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CHAPTER: Aldehydes Ketones, Carboxylic Acids


1. Which of the following will fail to react with potassium dichromate and dilute sulphuric acid
(1) Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) (2) Acetaldehyde (ethanal)
(3) Secondary propyl alcohol (2-propanol) (4) Acetone (propanone)
Sol: (4) Acetone oxidise by K 2 Cr2 O 7 & conc. H 2 SO 4 into carboxylic acid. It is not oxidised by dilute H 2 SO 4

2. Acetone and acetaldehyde are differentiated by

(1) NaOH  I2 (2) Ag (NH 3 )2 (3) HNO 2 (4) I2

Sol: (2) Acetaldehyde react with tollen's reagent while ketone do not react with tollen's reagent.
3. Which of the following will react with water
(1) CHCl 3 (2) Cl 3 CCHO (3) CCl 4 (4) ClCH 2 CH 2 Cl

Sol: (2) C C l 3  C H O  H 2 O  C C l 3 C H ( O H )2
( C h lo r a l h yd r a te )

4. An organic compound ‘A’ has the molecular formula C 3 H 6 O, it undergoes iodoform test. When saturated
with dil. HCl is gives ‘B’ of molecular formula C 9 H 14 O . A and B respectively are

(1) Propanal and mesitylene

(2) Propanone and mesityl oxide
(3) Propanone and 2,6–dimethyl –2, 5-heptadien–4–one
(4) Propanone and mesitylene oxide.
Sol: (3) The compound A with formula C3 H 6 O gives iodoform test, it is propanone forms a

Compound B having carbon atoms three times, the number of carbon atoms in propanone, it
is 2, 6-dimethyl-2, 5-heptadien-4-one.
5. Which alkene is formed from the following reaction CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH  PPh 3  2  Butanone

(1) 3- Methyl-3-heptene (2) 4-Methyl-3-heptene

(3) 5-Methyl-3-heptene (4) 1-Methyl-5- methane
CH 3 CH 3
| |
Sol: (1) CH 3 CH 2  C  O  CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH  PPh 3  CH 3 CH 2 C  C HCH 2CH 2CH 3  Ph3 PO
2  Butanone 3  methyl, 3  heptene
6. Compound ‘A’ (molecular formula C3 H 8 O) is treated with acidified potassium dichromate to form a
product ‘B’ (molecular formula C 3 H 6 O ). ‘B’ forms a shining silver mirror on warming with ammoniacal
silver nitrate. ‘B’ when treated with an aqueous solution of H 2 NCONHNH 2 . HCl and sodium acetate gives a
product ‘C’. Identify the structure of ‘C’
(1) CH 3 CH 2 CH  NNHCONH 2 (2) CH 3  CH  NNH CONH 2
CH 3

(3) CH 3 CH  NCO NHNH 2 (4) CH 3 CH 2 CH  NCONHNH 2

CH 3

[O ]
Sol: (1) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2 OH  CH 3  CH 2  CHO
(A) (B)

CH 3  CH 2  C  O  H 2 NNHCONH 2  CH 3 CH 2 CH  N  NHCONH 2

7. Which is not true about acetophenone

(1) Reacts to form 2, 4-dinitorphenyl hydrazine
(2) Reacts with Tollen’s reagent to form silver mirror
(3) Reacts with I 2 / NaOH to form iodoform

(4) On oxidation with alkaline KMnO 4 followed by hydrolysis gives benzoic acid

Sol: (2) Acetophenone is a ketone and does not react with Tollen’s reagent to give silver mirror.
8. The enol form of acetone, after treatment with D 2 O, gives
| || | |
(1) CH 3  C  CH 2 (2) CD 3  C  CD 3 (3) CH 2  C  CH 2 D (4) CD 2  C  CD

O  OH  OD OD O
Sol: (2) ||
 |
 | | ||
CH 3  C  CH 3 C H 3  C  CH 2   CH 3  C  CH 2  CH 3  C  CH 2  CH 3  C  CH 2D
A c et o n e ( k e t o f o r m ) e n o l fo rm
 
 

| | || ||
C H 2  C  C H 2 D  D 2O  C H 2  C  C H 2 D  D C H 2  C  C H 2 D  D 3C  C  C D 3

The enol form of acetone on treatment with D2 O undergoes enolisation, deutration (addition of D2 O )
and dehydration (removal of H 2O ). The repeated enolisation, deutration and dehydration ultimately
gives CD 3 . COCD 3 (B) . O

