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Integrations -
Release 21A
December 2020 (version 2)
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disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without prior written consent of Oracle. This document is not part
of your license agreement nor can it be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates.

This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in planning for the implementation and upgrade of
the product features described. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in
making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in this document remains
at the sole discretion of Oracle.

Due to the nature of the product architecture, it may not be possible to safely include all features described in this document without
risking significant destabilization of the code.

Note: In the images or examples included in this document regarding: user details, company names, addresses, emails, and/or
telephone numbers represent a fictitious sample of data (based upon made up data used in a demo environment). Any similarity to
actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended in any manner.

2 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2


Assessment in Oracle Recruiting Cloud .................................................................................................................................4

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................4
Oracle Recruiting Cloud Overview .....................................................................................................................................4
Assessment Overview........................................................................................................................................................4
Setting Up Assessment in Oracle Recruiting Cloud ...............................................................................................................6
Setting Up the Integration .................................................................................................................................................6
Validating the Integration..................................................................................................................................................9
Creating the Implementation Project ..............................................................................................................................11
Creating the Configuration Package ................................................................................................................................11
Publishing on the Oracle Cloud Marketplace ..................................................................................................................12
Technical Details ..................................................................................................................................................................13
Security ............................................................................................................................................................................13
Assessment Transactions.................................................................................................................................................13
Appendix ..............................................................................................................................................................................47
Legislation Code values ...................................................................................................................................................47
Language Code values .....................................................................................................................................................48
SSL Support ......................................................................................................................................................................49
Tracking Changes .............................................................................................................................................................49

3 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2


This document is intended to explain the features for conducting assessments using Oracle’s assessment
partner services. It explains the integration enablement and activation along with the technical details for
orchestrating such integrations.

This document is a draft and the information contained is subject to change on further reviews.

What’s new in 20B: The possibility for customers to include the assessment inline in the external candidate
application flow. This comes with few additional indicators, a new status and a return URL with job application
as a parameter, so candidate can continue the application process. Details highlighted in version 20B and

Oracle Recruiting Cloud Overview

Oracle Cloud Recruiting is a recruiting solution delivered natively as part of the Oracle HCM Cloud suite. It
enables employers to track and measure complete information about their talent across the HR spectrum. It
keeps the candidate experience at the center of the recruiting process by using innovative technologies such
as chatbots, and modern, mobile-friendly UX to provide candidates, both external and internal, with a
compelling consumer-like experience. Oracle Recruiting Cloud uses candidate pools, campaigns and CRM to
provide robust sourcing and empowers recruiters with AI matching to make the best data-driven recruiting

Assessment Overview
Oracle Recruiting customers can initiate candidate assessments from within the application.

When the recruiter creates a job requisition, the recruiter can assign one or more assessment screening
packages to the job requisition until job applications are added to the job requisition.

4 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

Once the recruiter has selected the desired assessment partner and user account, the recruiter decides if
candidates take the assessment when applying for a job, or during the candidate selection process, or both.

 For assessments during the job application, the recruiter selects the assessments for the internal job
application flow, the external flow, or both. Internal candidates receive an email from the partner to
complete the assessment as soon as they submit their job application. For external candidates, it
depends if the assessment has been defined inline as a block in the application block or is triggered
at time of submission. When inline, additional attributes, including returning URL, is included in
the request, send right away. This is new in 20B. For assessment trigger at the end of the flow,
the candidate can click on the link to initiate the request. If this is not done right away, the schedule
job can send the request to the partner, which in turn can contact the candidate to remind them to
complete the assessment.
 For assessments during the selection process, the recruiter selects the phase and state when the
assessment request is sent to candidates then select the assessments. When a job application is
moved to a specific state within a phase, a call is made to the assessment partner’s service who
initiates one or multiple assessments, based on the selected packages in the job requisition. The
partner validates the user requesting the screening service and retrieves candidate and job
requisition information. Once the partner has received all the information, the status of the
assessment is set to “Started”. The partner then sends an email to the candidates with a link to take
the assessments. The partner updates the status to “In progress” when the candidates start the
assessment process. Once the candidates complete all the assessments, the partner updates the
status to “Completed”, “Completed – Fail” or “Completed – Pass” and the overall assessment results
are available in the candidate job applications.
The recruiter can view the results of the assessments from all partners. The recruiter can also click on the link
to access the partner's portal to view more details about the assessment results.

5 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2


Setting Up the Integration

To enable the integration in Oracle Recruiting Cloud, the partner configures their Oracle HCM instance with
integration details such as the web service endpoints, portal information, user accounts. Once the integration is
validated, the partner exports the integration configuration and retains it. The integration and partner details are
published on the Oracle Cloud Marketplace. Customers can see the services and partners on the Oracle Cloud
Marketplace and work with the partners directly for provisioning the integration on their Oracle HCM instance.

The following illustration describes the process to enable and provision the integration.

6 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

The partner starts by setting up the integration in their Oracle HCM instance. This is a one-time process where
the partner provides generic information such as logo, web service endpoint, URL that is used by all customers
using this integration.

A user with the Recruiting Administrator (ORA_PER_RECRUITING_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB) is required to

perform the following steps.

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, uses the following:

 Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
 Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
 Task: Recruiting Category Enablement
2. Click the Plus icon next to a partner and complete the fields.

Field Description
Name Name of the integration partner.
Logo Logo of the integration partner.
Multiphase Support If partner supports multiphase assessments for a
single job application.
Number of Supported Phases Number of supported phases.
Access Token URL – Web Service Endpoint Web service URL to retrieve the access token.
Access Token URL – Method Should keep the Get method.
Access Token URL – Partner Specific Partner specific parameter. Those parameters
Parameters are static parameter that a partner can decide to
append to their URL. No variables or token are
supported in the Partner Specific Parameters.
Account Validation Web Service - Web Service Web service to validate the user account.

