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6th Visit: Visiting the Learning Resource Center

Resource Teacher: ________________ Teacher’s Signature: _________School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: ________________ Subject Teacher: ____________ Date: ______________


As you visit and observe the Learning Resource Center, use the observation guide
provided. Ask the assistance of the Center staff courteously.
An Observation Guide for a

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the Learning Resource Center.
2. Find out what Learning resource are present.
3. Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are classified. Are
they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy access?
4. Read the guidelines /procedures for borrowing of materials. Aare these guidelines/
procedures posted are available for the users to refer to?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. Take photos of the center (if

Name of Centered Observed: __________________________________

Name of Observer: ___________________________________________

List of Available Learning Resources

Available Learning Characteristics and Teaching Approaches where the

Resources Unique Capabilities Resource is Most Useful
(enumerate in bullet form)
1. Print Resources
2. Audio Resources

1|Page Field Study 1

3. Non-electronic Visual
ICT Resources
Impression about the LRC:

Name and Signature of Observer:

Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center In-charge:


1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resource Center caught your interest the most?

2|Page Field Study 1

7th Visit: Aligning Assessment Task with the Learning Outcome

Resource Teacher: ________________ Teacher’s Signature: _________School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: ________________ Subject Teacher: ____________ Date: ______________


Observe at least 3 Lesson Plans of your Resource Teachers – 1 for Electricity, 1 for Cookery and
1 for Dress Making/FBS/Beauty Care.
Subjects Learning Assessment Task Is the assessment If not
Outcome/s (How did Teacher tool/task aligned aligned,
assess the learning to the learning improve on
outcome/s? outcomes/s? it.


y Care.

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1. What are possible consequences if teacher’s assessment tasks are not aligned to learning outcome/s?
2. Why should assessment tasks be aligned to the learning outcome/s?

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8th Visit: Observing the Use of Non-Traditional Assessment Tools
and Scoring Rubrics
Resource Teacher: ________________ Teacher’s Signature: _________School: _____________
Grade/Year Level: ________________ Subject Teacher: ____________ Date: ______________


1. Observe again the three (3) Lesson Plans you have had observe last visit. Pay attention
to the assessment tool used by the teacher.
2. With the Resource Teacher’s permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.
3. Study the assessment tool then accomplish Observation Sheet.
4. Did your response Teacher explain the rubric to the students?
5. Which type of rubric did the Resource Teacher use- analytic or holistic?

Observing the Use of Traditional Assessment Tools

Type of Put a Learning Sample Test Item of Comments (Is the
Traditional Check Outcomes Resource Teacher assessment tool
Assessment (/) Assessed constructed in
Tool/Paper- Here accordance with the
Pencil Test established guidelines?)
Explain your answer

Selected Response Type


Matching Type

Multiple Choice


Type of Put a Check (/) Learning Sample Test Comments (Is

5|Page Field Study 1

Traditional Here Outcomes Item of the assessment
Assessment Assessed Resource tool constructed
Tool/Paper- Teacher in accordance
Pencil Test with the
Explain your
Constructed-Response Type

Short Answer

Problem Solving





1. Which assessment tools/task were mostly used by teacher? Which ones were rarely used?
Why were they rarely used?
2. Which do you find most difficult to construct? Any lesson/s learned

6|Page Field Study 1

Observing the Use of Non-Traditional Assessment Tools
and Scoring Rubrics

Authentic Learning Sample How a Comment/s

Assessment/ Outcome Product/Performance product/performance (Is the
Non-Traditional/ Assessed Assessed was assessed scoring
Alternative rubrics
One example of aa Describe how the constructed
product assessed (Put product/performance according
a photo of the was assessed. Which to
product/documented was used, analytic or standards?
performance holistic rubric?




1. Are authentic assessment tools and tasks used by a teacher new? Why?

2. Will it make a difference in assessment of student work if teacher would rate the product or
performance without scoring rubrics? Explain.

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9th Visit: Analyzing a Table of Specifications

Resource Teacher: ________________ Teacher’s Signature: _________School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: ________________ Subject Teacher: ____________ Date: ______________


1. Ask for a copy of sample TOS from your Resource Teacher. Take a photo of the

Sample TOS

2. Study the sample TOS

a. What parts must a TOS contain to ensure test content validity?
b. Why is there a need for number of items per cognitive level?
c. With OBE in mind, is it correct to put learning outcome not topic in the first
column? Why or why not?


1. Will the required use of Table of Specifications as guide in test construction

solve the problem of misaligned tests?

8|Page Field Study 1

10th Visit: Computing Student’s Grade based on DepEd Grading System

Resource Teacher: ________________ Teacher’s Signature: _________School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: ________________ Subject Teacher: ____________ Date: ______________


A. Sample Students’ Report Card

1. Secure a sample of an unused Student’s Report Card from your Resource Teacher.
Observe its contents.

2. Ask permission from your Resource Teacher for an interview with him/her regarding
the new grading system.
a. What are the new features of the latest grading system? What are the things you
are required to do with this new grading system which you were not asked
b. Which do you prefer-the old or new grading system? Why?
c. How do you compute grades in the new grading system?

3. Ask your Resource Teacher to show you on how to compute grades.


1. What are your realizations in computing grades?


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