Oxford Discover 1. SB. Transcripts Listening Section - 2019

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Here are the listening transcripts from all the listening Three.
sections of the Student Book. It can be useful to ask students Look, Dad! They’re so big. And they’re yellow and … blue. No
to read along as they listen to the audio, as it provides wait! They’re yellow and purple!
support for listening skills. Four.
Look. The sky is light. It’s gray now. Wow! Red, white, and
Unit 1 blue fireworks are beautiful!
Page 14
C. Listen. Are they talking about friends or families? How Unit 4
do you know? Page 42
D. Listen again and number the pictures. C. Listen. Do they like these clothes or not? How do you
One. know?
They’re my cousins, Alex and Katie, and my aunt and uncle. D. Listen again and number the clothes.
That’s me with my aunt. We have fun together. One.
Two. My favorite hat is green and yellow. It’s next to the blue pants.
This is my family. I have two sons and three daughters. Our Two.
family is big. We’re very happy.
I like my pink and white T-shirt. It’s next to the blue and
Three. white T-shirt.
This is my father, my aunt and my uncle. They are my father’s Three.
sister and brother. They go places together.
My favorite shorts are purple and orange. They’re next to my
Four. yellow and blue hat.
Look at my grandmother and grandfather. They’re my Four.
mother’s parents. They work together.
I like my yellow jacket. There’s an orange starfish on it. It’s
next to the orange jacket with the yellow starfish.
Unit 2
Page 22 Unit 5
C. Listen. Are they talking about families, friends, or pets? Page 54
D. Listen again and number the pictures. C. Listen. Why do you think these animals live in these
One. homes?
This is my friend, Abby, and I. She’s seven years old. That’s her D. Listen again and check (✓) the animal home.
kitten. Her kitten is small. We play together. Welcome to our show. Tonight our show is about animals
Two. and their homes.
That’s my friend, Sam, and me. Sam is eight years old. He has Look at this little mouse. This mouse’s home is in the field.
a bird. It’s green. Look at the green grass. It’s safe here for the mouse.
Three. Next we see a squirrel high up in the tree. This squirrel lives
That’s my friend, Maria. She’s eight years old. Look at her in the woods. It stays safe up in the trees.
lizard! We have fun together. The frog’s home is in the pond. There are insects, too. Frogs
Four. eat insects.
Jack and I are good friends. He’s seven years old. Those are The eagle’s home is in the tree. Look! There’s a nest. And
his goldfish. He has three. there are two eagle chicks in the nest. They’re safe high in
the tree.
Unit 3
Page 34
Unit 6
C. Listen. Do they like the fireworks? Why? / Why not? Page 62
D. Listen again and number the fireworks. C. Listen. Which animals sleep in the daytime?
One. D. Listen again and check (✓) the correct pictures.
It’s dark now. My name is Jim. I take care of animals at a reserve. The reserve
Wow! Look at that big firework! It’s pink! is their home. There are opossums and eagles at the reserve.
Two. It’s morning. Opossums sleep in their tree hollow in the
morning. Eagles wake up in their nest.
Oooh! Beautiful! Orange and green fireworks. They’re my
favorite! It’s afternoon. The eagles eat in the afternoon. They eat in
their nest. Opossums sleep in the afternoon.

