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Helen Profatilova 511 ан

Ex 53 p 44

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing in regard to the grant recently given to our college. I represent
the student body and I have been asked to pass on to you our suggestions for what the
money might best be spent on.
Due to its age and government cutbacks in recent years, there are three aspects of
the college which are in need of improvement. Firstly, there are no language
laboratories for future English teachers with all necessary equipment: computers,
headphones with microphones, CD and DVD disks with English documentary films,
multimedia boards. Secondly, there are no computer laboratories for technology
lessons with all necessary equipment: computers, special programs for teaching IT
technology, for example, Microsoft office, computer programs for making sites,
videos and even presentations. Finally, the library is underequipped and badly in
need of renovation work, as well as a data processing system.
We recommend that the bulk of the money be spent on establishment of a language
laboratory in the college. This would bring many advantages to our students in
developing language and as well as speech skills. For example, our future English
teachers would be able to learn English through videos, language programs, films and
as well as language games. All these modern facilities would help them in their
future careers as students of our college would be involved in natural authentic
environment. It would cost from 35 000 to 75 000 £ according to the information
taken from British certified company Code and Pixels. This company is recognized
one of 10 the most promising technology services providers.
The creation of computer laboratories should also be treated as a priority. This
would bring many benefits to our students in the college. For example, they would be
able to learn modern technology skills which are considered to be the most crucial

ones in modern society. Another benefit would be that a computer room would attract
a significant number of students from other areas. They would flood into our college
because of our modern equipment.
Lastly, we recommend that a portion of money be used for the updating of the
library. The cost of this would be in the region of 4 000 £. The result of this
investment, however, would have great importance for our college. Not only would
students be able to have guidance material close at hand, but a new data processing
system would also ensure that fewer books, scientific papers and journals were lost.
In conclusion, we think that if the money was spent in the ways I have summarized
above, the college would be upgraded and would significantly improve its position in
the community. I hope that these suggestions meet with your approval and I look
forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Helen Profatilova

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