Account Validation Web Service - Method Should keep the Get method.
Account Validation Web Service - Partner Partner specific parameter.
Specific Parameters
Assessments Submission Web Service – Web Web service where the selected assessments
Service Endpoint for specific job applications are posted.
Assessments Submission Web Service - Method Should keep the Post method.
Assessments Submission Web Service – Partner Partner specific parameter.
Specific Parameters
Assessments Results URL Web Service – Web Website to return candidate’s assessment
Service Endpoint results.
Assessments Results URL Web Service - Method Should keep the Get method.
Assessments Results URL Web Service - Partner Partner specific parameter.
Specific Parameter
Assessment Notification Web Service - Web Web service where the notifications are sent.
Service Endpoint Added in 20A
Assessment Notification Web Service - Method Should use the Post method. Added in 20A

7 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

Assessment Notification Web Service - Partner Partner specific parameters. Added in 20A
Specific Parameters

8 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

Validating the Integration
Once the enablement is complete, the partner activates the integration to validate it. The partner test runs the
integration in a similar way the customer would.

A user with the Recruiting Administrator role (ORA_PER_RECRUITING_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB) is required

to perform the following steps.

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

 Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
 Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
 Task: Recruiting Category Provisioning and Configuration
2. On the Partner Integration Provisioning page, click the Edit icon next to an integration partner.

9 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

3. On the partner page, complete the fields.

Field Description
Share Results Across Job Applications This is used when the candidate does not need to re-take the
same package for a different job for a certain period of time.
Validity Period in Days Period for which the results can be shared.
Reference Key Client reference key, customer identifier provided by the
partner to the customer at provisioning. This key is different
for customer’s test and production instances.
Client ID Used with the Client Secret to get the OAuth token.
Client Secret Used with Client ID to get the OAuth token.

4. Assign a user account before activating the partner. You use user accounts to distinguish the type of
service or service packages. For example, you may want to use different user accounts for behavioral
assessment and technical assessment. Note that user accounts are not created through integration,
they need to be added manually. At least one user account must be created. User name and
description are provided. Those users are visible to all now and packages are assigned through
5. Click Save.
Once the validation is done and the integration is ready to be generally available, the partner exports the
integration configuration and retains the exported files. The integration and partner details are published on the
Oracle Cloud Marketplace. Customers can see the services and partners on the Oracle Cloud Marketplace and
work with the partners directly for provisioning the integration on their Oracle HCM instance.

Partner saves the configuration and activates the assessment integration on their Oracle HCM instance.
Information provided during the activation step is not included as a part of integration provisioning data that is
shared with the customers.

This completes the enablement process and the integration is ready for validation.

10 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

Creating the Implementation Project
A user with the Application Implementation Administrator role
(ORA_PER_RECRUITING_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB) are required to perform the following steps.

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks icon and select the Manage Implementation
Projects task.
2. In the Implementation Projects page, click the Plus icon to create an implementation project.
3. In the Create Implementation Project page, provide the following information:

 Name: Enter a unique name.

 Code: Enter a unique code.

 Description: Provide a brief description, if desired.

 Assigned To: Assign the project to a user, if desired.

 Start Date: Enter the date when the project will start.

 Finish Date: Enter the date when the project will finish.
4. Click Save and Open Project.
5. In the newly created implementation project page, click the Plus icon.
6. In the Task Lists and Tasks page, search for the task Recruiting Category Enablement.
7. Select the Recruiting Category Enablement task, click Apply, then click Done.
8. Exit the Implementation Projects page.

Creating the Configuration Package

A user with the Application Implementation Administrator role
(ORA_PER_RECRUITING_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB) are required to perform the following steps.

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks icon and select the Manage Configuration
Packages task.
2. In the Manage Configuration Packages page, click the Plus icon to create a configuration package.
3. In the Create Configuration Package page, provide the following information:

 Name: Select the implementation project you just created.

 Export: Select the option Setup task list and setup data.
Note: Fields in the Configuration Package Details section are automatically populated with data from the
implementation project.

11 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

4. Click Next.
5. In the Create Configuration Package: Select Objects to Export page, keep the Export option selected
for the Partner Service Provisioning.
6. In the Partner Service Provisioning: Scope section, click the Plus icon.
7. In the Partner Enablement page, select the partner service you want to add, click Apply, then click
Save and Close.
8. In the Create Configuration Package: Select Objects to Export page, click Submit.
9. When the warning message appears, click Yes. The export process starts. Once the export is done, the
status changes to Completed successfully.
Note: Click the Refresh icon to update the status.
10. Once the export is successfully completed, click the Download icon and select Download
Configuration Package. An implementation project .zip file is created. The .zip file contains the
category enablement information such as the partner logo, endpoints, URLs.
11. Provide the .zip file to the customer for provisioning the integration in their Oracle HCM instance.

Publishing on the Oracle Cloud Marketplace

Once the partner has tested the integration and is ready to make it generally available, the partner exports the
integration artifacts and retains the exported files. The integration is vetted by the Oracle team and published
on the Oracle Cloud Marketplace. The partner provides the integration files to any customer looking to
provision the integration at the customer’s request.

12 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2



Accessing the Partner Service from Oracle HCM

When accessing a partner’s service from Fusion, the call uses Partner's OAuth token in Authorization header.

