New Trends, Issues and The Bright Future of Tourism and Hospitality Industry

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Name: Kathrina P.

Traya Course&Set: BSTM 1A



LESSON 1: Current Trends and Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry


POSTER MAKING: Create a poster conveying a message on “sexual harassment in the

workplace” especially in the tourism and hospitality industry. Explain your poster on blanks
that follows.

Your poster’s message explanation here:

The poster above shows an example of sexual harassment in the workplace. Uninvited
comments, conduct, or behavior regarding sex, gender, or sexual orientation represent sexual
harassment in the workplace. Despite the fact that it is the most commonly reported form of
harassment, harassment in the workplace and in hiring is not limited to sexual harassment.
Other activities involving religion, race, age, gender, or skin color, for example, can be
considered harassment if they obstruct an employee's ability to succeed or create a hostile work
environment. Also, it makes no difference who commits the offense. It could be a manager, a
coworker, or a customer, contractor, or supplier who is not an employee. It is considered
unlawful harassment if the person's behavior creates a hostile work environment, makes it
much more difficult for an employee to work, or interferes with an employee's achievement.


Among all the “Tourism Issues”, which do you think is the most indispensable one? Defend
your answer.


For me, I think the most indispensable one is the operation issues. Every industry has
overhead costs, although the amount varies based on the size, industry, and other factors.
Allowing overhead costs to spiral out of control can wreak havoc on your company's
profitability and result in a big net loss. The solution is to make sure you keep a complete record
of all spending as the first step in lowering overhead costs. Its lot easier to find strategies to cut
overhead once you knows exactly what you have. You could, for example, establish spending
policies, outsource certain positions/projects, and review vendor contracts.

Moreover, one of the most typical operational issues in industry is excessive waste.
When time, labor, and resources are spent inefficiently or wasted, it can have a negative
influence on your company's bottom line. Furthermore, excessive waste can obstruct your
ability to scale your business, focus on the big picture, and increase productivity. As a result,
implementing lean processes is the greatest strategy to minimize waste. Look for things that
take a lot of time or money but aren't really beneficial. Then, for the sake of your company's
health, remove those actions. Inventory, downtime, and transportation are all good places to

Also, there's no way to accurately evaluate how well your company is performing if you
don't track performance. Furthermore, it is easier for personnel issues to go unnoticed. As a
result, your company's profitability may suffer without you knowing what's causing it. So the
best way to do is to create performance indicators to guarantee that your people and processes
are set up for success. Expectations should also be communicated to and re-emphasized to
people on your team. You can discover where improvements are needed by evaluating
performance at regular intervals.

In conclusion, operational issues can result in a variety of undesirable outcomes,

including low profitability, slow expansion, and a lack of overall success. That is why you must
streamline your processes and develop a plan for dealing with challenges as they arise.

LESSON 2: The Future of Tourism and Hospitality


Watch this YouTube video:


From the video you just watched, what do you think awaits tourism graduates on 2030?


We all know that technology improves with each passing year. As I watched the video, I
realized that the world we live in is progressively changing as technology becomes more
advanced and people become more reliant on technology. The video also demonstrates that, in
the future, tourism hopes to make international flights as simple as local flights. New vigilant
privacy and data security measures will, of course, be required. Moreover, technology has a
tremendous impact on our lives since, as shown in the video; it assists individuals in making
their daily lives easier and more convenient.

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