9. The appropriate reagent for the transformation


(1) Zn(Hg ), HCl (2) NH 2 NH 2 OH  (3) H 2 / Ni (4) NaBH 4

Sol: (2) Both Zn(Hg ), HCl and NH 2 NH 2 , OH  can reduce  COCH 3 group to  CH 2  CH 3 group, but HCl

will also bring about dehydration of alcohol to form alkene. Therefore, appropriate reagent
for the conversion is NH 2 NH 2 , OH  .
10. Which of the following has the most acidic hydrogen
(1) 3-hexanone (2) 2, 4-hexanedione (3) 2, 5-hexanedione (4) 2, 3-hexanedione
Sol: (2) 2, 4-hexanedione (a 1, 3-diketone) has the most acidic hydrogen. This is because the
carbanion left after the removal of H is resonance stabilised in this case.
|| || ||  ||
OH 
CH 3  C  CH 2  C  CH 2 CH 3  CH 3  C  C H  C  CH 2 CH 3
2, 4  Hexanedion e H 2O

O O O O O O
||  || | || || |
CH 3  C  C H  C  CH 2 CH 3  CH 3  C  CH  C  CH 2 CH 3  CH 3  C  CH  C  CH 2 CH 3

11. Which of the following will be most readily dehydrated in acidic conditions


(1) (2)

(3) OH (4) OH

Sol: (1) Aldols (-hydroxy aldehydes or -hydroxyketones) readily undergo dehydration to form ,

-unsaturated aldehydes or ketones.


-Hydroxyketone O


Major Product is


(1) (2)
(3) (4)

Sol: (2)






13. Among the given compounds, the most susceptible to nucleophilic attack at the carbonyl group is
(1) MeCOCl (2) MeCHO (3) MeCOOMe (4) MeCOOCOMe
Sol: (1) Amongst aldehyde & the acid derivatives, acid chloride are the most susceptible to
nucleophilic attack due to strong –I effect & weak +R effect of the Cl-atom as a result of
which carbonyl carbon has the highest electron deficiency. The actual order is
14. Which of the following will give yellow precipitate with I 2 / NaOH

(1) ICH 2 COCH 2 CH 3 (2) CH 3 COOCOCH 3 (3) CH 3 CONH 2 (4) CH 3 CH (OH )CH 2 CH 3

I / NaOH
Sol: (1,4) 2
ICH2 COCH 2CH 3  
 CHI 3  CH 3 CH 2 COONa

CH 3  CH  CH 2CH 3 
| NaOH

15. The product of acid hydrolysis of P and Q can be distinguished by


(1) Lucas Reagent (2) 2,4-DNP (3) Fehling’s Solution (4) NaHSO 3

H 2O / H  OH
Sol: (3) P    H 2 C H 3C

H O / H
Q 2 
 H 3 C
OH ⇌
Ketone (non-reducing) and aldehyde (reducing) can be distinguished by Fehling solution.
16. On vigorous oxidation by permanganate solution (CH 3 )2 C  CH  CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 gives

| |
(1) CH 3  C  CH  CH 2 CH 3 (2) (CH 3 )2 C H C O O H  C H 3 C O O H
CH 3

(3) (CH 3 )2 C H O H  C H 3 C H 2 C H 2 C O O H (4) C H 3C O C H 3  C H 3C H 2C O O H

Sol: (4) C H 3  C  C H C H 2C H 2C H  K
M nO4
CH 3
 C  O  H O O C C H 2C H
3 3
CH 3 CH 3

17. Which of the following reactions give benzo phenone

(i) AlCl AlCl
(1) 3
2 C 6 H 6  CCl 4    (2) 3
C 6 H 6  C 6 H 5 COCl  
 
(ii) H 2 O

(3) o  CH 3 C 6 H 4 COC 6 H 5   (4) both 1 and 2
Sol: (2) C6 H6  C6 H 5 COCl   C6 H 5 COC6 H 6  HCl

18. Aldehyde and ketones can decolourize by

(1) Bromine water (2) Quick lime (3) dil. H 2 SO 4 (4) None of these

Sol: (4) Aldehyde & ketone are colourless & stable compound
19. Which of the following statements regarding chemical properties of acetophenone are wrong
(1) It is reduced to methyl phenyl carbinol by sodium and ethanol
(2) It is oxidised to benzoic acid with acidified KMnO 4

