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a lesson plan

Group: 21 ср Date:
Topic: Around the world Time:
Subtopic: Weather 13.20

The level of English: A2

Aims: to develop writing skills in English
Objectives: students will be aware of types of weather
Outcomes: students will write a letter to their friend using the paragraph plan
Activities: Materials: Grouping:
Greeting: Working as a
Good morning, students. I whole class
am glad to see you.

Getting students The blackboard Working as a

acquainted with the whole class

The topic is around the

Subtopic is weather

Stage 1
5 Warm up
min Listen to the tongue twister Handouts with the tongue twister Working as a
and practise saying it. and mp3 audio recording whole class
"Whether the weather is
warm, whether the weather
is hot, we have to put up with
the weather, whether we like
it or not."

Stage 2 «Interprise plus» Students book, Working as the

5 Lead in Unit 3, p. 19 ex.8 whole class
Checking homework
Look at the two pictures and
describe the weather.
E.g. it is snowy and freezing
It is hot and sunny
Read the extracts and
5 «Interprise plus» Students book, Working as a
underline the odd word out
min Unit 3, p.19 ex 8 whole class
1.It was cold and rainy. The sky
was covered with dark grey
clouds. I didn’t go anywhere and
spent most of the time in my hotel
room watching TV. I felt so calm,
unhappy, miserable and
depressed that I took the first
train back home.
2. Strong winds kept blowing the

whole time we were there. On the

third night, a terrible storm broke.
It was pouring with rain and the
lightning lit up the night sky. I
was so frightened, relaxed,
scared and uneasy that I felt
early the next morning.
3. it was hot and sunny. Every day
we sat in the guesthouse garden
enjoying the sunshine. In the
afternoons a light breeze blew in
from the sea and cooled us. We
felt so happy, refreshed, sad and
cheerful that we stayed there a
whole month.
4.The next day, we woke up to see
that everything was white. Snow
was falling lightly and it was
freezing. We spent the day
making snowmen and skiing on
the slopes. We felt so excited,
joyful, moody and delighted that
we decided to go there again next
Keys: 2. relaxed, 3.sad 4.

7 Read the extracts again «Interprise plus» Students book, Working as a

min and match them to weather Unit 3, p.19 ex 8 whole class
a) hot and sunny
b) cold, rainy and cloudy
c) Snowy and freezing
d) Stormy, windy and
Keys: a extract 3
b extract 1
c extract 4
d extract 2

7 Look at the extracts and

min speak about people´s «Interprise plus» Students book, Working as the
feelings in each situation. Unit 3, p 19 ex 8 whole class
e.g. it was cold and rainy.
He felt unhappy, miserable
and depressed.
Keys: 2. it was windy and rainy.
He or she felt frightened, scared
and uneasy.
3 it was hot and sunny. They felt
happy, refreshed and cheerful.
4. it was snowy and freezing They
felt excited, joyful and delighted.

Activities leading to

6 Instruction:
«Interprise plus» Students book,
min Speak about your feelings in Working in pairs
Unit 3, p 19 ex 8
such weather conditions.
E.g. I feel moody and
depressed when it is raining.

7 Look at the words below
min and fill in the gaps.
«Interprise plus» Students book, Working
Do, go, take and have
Unit 3, p 19 ex 9 individually
1…… on holiday
2…… some shopping
3…… a holiday
4…… for a walk
5….. some sightseeing
6 …..skiing
1. go
2. do
3. have/ take
4. go
5. do
6. go
10 Instruction:
min «Interprise plus» Students book, Working
Read the collocations and
Unit 3, p 19 ex 9 individually
make up sentences using
1…… on holiday
2…… some shopping
3…… a holiday
4…… for a walk
5….. some sightseeing

6 …..skiing

10 Instruction: Handouts with the reading Working in

min Look at the words below and
activities groups
match them with Ukrainian
translations. Activity 1
b) warm season
с) wet season and rainy
d) dry season 
e) rainfall 
f) freezing showers
g) strong winds
h) cooler temperatures

1 крижані зливи
2 часи року
4 низькі температури
5 опади
6 сезон дощів
7 тепла пора року
8 сильні вітри

10 Instruction:
min read the text below and Handouts with reading activities Working in
choose true or false Activity 2 groups

1  Madagascar has four

seasons: spring, summer,
autumn and winter.

