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How to Make Your Computer Faster:

When your computer is running slow, there is nothing more frustrating, but it
may be out of the question to purchase a new laptop. Before you give up, there
are various things you can check to make sure your computer is running as
efficiently as possible. Here are a few ways you can make your computer
faster. Read through the detailed list or check out our infographic for a
summary of ideas.
1. Check Your Hard Disk Space:-

It’s a good rule of thumb to keep your hard disk 15% free. If you see that your
hard disk is almost full, you can remove some programs and files to improve

There are clean-up programs that can aid you in freeing up hard drive space
by deleting temporary files, clearing browser history, deleting cookies,
cleaning up the Windows registry and defragmenting your hard disk.

2. Close Unused Tabs:-

If you have been working on a large project and have a million tabs, it may be
helpful to close these and restart your browser. Most browsers have an option
to restore previous tabs once you’ve restarted or condensed.

3. Delete Or Remove Large/Unnecessary Files:-

Any temporary files that were used in an installation process, caches and
cookies from the internet can take up a lot of space on your hard disk.

4. Restart Your Computer:-

When your computer is left on, background programs and apps can take over
memory. Restarting your computer can refresh memory and allow for proper
instalments to update. It’s important to shut down or restart your computer at
least once a week to keep things running smoothly.

5. Backup Your Data:-

If you feel like your computer stores your entire life of memories, it might be a
good idea to backup your data.
A few ways to backup your computer:

 Purchase an external hard drive

 Backup online through Google Photos, Amazon Drive, Dropbox, etc.

 Backup on a USB, CD, DVD and store in a safe place.

6. Uninstall Unnecessary Programs:-

Additional programs that are seldom used should be removed.Uninstall

manually by dragging apps into the trash. You can also download programs to
help you sort and delete programs.

7. Prevent Unnecessary Programs From Starting:-

When you start your computer, you may find that other programs begin to
initialize. Prevent this by making sure programs don’t start when you turn on
your computer

8. Check Ram And Add More If Needed:-

RAM, or Random Access Memory, is the storage memory that is used by your
computer. The more programs that are being used, the more RAM is required.
Therefore your computer may slow down if there is not enough RAM,
especially when processing large files or performing multiple actions at once.

9. Delete Internet Browsing History:-

It’s a good idea to delete browsing history either from all time or specify how
much you want to date back. Most internet browsers have a History tab where
you can select Home or Show Full History to access.

10. Organize Desktop Icons:-

By categorizing desktop icons into folders, it not only cleans up your

background, it can also cut down your device’s RAM usage. Each time your
computer turns on, it must load each individual icon when you have not
organized your desktop, which takes up lots of RAM space. This way, your
computer only needs to load the few folders on your desktop.

11. Change Power Plan:-

When your computer is running slow, it can often mean that your device is
running on low performance, or a save battery mode. Changing your power
plan may make your computer run faster.

12. Repair Disk Permissions:-

If proper permissions are not set, you could have trouble with the basic
operations on your computer. It’s recommended that you repair disk
permissions every few months to avoid issues with your disk.

13. Remove Unused Languages:-

A simple way to free up some computer operating space is to remove unused

languages. While you can do this manually, we recommend a program or
application that can do this for you.

14. Use Activity/Resource Monitor To Check Memory:-

Your activity or resource monitor will show you which programs are taking up
the most memory and using a large bit of your CPU, or Central Processing

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