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Capricorn in 2022

Areas of life that will improve or grow:

• Communications
• Personal Interests
• Learning
• Home & Living Conditions
• Family
• Personal Life

Until May 10; then from October 28 to December 20:

• You will be expanding your personal interests, mind, and connections. You are
ready to take on big projects!
• You can experience good fortune with vehicles, transportation, and the
communications industry, or this good luck comes from siblings, classmates,
or neighbors.
• You are sharper, more perceptive, and others are more receptive to your
ideas. New opportunities to communicate can open up to you.
• This can also be a busy, exciting, and rewarding period for learning.

• Potential problems: Taking on too many daily activities, communications, new

interests, and learning endeavors or studies can be a problem now. Don’t
overload your plate.

• A booster transit supporting these efforts creatively occurs in April, when your
imagination blossoms, and creative writing, speaking, and other such pursuits
can thrive.

• You are considerably more intuitive this year. Chance meetings with past
acquaintances (and future ones) are part of your life now.

• Other boosts occur in February and early May, and as you push your
boundaries creatively or romantically, you find yourself expressing yourself
more successfully all around. This year, more involvement with your
immediate environment, community, and neighborhood may also figure
• You’re finding your voice and more fully enjoying what you’re doing, learning,
teaching, and sharing.

• You might find that you’re busier locally.

• There can be increased communications with siblings, classmates, and peers

in general during this period.

• You may find it easier to express thoughts, feelings, or intuition in words at

this time. Others may turn to you for your wisdom and advice.

From May 10-October 28, and then from December 20th onward:

• You are more confident about your family, living arrangements, and living

• During these periods, you are comfortable with your position, and you may be
building loving and secure connections with others.

• There can be special attention to the comfort and beauty of your home or a
stronger desire to connect with your roots.

• While this is a rather domestic transit, relationships with anyone you feel
especially connected with emotionally can benefit, grow, and expand.

• Your inner world, family life, domestic activities, and domestic arrangements
blossom, develop, grow, or expand during these periods. Relations with family
can be especially pleasant and supportive.

• Current living arrangements or conditions improve.

• The family itself can grow, or there might be an addition to your home. Some
might take on a roommate, for example, or bring more friends to their home.

• During these periods, you could spend more time with family or at home. You
could be on the reclusive or introspective side as you build up your inner
strength or improve your home base.

• This can be an excellent time to set up a home business or home studies. On

a more psychological level, confidence in yourself and feelings of security
increase during this period.
Life will put you through tests in the following areas:

• Tests can come to your financial affairs during this cycle. This influence
challenges you to better manage your personal resources and come up with a
fair and realistic assessment of your value or worth.

• Worries can surface about your earning power, but as you progress, the ideal
end result will be a stronger sense of what you are capable of earning, better
spending and saving habits, and a more realistic budget.

• Look for overlapping or unnecessary expenses and other redundancies, and

aim to rid yourself of material clutter. Your natural talents can contribute more
to your personal income than previously.

Areas of your life that will change:

• You are more attracted to people who are free-spirited, individualistic, and
possibly even eccentric on a romantic level — or these are the types of
people or experiences you attract into your life. Your romantic life or leisure
time is bound to be very colorful this year and in coming years.

• Unusual opportunities to meet people pop up. This may be a time of

unconventional love affairs or pastimes for some.

• This influence opens you up to new experiences and helps you detach a little
from the material world so that you can enjoy yourself from time to time! It’s
not always steady or consistent, but you’re sure to find some inspiration.

• However, you have excellent boosters this year, particularly in February and
July, that improve the fun factor in your life. You’re finding entirely new
channels for expressing yourself and your affections, and they’re satisfying.

• You will need to resist the urge to micro-manage and control the events of
your life, how you come across to others, and your manner during this
important cycle.

• You are ultimately discovering that you cannot control the events of your life
and you cannot control others and how they feel about you, but you can learn
Important days in January:

When to show initiative, start something new, try a new look or let your personality

• January 29, 30

When people will be paying attention to you, this is the time when you have to show
your best self, so opportunities may arrive in your life:

• January 23, 24

Stressful days, try not to make impulsive decisions:

• January 23

Days when you have to keep your eyes open for opportunities, super lucky days

• January 11, 27

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