Partner Accessing Oracle HCM Resource for Status Sync

When the partner accesses Oracle HCM, the web service call includes Oracle HCM credentials which are used
for basic authentication before enabling access to the requested service. These credentials are provided by the
customer to the partner as a part of the integration provisioning process.

The customer should provide a user having this privilege:

 Use REST Service - Candidate Assessments

Important Note: LBAC, Location Based Access, might have been activated by customers, preventing access
from external locations (IP). When doing so, the customer is responsible to provide a PUBLIC custom role for
the partner user calling the rest services. If the role is not public, the rest services cannot be called from
outside the customer firewalls. Documentation on LBAC is accessible online.

Assessment Transactions
List of transactions with the logical sequence and examples of those transactions, including some tips on
where to visualize and create some transactions in Recruiting.

1.  Recruiting retrieves OAuth token from partner.

2.  Recruiting validates partner account and retrieves list of packages.
3. Partner updates the list of packages in Recruiting.
4. Recruiter selects at least one package for a job requisition.
5. Candidates apply to a job.
6.  Recruiting sends assessment request to the partner.
7. Candidates take assessment.
8. Partner sends assessment results to Recruiting.
9. Partner requests application details.
10.  Recruiting requests the partner portal link to view assessment results.
11.  Recruiting sends notifications to partner

13 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

1. Recruiting Retrieves OAuth Token from Partner

This service is used by Recruiting for getting the OAuth token from the partner.

HTTP Method
 GET (or POST if partner prefers)



 Base URL, context and service name are partner specific

HTTP Response Codes

 200 OK
 401 Unauthorized
Security Details

Sample Post Input

"client_id" : "XYZ",
"client_secret" : "WER007S",
"grant_type" : "client_credentials"

Sample Output

"access_token" : "weaasn0ashadzxczxc",
"expires_in" : 1000

14 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

2. Recruiting Validates Partner Account and Retrieves List of Packages

This service validates the given partner account's username and returns the list of assessment packages
available for the given partner account. It is invoked from partner account setup page.

HTTP Method
 Get

 Authorization : Bearer <oAuth_token>

 Base URL, context and service name are partner specific, Custom parameters can be appended to
end of the URL.

HTTP Response Codes

 200 OK
 401 Unauthorized
 400 Error for invalid input

Security Details
 Partner's OAuth token in Authorization header.

15 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

Sample Payload

"PartnerUsername" : "OCRl.nasa.acc1",
"Description" : "Account with all the packages",
"packages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0125",
"PackageName": "Technical Skills",
"Description" : "Package to assess candidate's technical skills"
"PackageCode": "ASMT0150",
"PackageName": "Soft Skills",
"Description" : "Package to assess candidate's soft skills"


 Following error response is expected if the partnerUserName input is not valid:


3. Partner Updates the List of Packages in Recruiting

Service: recruitingAssessmentAccountPackages

This service is used by the partner to update partner account status, description or update list of packages for
the given partner account. This service will not create a new user account.

IMPORTANT: for all calls performed by the partner, a user, created by the customer, with appropriate
privileges must be used. The Rest API privilege needed for the calls is: “Use REST Service - Candidate

16 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

HTTP Method


 Authorization : Basic <basic_auth_token> Content-Type:

Get Method Supported

 No

HTTP Response Codes

 201 Created
 401 Unauthorized
 400 Error for invalid input

Security Details
 Basic Authorization - Integration user account and password in authorization header
 This service updates the data for the given partnerUserName even if it is soft deleted or deactivated,
because packages name and description might get updated and indicate that it is obsolete.

Sample Payload

//Deactivate user account

"PartnerId" : "5D81B08D65C24E5AB6C3030D884D162A",
"ClientReferenceKey" : "65C24E5AB6C3030D88",
"PartnerUsername" : "ocr.nasa.acc1",
"ActiveFlag": false,
"Description" : "Account with all the packages - obsolete"

//Create/update/delete packages (Post only active packages for the given account in the
packages array)
"PartnerId" : "5D81B08D65C24E5AB6C3030D884D162A",
"ClientReferenceKey" : "65C24E5AB6C3030D88",
"PartnerUsername" : "ocr.nasa.acc1",
"ActiveFlag": true,
"Description" : "Account with all the packages",

17 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

"packages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0125",
"PackageName": "Technical Skills",
"Description" : "Package to assess candidate's technical skills"
"PackageCode": "ASMT0150",
"PackageName": "Soft Skills",
"Description" : "Package to assess candidate's soft skills"

Note: All packages associated to an account have to be sent every time. Packages already in Recruiting for an
account but not sent in the transaction will be deactivated.

4. Recruiter Selects at Least One Package for a Job Requisition

A user with access to Recruiting, usually a recruiter with the “Manage Job Requisition Screening” privilege,
selects one or multiple assessment packages in the Screenings section of a job requisition. To select
assessment packages, the packages must have been updated in the environment.

In the job requisition Screenings section, the user selects the partner and a user account. Once saved, the
user can update the list of packages associated with various triggers. Those triggers are defined or not within
the application flow configuration and the candidate selection process configuration, both available under the
Setup and Maintenance work area.

In the following image, there is no trigger associated with the candidate selection process, thus no option to
select a package while passing to a pre-defined phase and state. But the same package has been associated
to both the internal application flow, for employees, and the external application flow, for external candidates.

