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Helen Profatilova 511 ан

Practice oral and written speech

26 examples with gaps

Ex 17 p. 11

Read the sentence and fill in the gap with prepositions on, about, for, from, on,
1. Everyone was ….. strike yesterday morning because of poor working conditions on
the factory.
If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t go…. strike.
2.Oh, sorry Piter. I didn’t intend to upset you. I just said it ….. jest.
Were I you, I wouldn’t dare say anything to our boss … jest.
3.Our teacher called us to say that she would be…. leave until next Monday.
Besides, Piter will be … leave on Tuesday.
4. Robenson Crusoe claimed this land….. the name of his best friend.
Let´s book this table in this restaurant …. the name of Katherine.
5.Our country was…. recession during 2013- 2014 years.
I hope our economy won´t be …. recession in future after quarantine.
6.One day everyone will live…. an island in a beautiful country house.
If I were you, I would go….an island with my family and my friends.
7. when you are …..duty, you shouldn’t speak a lot, just be serious and follow some
There were only two surgeons ….duty to save the patient in the hospital.
8. This university has a copycenter…. the premises.
Full meals are availbale at our canteen ….. the premises.

9….. now on, we should take into consideration all the facts collected by our
scientific advisers.
….now on, we should be careful with our words.
10.we will have finished our international project by the end of this month….. sure.
If I were you, wouldn’t do this job….sure.
11.Sasha took it….granted that Valery and Max would get married.
You shouldn’t take everything….granted.
12.At university we were asked to recite Shakespeare’s verse….. memory during our
history of the English language.
Piter wasn’t able to write that poem…..memory.
13.Situation with coronavirus seems to be peaceful….. the time being in Europe.
Economic situation should be good…time being in Ukraine.
14…...time to time, we could make a mickey out of our best friends.
……time to time, it is vital for us to have a rest in the company of our friends.
15. From my point of view, we should learn necessary information during our exams
….our sake.
I think that we should develop our communicative and thinking skills…. our sake.
16. We shouldn’t tell strangers about our friends´ secrets …..fear of losing their
loyalty and trust.
Mary won´t say anything to her mum… fear of losing her job.
17. Could you comment … this statement in this theoretical data, please?
I hope you will comment …. this methodological issue.
18.i am excited ….my birthday party which is taking place on the 18 th of December.
Everyone was…excited….their presents which were given to students by their
teacher the following day.
19.if I were you, I wouldn’t insist… this issue because you should only ask Mary
about that problem that had taken place the day before.

Don’t insist,,, going to the cinema because I am really busy with my homework.
20. Let´s experiment ….investigation of visual techniques of teaching English
Were I you, I wouldn’t experiment….this matter because we had done it in 2020.
21. we should act… the findings in this scientific project.
I hope you will act… the findings in this data.
22.when I was at school, our teacher lectured us….our bad habits.
I hope you won´t lecture me….my bad habits.
23. I like lectures…methodology of English.
Lectures….theoratical grammar are considered to be perfect by the students of our
24. if I were you, I wouldn’t boast …. your good marks.
Piter continued boasting…. his father’s business projects.
25. they were intent …their cultural project.
Kate seems intent…destroying her reputation as a student at the faculty of foreign
26. Arguing …anything isn’t my cup of tea because I am a tolerant and patient
I hope you will not argue … this issue because just take it easy and let it go.

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