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1. Find the profit or loss percentage when a shopkeeper marks his goods 20% above the cost price and then
allows a discount of 20% on the marke rice?
loss 2)3% profit 4% loss 4)2% profit

2. A shopkeeper sold an article at a loss of 8%. Had he sold it for Rs. 540 more, he would have made a profit of
10%. find the cost price of the article?
1)1800 2)2000 3)2500 000 5)3600

3. During a special sale, the shop assistant was supposed to reduce the marked price of each article by 15%.
For a particular item, he made a mistake and increased the marked price by 15%. Consequently for that item,
the customer had to pay Rs. 540 more than what he would have paid if the price was correctly reduced by
15%. What was the price paid by the cu omer
1)1800 2)2070 340 4)2000 5)Cannot be determined

4. A trader gives a discount of 10% on the marked price and in the process still makes a profit of 20% on his
cost price. By what percentage did hem k the product over his cost price?

5. If a selling price of Rs. 2,500 results in a 20% discount off the marked price, then the selling price that would
res It in a 40% discount off the marked price (in Rs.) will be equal to:
875 2)2000 3)2025 4)2075

6. A businessman buys two different kinds of rice which cost him Rs. 30 per kg and Rs. 42 per kg. He mixes
them in the ratio 3 : 2 and sells the mixture at the rate Rs. 38 per kg. Find the profit or loss percentage
1)7% profit 2)9% profit 3)13% profit loss 5)9% loss

7. Amit sold a bike to Sumit at 20% profit. Sumit spent Rs. 1,000 to get it painted and sold it to Rohit at 10%
profit. If Rohit paid Rs. 15,000 to Sumit he bike, how much did Amit pay for the bike?
1)Rs. 10,350 2)Rs. 10,000 10,530 4)Rs. 10,050 5)Rs. 10,005

8. A shopkeeper sells 150 bags for Rs. 7500. By doing so, he gains the cost of 250 bags. Find his percentage
0% 4)16.67%

9. When a plot is sold for Rs. 18,700, the owner loses 15%. At what price must that plot be sold in order to gain
1)Rs. 25,100 2)Rs. 24,700 25,300 4)Rs. 25,500 5)Rs. 25,700

10. At Vijay stores there are some good offers on the purchase of a laptop.
Offer 1: Purchase a laptop for Rs. 35,000 and get a discount of 30%.
Offer 2: Purchase a laptop for Rs. 35,000 and get successive discounts of 20% and 10%.
Whi offer is better for the customer?
ffer 1 is better 2)Offer 2 is better 3)Both the offers are equally good 4) Data insufficient
5)None of these

11. A student bought 20 chocolates for one rupee. How many should he sell for Rs. 3 to earn a 20% profit?
1)50 2)56 3)60 4)65 5)70

12. Two plots in Bandra were sold for Rs. 1 crore each. The first plot in Pali Hill was sold at a gain of 12% and
the s nd one at Bandra Reclamation was sold at a loss of 12%. Find the total loss or profit percentage?
ere is neither a profit nor a loss 2)gain of 12% 3)loss of 1.44% 4) IOSSOf 144%
5)None of these

13. A milkman adulterates milk by adding water. One day he mixed an amount of water equal to 20% of the
the volume by 10%. If
and added some water and increased
with the outcome the final milk
milk content He was not happy profit percentage he now makes if he sells
litre, then what is the
pure milk costs him Rs. 20 per
solution at Rs. 22 per litre? 45.2% 5)None of these

discounts of 10%, 5% and

article is Rs. 2750. The shopkeeper allows successive
14. The marked pnce of a gift
4%. The selling price of the article is: s. 2257.2 5)Rs. 2351.25
1) Rs. 2732.08 2)Rs. 2527.2 3)Rs. 2720.8
Rs. 2 less, he still
25% on an article. If he buys the article at 10% less and sells it for
15. A ccadergets a profit of
gets 25% profit. Find th ctual CP of the article. 5)Rs. 17
3)Rs. 18 4)Rs. 16.5
1)Rs. 15 s. 16
articles. If the profit is 25%, then the
16. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x
of x is:
4)20 5)25
1)15 2)16 3)18

cost price of a ball is:

17. On selling 17 balls at Rs. 720, there is a loss equal to the cost pö of 5 balls. The
3)Rs. 55 s. 60 5)Rs. 65
1)Rs. 45 2)Rs. 50
per kg and sells
18. A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg with 30 kg of rice of another variety at Rs. 36
the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. rofit percent is:
3)8% 5)None
1)No profit, no loss 5%
percentage of
19. 100 oranges are bought at the rate of Rs. 350 and sold at the rate of Rs. 48 per dozen. The
pro •tor loss is:
Gain Gain Loss Loss 5)None

in order to
20. When a plot is sold for Rs. 18,700, the owner loses 15%. At what price must that plot be sold
gain 15%?
1)Rs. 21,000 2)Rs. 22,500 s. 25,300 4)Rs. 25,800 5)None of
21. The percentage profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 1920 is equal to the percentage loss incurred
sellin the same article for Rs. 1280. At what price should the article be sold to make 25% profit?
2)Rs. 2,200 3)Rs. 2,400 4)RS. 1,800 5) Data
s. 2,000

a discount of 20%, the same

22. By what percent must the cost of an item be marked up so that even after
amou is realized as before the discount?
2)20 3)15 4)None 5)Data

23. A man saved Rs. 290 when two successive discounts of 10% and 5% were given on a microwave oven,
What was the marked price of the microwave oven?
1)Rs. 1,800 2)Rs. 2,500 3)Rs. 2,200 4)Rs. 2,400 . 2,000

24. Ramesh and Suresh are two shopkeepers. On a plasma TV which has a marked price of Rs. 20,000, Ramesh
offers two successive discounts of 20% and 5% respectively and Suresh offers two successive discounts of 15%
and 10% respectively. What is the difference be n the discounts offered by Ramesh and Suresh?
1)Nil 2)Rs. 50 100 4)Rs. 500 5)None of

25. Raju makes a profit of 8% when he offers two suc essive discounts of 10% on a particular product If the
total discount offered is Rs. 190, find the cost p of the product.
1)Rs. 2,000 2)Rs. 1,500 Rs. 750 4)Rs. 900 5)Rs. 800
I. If A and B can complete a job in 4 and 5 days respectively when working alone, then how many days will
they take to complete the job to ther?
1)50/9 /9 3)1/20 4)9/20

2, If A and B together complete a job in 10 hours and A takes 25 hours to do the job alone, in how many
can B alone complete the job?
1)30 2)15 16.66 4)6.16

the tank gets

3. Two outlet pip es together empty a 1300 litre tank in 7.2 minutes. What is the rate at which
1)325 litres/min 2)394 litres/min 805 litres/min 4)135.4 litres/min

complete the task if he is

4. If a woman completes 2/3rdof a task in I day, then find the time taken by a man to
half as efficient as the woman.
1)0.75 2)1.5 3)3.33

half a day?
5. If 7/8thof some work is done •n1 day, then how much work will be left after
/4 3)7/8 4)9/7
60 m long, 5 m high and 14 m wide.
6. It takes 16 days for 10 workers working 7 hours a day to build a room
and 28 m wide if the number of days is
How many men will be required to build a room 50 m long, 6 m high
halved but the working hours remain the same? of
3 4)20
1)25 2)30
can complete it in 8 days while Vijay alone
7. Ajay and Vijay together have to complete a project. Ajay alone
days, starting with Ajay, then in how many days
requires 16 days. If both of them decide to work on alternate
will they be able to finish the project? 5)11.5 days
2)11 days 3)10 days .5 days
for 5 days and then B completed the remaining
8. A can complete a piece of work in 40 days. He worked at it
work, if they start toget
work in 21 days. In how many days can A and B complete the 5)16 days
2)10 days 3)12 days days
1)7 days
hours and 12 hours respectively. An outlet pipe C empties
9. Two inlet pipes A and B fill a tank completely in 4
simultaneously, then what happens to the
the tank in 3 hours. The tank is initially full. If all pipes are opened
tank after 5 hours?
e tank remains full 3)The tank is empty 4)The tank empties in 2 hours
1)The tank overspills
5)None of these

10. A tank is initially full. Pipe A can empty it in 3 hours while pipes B and C fill it in 9 and 12 hours respectively.
if all e pipes are opened simultaneously, then after how many hours will the tank be empty?
3)2.7 4)9.6 5)3.3