(3) It does not undergo iodoform electrophilic substitution like nitration at meta position
(4) It does not undergo iodoform reaction with iodine and alkali
(1) 1 and 2 (2) 2 and 4 (3) 3 and 4 (4) 1 and 3
Sol: (3) It undergoes electrophilic substitution at m-position and also gives iodoform test.
20. The product(s) obtained via oxymercuration (HgSO 4  H 2 SO 4 ) of 1-butyne would be

(1) CH 3 CH 2 COCH 3 (2) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CHO (3) CH 3 CH 2 CHO  HCHO (4) CH 3 CH 2 COOH  HCOOH

 OH  O
 |  keto - enol ||
Sol: (1) CH 3  CH 2  C  CH  H 2O  CH 3  CH 2  C  CH 2     CH 3  CH 2  C  CH 3
But 1  yne   tautomeris m Butan  2  one
 

21. The most reactive compound towards formation of cyanohydrin on treatment with KCN followed by
acidification is
(1) Benzaldehyde (2) p-Nitrobenzaldehyde
(3) Phenyl acetaldehyde (4) p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde
Sol: (2) Due to electron withdrawing nature of NO 2 group, the partial +ve charge on the carbon
atom of the  C  O group in p-nitrobenzaldehyde increases and hence becomes more susceptible
to nucleophilic attack by CN  ion.
22. The key step in cannizzaro’s reaction is the intermolecular shift of
(1) Proton (2) Hydride ion (3) Hydronium ion (4) Hydrogen bond
Sol: (2) Cannizzaro reaction is an example of hydride ion (H  ) transfer reaction.
23. Benzophenone does not react with
(1) RNH 2 (2) SO 3 (3) NaOH (4) Na 2 CO 3

Sol: (4) Except Na 2 CO 3 benzophenone react with rest of option.

24. The most suitable reagent for the conversion of RCH 2 OH  RCHO is
(1) KMnO 4 (2) K 2 Cr 2 O 7 (3) CrO 3 (4) PCC

Sol: (4) The alcohol can be converted to aldehyde group by treating with oxidising agent

Pyridinium chloro chromate (C6 H 5 N HCrO 3 Cl  ) it is abbreviated as PCC and is called Collin's

reagent. This reagent is used in non aqueous solvent like CH 2 Cl 2 It is a very good reagent

because it checks the further oxidation of aldehyde to carboxylic acid while rest oxidising
agent oxidise aldehyde into carboxylic acid.
25. The conversion of acetophenone to acetanilide is best accomplished by using :
(1) Backmann rearrangement (2) Curtius rearrangement
(3) Lossen rearrangement (4) Hofmann rearrangement
CH 3 CH 3
| |
H 2 SO 4
Sol: (1) C6 H 5  C  O  H 2 NOH   C6 H 5  C  NOH 
H O 2
 C 6 H 5 NHCOCH 3
Acetopheno ne oxime or Backmann Acetanilid e
methyl phe nyl ketoxime rearrangem ent

26. Which of the following will not give iodoform test ?

(1) Isopropyl alcohol (2) Ethanol (3) Ethanal (4) Benzyl alcohol
Sol: (4) Benzyl alcohol does not have the CH 3 CO  group or CH 3 CH 2 O  so it will not give the positive

iodoform test.
27. MeO 3
CHO  ( X )    CH  CHCOOH The compound (X) is

(1) CH 3 COOH (2) BrCH 2  COOH (3) (CH 3 CO ) 2 O (4) CHO  COOH

Sol: (3) This is perkin reaction

28. The major organic product formed from the following reaction ... is

(1) OH (2)

(3) (4)
Sol: (2)

29. Products of the following reaction C H 3 C  C C H 2 C H 3  ( 1 )O

 gives 3

( 2 )Zn / H O 2

(1) CH 3 CHO  CH 3 CH 2 CHO (2) CH 3 COOH  CH 3 CH 2 CHO

(3) CH 3  C  C  CH 2 CH 3  H 2 O2 (4) CH 3 COOH  CO 2

|| ||
Sol: (3) CH 3  C  C  CH 2 CH 3  H 2 O2
|| ||
30. A compound, containing only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, has a molecular weight of 44. On complete
oxidation it is converted into a compound of molecular weight 60. The original compound is
(1) An aldehyde (2) An acid (3) An alcohol (4) an ether
Sol: (1) On complete oxidation the obtained compound shows increament in molecular weight
of only 16. It means only one oxygen atom is added here. This condition is fulfilled by only
aldehyde which on oxidation gives acid. RCHO [O ]
 RCOOH