18 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

5. External Candidates Apply to a Job
There are 2 cases.
1. When configuration is as before 20B, without inline assessment:
When an external candidate applies to a job with an assessment screening package associated to it, a link is
presented to the candidate upon confirming their email address. When the candidate clicks the link, a request
is sent to the partner. Internal candidates applying to a job won’t see that link right away. They will rather be
invited by the partner through an email. This is similar when one or many triggers are being associated with a
phase and state of the candidate selection process. In such case, the request is sent to the partner when the
candidate reaches such phase and state and the partner invites the candidates directly.

Or once defined inline, the option is visible before reaching the Submit option. The candidate has to complete
the assessment on the partner side, and the partner has to return the candidate to the flow using the return
URL with appropriate token.

19 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

Once completed, the candidate sees the completed icon and can submit the job application. You can review
documentation on how to incorporate the assessment block into the job application flow if desired.

20 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

21 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2
Internal application flow now supports inline as well – New in 20C

The process is similar for internals compared to externals, although the configuration is done within HCM
Experience Design Studio. The assessment block must be activated in the Apply to Internal Jobs flow, as well
as the inline support must be activated at the partner configuration level.

6. Recruiting Sends Assessment Request to the Partner

This service is used for triggering assessment request that are not inline or at the end of the external flow if
candidate forgets to click on the link.

22 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

HTTP Method


 Authorization : Bearer <oAuth_token>

 Base URL, context and service name are partner specific, Custom parameters can be passed in

HTTP Response Codes

 201 Created
 401 Unauthorized

Security Details
 Partner's OAuth token in Authorization header

23 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

Note: Duplicate calls to this service (with same input parameters) is possible in the following scenarios:
 Recruiter moving a candidate back and forth that triggers the same assessment request
 External candidate clicks on the assessment link more than once

Such duplicate calls are valid/expected and partner should handle them gracefully.

Sample Request Payload

//External Applyflow Assessments

"ClientRefKey" : "5D81B08D65C24E5AB6C3030D884D162A",
"PartnerUsername" : "OCRl.nasa.acc1",
"RequisitionNumber": "REQ-US_PLS-101",
"CandidateNumber": "CAND-US-15250",
"CandidateEmail": "",
"CandidateToken" : "oMJK8Ea08IzZVvKpfvQyy",
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_APPLY_EXT", //Included to indicate the
Trigger type to which the requested packages assigned to. Reason: Duplicate packages
possible across types.
"ReturnUrlFlag": true,
"ShareFlag": true,
"ValidityPeriod": 30,
"PhoneCountryCode": "1",
"PhoneAreaCode": "418",
"PhoneNumber": "5557894",
"RedirectURL": "https://{RecruitingBaseURL}/hcmRestApi/XXX”
"DraftApplicationFlag": true,
"Language": "US",
"InternalCandidateFlag" : false,
"CustomValues": "<PARTNER_CUSTOM_VALUE>",
"requestedPackages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0125"
"PackageCode" : "ASMT0150"
"assessmentSetup": [ //Internal applyflow
packages are not listed since the candidate is external.
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_APPLY_EXT",
"PackagesCount": 2, //All two packages listed below
"MultiPhaseFlag": false,
"packages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0125",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": null

24 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

"PackageCode": "ASMT0150",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": null
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_CSP",
"PackagesCount": 3, //All three packages listed
"MultiPhaseFlag": true,
"packages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0175",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": null
"PackageCode": "ASMT0180",
"PackageSequence": 2,
"StatusCode": null
"PackageCode": "ASMT0185",
"PackageSequence": 3,
"StatusCode": null //NULL status indicates that this
assessment package is not triggered by Recruiting yet

//Internal Applyflow Assessments

"ClientRefKey" : "5D81B08D65C24E5AB6C3030D884D162A",
"PartnerUsername" : "OCRl.nasa.acc1",
"RequisitionNumber": "REQ-US_PLS-101",
"CandidateNumber": "CAND-US-15250",
"CandidateEmail": "",
"CandidateToken" : "oMJK8Ea08IzZVvKpfvQyy",
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_APPLY_INT", //Included to indicate the
Trigger type to which the requested packages assigned to. Reason: Duplicate packages
possible across types.
"ReturnUrlFlag": false,
"ShareFlag": true,
"ValidityPeriod": 30,
"PhoneCountryCode": "1",
"PhoneAreaCode": "418",
"PhoneNumber": "5557894",
"RedirectURL": null
"DraftApplicationFlag": False,
"Language": "US",
"InternalCandidateFlag" : true,

25 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

"CustomValues": "<PARTNER_CUSTOM_VALUE>",
"requestedPackages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0125"
"PackageCode" : "ASMT0150"
"assessmentSetup": [ //External applyflow
packages are not listed since the candidate is internal.
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_APPLY_INT",
"PackagesCount": 2, //All two packages listed below
"MultiPhaseFlag": false,
"packages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0125",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": null
"PackageCode": "ASMT0150",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": null
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_CSP",
"PackagesCount": 3, //All three packages listed
"MultiPhaseFlag": true,
"packages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0175",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": null
"PackageCode": "ASMT0180",
"PackageSequence": 2,
"StatusCode": null
"PackageCode": "ASMT0185",
"PackageSequence": 3,
"StatusCode": null //NULL status indicates that this
assessment package is not triggered by Recruiting yet