Il. A man is thrice as efficient as a woman and a woman is twice as efficient as a child. If all of them, working
together, complete a task in 6 days, then find the number of days that the child will take to complete the task
2)18 3)36 4 5)45

12. Four men of equal capacity work with person A to complete a task in 5 days. If 3 men with equal capacity
had worked with a man of double capacity than A, they would have finished the task in 3 days. In how many
days can one of the men of e capacity complete the task alone?
1)75/7 5 3)75/11 4)75/22

13. A and B together complete a task in 14 days. B and C complete the same task in 8 days while A and C
together complete it in 7 days. Who is the most efficient of them all?
4)B and C
days while A
B nd C together complete the same task in 8
14. A and B together complete a task in 14 days taken by the least
efficient person to complete
7 days. Find the number of
and C together complete it in
the task. 4)112/7 5)112/13
12/3 3)112/5
outlet pipe is also opened,
rate of 200 m3/min. When an
15. An inlet pipe fills a tank of capacity 1400m at the completely
20 minutes. Find the time (in minutes) in which the outlet pipe empties a
the tank gets filled in
filled tank, if the inlet pipe is not open. 40/13min 5)None of
1)7.77 min 2)7 min 3)70 min
wall in 10 days. If after working for 6
16. If 20 men work for 5 hours a day, they can build a 190 feet long working hours
the job if the number of
4 men leave the job, then how many days will be required to complete
per day is the same? 5)20 days
2)5 days 3)10 days 15 days
1)25 days
long will they take to do the same
17. Arjun can do a piece of work in 7 days and Karan can do in 11 days. How
work working together?
.28 days 4)4.5 days 5)4.78 days
1)3.78 days 2)4 days

tank in 3 minutes. How

18. Pipe A can fill a tank in 4 minutes whereas pipes A and B together can fill the same
much time (in minutes) will pipe B take to fill the tank?
2)12 5)16
undertook to do it for Rs.
19. X alone can do a piece of work in 15 days and Y alone can do it in 10 days. X and Y
720. Ith the help of Z they finished it in 5 days. How much is paid to Z?
2)Rs. 75 3)Rs. 240 4)Rs. 90 5)Rs. 360
If A and B start
20. A can complete a project in 20 days and B can complete the same project in 30 days.
working on the project together and A quits 10 days before the project is completed, in how many days
the project be completed?
1)21 2)15 3)11

21. A and B can together do some work in 12 days while B and C together can do it in 15 days and A and C
together can do it in 20 days. Fi the number of days taken by A alone to finish it.
3)35 4)40 5)60

22. A is twice as good a workman as B. Together they finish a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days can A
alone finish the work?
1)24 2)25 7 4)30 5)36

23. 3 men can complete a piece of work in 6 days. Two days after they started the work, 3 more men joined
them. How many days will they t to complete the remaining work, if all the men work at the same rate?

24. Two persons, A and B, working together can dig a trench in 8 hours while A alone can dig it in 12 hours. In
how many hours B alone can dig such a trench?
2)12 3)16 4)18

25. A can finish a work alone in 18 days while B can finish it alone in 15 days. B worked alone for 10 days and
then left the job. In how many days can A alone finish the remaining work
5)None of
1. A bus travels from City A to City B at
a speed of 55 km/hr, from City B to City C at 110 km/hr and from City C
to City A at 55 km/hr. What Would be the
time taken for the bus to travel from City A to City B and then to City
C if the distance between each e cities is 220 km?
1)10 4)5

2. In a particular race, the time durations taken by three contestants to complete the race is in the ratio 8 : 3 •
6. Find the ratio of their speed

3. Meher travelled 20% of the time walking at a speed of 10 km/hr, 50% of the time in a bus at 40 km/hr and
rest e journey in a cab at 50 km/hr. What is the average speed of Meher over the entire journey?
37 km/hr 2)25.97 km/hr 3)42 km/hr 4)40 km/hr 5)20.68

4. When Arun drives at a speed of 40 km/hr towards his office, he reaches late by 15 minutes; but if he drives
at a speed of 60 km/hr, he reaches early by 10 minutes. Find the usual time he takes to reach his office exactly
on time.
1)40 min 2)45 min 3)50 min O min 5)None of