Hence, original compound must be [O ]

CH 3 CHO  CH 3 COOH
mol. wt. 44 mol. wt. 60

31. Benzophenone can be converted into benzene using

(1) Fused alkali (2) Anhydrous AlCl 3

(3) Sodium amalgam in water (4) Acidified dichromate

Sol: (1) C 6 H 5 COC 6 H 5  KOH   C6 H 6  C6 H 5 COOK
Benzopheno ne Benzene Pot. benzoate

C 6 H 5 COOK  KO H  K 2 CO 3  C 6 H 6

32. The reagent(s) which can be used to distinguish acetophenone from benzophenone is (are)
(1) 2, 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine (2) Aqueous solution of NaHSO 3
(3) Benedict reagent (4) I2 and Na 2 CO 3

Sol: (4) Acetophenone gives iodoform reaction while benzophenone does give this.
33. When acetaldehyde is heated with Fehling solution, it gives a red precipitate of
(1) Cu (2) CuO (3) Cu 2 O (4) Cu (OH ) 2
2  
Sol: (3) CH 3 CHO  2
 CH 3 COO  Cu2 O 3 H 2 O
Fehling solution Red ppt.
34. The general order of reactivity of carbonyl compounds for nucleophilic addition reactions is
(1) H 2 C  O  RCHO  ArCHO  R 2 C  O  Ar 2 C  O (2) ArCHO  Ar 2 C  O  RCHO  R 2 C  O  H 2 C  O
(3) Ar2 C  O  R 2 C  O  ArCHO  RCHO  H 2 C  O (4) H 2 C  O  R 2 C  O  Ar2 C  O  RCHO  ArCHO

Sol: (1) The size of the alkyle group. Causes hindrance to attacking group. As the number and size
of the alkyl groups incirease the hindrance to the attack of nucleophile also increases. Thus
the reactivity follows the order H 2 C  O  RCHO  ArCHO  R 2 C  O  Ar2 C  O .
35. Which of the following gives an alcohol and salt of carboxylic acid when reacted with conc. NaOH
(1) CH 3 CHO (2) C 6 H 5 CHO (3) CH 3 COCH 3 (4) C 6 H 5 COCH 3
Sol: (2) Benzaldehyde does not have the -hydrogen so it will undergoes cannizzaro’s reaction.
2C 6 H 5 CHO   C 6 H 5 CH 2 OH  C 6 H 5 COONa
36. Which of the following compounds would undergo Cannizzaro's reaction
(1) Propionaldehyde (2) Benzaldehyde (3) Bromobenzene (4) Acetaldehyde
Sol: (2) C 6 H 5 CHO Aldehydes – Those aldehyde in which   H atom is absent can participate in
Cannizzaro’s reaction.
37. NaOH / H reacts with

(1) C 6 H 5 OCH 3 (2) CH 3 OH (3) CH 3  C  CH 3 (4) C 2 H 5 OH
| ||
dil NaOH
Sol: (3) 2CH 3  CO  CH 3  CH 3  C  CH 2  C  CH 3
| (Diacetone alcohol)

CH 3

38. The reagent used for the separation of acetaldehyde from acetophenone is
(1) NaHSO 4 (2) C 6 H 5 NHNH 2 (3) NH 2 OH (4) NaOH  I 2

Sol: (1) NaHSO 3 gives the addition reaction with Aldehyde and only aliphatic ketone. Acetophenone is the
aromatic ketone so it does not give the addition product with NaHSO 3 aldehyde from the addition product
with NaHSO 3 which on treatment with acid or base give again aldehyde.
| 
RCHO  HSO 3 Na  R  C  H   R  CHO ; C 6 H 5 COCH 3  NaHSO 3  No reaction
H or

| OH 
SO 3 Na

39. Which of the following aldehydes is most reactive towards nucleophilic addition reactions
(1) HCHO (2) CH 3 CHO (3) C 2 H 5 CHO (4) CH 3 COCH 3
Sol: (1) Because alkyl group is absent and they have +ve inductive effect and increases the electron
density on the carbonyl group.
40. Which one of the following gives iodoform test
(1) Formaldehyde (2) Ethyl alcohol (3) Benzyl alcohol (4) Benzaldehyde
Sol: (2) The compound having -hydrogen will give iodoform test. Ethyl alcohol and secondary alcohols
also give positive iodoform test because by the action of halogens in alkaline medium, they are oxidesed
to acetaldehyde and methyl ketones respectively.
C H 3 C H 2 O H  I
 C H 3 C H O  I
 C I 3 C H O  H2 O 
/ NaOH
  CH I3