26 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

//Candidate Selection Process Assessments - Single Phase
"ClientRefKey" : "5D81B08D65C24E5AB6C3030D884D162A",
"PartnerUsername" : "OCRl.nasa.acc1",
"RequisitionNumber": "REQ-US_PLS-101",
"CandidateNumber": "CAND-US-15250",
"CandidateEmail": "",
"CandidateToken" : "oMJK8Ea08IzZVvKpfvQyy",
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_CSP", //Included to indicate the
Trigger type to which the requested packages assigned to. Reason: Duplicate packages
possible across types.
"ReturnUrlFlag": false,
"ShareFlag": true,
"ValidityPeriod": 30,
"PhoneCountryCode": "1",
"PhoneAreaCode": "418",
"PhoneNumber": "5557894",
"RedirectURL": null
"DraftApplicationFlag": False,
"Language": "US",
"InternalCandidateFlag" : true,
"CustomValues": "<PARTNER_CUSTOM_VALUE>",
"requestedPackages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0175"
"PackageCode" : "ASMT0180"

"PackageCode" : "ASMT0185"
"assessmentSetup": [ //External applyflow
packages are not listed since the candidate is internal.
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_APPLY_INT",
"PackagesCount": 2, //All two packages listed below
"MultiPhaseFlag": false,
"packages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0125",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": "ORA_INPROGRESS"
"PackageCode": "ASMT0150",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": "ORA_INPROGRESS"

27 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_CSP",
"PackagesCount": 3, //All three packages listed
"MultiPhaseFlag": false,
"packages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0175",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": null
"PackageCode": "ASMT0180",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": null
"PackageCode": "ASMT0185",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": null //NULL status indicates that this
assessment package is not triggered by Recruiting yet

//Candidate Selection Process Assessments (2 of 3) - Multi Phase

"ClientRefKey" : "5D81B08D65C24E5AB6C3030D884D162A",
"PartnerUsername" : "OCRl.nasa.acc1",
"RequisitionNumber": "REQ-US_PLS-101",
"CandidateNumber": "CAND-US-15250",
"CandidateEmail": "",
"CandidateToken" : "oMJK8Ea08IzZVvKpfvQyy",
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_CSP", //Included to indicate the
Trigger type to which the requested packages assigned to. Reason: Duplicate packages
possible across types.
"ReturnUrlFlag": false,
"ShareFlag": true,
"ValidityPeriod": 30,
"PhoneCountryCode": "1",
"PhoneAreaCode": "418",
"PhoneNumber": "5557894",
"RedirectURL": null
"DraftApplicationFlag": False,
"Language": "US",
"InternalCandidateFlag" : true,
"CustomValues": "<PARTNER_CUSTOM_VALUE>",
"requestedPackages": [
"PackageCode" : "ASMT0180"

28 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

"assessmentSetup": [ //External application
flow packages are not listed since the candidate is internal.
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_APPLY_INT",
"PackagesCount": 2, //All two packages listed below
"MultiPhaseFlag": false,
"packages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0125",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": "ORA_INPROGRESS"
"PackageCode": "ASMT0150",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": "ORA_INPROGRESS"
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_CSP",
"PackagesCount": 3, //All three packages listed
"MultiPhaseFlag": true,
"packages": [
"PackageCode": "ASMT0175",
"PackageSequence": 1,
"StatusCode": "ORA_INPROGRESS"
"PackageCode": "ASMT0180",
"PackageSequence": 2,
"StatusCode": null
"PackageCode": "ASMT0185",
"PackageSequence": 3,
"StatusCode": null //NULL status indicates that this
assessment package is not triggered by Recruiting yet

REST Attribute Description Type Max Length Required

ClientRefKey Client reference key STRING 64

29 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

Username of the account. Account name Y
PartnerUsername STRING 100
should be unique.

RequisitionNumber Requisition's RequisitionNumber STRING 240 Y

CandidateNumber Candidate's CandidateNumber STRING 30 Y

Token to be passed while calling Recruiting

services that deals with candidate specific
CandidateToken STRING 1024 Y
data (Example: POST results & GET
Candidate Details)

Category of this assessment

request trigger
Valid values:
assessments configured for
external applyflow
TriggerType STRING 30 Y
assessments configured for
internal applyflow
assessments configured for
candidate selection process

Flag to indicate if the partner should respond

ReturnUrlFlag with an URL to partner portal that can be BOOLEAN Y
used by the candidate to take assessments
Flag to indicate if the previous assessment
results of this candidates can be used
If ShareFlag is yes, this field indicates the
ValidityPeriod validity period of the shared assessment NUMBER 9 N
PhoneCountryCode Mobile phone details for external candidate. STRING N
Work phone details for internal candidate.

PhoneAreaCode Mobile phone details for external candidate. STRING N

Work phone details for internal candidate.

PhoneNumber Mobile phone details for external candidate. STRING N

Work phone details for internal candidate.

30 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

RedirectURL If provided, partner should redirect the STRING N
candidate to this Recruiting URL after the
candidate has completed assessments.

Partner should post the results to Recruiting

before redirecting the candidate to

true/false based on if the application is in

DraftApplicationFlag STRING N
draft status. All inline applications are draft.

Language Job application's language STRING 4 Y

Flag to indicate if the candidate is internal BOOLEAN Y

CustomValues Partner's custom values to be passed STRING 2000 N

requestedPackages Packages that are requested to be triggered Y

Unique code identifying the assessment

PackageCode STRING 30 Y
Assessment setup for this candidate and
assessmentSetup Y

Category of this assessment request trigger

Valid values:

T for assessments
configured for
external applyflow
TriggerType STRING 30 Y
for assessments
configured for
internal applyflow
3. ORA_IRC_CSP for
configured for
candidate selection

31 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

Total number of packages assigned to the
PackagesCount NUMBER 9 Y
given trigger type

Flag to indicate if the assessments setup for

MultiPhaseFlag BOOLEAN Y
the given trigger is single or multi phase

packages Y
Unique code identifying the assessment
PackageCode STRING 30 Y
Package sequence of this package, if it is
used in multi phase assessment setup. It will NUMBER 9 Y
be 1 by default for single phase assessments.
Result status code
Valid status codes:

Partner service called from Recruiting,
but partner has not posted back the
results yet)
StatusCode STRING 30 Y

 Recruiting provides draft application flag to the partner. Partner knows if it is a draft application based
on this flag.
o Draft application might never be completed
o Draft application has less personal data
o Draft application has higher chance of being deleted
o Inline occurs only for draft applications
o Candidate can be redirected to draft application without 4 hours
 Recruiting can provide either email or phone number to partner (to be fetched from token framework
session/table) for net-new candidates. Other personal data will be empty for net-new candidates.
 If Redirect URL is provided, partner redirects the candidate to this URL after completing assessments.
 CandidateToken generated by this service includes the following inputs going forward;
o ResultsId from IRC_ASMT_RESULTS table instead of SubmissionId & ProvisioningId. While
this has no impact on partner directly, this is required to support the draft application concept in
Recruiting, where the submissionID is not yet created.
o VersionId with value 2 to indicate to Recruiting this is the new version of the CandidateToken.

32 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

 Contingent workers might be considered as external candidates based on customer configuration. In
such case, their email and phone are not from work.
 ORA_COMPLETED_BY_CANDIDATE was a new status in 20B
 Requests are sent even for disqualified candidates

 AssessmentURL
 URL to partner portal that can be used by the candidate to take assessments.
 Only one combined URL is expected for all the triggered packages in the input payload.

Sample Response Payload

"AssessmentURL" : "https://partner_site/partner_parameters"

7. Candidates Take Assessment

This is entirely managed by the partner. Candidates are notified. Reminders can be sent. Candidates get
information and details on how and when to perform the requested assessments.

33 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

8. Partner Sends Assessment Results to Recruiting


This service is provided for the partner to post assessment results to Recruiting.

Behavior changes in 20B

 This service accepts candidateToken as an input from 20B onwards

o This new candidateToken attribute for this service is optional for backward compatibility
reasons, but has to be used when supporting inline assessments.
o If this token is not passed as an input or if the tokens version is not 2, this service behavior
should be same as it is in 20A.
 As a reference: If this token is passed as an input & if it is version 2, service behavior should be the
following: Decode the token and find the corresponding submission id in results table.
o If the submission id is found, use that to update the results. (Once submission Id is found, it
should follow the existing behavior including ORA_DELETED/Active submission check).
o If the submission id is not found, find the corresponding draft application id and post results
(Honor ORA_DELETED status in IRC_CX_APP_DRAFT table and throw error for deleted draft
assessment results as necessary).
 Make sure to validate the results payload against what is stored in results table.
o If the token is invalid or if both submission and draft application are deleted, this service should
throw an error.

HTTP Method


 Authorization : Basic <basic_auth_token> Content-Type:

Get Method Supported

 No

HTTP Response Codes

 201 Created
 401 Unauthorized
 400 Error for invalid input

Security Details
 Basic Authorization - Integration user account and password in authorization header

Sample Payload

34 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

//Posting just overall comments
"PartnerId" : "5D81B08D65C24E5AB6C3030D884D162A",
"ClientReferenceKey" : "65C24E5AB6C3030D88",
"CandidateToken" : "5D81B08D65C24E5AB6C3030D884D133Q",
"RequisitionNumber": "REQ-US_PLS-101",
"CandidateNumber": "CAND-US-15250",
"QXNzZXNzbWVudCBwcm9jZXNzaW5nIHN0YXJ0ZWQ=", //Base64 string

//Posting Individual Package results

"PartnerId" : "5D81B08D65C24E5AB6C3030D884D162A",
"ClientReferenceKey" : "65C24E5AB6C3030D88",
"CandidateToken" : "5D81B08D65C24E5AB6C3030D884D133Q",
"RequisitionNumber": "REQ-US_PLS-101",
"CandidateNumber": "CAND-US-15250",
"QXNzZXNzbWVudCBwcm9jZXNzaW5nIHN0YXJ0ZWQ=", //Base64 string
"packages": [
"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_APPLY_EXT",
"PackageCode": "ASMT0125",
"StatusCode": "ORA_INPROGRESS",
"StatusDescription" :
"QXNzZXNzbWVudCBwcm9jZXNzaW5nIHN0YXJ0ZWQ=", //Base64 string
"Score": 23.25,
"Percentile": 77.7,
"Band": "GREEN"

"TriggerType": "ORA_IRC_CSP",
"PackageCode": "ASMT0150",
"StatusCode": "ORA_INPROGRESS",
"StatusDescription" :
"QXNzZXNzbWVudCBwcm9jZXNzaW5nIHN0YXJ0ZWQ=", //Base64 string
"Score": 22.2,
"Percentile": 67,
"Band": "RED"

REST Attribute Description Type Max Length Required

PartnerId Partner’s GUID. This is the auto generated ID Y

provided to the partner. STRING 64

35 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

ClientReferenceKey Client reference key STRING 64

Used to retrieve the job application.

Optional and new in 20B.
RequisitionNumber Requisition number STRING 240

CandidateNumber Candidate number STRING 30

Comments Overall comment in base64 CLOB

packages Assessment packages associated request

Category of this assessment request trigger STRING 30 Y

assessments configured for external
assessments configured for internal
 ORA_IRC_CSP for assessments
configured for candidate selection

Unique code identifying the assessment

PackageCode STRING 30 Y

Result status codes

StatusCode STRING 30 Y

Result status description/reason/comments. N

StatusDescription CLOB
Input for this field is Based64 string, but this
is not displayed in UI for now.

