Neraca Massa Dan Energi

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• 1. Pendahuluan dan Konsep Dasar
• 2. Neraca Massa dan Neraca Massa tanpa Reaksi
• 3. Neraca Massa dengan Reaksi Kimia
• 4. Neraca massa untuk sistem multi-unit
• 5. Gas Ideal dan Nyata
• 6. Kesetimbangan multifase
• 7. kuis
• 1. Pengantar Neraca Energi
• 2. Energi Total SistemTertutup dan Sistem Terbuka
• 3. Energi Total SistemTertutup dan Sistem Terbuka
• 4. Sifat, Keadaan dan Proses Hipotetik
• 5. Sistem Multi Reaksi
• 6. Neraca Massa dan Neraca Energi Secara Simultan
• 7. kuis
• Felder, R.M., Ronald W. Rousseau, 2005, “Elementary Principles of
Chemical Processes”, 3 th, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
• Himmelblau, D.M., 1992, “Basic Principles and Calculation in Chemical
Engineering”, 5 th, Prentice
• Menjelaskan tentang teknik kimia
• Menjelaskan perbedaan antara sistem satuan SI dan US dan
mengkonversi satuan
• Mengaplikasikan konsep dimensi untuk menentukan validitas suatu
persamaan atau fungsi
• Mengaplikasikan sejumlah satuan yang terkait dengan densitas,
konsentrasi, suhu dan tekanan secara efektif.
What is Chemical Engineering?
Definition by AIChE
Chemical engineers use science and mathematics, especially chemistry,
biochemistry, applied mathematics and engineering principles, to take
laboratory or conceptual ideas and turn them into value added
products in a cost effective, safe (including environment) and cutting
edge process.
What can ChEs do?
……..from potato chips to microchips.
Chemical Engineering Tools
1. Neraca massa (material balance)
2. Neraca energi (energy balance)
3. Kesetimbangan (equillibrium)
• Kesetimbangan kimia
• Kesetimbangan fisis / fasa
4. Proses kecepatan (rate processes)
• Kimia: kecepatan reaksi kimia
• Fisis: transfer massa, transfer panas, transfer momentum
5. Ekonomi (Economics)
6. Humanitas (Humanity)
• The “Système Internationale d’Unités,” or SI for short, has gained widespread
acceptance in the scientific and engineering community.
• The CGS system is almost identical to SI, the principal difference being that
grams (g) and Centimeters (cm) are used instead of kilograms and meters as
the base units of mass and length.
• The base units of the U.S. customary system are the foot (ft) for length, the
pound-mass (lb) for mass, and the second (s) for time.
• This system has two principal difficulties.
• The first is the occurrence of conversion factors (such as 1 ft/12 in), which,
unlike those in the metric systems, are not multiples of 10;
• the second, which has to do with the unit of force, is discussed in the next
Mass and Volume
• The density of a substance is the mass per unit volume of the
substance (kg/m3, g/cm3,lbm/ft3, etc.)
• The specific volume of a substance is the volume occupied by a unit
mass of the substance; it is the inverse of density.
• The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio of the density ρ of the
substance to the density ρref of a reference substance at a specific
Flow Rate
• A flowmeter is a device mounted in a process line that provides a
continuous reading of the flow rate in the line. Two commonly used
flowmeters—the rotameter and the orifice meter
Mol dan massa
• The fluid pressures referred to so far are all absolute pressures, in
that a pressure of zero corresponds to a perfect vacuum.
• Many pressure-measuring devices give the gauge pressure of a fluid,
or the pressure relative to atmospheric pressure.
• A gauge pressure of zero indicates that the absolute pressure of the
fluid is equal to atmospheric pressure.
• The relationship for converting between absolute and gauge pressure
• R = Rankine

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