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moUnit 1: The nature,Structure and content of K- 12 Educakasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan/

technology and livelihood Education

Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan understanding by its nature is a skill subject, hence the
teachers must engage pupils in an experiential, contextualized and authentic teaching-learning process.
It is a subject in which pupils learn best by doing.

Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan reflection, I think it may equips pupils with skills for lifelong
learning. Because it is focus on mastery of skills and processes, without right work values it is anemic
and dangerous.

It is geared towards the development of technological proficiency and is anchored on knowledge and
information, skills and processes, and the acquisition of proper work values and life skills.

2: Home Economics

The home economics understanding is all about more than making. Young people learn about design,
mindfulness, food sustainability and textile production, and the impact of our food, clothing and shelter
decisions on the environment.

In home economics, students may develop an understanding of the factors that influence the well-being
of individuals and families within the home and community and of the actions people take to enhance
and sustain those environments.

If I reflected it into class, we can learn to manage a budget and preparing a meal were strong
components as well as learning to use basic tools. Many of the basic skills that women and some men of
past generations had are almost extinct. These skills are simple, and are things that all people should
know, and be able to do. And I think, it is unfortunate that home economics has disappeared from the
school curriculum. Learning practical life skills helps students to understand the importance of self-
sufficiency. Being self-sufficient means to be able to help yourself without others, and be independent
all by yourself.

And I believe that with this subject our skills will be taught could help us in our everyday life, from
cutting a vegetable to sewing a button. These are basic skills, and are needed to do everyday activities
and repairs. However, these skills may help students with particular situations in the future, at least one
of these skills will be necessary in most careers for their future.
And I strongly believe that home economics has an extremely important place in our educational system
today. No other academic discipline incorporates in its curriculum as many pertinent life skills that will
help students succeed independent of their chosen career paths.

In my opinion, the most important aspect of a home economics education is that students not only learn
about subject matter that has relevance to their present lives, but will constantly be of use as they
continue to grow. One area of home economics that is considered to be among the most essential is the
emphasis on personal development, decision making and intrapersonal skills.

Unit 3: Industrial Arts

Industrial Arts understanding an important role to play as part of general education in our modern
society. The purpose of the industrial arts activities is to give the student a background of our industrial
society. Career education plays an equally important role in the educational process of the student. It
involves the student in everyday life decisions, and helps him to become a better informed citizen in his

The Industrial Arts reflection, is that, it is a course that develops one’s manual skill and familiarity with
tools and machines. Students may get to learn technical work such as repair and installation, welding,
carpentry, construction, and plumbing. As an important element of industrial arts,it must be engage in
those human activities which contribute to the development of skills and habits of mind which will be
instruments of continuous change and gworth on the part of the individual. It may also help us to
discover out skills regarding the program, a curriculum may defined as those phases of general
education which deals with the organization, materials, occupations, processes, products and also
problems of industry.

Unit 4: Information and communication technology

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) understanding the blanket term encompassing all the
technologies and services involved in computing, data management, telecommunications provision, and
the internet. These technologies all deal with the transmission and reception of information of some

Information and Communication Technology I think it’s permeates all aspects of life, providing newer,
better, and quicker ways for people to interact, network, seek help, gain access to information, and
learn. Information and Communication Technology is useful and helpful. Its an application of modern
technology to interact and share information among people all fields and develop science through
technology. As one of the information and Communication Technology functions is to help people
developing education, it is good for educators and the manager to develop their knowledge and transfer
it to people. Moreover, through ICT, the work on the job field can be done more effectively. And as a
teacher or an instructor, he/she can develop material and the way of teaching to the students by
elaborating the element of the subject in order that the material is easy received by the students. So far,
ICT gives easiness.