36 Assessment Partner Integration for this
V2is Based64 string
Score Assessment score for this package NUMBER 9

Percentile Assessment percentile for this package NUMBER 4

Band Assessment band for this package STRING 30 N

 Once a completed status is provided, it cannot be reverted to in progress anymore.
 Status ORA_CANDIDATE_DECLINED has been added, as well as canceled.
 Transactions are usually cancelled by Recruiting, not partners.
 Status description is not displayed in Recruiting for now, as such, not needed.
 A new status was introduced in 20B: Completed by Candidate. This can be used, instead of any
other completion status, if the results will come later. If all results are already available, the existing
statuses, completed, completed – pas or completed fail, continue to be valid. A completion status,
including Completed by Candidate, allows the candidate to submit their job application and should be
returned when the candidate is returned to Recruiting. If there is no completion status returned,
candidate won’t be able to submit job application.

37 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

9. Partner Requests Application Details


Service provided for the partner to retrieve more information about the candidate and assessments configured
for the given candidate.

Behavior changes in 20B

 Draft applications, a new concept, might have some empty external candidate values.
o If inline support is enabled, partner will start to receive requests from draft job applications. This
could be for net new candidates with limited data or existing candidate with all data.
o Internal candidates are never net new, thus all available content is always sent.

HTTP Method

38 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

 Authorization : Basic <basic_auth_token>

HTTP Response Codes

 200 OK
 401 Unauthorized
 404 Not found for Invalid input

Security Details
 Basic Authorization - Integration user account and password in authorization header

Assessment Configuration
 Partner, candidate and requisition information are derived using the CandidateToken.

Sample Payload

"CandidateToken": "oMJK8Ea08IzZVvKpfvQyyJmH46AyP92PahPNmDLqC-
"RequisitionNumber": "REQ-US_PLS-101",
"CandidateNumber": "CAND-US-15250",
"CandidateEmail": "",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"MiddleNames": null,
"NamePrefix": "Doctor",
"NameSuffix": "Jr",
"PhoneCountryCode": null,
"PhoneAreaCode": null,
"PhoneNumber": null,
"Address": "1200 First St, Apt 201. <BR> New York, NY <BR> 10000, Unites States".
//ALL 18 attributes
"AddressLine1": "123 Main",
"AddressLine2": "address 2",
"AddressLine3": null,
"AddressLine4": null,
"Region1": null,
"Region2": "CA",
"Region3": null,
"Country": "US",
"PostalCode": "94568",
"LongPostalCode": null,
"Building": null,
"FloorNumber": null,
"AddlAddressAttribute1": null,
"AddlAddressAttribute2": null,
"AddlAddressAttribute3": null,
"AddlAddressAttribute4": null,

39 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

"AddlAddressAttribute5": null,

// Following KEY will be added based on customer used attributes

// More details are added here for the non-null Key-Attributes added under
'addressDetails' (above)
"Label":"Apartment No./Street",
// etc. Those are just few samples; the list includes all non-null address elements
"RequisitionTitle": "Cloud Engineer",
"RequisitionLocation": "Pleasanton, CA, United States",
"RequisitionOrganization": "Cloud Ops",
"RecruiterFirstName": "Jane",
"RecruiterLastName": "Smith",
"RecruiterEmail": "",
"HiringManagerFirstName": "John",
"HiringManagerLastName": "Smith",
"HiringManagerEmail": "",
"Language": "US",
"Legislation" : "US",
"ConfirmedSubmissionFlag" : true,

 CandidateToken: Input token passed by the partner is echoed back here. Mandatory.
 RequisitionNumber: Job requisition number. Mandatory.
 CandidateNumber:Candidate number. Mandatory.
 CandidateEmail: Candidate email address. Personal for external candidate and work email for
internals. Mandatory.
 FirstName: Candidate's first name. Optional. Now included even for draft applications.
 LastName: Candidate's last name. Mandatory. Now included even for draft applications.
 MiddleNames: Candidate’s middle names. Optional.

40 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

 NamePrefix: Candidate's name prefix. Optional.
 NameSuffix: Candidate's name suffix. Optional.
 Phone Country Code: Candidate phone country code. Usually only known for internal candidates.
 PhoneAreaCode: Candidate area code. Usually only known for internal candidates. Optional.
 PhoneNumber: Candidate phone number. Mobile phone for external, office phone for internal. The
entire phone number, including country code, if any, and area code, are usually included in the phone
number for external candidates. Optional.
 Address: Formatted multi line home address. For internal candidates, if home address is not present
in file, we are sending work address. Optional.
o Note: Address format varies from customer to customer and country to country. <BR>
are used between lines. Address details not available for new candidate with draft
 AddressDetails: all possible address fields
o AddressLine1: String, 240. Optional.
o AddressLine2: String, 240. Optional.
o AddressLine3: String, 240. Optional.
o AddressLine4: String, 240. Optional.
o City: String, 30. Optional.
o Region1: String, 120. Optional.
o Region2: String, 120. Optional.
o Region3: String, 120. Optional.
o Country: String, 60. Optional. This is a customer defined code, although usually
the same for all customers, aligned with table territories. Usually the ISO code.
o PostalCode: String, 30. Optional.
o LongPostalCode: String, 30. Optional.
o Building: String, 240. Optional.
o FloorNumber: String, 40. Optional.
o AddlAddressAttribute1: String, 150. Optional.
o AddlAddressAttribute2: String, 150. Optional.
o AddlAddressAttribute3: String, 150. Optional.
o AddlAddressAttribute4: String, 150. Optional.

