08 Giving Your Phone Number

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Giving your phone number

1. 1-28
Listen to the numbers from 0-10

0 Sifr
1 waaHid
2 itnayn
3 talaata
4 arba9a
5 khamsa
6 sitta
7 sab9a
8 tamanya
9 tis9a
10 9ashara

2. 1-29
Listen and jot down the numbers you hear. ………………………………………………

3. 1-30
Now listen to these phrases relating to [raqam it-tilifawn], the telephone number.

What is your telephone number? (to m/f) shuu raqam tilifawnak/tilifawnik?‫شو رقم تلفونك ؟‬
My home telephone number is …. raqam tilifawn il-bayt ‫رقم تلفون البيت‬
The mobile number is ……. raqam il-mubayl ‫رقم الموبايل‬
The telephone number of the office is ……. raqam tilifawn il-maktab ‫رقم تلفون المكتب‬

4. 1-31
Ayman wants to make a note of Hasan’s phone numbers at the Cairo conference. See if you can figure out
which number is for home, office and mobile.
You will hear (wi) as an alternative to [wa]

01340460 …………………… 09932271 ……………………… 01460179 ………………………

5. 1-32

Farida is on a business trip to London and gives her contact details to a colleague. Try saying her office
telephone number before you listen and then make a note of her home and mobile numbers.
1. raqam tilifawn il-maktab 01442776
2. raqam tilifawn il-bayt
3. raqam il-mubayl

In Arabic…………...
When two or more nouns such as phone number are used together, you only use (il) = [the] on the final
raqam it-ti-lifawn. Literary means, number the telephone.

raqam tilifawn il-maktab. Literary means, number telephone the office.

In the possessive case, the (il) is not used at all.

raqam -tilifoan+i my phone number (number my phone)
‫رقم تلفوني‬

Put it all together

1. How would the following people say where they are from and what their nationality is?

Leila - Jordan - Amman ======= ana min il-urdun, saaknaa fi 9ammaan, ana urduniyya.
1. Ahmad- Egypt- Cairo.
2. Amina – Morocco- Casablanca.
3. Mahammad – Saudi Arabia -Jeddah.
4. Ewan – Scotland -Edinburgh.

2. Complete the following

+ wa = (ou) ‫زائد‬
= yi-saawi ‫يساوي‬
- naaqis ‫ناقص‬

1. tamanya + waaHid =
2. sitta + itnayn =
3. sab9a + talaata =
4. 9ashara – khamsa =

3. Lucy Abbot is on a business from Newcastle in England, how would she fill in the details in this form?
a. ism …………….
b. balad ……………
c. jinsiyya ………...

4. Can you say these results in Arabic?

a. Morocco 6 France 2
b. Tunisia 3 Lebanon 1
c. Scotland 5 China 9
d. Japan 4 Jordan 7
e. Jerusalem 0 Hebron 0
Now you are talking
1. 1-33

Imagine you are Oliver Jolivet, a Frenchman from Paris studying Arabic in Jordan. You get talking to a
waiter in a café.

1. min wayn inta?

2. Reply and ask him if he is from Jordan.
3. laa, ana min tuunis, wayn saakin?
4. Say you live in Paris and ask his name.
5. ismi Jamal, marHaba.

2. 1-34
Now take the part of a British woman, Louise Taylor, and answer the waiter’s questions

1. inti min fransa kamaan?

2. Reply
3. wayn saakna?
4. you live in York.
5. shuu ismik?
6. Reply.

3. 1-35
Jamal would like to invite you for coffee. Listen and write his home number.
Give him your mobile number: 0971445376

Dialogue (Mimi)
Activity 01
Listen to the following dialogue, then complete below activities 2+ 3.