5. Anurag goes to Prabhadevi from Santacruz at a speed of 6 km/hr and returns from Prabhadevi at a speed of
y km/hr. Which, among the following, cannot be the average speed of Anurag during the entire jour 7
1)3 km/hr 2)6 km/hr 3)7.5 km/hr 4)12 km/hr )None of

6. Two trains start simultaneously from Mumbai and Ahmedabad towards each other with speeds 80 km/hr
and 100 km/hr respectively. When the two trains meet each other, it was observed that one of the trains has
covered 320 km more than the other. Find the distance be en Mumbai and Ahmedabad?
1)2400 2)2560 880 4)2890 5)1280

7. A bus on its way to Nashik met with an accident 180 km from Mumbai from where it started. It completed
the remaining journey at 5/6thof the previous speed and reached late to its destination by 30 minutes. Now a
passenger calculated that had the accident happened 50 kms further, it would have been late by only 10
minutes. find the original speed of the bus?
1)20 km/hr 2)18 km/hr 5 km/hr 4)28 km/hr 5)30 km/hr

8. A car starts for Pune from Mumbai at 8 p.m. The car meets a bus which is moving in the same direction at 10
p.m. and overtakes it. At 12.30 a.m., the car reaches Pune and it starts on its return journey after an hour. At 2
a.m., the car meets the bus wh s still on its way to Pune. When will the bus reach Pune?
1)4 a.m. a.m. 3)5 a.m. 4)6 a.m. a.m.

9. In a 100 m race, Usha beats Parvati by 10 m and Parvati beats Anuja by 5 m in the same race. By how many
meters does Usha beat Anuja in same race?
1)12 m m 3)14.5 m 4)14 m 5)12.5 m

10. Three kids, Shashi, Manohar and Randheer are racing round their neighbourhood. In a 100 meters sprint,
Shashi beats Manohar by 15 meters and Manohar beats Randheer by 7 seconds. How fast is Shashi compared
to Randheer, if Manohar runs with a speed of 10 m/s?
1)3 times 2)1.5 times imes 4)2.5 times 5)None of
the above

11. A particular goods train runs at a speed of 108 km/hr. It crosses a stationary pole on the way in 13 seconds.
Find length of the goods train in meters.
90 2)290 3)216 5)130
from air. Air currents are
it does not face resistance
12. An airplane can travel at a speed of 1100 km/hr when complete a return
speed of 100 km/hr. How many hours will the airplane take to
flowing from east to west at a (Mumbai
cities is approximately 4800 kms?
journey from Mumbai to Delhi, if the distance between the two
lies in the west, whereas Delhi is the east.) 4)8.8 5)None of
can also cover 60 miles
13. A ship can cover 40 miles upstream and 90 miles downstream in 10 hours. It
upstream and 60 miles downstream in 10 hours. Find the ed of the ship in still water.
4)20 miles/hr 5)Data
1)10 miles/hr 2)12.5 miles/hr 15 miles/hr
14. Two trains are running in opposite directions and they are 120 m and 210 m long respectively. Find
time taken (approximately) for the two trains to cross each other if they are running with speeds 50 km/hr and
70 km/hr respectively?
1)5 sec sec 0 sec 4)12 sec 5)20 sec

15. Gurmeet starts walking from point A at an uniform speed of 4 km/hr. Forty-five minutes later, Deepika
stare walking in the same direction as Gurmeet from the same point. Deepika overtakes Gurmeet after 36
minutes. Find Deepika's speed.
1)4 km/hr 2)5 km/hr 3)4.5 km/hr 4)6 km/hr m/hr

16. Tom spots Jerry 200 m ahead of him and starts chasing him. Jerry realizes this after 4 minutes and starts
running away from him. In one leap, Tom covers 3 m and Jerry covers 2 m. Also in one minute, Tom takes 12
leaps and Jerry takes 16 leaps. In how many minutes would Tom catch up with Jerry after he started chasing
2)12 3)15 4)14 8

17. Two cyclists start from the same point at the same time in opposite directions on a circular track 1080 m
long. The first cyclist travels at a speed of 43.2 km/hr and the second cyclist travels at a speed of 54 km/hr.
When they meet at the starting point for the first time, how many times have they met each other including
their eeting at the starting point for the first time?