2  There is more rain in

January than in June.

3  The wet season is colder

than the dry season.

4  It hardly ever rains in

central Madagascar.

5  The wettest part of the

island is the east.

6  January-March is a good
time to visit eastern

7  The centre of Madagascar

is the coldest part.

8  Snow sometimes falls in


9  The west coast has the best

weather in December.

10  The north-east is hotter

than the south-east.

Keys: 1 false
2 true
3 false
4 true
5 true
6 false
7 true
8 true
10 false

Read the text again and
answer some questions.
1. How many seasons
does the Madagaskar have?
2. Which coast is hotter

10 and wetter?
min 3. What can cause a lot Handouts with reading activities
Working in
of damage? Activity 3 groups
4. Why do you need to
avoid visiting eastern

Madagaskar between January

and March?
5. What season is cooler
and more pleasant?
6. Which part of the
country is much drier and
7. Where is the summer
extremely hot?
Instruction: Handouts with speaking activity Working in pairs
Speak about your favourite Activity 4
type of weather using the
words below.
Sunny, сloudy, windy,
foggy, rainy, snowy.
min e.g. I like sunny weather
because it is hot and you can
go to the river to swim.

30 Outcome activity «Interprise plus» Students book, Working

min Instruction: Unit 3, p.21 ex 17 individually
Look at the paragraph plan
and write a letter to your
friend describing the place.
Dear (your friend´s name)
1. Greetings, say where you
Main body

2 Say where you are

staying and what is the
weather like
3.Sights you have seen/
4 Food you have tasted/
good and bad experiences
5 End the letter
(your first name)

2 Stage 3
min Round up

Likes or dislikes

What did you like in this


What did you learn?

What do you need to help


-explaining homework:
The Blackboard Working as a
«Interprise plus» Workbook whole class
Unit 3, p.12 ex 1-4
-giving marks

-Saying goodbye


"Whether the weather is warm, whether the weather is hot, we

have to put up with the weather, whether we like it or not."

Activity 1 Look at the words below and match them with Ukrainian

Words conncected with weather Ukrainian translations


a)seasons 1 крижані зливи

b) warm season 2 часи року
с) wet season and rainy seasons 4 низькі температури
d) dry season  5 опади
e) rainfall  6 сезон дощів
f) freezing showers 7 тепла пора року
g) strong winds 8 сильні вітри
h) cooler temperatures

Madagascar – When to go
Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from
November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and
October. However, different parts of the country have very
different weather.
The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000mm of
rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds,
and these can cause a lot of damage.  Avoid visiting eastern
Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road
travel very difficult.  The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.
The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of
rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually
sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing
showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400m, and even stay there
for several days.
The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are
pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies.  The summers can be
extremely hot, especially in the southwest.  This part of the country is semi-
desert, and only gets around 300mm of rain per year.

Activity 2 Read the text and choose true or false statements

1  Madagascar has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

2  There is more rain in January than in June.



3  The wet season is colder than the dry season.


4  It hardly ever rains in central Madagascar.



5  The wettest part of the island is the east.


6  January-March is a good time to visit eastern Madagascar.



7  The centre of Madagascar is the coldest part.


8  Snow sometimes falls in Madagascar.



9  The west coast has the best weather in December.


10  The north-east is hotter than the south-east.



Activity 3 Read the text again and answer some questions.


1. How many seasons does the Madagaskar have?

2. Which coast is hotter and wetter?
3. What can cause a lot of damage?
4. Why do you need to avoid visiting eastern Madagaskar between January
and March?
5. What season is cooler and more pleasant?
6. Which part of the country is much drier and cooler?
7. Where is the summer extremely hot?

Activity 4 Speak about your favourite type of weather using the words
Sunny, сloudy, windy, foggy, rainy, snowy.

Extra activities

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