41. The active ion in Tollen's reagent is

(1) Cu  (2) Cu (NH 3 )2 (3) Ag  (4) Ag(NH 3 )2

Sol: (4) During reaction Ag  gets reduced Ag metal and forms silver mirror.
42. Among the following compounds, which will react with acetone to give a product containing CN
(1) C 6 H 5 NH 2 (2) (CH 3 ) 3 N (3) C 6 H 5 NHC 6 H 5 (4) C 6 H 5 NHNH 2
Sol: (ad) C 6 H 5 NH 2 and C 6 H 5 NH .NH 2 will give the compounds containing  C  N -group.

43. Which of the following does not give yellow precipitate with I2 and NaOH
(1) C 2 H 5 OH (2) CH 3 CHO (3) CH 3 COCH 3 (4) HCHO
I / NaOH
Sol: (4) 2
HCHO  
 No reaction

44. In this reaction H  / OH  an asymmetric

C H 3 C HO  HCN  CH 3 C H ( OH )C N      C H 3 C H ( O H )CO OH

centre is generated. The acid obtained would be

(1) 20% D + 80% L-isomer (2) D-isomer
(3) L-isomer (4) 50% D + 50% L-isomer
Sol: (4) CH 3CHO  HCN  CH 3CHOHCN   CH 3 CHOHCOOH
D L isomer of lactic acid

45. Aldehydes are produced in atmosphere by

(1) Oxidation of secondary alcohols (2) Reduction of alkenes
(3) Reaction of oxygen atoms with hydrocarbons (4) Reaction of oxygen atoms with ozone
Sol:(3) Aldehydes are compounds containing C, H and O . So hydrocarbons react with atmospheric
oxygen to give aldehydes.
46. Which of the following compounds will give positive test with Tollen's reagent
(1) Acetamide (2) Acetaldehyde (3) Acetic acid (4) Acetone
Sol: (2) Tollen’s reagent is ammonical silver nitrate solution. Its reacting species is Ag  . It oxidises
 Redox
aliphatic as well as aromatic aldehydes. R  CHO  Ag 
 RCOOH  Ag

|| ||
Lewis acid
47. ArH  R  C  Cl 
 Ar  C  R  HCl is an example of
(1) Friedel-Craft's alkylation (2) Friedel-Craft's acylation
(3) Cannizzaro reaction (4) Claisen condensation
anhyd. AlCl 3
Sol: (2) ArH  R  CO  Cl    Ar  CO  R  HCl This reaction is Friedel–Craft’s acylation.
48. Which of the following fails to answer the iodoform test.
(1) Pentanone–1 (2) Pentanone–2 (3) Propanone–2 (4) Ethanol
Sol: (1) 1-pentanone is an impossible compound does not have CH 3  C  group.
49. Which of the following is the weakest acid
(a) Phenol (b) CH 3 COOH (c) HCOOH (d) Benzoic acid
S0l: (a) Phenol is a weaker acid than carboxylic acids.
50. Pyruvic acid is obtained by
(a) Oxidation of acetaldehyde cyanohydrin (b) Oxidation of acetone cyanohydrin
(c) Oxidation of formaldehyde cyanohydrin (d) All of these
H2O [O ]
Sol: (a) CH 3  C  H  HCN  CH 3  C  H  CH 3  CH  COOH  CH 3  C  COOH
|| | | ||
Pyruvic acid
51. The product obtained by dry distillation of calcium formate on reacting with ammonia yields
(a) Formamide (b) Acetamide
(c) Acetaldehyde ammonia (d) Urotropine
Sol: (d) 2(HCOO )2 Ca     2 HCHO  2 CaCO 3
Dry distillati on