41 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

o AddlAddressAttribute5: String, 150. Optional.
 AddressFormat: Array of the details of each non-null Address detail Attribute
o Attribute: One of the Address Detail Attribute with non-null value
o Label: Label of the Address Detail Attribute
o Sequence: Sequence numbering of the Address Detail Attribute
 RequisitionTitle: Job requisition title of the candidate job application. Mandatory.
 RequisitionLocation: Job requisition location. Mandatory.
 RequisitionOrganization: Job requisition organization. Mandatory.
 RecruiterFirstName: First name of the recruiter of the job requisition. Optional.
 RecruiterLastName: Last name of the recruiter of the job requisition. Optional, but should always be
 RecruiterEmail: Email of the recruiter of the job requisition. Optional.
 HiringManagerFirstName: First name of the hiring manager of the job requisition. Optional.
 HiringManagerLastName: Last name of the hiring manager of the job requisition. Optional, but
should always be included.
 HiringManagerEmail: Email of the hiring manager of the job requisition. Optional.
 Language: Job application's language. Mandatory.
 Legislation: Country code from the job offer. Optional.
 ConfirmedSubmissionFlag: Job Application confirmation indicator. Knowing if the submission is
confirmed for external candidate can be used to share results. We should not share results between
unconfirmed job applications. This concept doesn’t apply to internals, as they are always
logged in and confirmed.

42 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

10. Recruiting Requests the Partner Portal Link to View Assessment Results

This service is used by Recruiting for getting the URL to partner portal that can be used by the recruiter or
hiring manager to view detailed assessment results of a candidate for a given requisition.

HTTP Method



 Authorization: Bearer <oAuth_token>

 Base URL, context and service name are partner specific, Custom parameters can be passed in

43 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

HTTP Response Codes
 200 OK
 401 Unauthorized

Security Details
 Partner's OAuth token in Authorization header


Sample Payload

"ResultsURL" : "https://partner_site/partner_parameters"

ResultsURL: URL to partner portal that can be used by the recruiter or hiring manager to view detailed
assessment results of a candidate for a given requisition

11. Recruiting sends notifications to partner


This service is used to send various notifications. It can be to cancel previous orders or to inform a candidate has been
deleted or has been deleted following a merge into another candidate file. It is up to the partner to react to those
notifications. They can start updating the new candidate ID following a merge, as the original candidate won’t exist
anymore, or they can stop processing a canceled order or even delete the deleted candidates. Adhering to the
notification service is optional. If not defined, Recruiting will not be able to call it. If defined, all notifications will be
sent, thus if partner just support some of those notifications, they should ignore the others.

Note related to 20B: Because 20B now supports inline assessments for draft applications, chances to get deletion
notification from those draft applications are higher. It is recommended to partners to properly handle deleted job
applications and deleted candidates.

Web Service Details

44 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2


 HEADER Authorization : Bearer <oAuth_token>
Response Codes
 201 Created
 401 Unauthorized, if Auth token is invalid
Duplicate or Contradicting events can possibly posted. They should be handled gracefully and should not result
in service failure.

 Example 1. Delete event and Cancel Order event for the same candidate
 Example 2. Cancel order is placed more than once for a given requisition & candidate combination.
 Example 3. Merge event reported for the same alpha candidate because two different candidates got
merged to same alpha candidate

Sample Payload

//Merge Event

//Delete Event

45 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

"RequesterFirstName": "John",
"RequesterLastName": "Doe",
"RequesterEmail": "",
"SystemRequestFlag" : false,
"EventTime": "2019-07-22T13:45:16.112-0700",
"CandidateNumber" : "CAND-601"

//Cancel Event
"RequesterFirstName": "John",
"RequesterLastName": "Doe",
"RequesterEmail": "",
"SystemRequestFlag" : false,
"EventTime": "2019-07-22T13:46:16.112-0700",
"CandidateNumber" : "CAND-700",
"RequisitionNumber" : "REQ-JAVA-DEV01"


46 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2


Legislation Code values

You can review the list of legislation codes under the task Manage Territories available in the Setup and
Maintenance work area. Those codes are aligned with ISO 3166-1.

You can also select the country in the Manage Person task by using the Territory Code (also known as the
legislation code).

47 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

Language Code values
Language codes are specific to Oracle. Below is the list of supported languages and their associated code. A
column also includes the iso code for reference.

Language Iso codes for
Official Labels Codes reference Oracle Login Label
American English US en English
Arabic AR ar Arabic
Portuguese PTB pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil)
Canadian French FRC fr-CA French (Canada)
Czech CS cs Czech
Danish DK da Danish
Dutch NL nl Dutch
Finnish SF fi Finnish
French F fr French
German D de German
Hebrew IW he Hebrew
Hungarian HU hu Hungarian

48 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

Italian I it Italian
Japanese JA ja Japanese
Korean KO ko Korean
Norwegian N no Norwegian
Polish PL pl Polish
Romanian RO Ro Romanian
Russian RU ru Russian
Simplified Chinese ZHS zh-CN Simplified Chinese
Slovak SK sk Slovak
Spanish E es Spanish
Swedish S sv Swedish
Thai TH th Thai
Traditional Chinese ZHT zh-TW Chinese
Turkish TR tr Turkish

SSL Support
JDK version 1.7

TLS protocols 1.2

Cipher suites:


Tracking Changes
 V1: detailed address format added to candidate details
 V2: Highlighted the disclaimer about person images in yellow and removed generic person image from screen

49 Assessment Partner Integration Guide 21A V2

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