shows the nature of attendee login timestamp,
confirmed/non confirmed, hidden/visible and
groups associated, custom fields data if any.
Check-ins report Displays check-ins made by attendees in a list
Contact Shares report Displays the list of contact shared along with the
names of sharer(requester) and sharee (accepter)
along with the status of the request.
Schedules Displays the list of sessions added to schedule of
every attendee and also shows whether the same
is added by self/planner
Session Registration Export Shows the session details in terms of tracks,
session name, time and no of attendees who
have added the session to their personal agenda
Bookmarked session count Shows the total number of bookmarks for a
Bookmarked session report Displays bookmarked sessions by attendee’s
name list
Star Ratings Displays the sum, count and average of star
rating given to sessions
Star Ratings by Person Displays the star ratings given by attendees to
every session
Session Star Ratings with speaker Shows the rating count and average ratings for
the sessions along with the name of speakers
App Engagement:

Name of the report in Toolbox: Purpose

Activity Feed Comment Export Shows the comment made on individual posts
with the commenter name
Live Q&A Export Although anonymous, this shows the questions
asked on Live Q&A along with the session name
and status of the question.
Players Game Achievements Displays the list of achievements completed along
with the total points earned by attendee.
Players Game Scores Lists the players name from highest to lowest
along with the total points scored from
Social Shares Displays the list of all the posts that has been
shared externally from the crowd compass
Social Wall Shares Displays the list of all the posts on the social wall
backend with the username/screen name

EventCenter Metrics:
The new metrics dashboard is a complete redesign of the entire metrics area, turning it into a
beautiful dashboard for you to monitor the health of their event. These metrics capture more
data than before, and through user testing and planner feedback, we’ve designed the metrics
dashboard to tell a story about the data while making it easy to understand at a glance through
tooltips and interactive graphs.

All pages have a Print to PDF full-color option that includes all graphs, and for planners with
data analytics needs, a raw data export (JSON file) that can be plugged into business
intelligence tools to analyze event engagement.

Each of the metrics pages follows a similar pattern: Big important numbers at the top, a line
graph tracking those numbers over time, and then a breakdown of other metrics with bar
graphs further down the page.

JSON Metrics:
JSON metrics captures data from mobile app, website, and web app visitors to identify unique
users, track their journeys, record their behavior, and report on the app’s performance. Like
traditional web analytics, this can be used to improve conversions, and are the key to crafting
world-class mobile experiences.
 Track unique users to record their demographics and behaviors:
 Page views
 Visits
 Visitors
 Source data
 Strings of actions
 Location
 Device information
 Login / logout
 Custom event data
 Extrapolate the data to figure out what users want and improve user experience
 Identify and profile your unique visitors to reveal their customer journeys.
 With the inherent assumption of difference in user experience on different devices and
desktops, we account for these device disparities and provide one single, centralized
dashboard that recognizes individual login and their behaviors across devices.

This data can be leveraged by marketing, sales, and product management teams, who
use it to make more informed decisions. The report gives numerical counts of what
users engage with, how many user types, what brings them to the app, and why they

Marketing teams:
 Tracks campaign ROI, segments users, automates marketing
UX/UI teams:
 Tracks behaviors, tests features, measures user experience
Product teams:
 Tracks usage, A/B test features, debugs, pre-scheduled alerts
Technical teams:
 Track performance metrics such as app crashes

What draws attendees to the mobile site or app?
You can look at all the engagement counts and views by attendees, for listed content
sections of the app. This can be useful for figuring out your popular sessions, favorite
speakers or most visited organization profiles.

How long attendees typically stay?

Right from an attendee’s first login, to the timestamps for their survey/poll responses –
our reporting allows you to demarcate the peak and total time of app engagement,
along with individual response time.
What features visitors interact with?
Know what your attendees like to tap and interact with –custom icons, banners,
weblinks, session actions and all other forms of interactive engagement inside the event
Where attendees face lack of engagement?
Analyze through the metrics overview and detailed reporting to understand least
popular sections of the app, along with highlighting possible promotional opportunities
and unused features.

Analysis highlights!
Banner Ads Views:
Consumers spend 70 percent of their media consumption and screen time on mobile
devices, and most of that time in mobile apps. This is a tremendous opportunity for
companies to reach their consumers, in an already saturated market.

Mobile attribution allows your team to tie user events back to ads or marketing
campaigns. If a user clicks or signs up, the ad or campaign that influenced them receives
can be tracked in CrowdCompass. This allows for comparison on which campaigns
worked best. For example, an exhibitor can set up a mobile banner ad and CC analytics
will help to determine its top-performing mobile ad.

Survey and Poll Reporting:

View and display your poll results as they are submitted, on a live screen or in an Excel
report. Plus, filter survey responses by session, organizer, or speaker to quickly share
feedback. The detailed reporting gives you attendee names, email address, responses
along with path of submission, as long as they are logged in.

Invitation tracker:
Allows for insights into details for emails sent and delivered, along with helping in
implementing and testing whitelisting exercises – for Cvent domains!

The Ultimate Mobile Analysis

Mobile metrics cannot exist in a vacuum. You must build a technology stack of
tools around the platform to provide up-to-date data. A holistic analytics tool
stack may include:
1. CRM platform or Data management platform (DMP)
2. CrowdCompass 24*7 support platform
3. Content management system (CMS)
4. Marketing automation platform
5. Advertising platforms
6. Realtime app diagnostics
7. Testing tool
8. Payment system

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