Second Written Examination in ESL For 6th Grade Students

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Second written examination in English for 6th grade students

Group A Name and surname____________________________ class ____

1. Present Continuous Tense for the present and future (write P or F)

a. Mr. Kelly is watching the World Cup final at the moment. ________
b. Sadie is wearing a dress on the wedding on Sunday. ________
c. I am meeting my colleagues at the airport tomorrow morning. ______
d. Where are you driving right now? _____
e. They are travelling to Spain for a vacation next summer. _______ ____/5 points

2. Write forms of the verbs in Present Continuous Tense

a. What ______ you _____________ (do) right now? I __________________ (write)
my English test and the teacher ___________________ (not help) us.
b. ______ your brother ______________ (walk) the dog now? No, he ___________.
He _________________ (sleep) in his bedroom at the moment. ____/11 points

3. Put the forms of the verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense
a. Joe and Sadie _____________________ (watch) football in the living room at the
moment but they ______________________ (not argue). Joe __________________
(support) Manchester United. ______ you ____________ (sit) in front of the TV too?
No, I ________. I __________________ (wash) the dishes in the kitchen.
b. My sister usually ____________ (get up) at 6 o’clock. She ____________ (takes)
the dog outside first and then she ___________________ (prepare) for school.
I __________________ (not like) getting up early so I always ___________ (sleep)
until 7 o’clock and then my sister ___________ (shout) that I will be late for school
but she ____________________ (not leave) the house before I am ready.
c. ________ you _____________ (go) to football trainings every day? Yes, I _____.
______ your friend _________ (come) with you to the trainings? No, he _________.
_____ your mum _________ (cook) at the moment? Yes, she ____. ____/30 points

4. Translate the words in English language

mountain ________________ volcano _______________ hill ________________
keyboard ________________ drums ______________ guitar ________________
United Kingdom _______________________ Capital city ____________________
____/10 points
5. Translate the following sentences in Macedonian language
a. The Pilgrims had a huge feast to celebrate the new harvest and to give thanks to
the Indians. _________________________________________________________
b. England, Scotland and Wales are three separate countries but together they are
called The Great Britain. _______________________________________________
____/20 points
0-24 поени 25-41 42-59 60-76
Незадоволително ниво Основно ниво Средно ниво Високо ниво

Teacher Sasha Micevska Parent __________________________

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