Cpar M2

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

What I know

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. D
What’s In
1. What is the usual output of the dream weavers?
Their usual output is traditional cloth called T’nalak.
2. What is the tribe of the so-called dream weavers?
They are T’boli people.
3. Why are they called a dream weaver? Explain your answer.
It is their heritage and belief that the creative patterns or design in T’nalak was seen on their
dreams and made it on to work. They can't make a T’nalak concept if they haven't dreamed of it, that’s
why they are called dream weavers.

Jumbled words
What’s New
Activity 1: Balance Me!
1. Write your own caption for the photograph?
We need to find the right balance in everything we do in life.

2. What question does this photograph raise? Why do you say so?
Until when do we have to find the right balance? It is because it’s not easy to find the right
balance, we need to face a lot of difficulties before we find the right balance it’s up to you if you’ll
move forward and continue finding it or you’ll give up and stop and just go with the flow of what will
happen to your life.

3. How important is balance in life amidst this pandemic, the CoViD19?

As we adapt the new normal, we also need to find new ways to balance our everyday
routine. It is important to balance life amidst this pandemic because it greatly affects our mental
health. We need to get things in order for us not to panic and afraid of what is happening around us.
It is more difficult to handle your time during this pandemic because of limited movements.
What’s More
Activity 2:
Principles of How it is used in the form of art presented
Harmony The picture demonstrates the harmony between the mat and the weaver
woman. The design of the picture used color, pattern, and shape as harmonious

Variety The picture’s design has variety without going into chaos. It has repeated
elements, but they vary as well in hue and in placement.

Rhythm In the picture, the artist used repeated patterns, repetition of lines, shapes, and
colors to create rhythm.

Proportion The artist makes the body of the woman out of proportion to the mat to
enhance and show the beauty of the mat.

Balance Asymmetrical Balance is used in the picture with emphasis in the mat and the
weaver woman which
draw attention to a certain part and easily attracts the attention of the viewer.

Movement The artist shows the movement on the woman’s hand through her action in
weaving the mat.

What I Have Learned Activity 3:

Who Am I?

1. Form and Style

A. What do you see in the painting?

I can see a man slouching and standing or slightly stopping from walking with his body
angled sideways in front of a huge painting advertising the Coca-Cola product, which the letter C are
striking his heart.

B. Describe the person in the painting. How is he portrayed?

Mang Juan has wrinkled face, tan skin and her hair is turning white. His expression is full of
sadness, he seemed so weak, tired, and worn-out cause of his slouching back. He is like a laborer in a
big company.

C. Describe the background.

The background shows a painting of Coca-cola, the red paint is like a blood. In contrast to
the word Coca-Cola, the first C is pointing to the heart of Mang Juan as if it’s a knife trying to kill him.

D. How will you describe the painting to someone who has not seen it?
I’m going to describe the painting by describing the painting’s look and details. And describe
the physical appearance of the man and how he relates to the background.

2. Content
A. What is the theme of the painting?
The painting illustrates the response to the rise of international colonization and the violent
infusion of Western influence. Itak sa Puso ni Mang Juan is the response on the adverse
globalization in the Philippines. The letter C is like a knife pointing to the heart that it’s like killing the
man, it represents the hardships from the slavery of the Filpino laborers by a harsh capitalist system.

B. Who is being represented?

Mang Juan represented the Filipinos because of his outside appearance, it has tan skin. It
can be seen in his face that he’s worn-out cause of his slouching back. And shows the enslavement
of the harsh capitalist system of the foreign products.

C. What does the painting remind you of?

This reminds me of the governing system of Marcos, when he let the USA control and
manipulate poor country like us.

D. What is the message of the artist?

In Antipas Delovato’s painting, Itak sa Puso, he revealed some harsh realities experienced by
ordinary individuals in Philippine society. It describes the enslavement of the proletariat by a harsh
capitalist system.

3. Elements and Principles

A. How are the elements of art used in the painting?
The artist used natural colors of existing ones emanated from him, entities that instill in the
audience a keen sense of familiarity with the subject and in order to sequentially obtain points of
view from various Filipino.

B. What principles of design are more dominant in the painting?

The artist uses asymmetrical balance in the painting which there’s a regular rhythm and
emphasis on the Coca-Cola and Mang Juan’s body, this easily attracts the viewer’s attention and
draw attention to all parts of the painting. The movement can be seen in the posture of Mang Juan’s
body as he was slightly stopping from his walk.

4. Context
A. In what type of society has the work been produced?
Itak sa Puso ni Mang Juan was a painting painted by Antipas Delotavo in 1978. During the
Marcos administration, the painting was painted on a paper using watercolor that seeks to highlight
Nationalist Art in the search for national unity and the need to split away from Western-oriented

B. Is the message relevant in the present times?

Yes, because we are still enslaved by the foreign countries in terms of our culture and
economy, average individuals still can’t fight their rights.

C. Does the title contribute to the message of the painting? In what way?
Yes, Itak sa Puso represents the Coca-Cola tail which symbolizes a very sharp pointed thing,
seems to stab the man’s heart and the background’s paint is like a splattered blood depicts the
enslavement of the proletariat by a harsh capitalist system.
What I Can Do
Activity 4: Draw Me!

1. Using the principles of design that we have discussed, analyze the guitar that you’ve drawn.
How is the guitar displayed in terms of:
a. Harmony?
The artwork demonstrates the harmony between the guitar and its shadow, this
gives emphasis of the art which attracts attention to the viewer.
b. Variety?
The artwork showed variety of lines and color which is the shades of black to
make it interesting.
c. Rhythm?
The artwork showed patterns, repetition of line, and contrast between curved
and straight lines to create rhythm in art.

d. Proportion?
The body of the guitar appeared larger to its neck in my artwork, which shows
e. Balance?
Asymmetrical balance can be seen in my artwork, the tuning keys have different
size, and the shadows are not as heavy in some other parts.
f. Movement?
In my artwork, the movement can be seen in the shadow of the guitar, the
position of the guitar is diagonal.


1. True
2. Harmony
3. Pottery
4. True
5. Dance
6. True
7. Tinikling
8. Rhythm
9. True
10. True
11. True
12. Singkil
13. Sarimanok
14. Pottery
15. Singkil

Additional Activities
1. Name of Artwork:
It is named Monument of Peace, also called Bangkapayapaan.
2. Location (Be specific, including Barangay):
It is located at Diversion Road Rotunda, Barangay SinawalApopong, General Santos City.

3. Name of Artist:
The artist of the landmark is Kublai Ponce Millan.

4. What makes this artwork contemporary?

It makes this artwork contemporary because it reflects today social issues in the
community, globally influenced and very culturally diverse.

5. How does this artwork reflect the people of General Santos City?
This landmark represents the collective dreams of the residents in General Snatos City,
who are also called “Generals”. The monument symbolizes unity among various sectors and
residents despite coming from diverse backgrounds and ethnicity.

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