a) alo. alo
marHaba Mimi hi Mimi.
kiif Haalik? in-shalla bi-khayr. how are you? I hope you are fine.
waynik halla? where are you now? (to a female)
wayn? fii madiinat Bath? where? Are you in Bath?
ana, la, ana mish fii jaami9at Bath halla. I am, no, I am not at the University of Bath now.
ana fil bayt. I am at home
aywa, ana la-Haali. yes, I am on my own.
miin? who?
la, marti mish hoan. no, my wife is not here
waynha? where is she?
ana ma ba9raf waynha. I do not know where she is.
mumkin a-shuufik il-yoam? may I see you today? (to a female)
il-yoam inti mish faaDya. today, you are not free (to a female)
bukra? tomorrow?
aywa, bukra ana faadi, mish mashghuul. tomorrow, I am free, I am not busy.
maashi- raqam mubayli 07462188001 ok, my mobile number is ……….
khalaS! khalaS! let us finish/stop/enough.
marti hoan, ma9 issa—lama. my wife is here, goodbye.
a-shuufik bukra in-shalla Habiibti- ba-Hibbik I will see you tomorrow, my darling, I love you.
b) Khalil ……Khalil…, miin haadii Mimi? khalil …. Khalil…., who is Mimi?
ahlan Amanda! kiifik? hi, Amanda, how are you?
ah—haadi immi. this is my mother.
immak…., a-shuufik bukra, faaDya- mashguula your mother, I will see you tomorrow, you are
raqam mubayli free, you are busy, my mobile number…
Habiibti- ba-Hibbik…. darling, I love you ….
aasif …. aasif Habiibti …. khalaS…KhalaS… I am sorry ... my darling- I will not do it again
yalla – barra …. barra …fii sh-shaari9 outside… outside …. on the street

Activity 02
Say in English:
1. shuu numret tilifawnak/tilifawnik?
2. mumkin min faDlak/faDlik raqam mubaylak/mubaylik?
3. waynak/waynik halla?
4. la- ana mish fil bayt halla- ana fii jaami9at Bath.
5. ana saakin/saakna la-Haalii fii bayt Hilu.
6. marti nuSS(half) ingliiziiyya wa nuSS iTaaliiyya.
7. miin haada/haadi?
8. numret mubayli :07462135908
9. il-yoam, ana mish faaDya,
10. bukra ana fii maktabi, bass ana mashghuul.
11. waynha?
12. ana ma ba9raf wayn Khalil saakin.
13. ana aasif/aasfa. il-yoam ana mashghuul, bass bukra ana faaDi.
14. mumkin a-shuufak/a-shuufik bukra? In-shalla.
15. ana ba-Hibb madiinat Bath.
16. wayn immak/immik saakna?
17. immi saakna fil quds.
18. ana ma ba9raf wayn Donald Trump saakin.
19. huwwe saakin fil bayt al-abyaD.
20. il-yoam, ustaazi mish faaDi, huwwe mashghuul ma9 Angela Merkel.
21. inta bit-Hibb Haim Moshe?
22. la.ana ba-Hibb Pink Floyd.
23. lnti bit-Hibbi ustaaz Khalil? ana ma ba9raf.
24. huwwe bi-Hibb ( steak)?
25. hiyye ma bit-Hibb Celine Dion .

Activity 03
How do you say the following sentences in Arabic?

1- What is your phone number?

2- May I have please your mobile number?
3- Where are you now?
4- No, I am not at home now. I am at the University of Bath.
5- I am living on my own in a beautiful house.
6- My wife is half English and half Italian.
7- Who is this?
8- My mobile number is 07462188001
9- Today I am not free.
10-Tomorrow I am in my office, but I am busy.
11- Where is she?
12- I do not know where Khalil is living.
13- I am sorry, today I am busy, but tomorrow I am free.
14- May I see you tomorrow? God willing.
15- I like the city of Bath.
16- Where is your mother living?
17-My mother is living in Jerusalem.
18-I do not know where Donald Trump is living.
19- He is living in the White House.
20- Today, my teacher is not free, he is busy with Angela Merkel.
21- Do you like(m) Haim Moshe?
22-No, I like Pink Floyd.
23-Do you like(f) Professor Khalil? I do not know.
24- He likes steak.
25- She does not like Celine Dion.

Activity 04

Express the following simple mathematical equations in Arabic.
(Note: + is pronounced [wa- ou]

Activity 05:
Label each of the following pictures in order it should appear.

Activity 06
Count the number of stars on each row and write it down in Arabic next to it.


Activity 07
Ask your classmate:
shuu raqam/ numret tilifawnak- tilifawnik?
shuu raqam/ numret mubaylak- mubaylik?

Activity 08
Handwriting practice

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