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It’s evening now. The opossums wake up and come out of Ice cream in winter?
the tree hollow. The eagles take a nap in their nest. Yes! I eat ice cream in spring, summer, fall, and winter!
It’s night. The opossums play in the forest at night, but the
eagles sleep. Unit 9
Page 94
Unit 7
C. Listen. What things are they counting?
Page 74 D. Listen again and circle the correct problem.
C. Listen. Do they like the winter? Why? / Why not? One.
D. Listen again and number the pictures. I have six pens. You have nine pens. How many pens do
One. we have?
It’s hot this morning! Two.
It’s sunny, too. Our teacher has fifteen rulers. We have five rulers. How many
And the days are long. do we have together?
This is a fun season! Three.
Two. The girls have eight pencils. The boys have nine pencils. How
Brrr! It’s so cold. many pencils do they have together?
It’s snowy! Four.
And it’s cloudy, too. And the days are short. May has three erasers. Jon has four and Ava has five. How
But I like the snow! many erasers do they have?
Unit 10
It’s warm today. It’s rainy, too.
Yeah. And look at the trees. I see small, green buds. Page 102
Hey! I see a bird’s nest, too! C. Listen. What are they adding to the fruit salad?
Four. D. Listen again and write the addition problems.
It’s cool and very windy today. Wow! This is fun! One.
Yeah. Look at this leaf! It’s red and yellow. Mom, let’s make a big salad!
That’s pretty. Okay. What do we have? Let’s see …
Well, I have four avocados.
Unit 8 Here, I have two avocados!
Page 82 Two.
C. Listen. Do they like all the seasons? Why / Why not? Tomatoes?
D. Listen again and number the pictures. Look, I have eleven small tomatoes.
One. I have nine tomatoes. They’re small, too.
Oh, I like spring. I plant flowers, and watch the buds grow. Three.
I ride my bicycle. Spring’s fun! What about cucumbers? I have three cucumbers.
Yes, spring is fun. I watch the honeybees collect nectar from Oh yes, I have cucumbers, too. I have two cucumbers!
the flowers. Do you? Tasty salad.
No, I don’t. I don’t like bees! Four.
Two. How about a fruit salad, Mom?
What do you do in the summer? Okay. I have peaches. I have … five peaches.
I go to the beach! Do you go to the beach? And I have three. They’re very big.
Yes, I do. I eat ice cream at the beach. Great!
Yum! I like ice cream. I play at the beach, too. It’s hot and Five.
sunny. I like summer! I like oranges. Do you have any oranges?
Three. Yes, I have eight oranges! Small oranges.
Do you like fall? And I have four. Here!
Yes, I do. It’s windy and I fly a kite. Six.
I like fall, too. It gets cool and I ride my bicycle in the park. Finished?
I watch the red and yellow leaves fall on the ground. It’s No, no. I have one big mango.
so pretty. And I have six mangoes!
Four. Okay, let’s add them all together, and then … let’s eat!
Winter is cold. Brrr. I play in my house. Yum!
I stay in my house, too. I drink hot chocolate, Mmmm. Do
you drink hot chocolate in the winter?
No, I don’t. I … eat ice cream!

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Unit 11 Three.
It’s very quiet here on the farm. You can see fields and
Page 114
orchards. There are a lot of farms here in the country. Some
C. Listen. Why do the children trade their toys? people think the country is boring but a lot of people like it
D. Listen again and check (✓) the toys they want. here.
One. Four.
My name’s Jake. I have a bike, but I want a new game. My I’m here on Center Street in Allentown. This place is like a
cousin, Max, has a game. We trade. Now I have a game and small city, but it’s quiet. There are a lot of streets and homes,
he has a bike! but the buildings aren’t very tall. I love it here. This town is
Two. my hometown!
My sister has a board game, but she wants a doll. Her friend,
Sophie, has a doll. They trade. Now my sister has a doll and Unit 14
Sophie has a board game.
Page 142
C. Listen. Do they all like the city? Why? / Why not?
My brother has a kite, but he wants a comic book. His friend,
D. Listen again and circle the correct words.
Lucas, has a comic book. They trade. Now my brother has a
comic book and Lucas has a kite. One.
Four. Department stores, restaurants, and museums – ugh! They’re
so boring. There are too many cars and buses on the streets.
My name’s Ji Min. I have stickers, but I want pins. My friend
And there are so many people everywhere. There’s no fresh
Soo Bin has pins. We trade. Now Soo Bin has stickers, and I
air and I can’t see the sky. The buildings are too tall!
have pins!
Wow! This place is really beautiful. Look at those apple
orchards. And it’s so quiet and the air is so fresh here.
Unit 12
Look! Cows! Cows are cool!
Page 122 Two.
C. Listen. What drinks do they have for their picnic? Oh, this is a beautiful hotel! And I can go to a department
D. Listen again and write N if they need it and W if they store and a museum this afternoon, and a restaurant for
want it. dinner tonight! There are so many interesting places here!
Let’s see … what do we need for the picnic? Oh, look at the plain farmhouses. They are so far apart.
I want chips! There aren’t many fancy buildings here. There aren’t many
I want chips, too. And we need sandwiches. buildings or streets, and it’s too quiet. It’s boring, too.
Yes, you’re right. And we need juice, too. Ugh, cows! There aren’t many people and there are too
Soda? We need soda. many cows!
No, Emily, we don’t NEED soda. Three.
Okay. We don’t need soda. But I want soda! Oh! Look out!
Okay, then. How about fruit? You kids need fruit. It’s dangerous in these streets. It’s noisy, too.
Let’s have grapes. We all like grapes. It’s too quiet here. And it’s boring, too. There are too many
cornfields! Aahh!
Good, we have fruit. Now how about cookies? We want
cookies! Help! Honey bees! It’s not very safe here either.
Yes, cookies, please! Four.
Okay. Let’s have cookies. And now, let’s go on our picnic! Look at all the beautiful buildings. There are so many
restaurants, hotels, and department stores! I love it here.
Yay – we love picnics!
It’s so safe and quiet here. There are a lot of beautiful trees
and flowers. My grandfather and I watch the birds build their
Unit 13 nests. It’s fun here!
Page 134
C. Listen. Is he in the same place or different places? Unit 15
D. Listen again and number the pictures. Page 154
One. C. Listen. Which instruments are soft? Which are loud?
I’m here in King City. Look at all the cars and buses on the D. Listen again and number the pictures.
streets. I’m in front of a tall apartment building. It’s very
noisy here and there are a lot of people and buildings. Many
people live in the city. It’s very interesting here. Oh, listen – that’s loud! They’re both playing the tambourine.
I really like it – it sounds lovely!
People live here and children go to school near their homes.
This neighborhood is small but there’s a park, a school, and Oh no! That sounds awful. He’s playing the drum, and she’s
lots of houses. This is a very safe place to live. playing the cymbals. He’s fast and she’s slow. Oh, I don’t like

