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The Structure of Membrane

S.J. Singer & G.L. Nicholson proposed the fluid mosaic model of the cell
membrane 是 composed of fluid bilayer of phospholipid molecules in which
proteins are scattered 分散的(就像瓷砖)
Each phospholipid molecule consist of hydrophobic tails (2 fatty acids) & a
hydrophilic phosphate head. arranged themselfe in 2 layer (bilayer) in cell
【尾巴】厌水,2 fatty acids 组成
【头】喜水,1 phosphate 组成
hydrophilic heads
in contact with water
extracelular fluid (outer layer)
cytoplasm (inner layer)
hydrophobic tails
face each other in the middle of bilayer
buried覆盖 in the interior of the structure (away from water)
Phospholipids are fluid & move rapidly by diffusion in their own layer
some of the fatty acids are saturated while other unsaturated
unsaturated tails
bend & have kinks(扭结,弯曲) in their fatty acids chains
prevents the close packaging of molecules
make membrane structure more open & fluid
protein miolecules float about in the phospholipid bilayer forming a masaic pattern
consist 2 types of globular protein:
Intrinsic Proteins
proteinsthat are fully / partially embedded in the phospholipid bilayer
have regions of hydrophobic amino acids
amino acid interact with fatty acids of the phopholipids to exclude
these region usually situated within the phospholipid bilayer (没水)
hydrophilic part faces into the cell / out into the external environment
[which are aqueous]
Extrinsic Proteins
proteins that are foud floating on the external / internal surfaces of the
phospholipid bilayer
lipid bilayer consist mainly phospholipids, but also have lipid (cholesterol) are
inserted among phospholipid molecule
某些 membrane protein & phospholipids have short, branched carbohydrate chains
(oliogosaccharides) [例如antennae] form
Protein + carbohydrate
phospholipid + carbohydrate

Roles of Each Component of the Membrane

Phospholipid Bilayer
give flexible structure, form barrier btw cell and surrounding
restrict the entry & exit of polar molecule & ion
it is permeable to small molecules & lipid-soluble substances
involve in cell-cell recognition
enable the cells to identify themselves & differentiate tmeselves from
acts as receptor site for chemical signals such as hormones
[with glycoprotein] involve in holding the correct cells together to form tissues
Membrane Protein
transport substances across membrane
certain proteins act as pumps, carries & channels / membrane pores
catalyse the reaction that take place within / along the surface of the
as receptor molecules
these protein have very specific shapes
the receptor bind with hormones / other chemical signaling molecules
(neurotransmitters) → transmit the information into the cell
as antigen
glycoproteins act as identity markers and each type of the cell has its own
specific markers
enable the cell to recognise other cells
exp: bacteria 细胞膜上有被认为是 'foreign' 的 antigen. This antigen stimulates
immune defenses that destroy the bacteria. 这个过程叫做 cell-cell recognition
as junction btw cell
the cell adhesion proteins attach the membranes of adjacent cells
help to link up with neighbouring cells [form tissues]
as structural support
microfilaments / other element of cytoskeleton are attached to the
membrane protein
help to maintain cell shape & provide a stronger framework for the cell
disturb close packing & keep fluidity of phospholipids
对于住在冷天的生物很重要,as membrane can solifify
increase the flexibility & stability of membrane
没有胆固醇,membrane will break
helps prevent the membrane from becoming weakend / unstable at higher
cholesterol molecules interact closest to the phospholipid head, mekes the
membrane lose fluidity by restraining the movement of phospholipid
act as plug 塞子
reduce further escape / entry of polar molecules

以上内容整理于 幕布文档

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