Calcium formate Formaldehy de

6 HCHO  4 NH 3  (CH 2 )6 N 4  6 H 2 O

 NH 3
52. In the reaction C 8 H 6 O 4  X  Y The compound X is
(a) Phthalic anhydride (b) Phthalic acid (c) o-xylene (d) Benzoic acid
O +NH3
Sol: (a) COOH C COOH
53. Ethyl acetate reacts with CHO3 MgBr to form
(a) Secondary alcohol (b) Tertiary alcohol
(c) Primary alcohol and formic acid (d) formicAcid
O O  MgBr OH O
|| | | ||
Sol: (b) CH 3 C  O  C 2 H 5  CH 3 MgBr  CH 3  C  O  C 2 H 5    C H 3  C  OH  
H 2O H 2O
 C H 3  C  C H 3
Ethyl acetate | Br |
CH 3  Mg 
CH 3 CH 3
| |
Excess of H2O
  CH 3  C  OMgBr  CH 3  C  OH
CH 3 MgBr | |
CH 3 CH 3
t - Butanol

54. In quick vinegar process of acetic acid, the temperature of mixture is

(a) 300 K (b) 427 K (c) 500 K (d) 350 K
Sol: (a) CH 3 CH 2 OH  O 2   CH 3 COOH  H 2 O
Acetobacte r
300 K 8 -10% acetic acid (vinegar)

55. Formic acid can reduce

(a) Tollen's reagent (b) Mercuric chloride (c) KMnO 4 (d) All of these
Sol: (d) Tollen’s reagent - HCOOH  Ag 2 O  CO 2  H 2 O  2Ag

Fehling solution – HCOOH  2 CuO  CO 2  H 2 O  Cu 2 O

(Red ppt )

Mercury chloride – 2 HCOOH  2 HgCl 2  2 CO 2  4 HCl  2 Hg


56. 0.2 gm of fine animal charcoal is mixed with half litre of acetic acid (SM ) solution and shaken for 30
(a) The concentration of the solution decreases (b) Concentration increases
(c) Concentration remains same (d) None of these
Sol: (a) Activated charcoal adsorbed the impurity of acetic acid by which the concentration of acetic acid
solution decrease.
57. Dimerisation in carboxylic acid is due to
(a) Ionic bond (b) Covalent bond
(c) Coordinate bond (d) Intermolcular hydrogen bond
Sol: (d) Intermolecular hydrogen bonding leads to dimerisation of carboxylic acid in non-aqueous
58. A colourless organic compound gives brisk effervescences with a mixture of sodium nitrite and dil. HCl. It
could be
(a) Glucose (b) Oxalic acid (c) Urea (d) Benzoic acid
Sol: (c) NaNO2  HCl  HNO 2  NaCl
H 2 NCONH 2  HNO 2  CO 2  NH 3  H 2 O  N 2 CO 2 evolve with brisk effervescence.

59. What is formed when benzoyl chloride reacts with aniline in presence of sodium hydroxide
(a) Acetanilide (b) Benzanilide (c) Benzoic acid (d) Azobenzene
Sol: (b) It is known as Schotten Baumann reaction. C6 H 5 NH 2  ClCOC6 H 5   C 6 H 5 NHCOC 6 H 5  HCl
Aniline Benzoyl chloride Benzanilide

60. Strong acid among the following is

(a) CF3 COOH (b) CBr3 COOH (c) CH 3 COOH (d) CCl 3 COOH

Sol: (a) Due to –I effect of three F atom CF3 COOH is a strong acid.
61. Aspirin is obtained by the reaction of salicylic acid with
(a) Acetone (b) Acetaldehyde (c) Acetyl chloride (d) Acetic anhydride

+ (CH3CO)2O  + CH3COOH
Acetic anhydride
Salicylic acid Aspirin or Acetyl
salicylic acid
Sol: (d)
62. Oxalic acid when reduced with zinc and H 2SO 4 gives
(a) Glyoxallic acid (b) Glyoxal (c) Glycollic acid (d) Glycol
Sol: (c) |
 4 [ H ] 
 |
 H 2O
Oxalic acid Glycolic acid

63. A distinctive and characteristic functional group in fats is

(a) A ketonic group (b) An ester group (c) A peptide group (d) An alcoholic group
Sol: (b) Fat is the ester of higher acids & glycerol.
64. Which substance will give amide when heated with NH 3
(a) Potassium (b) Hydrogen (c) Ethane (d) Nitrogen
Sol: (a) 2 K  2 NH 3  2 KNH 2  H 2

65. Which acid has least pKa value

(a) Cl3C.COOH (b) Cl2CH .COOH (c) Cl.CH 2COOH (d) CH 3 COOH
Sol:(a) (Cl 3 C  COOH ) Trichloroacetic acid has least pka value and is most acidic.

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