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Three. Unit 18
Ah, that is lovely! She’s playing the xylophone, and he’s
Page 182
striking the triangle. It’s so soft and lovely.
C. Listen. Who is telling the children what they should and
shouldn’t do?
Wow! Listen to that! They’re playing their instruments so fast!
D. Listen again and check (✓) what they should do.
I love loud music, and I love the drums and the cymbals –
bang, bang, bang! One.
Jake! Put those chips down! You shouldn’t eat junk food. It’s
Unit 16 not good for you. You should eat healthy food. Here’s your
lunch – a sandwich and some fruit.
Page 162 Oh, okay. Thanks, Mom.
C. Listen. Which performances are they watching? Two.
D. Listen again and number the places. Max, get up! You shouldn’t sleep all day. It’s warm and sunny
One. today. You should play outside!
This is really fun! I love this music. And look at the clown! Oh, Okay, Dad…
no! He’s falling down! Three.
Two. Millie, what are you doing! You shouldn’t stay up late!
Listen to those drums. They’re very loud! But the music is Mom, I’m reading . . .
good. Here they come – look! And the weather is beautiful
Okay, but it’s 10:00 now! You should go to bed early.
today. It’s a great day!
Oh, look! They’re all dancing! The dancers are so tall and
beautiful! And the music is soft and lovely, too!
Wow, I love this. It’s so fast and so awesome. We’re having a
great time! More, more!
Mommy, look at the bears! Oh, listen, the baby bear is so
quiet. And the father bear is so loud. This is fun!
Oh, this is my favorite part. Listen. He’s so good.

Unit 17
Page 174
C. Listen. Who is in the park: Mom, Dad, son, daughter?
D. Listen again and check (✓) the things in the park.
This park is great, Dad. Look at that big horse!
It isn’t a horse, Joe, it’s a statue.
Oh yes, a very big statue.
There’s a lovely pond over there. Let’s go.
Listen, what’s that noise? Is it an animal?
No, it’s a fountain. Look!
Oh, I love fountains. They’re so cool.
Look over there, next to the bush – red roses. Beautiful!
Oh, yes, Mom loves those.
Yes, red roses are her favorite.
Dad, I’m tired, can we sit down?
Okay, where? Under the tree?
Well, yes, but not on the grass – on the bench.
Yes, good idea – race you to the bench!

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