Understanding about learning methods, strategies, approaches as applied EPP

Learning Strategiesis the core components component of TLE and EPP, Home Economics
Industrial Arts, Agri/Fishery Arts and Information and Communication Technology have different content
areas, so it is necessary to have a definite workplace where learners can do activities with ease and
comfort. (1.)Demonstration Method The demonstration method is a direct method of instruction. It is
referred as the “show and tell” method. The teacher simply shows to the students how a thing is done
and explains ashe/she demonstrates. For an effective demonstration, it is necessary that the teacher
mentions the do’s and don’ts of the process for emphasis and clarity. It is important that as a teacher
demonstrates a process, he/she cautions students on steps of a skill where students are often mistaken
or which are most often. The two types of demonstration are A. Demonstration of a Product and B.
Demonstration of a Process. It is expected that after the teacher demonstration of a process, the
students are given the opportunity to demonstrate the process or the skill themselves. However,
students should not be expected to demonstrate the process or the skill immediately on their own after
the teacher has shown it. (2.) Hands on Learning is more formally known as experiential education,
reflects a teaching philosophy that promotes learning by doing. The strategy allows children to practice
guided tactile learning in which they absorb knowledge not only by listening, but by experiencing.
Generally speaking, hands-on learning is learning through experience. Students handle the materials,
equipment, and instruments in real time and manipulate it. It is obtaining the skills, knowledge, and
competencies that are necessary. Working in hands-on way is presumed to extend a more thrilling and
realistic experience of the content. The most verifiable researches bear evidence for the speculation
that employing hands-on activities steers to positive motivational result. Although there are also
evidences that adults may be over-challenged when independent problem-solving is involved during
these kinds of activities, especially those who are not used to open laboratory work were found to be
low in confidence regarding aspects of practical and hands-on work that require analysis and critical

When a teacher shows a process, it is critical that he or she warns pupils about steps of a skill where
they are most likely to make mistakes or miss. N Direct instruction is best for TLE because it is a skill
subject. The demonstration technique of instruction is a direct method of learning. It’s known as the
“show and tell” method. The teacher just demonstrates and explains what he or she is doing to the
students. It is vital for an effective demonstration that the teacher emphasizes and clarifies the process’s
dos and don’ts. Students should be given the opportunity to illustrate a procedure after the teacher has
demonstrated it.

In secondary schools, Home Ecnomics courses often include units on foods and nutrition,
clothing and textile, cosmetology, foods and pastries, and com mercial cooking among others. Students
acquire home making information and competencies or skills that are helpful in daily lives. In addition, in
the new educa tional structure, the K-12 program where courses in TLE/Home Economics are of fered,
students are able to obtain certifi cates of Competencies (COC) or National Certificate 1 or 2. COCs and
NCs, handed out by TESDA today are credentials that young people may earn in order to be em ployed
by companies. At the end of the Se nior High School, a student will acquire not only a high school
diploma needed for fur ther studies but also one or more certifi cates needed for immediate
employment. The Technology and Livelihood Education/ Home Economics will be the students’ ve hicle
for them to reach their prospect job immediately after graduation.


When it comes to how essential Technology and Livelihood Education is as a subject, machers
have an affect on whether or not students grasp the fundamentals of the subject when they give
particular topics. The teacher is responsible for the pupils’ enthusiasm for the subject. If Social Studies is
presented in an engaging and engaging manner, kids will be more than willing to listen and learn from
the teachings discussed. The most common method for organizing collaborative learning is group
learning. There are a variety of collaborative learning approaches, which are also known as group
learning methods and are commonly employed in a classroom setting.. Students learn to apply
classroom learning to real-world situations by solving real challenges and meeting real needs. It gives
classroom learning more authenticity and meaning. In the classroom, lecturing is the most common
approach, particularly in Math, Science, English, and Social Studies. However, there are proposals to
replace traditional lectures with interactive computer learning systems that provide students with
information when and when they need it. The use of discussion is an attempt to move away from the
typical question-and-answer and recitation-style classroom procedure. It’s a term for group classroom
activities in which the teacher and students work together to think about certain themes or difficulties.