18. Two sprinters, Anu and Bali, started running from a point on the circular track such that Anu ran in anti-
clockwise direction while Bali ran in clockwise direction. Anu meets Bali for the first time at a distance 300 m
from the starting point in anti-clockwise direction. When Anu meets Bali for the second time, they are 260 m
from the starting point in anti-clockwise direction and Bali is yet to complete a round. Find the circumference
of the circular track on which t are running?
1)250 m 00 m 3)360 m 4)340 m 5)450 m

19.Points A, B, C and D are equally spaced points on the surface of a circular web of radius (5/11)cm. A spider is present at
Three beetles are present at points B, C and D. At the initial moment, the spider and the beetles at C and D start crawling a
clockwise with constant speeds. The beetle at B starts crawling clockwise at a constant speed. The speed of the spider is 1
the spider catches the three insects in 2.083 sec, 12.5 sec and 37.5 sec respectively, then what i? the ratio of the speeds of

20. Two swimmers Chintu and Pintu are swimming in a stream, heading towards each other, When they
started swi ming the distance between them was 25 kms. The speed of the stream is 5 km/hr, the speed of
the e of the swimmer is 10 km/hrv How far will be Chintu from Pintu one minute before they meet?
4 km 2)1/3 km 3)1/6 km 4)1/12 km 5)1/9 km

21. An airplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 240 km/hr in 5 hours. To cover the same distance in
1(2/3) hours, it must travel at a speed (in km/hr) of'.
1)300 2)360 3)480 4)600 5

22. In covering a distance of 30

km, Abhay takes 2 hours more than Sameer. If Abhay doubles his speed, then
he wo ake 1 hour less than Sameer.
Abhay's speed is:
m/hr 2)6 km/hr 4)7.5 km/hr 5)None of
3)6.25 km/hr

23- Robert is travelling on his cycle

and has calculated to reach point A at 2 P.M. if he travels at 10 kmph. He
will reach there at 12 noon if he travels
at 15 kmph. At what speed (in km/h) must he travel to reach A at 1
2)11 3)12 5)15

24. It takes eight hours for a 600 km journey, if 120 km is travelled by train and the rest by car, It takes 20
minutes more, if 200 km is travelled by train and the rest by car. The ratio of the speed of the train to that of
the car is:
4 5)None of

25. John drove for 3 hours at a rate of 50 km per hour and for 2 hours at 60 km per hour. What was his average
speed for the whole journey?
1)52 km/hr 4 km/hr 3)56km/hr 4)58 km/hr 5)55 km/hr

26. Ramesh travels from Andheri to Bandra with a speed of 10 km/h and returns back with a speed of 15km/h.
Find average speed of Ramesh during the whole journey?
2 km/hr 2)12.5 km/hr 3)13 km/hr 4)None of these 5)Data

27. If the human ear can clearly recognize the sound made in 1/10 of a second, find the minimum distance at
what an obstacle should be placed so that sound waves hit the obstacle and come back and the echo can be
heard? (Assume speed of sound wave = 340 m/s)
1)16 m 2)20 m 3)18 m 4)17 m annot be

28. A car drove from Town A to Town B without stopping. The car traveled the first 40 miles of its journey at an
average speed of 25 miles per hour. What was the car's average speed, in miles per hour, for the remaining
120 miles if the cads average speed (in miles per hour) for e entire trip was 40 miles per hour?
1)28 2)40 4)60 5)70

29. A train is moving at speed of 132kmph. If the length of the train is 110 meters, how long will it take to cross
a railway platform 165 m long?
1)8s 2)7s s 4)9s 5)10s

30. A goods train runs at the speed of 72 km/hr and crosses a 250 m long platform in 26 seconds. What is the
length of the goods train?
1)230 m 2)240 m 3)250 m 4)260 m

31. A train passes a station platform in 36 seconds and a man standing on the platform in 20 seconds. If the
speed of the train is 54 km/hr, is the length of the platform?
1)120 m 40 m 3)200 m 4)300 m 5)250 m