To this day, I believe that Technology and Livelihood Education play a critical role in our educational
system. This academic field includes as many relevant life skills in its curriculum as possible, allowing
students to achieve independently in their chosen professional choices. One can demonstrate his
essence throughout his life by participating in this program. The most significant feature of Technology
and Livelihood Education is that children learn not only that the subject matter is relevant to their
current life, but also that it will be useful as they grow. Home Economics is one of the sections of TLE
that focuses on individual growth, decision-making, and Taking courses in TLE/Home Economics at
school allow students to acquire the necessary decision making, social, and communicative skills which
are important for occupational suc cess. In addition to the development of valuable intrapersonal skills,
TLE/Home Economics introduces the students to a wide variety of potential career path. Students
become aware of all the career opportunities relating to each domain as well as being taught to the
skills associated with them. Consumer-related materials covered in the TLE/Home Economics courses
are another area that provides students with information related to their lives as adults. This program
helps supply the students with an understanding on how economic, social, and cultural factors
personally af fect them and their behaviors in con sumerism. While other academic subjects may cover
theoretical aspects on personal finances, TLE/Home Economics gives a more practical everyday
application of the subject matter. I do believe that students in TLE/Home Economics programs can
benefit from learning purchasing practices at a young age. Through its real-world appli cations, students
may find these techniques conducive to their everyday lives. TLE/Home Economics courses serve
different purposes at different levels of education.
Group 1 – group 1 teachers use relevant and appropriate resources during presentation, they also
effectively check for understanding and really looking like prepared and carefully studied the lessons to
be taught to the students so that each student learns clearly. Possess good questioning skills, they build
knowledge and make connections. The results of their teaching were so effective that each student
could learn something, they maintain their communication and no one seemed confused or hesitant
while teaching, teachings are understood and followed no one mumbled or mispronounced each word,
demonstrated entertaining teachings, effectively enjoyable that causes every student to be active,
perfect way of teaching a grade 3 students, their way of teaching seems professional, comfortable while
teaching and demonstrated determination to be a teacher, but my suggestion is to hopefully keep their
smiles so that we look knowledgeable and determined in what we do, we should not look compelled.

Group 2- teachers seems very determined in what they teach and seems to enjoy what they are
teaching. As for what they are wearing, they look presentable, it will effectively make the students listen
and stay focused but they have to be looking-like a professional teacher they have to more effective,
some teachers seems so uncomfortable, gestures and postures are great as well but needs more
connection to students, communication skills are not that bad, but they have to be more fun because
they’re teaching a grade 3 students, a little bit entertaining and should improve it more.

Group 3:

Several teachers should be more energetic to make their students interested in learning. And their
expressions shouldn’t be so empty. I suggest the group of teachers maintain their emotions friendly to
the students. Showing interest to the students makes them return the favor. Some of the teachers
should also fix some of their pronunciation mistakes. I also recommend they give more examples in
explaining the lesson. It will be easier for students to understand well. But I commend group 3 for
starting their class with a prayer. There are teachers in the group who did really well. They are so good
at delivering their lines that they seem professionals. They are so confident that makes them look
knowledgeable. Their way of teaching communicates with the students well. And the way they keep
their postures professional is admirable.

Group 4:

This group of teachers is good at maintaining their posture in discussing and their voice. But the way
they discuss appears like they are memorizing something, which is not good. They seem unprepared for
a teacher. Several numbers of teachers should avoid unnecessary movements in the discussion. I also
observed some mispronunciations of words. It’s undeniable that some of the teachers discussing are so
good and confident in teaching. But they should improve more and communicate with their students
without looking hesitant. Their drill is a good exercise in a class that makes their students excited about

Group 5-1:

The teachers are too good with their questioning skills in communicating the lesson to the students.
They are so confident in teaching and, beyond doubt great, in their job. They provide discussion
relevantly and give linked examples. They also ask for their students’ opinions which is a good practice
for a teacher. All the teachers are prepared and suitable for teaching. Everyone looks like a
knowledgeable and effective teacher, especially in teaching kids. They know what they’re doing, and
they’re effective in keeping connections in the class.

Group 5-2:

The teacher started his class effectively by introducing a song to the class. And it is a good practice to be
connected with the students by asking them relevant questions that they can relate to. The teachers are
great at telling a story and providing instructions. They are all effective in discussing and making it easier
for students. The examples they gave are appropriate to make their students relate to the lesson. They
are proficient in keeping connections with students and making the students comfortable with them. All
in all, they are prepared and knowledgeable about the lesson they discussed. It is also appreciable that
they used the Filipino language to make it uncomplicated for the students.

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