32. The speed of a motor boat itself is 20 km/hr and the rate of flow of the river is 4 km/hr. Moving with the
stream, boat went 120 km. What distance will the boat cover in the same time if it goes against the
km 2)180 km 3)60 km 4)100 km 5)None of
with the stream
His onward journey was
apart by a boat. the round trip.
man goes from city A to city B situated 60 km four and half hours to complete
33. A him
upstreamjourney. It took
while the return journey was an take 5)None of
km/hr, how long did it 4)1.5 hours
If the speed of the stream is 10 5 hours
1)3 hours 2)3.5 hours
of 40 km/hr,
downstream with a speed
of 14 km/hr and goes
34. If a boat is moving upstream with a speed
then what is the speed of the stream? 4)20 km/hr 5)Data
2)14 km/hr km/hr
1)13 km/hr
in the opposite
regular distance. A car comes
35. Two cars travel in the same direction at 40km/hr at a two cars?
is the distance between the
direction at 60km/hr. It meetyach car in a gap of 9 seconds. What 4)275 m
1)300 m æaT200 m 3)225 m
directions. Each travels for 8 km,
36. On a straight highway, 2 cars start from the same point in opposite
a left turn and then travels for 6 km. What is the distance between them now? Data
3)25 km 4)10 km
1)16 km 2)20 km
with speeds of 5 km/h
37. A and B start moving in opposite directions from the same point on a circular track
trac km.
and 10 km/h. find the time after which they first meet if the length of the circular
3)1.5 hours ours 5)None of
1)1 hour 2)2 hours
38. There is a circular track with perimeter 300 meters. Two joggers, A and B, start from the same point
run at 5 m/s and 10 m/s respectively in the same direction. After what time will they meet again for the
1)4 min 2)3 min 3)2 min min 5)None of

39. A, B, C participate in a 200 m race, where A beats B by 20 m and C by 40 m. If B beats C by 24 m, what is

the io of speeds of B and C?
4 5)Data

40. A, B, C participate in a 100m race, in which A beats B by 20m and B beats C by 25m. What is the ratio of
speeds of A and C if all three run with a constant speed throughout the race?
1)5 : 4 5)Cannot be

41. Two sea trawlers left a sea port simultaneously in two mutually perpendicular directions. Half an hour
later, the shortest distance between them was 17 km and another 15 minutes later, one sea trawler was 10.5
km farther from the original than the other. Find the speed of each sea trawle
1)16 km/hr, 30 km/hr 2)18 km/hr, 24 km/hr km/hr, 22 km/hr 4)18
km/hr, 36 km/hr

42A cyclist drove one kilometer, with the wind in his back, in three minutes and drove the same way back,
against the wind in four minutes. If we assume that the cyclist always puts constant force on the pedals, how
much e would it take him to drive one kilometer without wind?
3 2)24/7 3) 17/7 4)43/12

43. A boat covers a distance of 30 kms ownstream in 2 hours while it takes 6 hours to cover the same
distance upstream. What is the ed of the boat in kms per hour?
.5 3)13 4)18
44. A train 108 m long moving at a speed of
50 km/hr crosses a train 112 m long coming from opposite
direction in 6 seconds. The speed of the second train is,
1)48 km/hr 2)54 km/hr 3)66 km/hr km/hr

45. A train travelling at 36 kmph crosses a platform in 20 seconds and a man standing on the platform in 10
seconds. What is the length of t latform in meters?
1)240 meters 00 meter 3)200 meters 4)300 meters

46. By walking at 4/5th of his usual speed, a man reaches office 10 minutes later than usual. What is his usual
1)20 min min 3)30 min 4)50 min

47. A man and a woman 81 miles apart from each other, start travelling towards each other at the same time.
If the man covers 5 miles per hour to the women's 4 mile per hour, how far will the woman have
when they meet?
3)45 4)None of these
by 5 seconds. Alternatively, if A gives
48. In a 100 M race, if A gives B a start of 20 meters, then A wins the race
10 es A take to run 200 M?
B a start of 40 meters the race ends in a dead heat. How 4)40 seconds
2)20 seconds O seconds
1)10 seconds
ratio of 1 : 4 : 16. If all of them cover equal distance then the
49. The speed of scooter, car and train are in the
ratio of time taken/velocity for each of the vehicle
1)256 : 16 : 1

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